Colossus (Marvel)

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Colossus in X-Men v5 #12.

Colossus is a male comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Piotr Rasputin

When his father first learnt of his mutation, he treated Piotr cruelly and used to force his son to live in the barn like an animal. (Extraordinary X-Men v1 #1) During these years, his family's farm was visited by a criminal called the Tattooed Man who was a Mutant blackmailer. He threatened the Rasputin family and extorting them for money in order to keep their secret from the authorities. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #405)


One day, he was on his family's farm when a runaway tractor went on a path heading towards his younger sister Illyana. Transforming, he came to rescue his sister which was when he was contacted by Professor Charles Xavier. He was recruiting Mutants and looked to assemble a new team of X-Men to help rescue the originals from a sentient living island called Krakoa. Piotr agreed to depart the farm community and travel to America where he came to stay at the Charles Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. Whilst there, he joined the new team of X-Men where he was given the code name of Colossus where the recruits went to battle Krakoa. (Giant-Size X-Men v1 #1) After the battle was won, most of the original X-Men left the team. The newly christened Colossus remained in the United States with the new X-Men, Storm, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Thunderbird, and Banshee, while the rest of his family stayed on the farm. The second group of X-Men were mostly adults and required no tutoring from Professor X, but were trained in the use of their powers and how to use them in tandem as a team, in the Danger Room. (X-Men v1 #94)

His family always remained in his thoughts, however, with him often remarking that he was the only X-Man that still had a real family. Shortly thereafter, a woman known as Miss Locke kidnapped many of the X-Men's loved ones to use as hostages in order to force the X-Men to aid her in freeing her employer, Arcade, from captivity by one of Doctor Doom's robots. Among her captives was Colossus's younger sister, Illyana, whom Locke had somehow kidnapped from the Siberian collective farm and transported to the United States. Arcade brainwashed Colossus into becoming "The Proletarian", who then battled the other X-Men until they countered the brainwashing. (X-Men v1 #124)

Later, the 6 year old Illyana was kidnapped by Belasco and the X-Men followed to Limbo where they rescued her. Due to the odd temporal nature of Limbo, Illyana would spend years there in captivity while only days would pass for the X-Men. As a result, Illyana was 13 when they finally managed to rescue her. As a side-effect, an alternate timeline version of Colossus dies in Limbo. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #160)

House of X


Personality and attributes

After joining the X-Men, he came to be given a code name with his being Colossus. (Giant-Size X-Men v1 #1) A prophecy by the people of Breakworld came to call him the Destroyer of Worlds. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #14) After making a pact with Cyttorak, he came to be the demon's avatar and for a time became his champion known as the Juggernaut. (Uncanny X-Men #542)

He had an uncle named Anatoly Rasputin who had joined the Bratva leading to his estrangement from the family. (X-Men: Gold v2 #10) When he was young, he was afraid of the Mutant known as the Tattooed Man who extorted his family with Piotr considering the man the Devil. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #404)

Powers and abilities

Colossus in Black Panther v6 #13.

His ability allowed him to cover his entire body in a metallic skin that increased his strength and durability. (Giant-Size X-Men v1 #1)

If he is rendered unconscious, however, he spontaneously reverts to his normal form. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #157)

When in states of heightened emotion Colossus will further mutate into a form more resembling Cyttorak. This includes spikes, scales, claws and red eyes. In this form Colossus appears to be stronger and more aggressive. (Uncanny X-Men v2 #8)

Colossus gained the ability to morph his metallic body into a shifting metallic steel, enabling him to alter his body into a host of different shapes, size, and volumes at will. Able to reach out and extend long prehensile tentacles to use as flails or whipping people around and to enlarge his limbs making his attacks hit even harder. (Extraordinary X-Men v1 #11)


  • Colossus was created by Len Wein and Dave Cockrum where he made his first appearance in Giant-Size X-Men v1 #1 (May, 1975).

Alternate Versions

  • In X-Men: Millennial Visions v1 #2000 (2000), Colossus was shown in an alternate reality setting designated Earth-1005. This version was shown to have had a four year old daughter named Metallique who had similar metallic skin as him with her personal guardian being Lockheed where she was part of a team of X-Men led by Kitty Pryde and Wolverine who were battling the Morlocks.

In other media


  • In Pryde of the X-Men, Colossus appeared in the setting of the 1989 animated special pilot episode where he was voiced by actor Dan Gilvezan.
  • In X-Men, Colossus made guest appearances in the 1990s animated television series where he was voiced by actor Rick Bennett.
  • In X-Men: Evolution, Colossus appeared as an antagonist in the 2000 animated television series where he was voiced by actor Michael Adamthwaite.
  • In Wolverine and the X-Men, Colossus appeared in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Nolan North.


  • In X-Men, Colossus made a cameo appearance in the setting of the 2000 live-action film where he was portrayed by actor Donald Mackinnon.
  • In Deadpool, Colossus appeared in the live-action film where he was voiced by actor Stefan Kapičić.
  • In Deadpool 2, Colossus appeared in the live-action film sequel where he was voiced once again by actor Stefan Kapičić.

Video games

  • In X-Men: Children of the Atom, Colossus appeared as a playable character in the setting of the fighting video arcade game.
  • In X-Men: Destiny, Colossus appeared in the video game where he was voiced by actor Andre Sogliuzzo.



  • Giant-Size X-Men v1: (1975)
  • X-Men v1:
  • Uncanny X-Men v1:
  • Astonishing X-Men v3:
  • Uncanny X-Men v1:
  • X-Men Origins: Colossus v1:
  • Cable and X-Force v1:
  • Extraordinary X-Men v1:
  • X-Men: Gold v2:
  • Astonishing X-Men:
  • Immortal X-Men v1:

External Links

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