Shandor Building

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The Shandor Building.
The Shandor Building is an apartment building in New York City constructed as a super-conductive antenna and portal to our realm, by the Cult of Gozer to bring forth their master, Gozer himself in his Destructor Form. The building is also known as 55 Central Park West and Dana Barrett's apartment building.


In 1984, Dana Barrett came back to her apartment on the 22nd floor of the Shandor Building after getting groceries. Before entering her apartment she is met in the hallway by her neighbor, Louis Tully, who invites her to a business party at his apartment at a later time. Dana, hesitantly, responds that she will try to stop by as she tries to quickly get into her apartment. Louis mentions she had left her TV on too loud, which surprises her as she does not recall leaving it on. As he tries to explain how he tried to solve the problem she abruptly shuts the door in his face. Louis walks back to his apartment and finds that he has locked himself out. Finally inside her apartment, Dana briefly sees a Ghostbusters TV commercial before turning off the television and heading to the kitchen, where she sets down her grocery bag and begins placing her groceries. She sets a carton of eggs on her countertop before putting her groceries in storage. The eggs suddenly burst out of their shells and begin to cook on the countertop. Dana shrieks in disbelief as she notices them before hearing a growling noise now coming from her refrigerator door. She cautiously approaches the refrigerator and opens it to reveal an ethereal dimension with a distinct temple structure inside of it. Suddenly, a hellish beast at the temple door growls out the name "Zuul" at Dana as she finally screams in horror before slamming the door shut.

In anticipation of Gozer's arrival, two Terror Dogs broke out of a pair of Gothic statues placed on the roof and proceeded to inhabit Dana Barrett and Louis Tully, two tenants on the 22nd floor of the apartment building.

Following the possession, the two, now under the identities of Zuul, The Gatekeeper and Vinz Clortho, The Keymaster, seek each other out. First, Dana is visited by Peter as he arrives for their previously arranged date. Under Zuul's possession, Dana greets him at her door dressed in a seductively glittering red dress and asks if he is the "Keymaster". She initially slams the door in his face in disappointment when he responds negatively but later, amazingly, lets him enter when he tries again and tells her he is a friend of him. The possessed Dana urges him that they must prepare for the coming of Gozer and begins openly seducing him. They briefly make out when she slams him onto her bed and pounces on him but he quickly subdues her and repels her attempts at bedding him.

Louis finally finds his way back to Dana's apartment following an explosion at the Ghostbusters Firehouse. Dana and Louis (under the control of Zuul and Vinz Clortho) made out passionately and walked toward the building roof to the Temple of Gozer, where they mated and opened the portal for Gozer to enter our realm. Afterwards the two transformed into the Terror Dog monsters, who took their places beside Gozer, in a mythic female form, as she appeared and confronted the Ghostbusters.

Gozer electrocuted the Ghostbusters before they fired back at her causing her to vanish and later assume a new Destructor Form: the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, after being inadvertently chosen by Ray. Finally, the Ghostbusters reversed the particle flow through Gozer's gateway and caused the biggest interdimensional crossrip since the Tunguska blast of 1909. During the blast the Terror Dogs were charred and returned to their statue forms, temporarily trapping Dana and Louis, in human form, inside of them before the Ghostbusters rescued them.

Dana's Apartment

Dana lived in room number 2206 on the 22nd floor. One day, after returning to her place from getting groceries, Dana witnessed several eggs jump off a carton and fry atop her kitchen counter. Frightened, she heard a rumbling noise coming from her refrigerator. Upon opening it, inside she caught a glimpse of the Temple of Gozer and Zuul, who quickly growled out its name at her. She left completely horrified and sought the Ghostbusters for help. Peter Venkman, immediately attracted to her, offered to help and investigated her apartment with a Ghost Sniffer but detected nothing. Dana threw him out after he made advances toward her and declared his love for her.

As the Ghostbusters investigation progressed, she had arranged a date with Dr. Peter Venkman to discuss the details of her case. On the night she was to meet with Peter, Dana was attacked inside her apartment by Zuul. This time, however, Dana was unable to escape as demonic claws ripped through her sofa and pinned her down as she slid into what was her kitchen door where she was possessed and inhabited by the Terror Dog. Peter later arrived at her place to encounter the possessed Dana, looking incredibly seductive and discovering that she now called herself Zuul, The Gatekeeper and was now seeking The Keymaster. After she slammed the door in his face, Peter tricked the possessed Dana into letting her in. Once inside, Dana spoke of preparing coming of Gozer and led him to her bedroom in a wanton attempt to seduce him under the false impression that he was The Keymaster. Peter briefly made out with her but steadfastly rebuffed her advances and demanded to speak to "Dana", to which she replies that "there is no Dana, there is only Zuul" before once again attempting to kiss him. Peter holds his ground, pinning her back onto the bed and once more demanding to talk to "Dana". Now visibly frustrated, the possessed Dana bared her teeth viciously and forcefully declared in a demonic voice that "there is no Dana, only Zuul!". A surprised Peter continues his insistence, giving her to the count of three to talk to "Dana". With each count she presents deeper signs of her possession: first rolling her eyes and snarling, then thrashing her head from side to side while panting like a beast, then finally exploding into a fit of rage, growling monstrously at Peter. The demonic Dana began levitating above her bed, continually growling and snarling ferociously in frustration. Peter lied down on her bed, underneath her floating body as she began stroking his face. Peter asked her to come down, Dana responded with a horrendous roar which finally rattled him. Dana was later sedated by Peter, lying unconscious on her bed while Peter headed back to the Firehouse. She finally wakes up when the storage grid explodes, setting all the captured ghosts free.

With full view from her bay windows, the possessed Dana watched with a contented evil grin as the ghosts and supernatural energy filled the skyline. As she approaches her windows, Dana notices streams of energy floating past her window and unleashes a horrendous roar, causing her entire wall to explode leaving a path for The Keymaster to find her. After the explosion Dana awaited the successful arrival of Vinz Clortho, the Keymaster who had inhabited her neighbor Louis. The two embraced in a passionate kiss before she led him to Gozer's Temple atop the rooftop of her building where they completed the ritual to open the gates for the coming of Gozer. A hidden stairwell, behind what used to be her kitchen door, was taken by the pair to directly access the roof. The Ghostbusters later accessed this stairwell when they arrived to save the world.

Louis' Apartment

Louis Tully lived in room number 2202 on the 22nd floor across the hall and two doors down from Dana. For some reason, the door to his apartment kept locking on him. Soon after Dana was possessed by Zuul, Louis was attacked by Vinz Clortho during a party he held to celebrate his fourth anniversary as an accountant. Louis fled his apartment with the Terror Dog in hot pursuit. The police conducted a brief investigation of Louis' apartment later that night around 9 pm.



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