Cardassian Union
The Cardassian Union is an interstellar government that features in Star Trek.
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The Cardassian Union was an interstellar empire that was established by the Cardassians with its capital being Cardassia Prime.
It was said that over a span of 60 years that the Cardassians pillaged Bajor of its resources leaving it to a point where the native Bajorans were incapable of sustaining themselves. (DS9: Emissary)
During the evacuation, the Cardassians were known to had stripped all useful components from Terok Nor before abandoning it in a broken condition with the Bajoran Provisional Government taking control of it. The Bajorans then invited the Federation to aid in their recovery though the Cardassians kept watch on activities in the Bajor system. Gul Dukat travelled to the former Cardassian station that had now been re-named Deep Space 9 by Starfleet. Whilst there, he discovered the existence of the Bajoran Wormhole and became lost on the other side of it. In response, the Cardassians sent three warships to investigate with Gul Jasad not accepting the explanation provided by Major Kira Nerys about the loss of Dukat and attacking the station. This was until the wormhole re-opened and Captain Benjamin Sisko recovered Dukat's damaged vessel. This caused the Cardassians to withdraw their forces leaving Deep Space 9 in Federation hands as the station had not become the launch pad for exploration of the Gamma Quadrant which lay on the other side of the wormhole. (DS9: Emissary)
Technically, both the military and intelligence bodies answered to the political authority of the Detapa Council. However, in reality, both organizations ran their own affairs and operated independently. (DS9: Defiant)
Ranks within the military included:
- Legate :
- Gul :
- Glinn :
Control of the military was headed by the Cardassian Central Command.
It was divided into a number of military units known as Orders such as the First Order with these having numerous elite divisions such as the Third Battalion whose motto was "Death to All". (Episode: Empok Nor)
The highest court of justice was the Cardassian Supreme Tribunal that dealt with matters of law in the Cardassian Union. This justice system operated under the Cardassian Articles of Jurisprudence that provided law governing the treatment and rights of prisoners. (DS9: Tribunal)
A body for stored historical information was the Cardassian Central Archives. (Episode: Ties of Blood and Water)
It was said that the Cardassians treated their prisoners badly. (DS9: Emissary)
One weapon developed by their empire was the Cardassian ATR-4107 that were automated missiles that were launched with them capable of Warp 9 and had 1,000 kilograms of matter along with anti-matter that were used in the warheads detonation giving it the destructive power to destroy a small moon. It possessed a sophisticated computer system that was designed to predict and counter hostile actions either from individuals or vessels. The weapon contained numerous weapons designed to target hostile forces attempting to stop it and had powerful shields to protect it from harm. (VOY: Dreadnought)
- Dukat :
- Damar :
- Garak :
- Jasad : a male Gul in the 4th Order who commanded ships to investigate the disappearance of Gul Dukat's vessel at Deep Space 9. (EP: Emissary)
- Cardassia :
In other media
Video games
- In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars, the Cardassian Union featured in the real-time tactics video game with them being a playable faction that were part of the Dominion. Among the new Cardassian ships available included the Norin light tactical ruiser, Tonga medium cruisers and the Hutet planetary assault vessel.
- In Star Trek: Armada II, the Cardassian Union featured in the story of the video game and were a playable faction.
- Star Trek: Deep Space 9:
External Links
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