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Symkaria is a country that features in Marvel Comics.




The King of Symkaria was noted to had given a special assignment to Ernst Sablinova to create a team of Nazi hunters to find and eliminate war criminals with these becoming the Wild Pack. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #9)

Years ago, Doctor Strange came to learn about Princess Lenka who was the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter who had astounding mystical potential. This meant that the girl was destined to either mother the next Sorcerer Supreme or even become one herself. To protect her, Strange that the girl be kept in hiding with a mystical concealment designed to hide her from those that would target her. (Avenging Spider-Man v1 #8)

A conspiracy involving figures in the country alongside U.L.T.I.M.A.T.U.M. worked to depose the monarchy by assassinating King Stefan and his wife Vivian. Unknown to anyone, the nation's Prime Minister Klaus Limka was one of the people involved as he intended for the royal family to be eliminated so that he could come into power and end the reign of the monarchy. Silver Sable along with Spider-Man worked together to save the royals when the attack occurred at the time of the Royal Jubilee. Despite their efforts, Queen Vivian was killed by weapon fire though King Stefan survived who mourned the loss of his love. In addition, Prime Minister Limka was assassinated by a mysterious figure who snuck in to eliminate him. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #322)

Steve Rogers and his Secret Avengers were deployed on an undercover mission to Symkaria to find the drug distributor Voydanoi who they believed was selling something of value to the Shadow Council. Initially, they believed he was selling a version of the Super-Soldier Serum but it was discovered that the drug being sold was more of the occult as they were the bone dust of ancient Elder Gods whose gigantic bodies contained many souls that still resided in their remains. By turning the bones into dust, Voydanoi could have people breath it in whereupon a person gained enhanced abilities allowing them to fight up to a Super-Soldier grade. (Secret Avengers v1 #19)

At some point, a group known as the Circle was founded under Arthurian ideals with them seeking to oppose the tyranny of Doctor Doom. This mercenary group impressed the Symkarians to the point that they were given their own headquarters in the country which was situated on an artificial island in the middle of a lake that was known as New Avalon. Once there, their designer Merlin was responsible for tailoring the acquired Extremis for their needs. Iron Man was invited to test the knights of the Circle but Stark used the opportunity to destroy their supply of Extremis to prevent its further spread. (Iron Man v5 #5)

Mayor J. Jonah Jameson consulted with Silver Sable coming to New York to head the city's first ever Symkarian Pride Parade. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #678)

After Silver Sable was believed killed, the country's last living royal namely Countess Katarina Karkov came into power. (Amazing Spider-Man v4 #27) She forged an alliance with Norman Osborn in taking over Symkaria. They then enslaved the citizens and used them in the construction of the warmachine for the Goblin Army to showcase their new weapons for sale around the world. (Amazing Spider-Man v4 #26) Osborn and the Countess intended to detonate Goblin Gas turning much of the country's populace into loyal Goblin soldiers. However, Spider-Man and his allies arrived in the country where they managed to defeat Osborn though he managed to escape whilst the Countess Karkov was arrested. (Amazing Spider-Man v4 #28)

A Neo-Nazi terrorist group led by Ulka Belyakova formed in the country who managed the Symkarian Supremacist Sisterhood (S.S.S.) who targeted refugees entering into the country. These refugees were captured and executed as the group sought the release of Demyan Burya who was held by the Symkarian government. Silver Sable later infiltrated the ship and sought to rescue the hostages and defeating the terrorists. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #36) Yelena Belova was hiding in the country when she was tracked down by Natasha Romanova who recruited her to help find an imposter disguised as her. (Web of Black Widow v1 #3) Around this time, strife was rampant in the country even when Countress Karkov was held under house arrest as she maintained considerable influence in the nation. The only person holding her in check was Sable and those loyal to her that were keeping her power in check. Katarina, however, intended to be freed where she would continue her people's sales of weapons to countries around the world where she planned to take over Symkaria. Tensions were also high due to the increased aggressive and military activity from neighbouring Latveria. (Amazing Spider-Man v5 #33)


Locations in the country included:

  • Aniana : capital city of Symkaria. (Secret Avengers v1 #19)
  • Castle Sable : a castle gifted to the Sablinov family by King Phillip for their efforts in hunting down Nazi war criminals. (Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1 #9)
  • Masada Castle : a castle that served as the secret home for the V-Battalion. (Citizen V and the V-Battalion v1 #3)
  • St. Eboar : site of a former monastery that was turned into a fortress in World War II before becoming a high mountain sanctuary stronghold for Silver Sable. (Heroes for Hire v1 #10)
  • Lake Symkaria : home to the artificial island of New Avalon. (Iron Man v5 #5)

One of the nation's neighbours was Moravia with the two countries having long been at odds with one another with numerous acts of aggression against the other. (Invisible Woman v1 #4)

The country was said to hold a population of 3 million people. Symkaria was held as suffering from a collapsing economy with an crumbling infrastructure that was bringing about the emergence of a narcocracy. (Secret Avengers v1 #19)

It was noted that it was not easy to impress the Symkarians. (Iron Man v5 #5)

The Royal Jubilee was a 500 year old celebration of the ruling bloodline of the country. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #322)

Within their military, they were noted to have had an elite Royal Air Force Paratroops regiment that performed aerial stunts during times of celebration. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #322)

A substance native to the country was Symkaria Quartz that was harder than granite and abundant in the region by the nation's castle. (Amazing Spider-Man v4 #28)


  • Phillip :
  • Ernst Sablinova :
  • Fritz Sablinova :
  • Anastasia Sablinova :
  • Silver Sablinova :
  • Anna Sablinova :
  • Alexie Sablinova : older man head of Internal Defense who was wealthy due to his access diamond market along with the European central bank along with his family being full of great artistic patrons. (Black Panther v6 #5)
  • Countess Katarina Karkov : green haired woman who allied with Norman Osborn to subjugate Symkaria and use its sources to build a warmachine. (Amazing Spider-Man v4 #26)
  • Lenka : a female blonde haired Princess who was the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter with her noble blood containing a katra holding astounding mystical potential giving her the potential of being either the Sorcerer Supreme or mothering the next Sorcerer Supreme. Her existence was kept a secret but on her 21st birthday her father bartered Lenka to marry Doctor Doom to cement a political alliance between Symkaria and Latveria. To protect her, Doctor Strange took her to safety with him being aided by Silver Sable where they intended her to marry Spider-Man in an attempt to spoil Doctor Doom's arranged wedding with Lenka. Lenka was said to had a crush on Spider-Man and she had admired the superhero. (Avenging Spider-Man v1 #8)
  • Klaus Limka : an older red-haired male who served as Prime Minister who was involved in the conspiracy to depose King Stefan and worked with ULTIMATUM for that goal. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #322)
  • Eva Slougart :
  • Lorna Kleinfeldt :
  • Jonathan Lee :
  • Ulka Belyakova :


  • Symkaria was created by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz where it made its first appearance in Amazing Spider-Man v1 #265 (June, 1985).

In other media


Video games

  • In Marvel Heroes, Symkaria was mentioned in the setting of the MMORPG video game. It was said to be a nation neighbouring Latveria with Silver Sable providing the heroes with information on Doctor Doom.
  • In Spider-Man, Symkaria was referenced in the setting of the 2018 video game.


  • Amazing Spider-Man v1: (1985)
  • Silver Sable and the Wild Pack v1:
  • Heroes for Hire v1:
  • Secret Avengers v1:
  • Amazing Spider-Man v4:
  • Avenging Spider-Man v1:
  • Amazing Spider-Man v5:
  • Web of Black Widow v1:

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