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Zn'rx are an reptilian extraterrestrial species that features in Marvel Comics.



The Zn'rx

Long ago, they were noted to had encountered the Kymellians who came to consider the Zn'rx as their oldest enemy. (Royals v1 #6)

A Zn'rx ship intercepted a message from the Kymellian Aelfyre Whitemane that was notifying his people that the inhabitants of Earth were on the verge of discovering matter/anti-matter conversion. Such a source of power was dangerous and threatened to destroy the planet with him wanting to warn them of the danger. However, the Snarks had long desired this power for themselves and jammed the message preventing Whitemane's message from going to his people. They then shot down his Smartship Friday and went to the home of Dr. Power in order to steal his research for themselves. (Power Pack v1 #1)

After the destruction of the Skrull Throneworld, a ruthless Zn'rx commander named Kl'rath came to attack and destroy a Skrull transport ship that contained mostly children. HIs enemies came to brand him a war criminal and he was sent to a prison on L'ar Gath Five whilst some Skrulls such as Lyja sought revenge for the death of the innocent people on the transport. (Future Foundation v1 #4)

During the Dark Reign, a psychological assessment on the Snarks was provided to Director Norman Osborn of H.A.M.M.E.R. where he concluded that the Zn'rx could not spare the resources to invade Earth and that all encounters be handled by S.W.O.R.D.. (Dark Reign Files v1 #1)

A Snarkwar was then initiated by Third Prince Hyinar where he attempted to gather weapons for his faction. To do this, he decided to scout the Universal Inhumans on their new homeworld of Novahala where he arrived under the cover of cloak. From there, he planned to harvest the Inhumans of their powers and impart it on himself along with his soldiers so that his faction could win the war of succession. (Royals v1 #7)

Attempts to modernise and move away from the practice of Snarkwar was curtailed by the Hyinar Usurpation the rise of the traditionalist Stote who undid many of Bhadsha's reforms. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #3)

After the Cotati war, an attempt to avoid further conflict was made by the galactic community with the construction of Proscenium. The station was to serve as a neutral meeting ground where laws were to be decided to prevent more wars. The Zn'rx Emperor Snote attended the diplomatic summit but was secretly killed where his body was discovered by Noh-Varr. A Kree warrior Val-Orr found the dead body but was also killed with Marvel Boy seemingly implicated for the murders. (Guardians of the Galaxy v6 #7) It was eventually discovered that one of the Elders of the Universe named the Profiteer was responsible for the death in an attempt to cause galactic hostilities so she could sell weapons to both sides in a war. Ultimately, the crisis was averted but the death of Stote triggered a Snarkwar as a war for succession erupted amongst the Zn'rx with the Profiteer looking to gain a profit through it. (Guardians of the Galaxy v6 #8)

Abigail Brand after reforming S.W.O.R.D. decided to secretly intervene in the resultant Snarkwar that was rampaging across the galaxy where she recruited the Arakko Mutant Khora of the Burning Heart who was secretly teleported to assassinate the leaders of the rival clans. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #5) Eden Fesi later met with Prince Dyagyar in order to enlist his fleet to free Earth from Knull's control. However, the Snark ruler refused as he felt that he profited from the destruction by the God of the Symbiotes caused to worlds in his path. The Krakoa representative then departed whereupon Dyagyar was assassinated by a mysterious assailant. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #3) After eliminating most of the contending rivals leaving only the peaceful radicalist modernist faction who would become the new rulers of the Zn'rx race and owe a debt to the Mutant nation of Krakoa. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #5)


In appearance, Zn'rx were a race of green-skinned red eyed bipedal reptilians with reverse jointed legs and tails. (Power Pack v1 #1)

They were said to be a deeply militaristic society and one capable of interstellar invasion though they were mired by power struggles from within their own populace. (Dark Reign Files v1 #1)

A rite conducted by the species was a War of Succession that was colloquially called a Snarkwar. It was not known by xenobiologists on how the children of the Zn'rx regent knew their leader had died. However, an immediate reaction was a violent urge by the heirs to lay claim to the vacant alpha position by any means necessary regardless of the collateral damage caused in the process. The urge could be sated through trial by single combat though these were stymied by traditionalist factions. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #3)

The Zn'rx were a highly advanced extraterrestrial species who had formed an interstellar civilisation. (Power Pack v1 #1)

The Snarks were known to use devices known as 'reality benders allowing them to cause an object to resemble something else. (Power Pack v1 #22)

Worlds with an abundance of superpowered beings were considered Weaponworlds for use by the Snarks. (Royals v1 #6) It was believed that their theft of powers was the result of a sense of psychological inferiority when compared to other races such as humans. (Dark Reign Files v1 #1)

A type of vessel used by the Zn'rx were Raptor-class ships that had cloaking abilities. (Royals v1 #7)


  • Bhadsha : a male Zn'rx who was Emperor of their empire and the husband of Maraud. (Power Pack v1 #21)
  • Maraud :
  • Jakal :
  • Hadj :
  • Hyinar : a male Zn'rx Third Prince of royal blood who was participating in the Snarkwar and targeted the Universal Inhumans in order to steal their powers. (Royals v1 #7
  • Stote : a male Zn'rx who rose to the position of Emperor until he was secretly killed by the Profiteer thus triggering a Snarkwar for succession to the throne. (Guardians of the Galaxy v6 #8)
  • Kuga : eldest of the current heirs who was from the Bhoa Clan where he was known as a radical modernist who during the Snarkwar was in retreat after a catastrophic defeat in the Ortuua system. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #3)
  • Wezel : a current heir from the Chita Clan where he was known as a traditionalist during the Snarkwar who was besieged at the Utopian Kree space and in negotiation with the Supremor for safe passage. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #3)
  • Khondor : one of the youngest of the current heirs from the Gylar Clan who was a moderate reformist during the Snarkwar in an agreed alliance with Lyga until only they remained whereupon they would battle one another. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #3)
  • Lyja : one of the youngest of the current heirs from the Gylar Clan who was a moderate reformist during the Snarkwar in an agreed alliance with Khondor until only they remained whereupon they would battle one another. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #3)
  • Djagyar : a current heir from the Bhoa Clan who was a radical traditionalist that eschewed a fixed power base in favour of a guerrilla fleet and was considered the current favourite to succeed Stote to the throne until he was assassinated. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #3)
  • Dyngo : a male Lord in service to Prince Hyinar in his plot to steal the powers of the Inhumans for his master. (Royals v1 #7)
  • Koyoti :
  • Kl'rath : a male Snark General who was noted for his ruthless nature where he massacred Skrull refugees but his rising status led to political enemies that banished him to the prison colony of L'ar Gath Five. He came to be an ally to the Maker who was imprisoned there but was later killed by Lyja who sought to avenge the slain Skrulls. (Future Foundation v1 #4)
  • Nux Vomico :
  • Zwrk : a Snark involved in attack on Earth where he was part of the group attempting to steal the research of Dr. Power's matter/anti-matter converter. (Power Pack v1 #1)


  • The Zn'rx were created by Louise Simonson and June Brigman where they made their first appearance in Power Pack v1 #1 (August, 1984).
  • In Power Pack v1 #1 (1984), it was said that their name Zn'rx was unpronounceable with Aelfyre Whitemane calling them Snarks from a poem by Lewis Carroll.

Alternate Versions


  • Power Pack v1: (1984)
  • Royals v1:
  • Future Foundation v1: (2019)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy v6:
  • S.W.O.R.D. v2: (2021)

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