Summoner (Marvel)

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Summoner in X-Men v5 #12.

The Summoner is a male comic character who features in Marvel Comics.



Summoner was the name of a male Mutant born as the son of War and Bracken of the living island of Arakko. (Wolverine v7 #6) His origins were traced to the ancient history of the living island of Okkara that was long ago besieged by demons. To defeat them, Apocalypse sundered the island in half thus creating two entities that were Krakoa and its twin Arakko. The Horsemen of Apocalypse remained on Arrako as it fell into the portal thus causing them to be stranded in the world of Amenth where they were led by Apocalypse's wife Genesis. For the next thousand years, they battled in the dark fallen world of Amenth where the people of Arrako defended their nation from the demonic threat. In this time, the Horsewoman War mated and had a child that would eventually join the Summoners of Arakko. (X-Men v5 #12) At some point, his father was noted to had been killed in a fight against Solem. (Wolverine v7 #6) Whilst growing up, he only knew of the peace behind Arrako's worlds where he lived alongside his crib-mate who became the prophet Idyl. They were initially unaware of the dangers outside within the lands of Amenth until Idyl experienced a vision that he brought to his leaders. Armed with this information, Genesis gathered an army that battled the Amenthi daemons but they were betrayed by the White Sword. Six years later, the Arrako army returned only to be betrayed again by Isca the Unbeaten who had sided with the enemy where she was sent by the god Annihilation to parlay with the Mutants. Genesis agreed to the meeting and it was believed that she was slain by the dark god with the Amenthi daemons sending their endless horde to besiege Arakko once again. (X-Men v5 #12)

In desperation, they opened a gateway to Earth and dispatched the Summoner there in the hopes that he could find his grandfather Apocalypse and that he had an army that could help save Arrako from destruction. (X-Men v5 #12)

Whilst teaching the X-Men an Arraki game, he was approached by Apocalypse where he asked the young Mutants to depart whilst he spoke to the Summoner. Greeting his grandfather, he then decided to answer Apocalypse's query about what happened to Arrako after it was sealed away thus detailing the thousands of years worth of history that he and his people experienced. Upon telling the story, he journeyed with Apocalypse to the caldera where the External Gate had now formed where Krakoa was going to launch a rescue mission to liberate the Mutants of Arrako from danger. (X-Men v5 #12) Accompanied by Banshee and Unus the Untouchable, they went through the Gate in order to seek out Arrako where they came upon the first Horsemen of Apocalypse. The two Krakoans then learnt that the story of Arrako being under siege was a lie and that the Arraki had actually allied with Amenth. Summoner then betrayed the two Krakoan Mutants with Unus being captured and Banshee being left critically wounded as well as unconscious. The Summoner took Banshee then with him back through he gate where he lied to the Krakoans by claiming that he failed to reach Arrako and had been attacked by the enemy. This was in order for Apocalypse to travel personally to the other side where he gathered a group of volunteers amongst the X-Men to aid him. Upon arriving there, Apocalypse was a Otherworld by the Starlight Citadel where he was seemingly re-united with his children only for them to turn on him and badly wounding him as they sprung their trap on him. (X of Swords: Creation v1 #1)

For the next match, the Summoner was set to fight Wolverine in Blightspoke that was a realm of collapsing realities. The winning condition of the battle was the first to die gained a point for their side. This saw the two fight a long gruelling battle in a harsh environment that besieged the pair. Wolverine though came to kill the Summoner by throwing his Muramasa blade through his opponent's eye. However, he misunderstood the terms of the fight and thus unwittingly lost the match with the point awarded to Arakko. Later on, War came to learn of the death of her son and wanted revenge against Wolverine. (Wolverine v7 #7)


Personality and attributes

He had said that he was a summoner of many things but most of all he summoned lies. (X of Swords: Creation v1 #1)

The Summoner was the child of the Horsewoman War and her husband Bracken though the latter was killed in a fight against Solem. (Wolverine v7 #6)

Powers and abilities

As a Mutant, the Summoner was born with superhuman abilities where in his case his power was being invulnerable and could not be hurt. Despite his vulnerability, his one weakness were his eyes that were capable of being injured. (X-Men v5 #12)

He had been a member of the Summoner school of Amenth that were nameless adepts and ageless wizards that served an alien power. It was noted that he was one of only two High Summoners allowing him to summon a horde of elementals and up to three major deamons. (X-Men v5 #12)

It was shown that he wielded a special blade known as Colony. (X of Swords: Stasis v1 #1)


  • The Summoner was created by Jonathan Hickman and Leinil Francis Yu where he made his first appearance in X-Men v5 #2 (January, 2020).


  • X-Men v5: (2020)
  • X of Swords: Creation v1: (2020)
  • Wolverine v7:

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