Lobo Brothers

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The Lobo Cartel in Scarlet Spider v2 #13.

The Lobo Brothers are a team that feature in Marvel Comics.




The Lobo Brothers in Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #152.

The Lobo Brothers were a pair of siblings named Carlos Lobo and Eduardo Lobo who were Mutants whose mother died giving birth to them. The pair never knew their father where they grew up in poverty on the streets of Puebla de Zaragoza, Mexico where they survived by stealing and scavenging for food. In this time, they always stole by night where Carlos was savagely violent. When their mutant powers emerged at puberty, Eduardo was horrified by them, but Carlos loved the power they gave him. As a teenager, Eduardo had fallen in love with a girl name Esmelda Valdez, the daughter of a wealthy ranch owner. The two had a romantic relationship until it was discovered by Esmelda's brother Ramón Valdez. One full moon night, Ramón and his men ambushed the two lovers and tried to drive Eduardo away by using whips on him. Pain and rage from this whipping triggered a mutant change in Eduardo's body. He turned into a black-furred werewolf and slaughtered Ramón and his men. But when he woke up in his human form the next morning, he discovered he had murdered Esmelda as well. Carlos also discovered he was a mutant that can turn into a brown-furred werewolf. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #152) The brothers formed the Lobo Cartel in the late 1980s during a time when the mobs of South Texas were in the grips of a brutal gang war over drugs and smuggling which had cost the lives of many when the Lobo Brothers arrived. They put a stop to the war and united the gangs, with the former gang leaders gone and the Lobo Brothers heading the new syndicate that they called los Hermanos de la Luna (Translation: The Brotherhood of the Moon). A year later, they moved their headquarters to a mansion on Grapevine Lake, outside Dallas. Carlos and Eduardo were once arrested and tried but were freed following a mistrial. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #143) It was the charisma of Carlos Lobo which had convinced the gangs to end the war and unite under the Lobo Brothers. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #152)

The brothers then turned to crime using their powers to unite all the mobs of South Texas into Los Hermanos De La Luna. The Lobo Brothers were so successful that they not only gained a mansion in a Dallas suburb but drew the attention of the Arranger, the Kingpin's lieutenant. The Arranger used the Persuader to brainwash the Punisher into attempting an assassination of the Lobo Brothers. The Punisher attacked the Herdling Refinery, a front for the Hermanos' drug smuggling operations. When a Jeep full of Hermanos arrived to stop him, the Punisher blew up the refinery, killing them. He later killed several more at the Lobo Brothers' Grapevine Lake mansion. The plan failed thanks to Spider-Man's interference and the iron will of the Punisher, who ended up killing the Persuader instead. The Lobo Brothers knew who was responsible for the attempt and they vowed revenge. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #143) In retaliation, the Lobo Brothers took the war to the Kingpin in New York City, with the Lobo Brothers leading the assault themselves. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #145) Within a few weeks they had done much damage to the Kingpin's syndicate as they slaughtered his men and attacked his operations. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #150) Three Hermanos stole some surplus Army munitions, but as they escaped in a truck, Spider-Man, who'd been tipped off by the Arranger, stopped them and left them webbed up for the police. Later, at LaGuardia Airport, they prepared an assault helicopter for their strike on Fisk Tower; Spider-Man once more intervened, but the Hermanos and both Lobo Brothers boarded the helicopter and took off before he could stop them. (Web of Spider-Man v1 #53) Near the end of their war with the Kingpin, the Lobo Brothers executed a helicopter assault on Fisk Towers in which they and their men slaughtered everyone from the rooftop to the penthouse suite in an attempt to eliminate the Kingpin who was not there. (Web of Spider-Man v1 #54) The Hermanos and the Lobo Brothers rampaged through the streets of New York to get the Kingpin's attention. The Kingpin wanting an end to the war, arranged a meeting with the Lobo Brothers to make peace. They demanded the life of the Arranger in exchange for peace and just as it seemed that the Kingpin would agree, the meeting was attacked by the Kingpin's rival crimelords including Hammerhead and Chameleon as well as Spider-Man himself. Many of the Hermanos were killed in the resulting crossfire. During the multi-sided fight, Eduardo Lobo was accidentally shot and killed by his lover Gloria Grant whilst Carlos Lobo was knocked out. (Web of Spider-Man v1 #55) In the aftermath, Eduardo's body came to be returned to Texas in order to be buried. (Web of Spider-Man v1 #56)

Carlos was apparently deported back to Mexico and he stayed away for many years, only reappearing after getting involved with human trafficking. (Scarlet Spider v2 #1) He and his sister, Esmerelda, were approached by the mysterious 'Coyote' named Mr. Moctezuma and his associate the Salamander, who promised them he would grant them a great if they killed Aracely, the apparent reincarnation of the Aztec god Huitzilopochtli. Carlos asked for the return of his brother, Eduardo. (Scarlet Spider v2 #15) By this point, and his sister Esmeralda arrived in Houston, Texas after one of their 'shipments' was intercepted. The only surviving person in the overheated container was found by Kaine who operated now as the Scarlet Spider. (Scarlet Spider v2 #1) The young survivor was a woman named Aracely who had gifts that the Lobos wanted and they crossed the boarder to find her. They found Aracely with Kaine and while she escaped, the wolves overpowered and seemingly killed the Scarlet Spider. (Scarlet Spider v2 #13) The Lobos then tracked Aracely down and debated if they should kill her per their employers demands or make her an ally. They seemed to know more about her than she did and Esmeralda claimed that she may be a reincarnation of the god Huitzilopochtli. Carlos though wanted to follow their client's wishes, as they had restored his power and claimed that he could bring Eduardo back from the dead. They were distracted when a street gang interrupted them and a fight broke out over the Lobos trespassing in the gang's territory. Aracely used the distraction to escape. (Scarlet Spider v2 #14) After killing the gang, Carlos tracked Aracely to a dumpster and was about to kill her when a restored Kaine arrived at the scene. He had changed since his death and had made a deal with a supernatural being called the Other. He was more spider than man now and was much more brutal of his handling of the werewolves than he had been before. Over the course of the fight, Carlos lost an eye, his right arm and was stabbed through the chest. Esmeralda rescued him and returned to Mexico for medical treatment. While recuperating, Carlos was killed by the man that hired them to kill Aracely. The man knew that Huitzilopochtli had returned and would come to kill him. Mr. Moctezuma then reveals a group of people that appear to be mystically-empowered as the Salamander, each of them sharing attributes of an Aztec god. (Scarlet Spider v2 #15)

During the Clone Conspiracy, Eduardo Lobo came to be among the many people that had been 'reanimated' by the Jackal and his company New U Technologies. (Clone Conspiracy v1 #2) However, the process was flawed and many of those cloned came to succumb to the Carrion Virus. (Clone Conspiracy v1 #5)


As mutants who shared the same powers, the Lobo brothers possessed the ability to transform themselves into humanoid wolves. Carlos can turn into a brown-furred werewolf while Eduardo can turn into a black-furred werewolf. They possessed razor-sharp claws and fangs, as well as superhuman senses, strength, speed, reflexes/reactions, agility, and durability enough to battle Spider-Man in hand-to-hand combat. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #152)

Even in their human forms, they possessed exceptional strength and agility, as Eduardo once protected Gloria from a forklift that had been possessed by one of the demons released during the Inferno storyline and turned into a monster, destroying it with one blow. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #152)

The Mutant Lobo Brothers after killing the leaders of the warring gangs of south Texas came to unite the survivors behind them as part of a gang called los Hermanos de la Luna (Translation: The Brotherhood of the Moon). (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #143)


  • Carlos Lobo : a dark haired male who was a Mutant capable of turning into a browned haired humanoid wolf. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #152)
  • Eduardo Lobo : a dark haired male who was a Mutant capable of turning into a browned haired humanoid wolf. (Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #152)
  • Esmeralda Lobo : a woman with short dark hair who was capable of turning into a humanoid wolf. (Scarlet Spider v2 #13)


  • The Lobo Brothers were created by Gerry Conway and Sal Buscema where they made their first appearance in Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #143 (October, 1988).

In other media

Video games

  • In Spider-Man and Captain America in Doctor Doom's Revenge, Eduardo Lobo appeared as a boss antagonist in the setting of the video game.


  • Spectacular Spider-Man v1: (1988)
  • Web of Spider-Man v1:
  • Scarlet Spider v2:

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