Achilles Milo

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Achilles Milo is a male comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.




Achilles Milo was a freelance scientist, possibly without a degree. Shifty and unscrupulous, he was known in the underworld as Professor Milo. Milo was hired by Roland Daggett to create a deadly viral plague to unleash upon Gotham City (with Daggett Industries having the only cure, of course). Milo's job was to infect captured stray cats and dogs with the virus, then release them into the city. He was stopped by Batman when he and Jessie fell through thin ice over a lake while they were attempting to kill the Dark Knight on Daggett's orders.

Milo got out of jail, and was approached by Anthony Romulus for help in winning some sports competitions. He gave Romulus a special steroid derived from timber wolf DNA, using wolves stolen from the Gotham Zoo with the help of John Hamner, but this accidentally turned Romulus into a werewolf. Milo then tried to use the beast to get revenge on Batman. However he was unable to control his creation, and attacked by it. He survived, and was arrested again.

Professor Milo survived his encounter with Anthony Lupus, but was left badly scarred. Milo, acting as director of Arkham Asylum, released inmates to commit crimes. Batman went on patrol, spotting a man on a motorcycle robbing the jewelry exchange. He threw a batarang at his head, which bounced harmlessly off his bike helmet, and the man tried to run Batman down. Batman jammed a metal rod in his front wheel, causing him to crash. He was injured, but took off his helmet, smashed Batman in the head with it and ran off. Batman recognized him as Mad Dog Markham, an Arkham Asylum resident, and checked in with Gordon. Gordon told him about a recent investigation of a murder bearing the earmarks of Arkham inmate Kid Gloves McConnell, and decided to ring up Arkham. The director assured Gordon both men were safely in their cells, but Gordon knew something wasn’t right. Batman decided to go undercover, posing as Shank Taylor, a criminal suffering from paranoid delusions. Milo brought him to his office, sedated him, and assured him he’d be friends. Batman escaped his straightjacket, escaped his cell and went around Arkham to investigate, finding Markheim in his cell with a sling around his arm. He knew there was something afoot, but returned to his cell before his absence was noticed. Professor Milo had cameras on all the cells and witnessed his ability to escape at will, so he had orderlies bring “Shank” to his office. Milo’s megalomania kicked in, and he wanted to explain his whole plan to shank. He’s replaced the actual director, having him locked in one of Arkham’s padded cells, and had his underlings act as orderlies. He released inmates to commit crimes in exchange for 50% of their take in exchange for an ironclad alibi for them. He offered Shank a cup of tea, saying he knew he was a veteran jewel thief and could use a man like him. Shank pretended to drink, fearing the tea was drugged, and turned down Milo’s offer. Milo said he didn’t really have a choice in the matter and had his orderlies drag Shank back to his cell. Batman escaped his cell again, and found a Batman costume in joker’s cell that he was using for target practice. He slipped it on, but suddenly felt faint and collapsed. He awoke in a straightjacket surrounded by inmates who thought they were famous historical figures such as Napoleon and Joan of Arc. Milo told him he was delusional for thinking he was Batman and would prove it. Milo knew it would have been safer to simply kill Batman, but wanted to break his mind and leave him as a permanent inmate of Arkham. He dared Batman to show his skills and escape his straightjacket, but batman found he couldn’t. Batman wasn’t falling for Milo’s mind games, realizing he’d been drugged. Milo admitted he’s coated his teacup with neurotoxin, and left his orderlies to kill batman. Batman easily fended them off and convinced 'Joan of Arc' to take one of the orderlies’ knives and free him. Batman went to Milo’s office, where he was wearing protective clothing and a helmet. He had a vial of the toxin he had used on Batman earlier and smashed it, saying a full dose would drive Batman insane forever. Batman used his cloak to keep from breathing it in, but the inmates had followed him, and seeing Batman as a leader, attacked Milo. They ripped off his protective mask, and milo got a full dose of the toxin, driving him mad. (Batman v1 #327)


Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.

He would later re-emerge as the personal physician of General Immortus. (Final Crisis Aftermath: Run! v1 #2)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Achilles Milo was created by Bill Finger and Sheldon Moldoff where he made his first appearance in Detective Comics v1 #247 (September, 1957).

Alternate Versions

In other media



Video games


  • Detective Comics v1: (1957)
  • Doomsday Clock 1:
  • Deathstroke Inc. v1:

External Links

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