Captain Rex

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Captain Rex is a character who features in Star Wars.



CT-7567 was a male clone born on the planet Kamino during the era of the Old Republic. He was bred as a Clone Trooper from the genetic material of the bounty hunter Jango Fett to help protect the Republic during the events of the Clone Wars. After his training was complete, he joined the Grand Army of the Republic as the commanding officer of Torrent Company of the 501st Legion where he served under Jedi General Luke Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano.

Rex accompanied Skywalker, Kenobi, Cody, and the rest of the Republic forces in their effort to liberate Christophsis from Confederate forces under General Whorm Loathsom and Count Dooku's assassin, Asajj Ventress. The captain took part in setting up an ambush on the approaching Separatist forces, but Kenobi and Cody were ambushed themselves. Skywalker rushed to his master's aid with Rex and his men alongside him. Fleeing to the rooftop, they held off the battle droids until evac arrived in the form of a LAAT/i gunship, with clone trooper Gus removing the commanding tactical droid's head before departing. Rex assisted Cody in performing a robolobotomy on the droid's head, discovering that it contained all of their intelligence. Surmising that this meant there was a spy in their midst, Skywalker and Kenobi departed to investigate the Confederate headquarters, hoping this would reveal the spy's identity. Rex and Cody were instructed to conduct their own search at the Republic base.

As they were leaving the command center, Cody noticed that someone had left their comlink on; their entire conversation had just been broadcast to the Separatist spy. Rex spotted someone in the corridor, and he and Cody gave chase. However, they lost him in the busy mess hall. They now realized the spy was a clone. Unable to reach the Jedi as a result of blocked communications, Rex had R2-D2 analyze the communication history to see if anyone had sent any unauthorized transmissions. He noticed irregular wavelengths that were too low and infrequent to be detected normally, wavelengths that were coming from Sergeant Slick's barracks. They proceeded to question Slick's men, all of whom had an alibi except Chopper, who lied about collecting battle droid fingers. However, Slick slipped when he revealed that he knew the Jedi were gone, drawing the suspicion of the entire group. Slick realized he was blown and fled, evading Rex and Cody while also blowing up the nearby weapons depot as well as many of the LAAT/i gunships and AT-TE walkers.

He was considered killed-in-action at the time of the formation of the first Galactic Empire. Thus, he managed to escape with his life and operated from the shadows to help the handful of clone brothers that remained separate from Imperial ranks. Among them was the clone deserter Cut Lawquane who he visited shortly later where he warned him about the inhibitor chips. Later on, he was contacted by Trace and Rafa Martez who told him of their encounter with a group of rogue elite clone commandos on Corellia and that they could be found on Ord Mantell. Rex travelled to that world and confirmed his suspicions that these were indeed the Bad Batch who had gone rogue from the Imperial regime.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Rex was a male clone of Jango Fett and thus shared the same features as his genetic progenitor though he was distinguished by his close-shaved blond hair and stylized hawk eyes adorning his helmets. As a clone, he was initially given the designation of CT-7567.

He viewed military service as an honor with him always aiming to complete his mission. His loyalty to the Republic and his Jedi Generals was absolute.

Rex was shown to be a no-nonsense and went by the book though was an exemplary clone trooper who was brave under fire with him being dedicated to the men serving under him.

Powers and abilities

Rex was a human clone of the bounty hunter of Jango Fett who was born and bred by the Kaminoans for the Grand Army of the Republic.

He customised his armor with distinctive blue markings.

It was shown that he was fond of using two blaster pistols at the same time.

Unknown to him, he had been implanted from birth with an inhibitor chip designed to activate upon the triggering of Order 66.

As a Clone Trooper, he came to join the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic where he was assigned to the 501st Legion.


  • Captain Rex was created by George Lucas where he was voiced by actor Dee Bradley Baker and featured in the setting of the Star Wars universe.
  • As noted in The Art of Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2009), initial development for The Clone Wars animated film sought to use the character Alpha-17 created for the Star Wars: Republic comic and was intended to be the principal clone trooper character but Lucas felt that with characters Anakin Solo, Ahsoka Tano and R2-D2 ("Artoo") would lead to too much alliteration between the main cast leading to the creation of Captain Rex.

In other media

Video games

  • In Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Republic Heroes, Captain Rex appeared in the setting of the video game where he was voiced by actor Dee Bradley Baker.


  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars:
  • Star Wars': Rebels:
  • Star Wars: The Bad Batch:

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