Girder (DC)

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Girder is a male comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.





Girder in The Flash v2 #187.

Tony Woodward was a male human who lived in the modern age where by adulthood he came to work as a steelworker. (Flash: Iron Heights v1 #1) One day, he assaulted a young female at work with this resulting in a riot that caused angry co-workers to throw him into a vat of molten steel. The metal was actually scrap from S.T.A.R. Labs that had undergone a number of mysterious experiments. This led to his transformation into a metallic form that gifted him incredible strength but he found that contact with air left him in incredible pain as he suffered from a rust-like effect that ate more of his body every day. (The Flash Secret Files and Origins v1 #3) It was known that at some point he committed a murder and later was arrested for armed robbery leading to him being sentenced to 45 years in prison withim Woodward being sent to Iron Heights Penitentiary. (Flash: Iron Heights v1 #1) within Iron Heights, he remained within the Metahuman wing known as the Pipeline where he continued o experience the rust effect on his body that let him in incredible pain. (The Flash: Iron Heights v1 #1) He later escaped the prison in the chaos over the Frenzy virus where he came to be recruited in the Blacksmith's criminal Network. During this time, he worked alongside the new incarnation of the Rogues where Magenta's powers helped keep Girder's body together and removed the effects of the rust on him. This led to him making unwanted advantages on her with her constantly having to reject him. (Flash v2 #183)

He later participated in the attack against the Flash where the hero was infected with the Frenzy virus though their onslaught was interrupted by the Thinker who was making his own moves to take over the city. (Flash v2 #185) After the Thinker was defeated, the Rogues resumed their attack on the weakened Flash with Girder managing to capture the speedster. He brought the hero to the Rogues as they regrouped with the Blacksmith giving the order for Girder to kill the Flash. (Flash v2 #187) Girder then was prepared to murder the hero and even suggested to Magenta that they celebrate together alone in a hotel room. Magenta experienced a personality change during this moment where she was both disgusted at Woodward and wanting to save Wally. She then used her powers to cut Girder in half leaving badly injured with her betrayal leading to the Rogues attacking her. (Flash v2 #188) He survived the incident with S.T.A.R. Labs coming to piece Woodward back together where he was placed back in the Pipeline at Iron Heights. (Flash v2 #189) He remained there until the prison came under attack by mind controlled gorillas that were being used by Gorilla Grodd to free himself. This saw the apes break open the cells in the Pipeline with Girder being among the supervillains attempting to escape Iron Heights. The Flash arrived to return the criminals to their cells with Girder attacking him whilst he was in pain due to the rust-like affect on his skin. (The Flash v2 #192)

Girder and a number of other supervillains attempted to collect the billion dollar bounty President Luthor placed on Superman’s head but failed. (Superman/Batman v1 #3)

Penguin wanted to expand his criminal operations into Keystone City, and to this end he hired Girder and Double Down to act as his enforcers. Flash III and Nightwing defeated the trio and handed them over to the authorities. (The Flash v2 #210)

Girder and the Rogues held a funeral for Captain Boomerang in Avernus. (The Flash v2 #217)

Top mind-controlled Girder, Double Down, Murmur, Plunder and Tar Pit to act as his Rogues, an then challenged Captain Cold for the leadership of the Rogues. Cold killed Top for causing dissent among the Rogues while Top’s flunkies attacked Flash. Flash fought them off, but didn’t apprehend them because he had to deal with Zoom. (The Flash v2 #223)

The Society made plans for a worldwide prison break to free every incarcerated supervillain, and they sent Mammoth to free the Slab's inmates. Girder was one of the released inmates, and together with the other freed villains they managed to get past a group of superheroes sent by Oracle to try and quell the Slab breakout. (Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special v1 #1)

One Year Later, Girder was seen fighting the Teen Titans, but was defeated. He was seen in Salvation Run.<ref name="dc-ency"/> In DC Special: Cyborg mini-series, Girder has joined of The Cyborg Revenge Squad.

Girder was among the villains in the ambush of the JSA led by Tapeworm. <ref>Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #29 (July 2009) </ref>

While Girder is in custody at Iron Heights Penitentiary, he is broken out by Captain Boomerang to distract the guards, so Captain Boomerang can sneak in to meet with Professor Zoom.<ref>The Flash (vol. 3) #7 (December 2010)</ref>


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.


Personality and attributes

When working with the Rogues, he was constantly hitting on Magenta and made advances at her with her rejecting him. On some occasions, she even threatened to injure him grievously but he continued with his efforts. (The Flash Secret Files and Origins v1 #3)

Powers and abilities

As a Metahuman, Girder had superhuman levels of strength and endurance. (Flash: Iron Heights v1 #1) His body is made from a nearly indestructible steel that provides a high degree of protection from physical and energy attacks.

His body was able to survive being split in half and could be pieced together to repair him. (Flash v2 #189)

An aspect of his transformed body was that exposure to air caused rapid deterioration and rusting that left him in incredible pain. (Flash: Iron Heights v1 #1) The rust-like effect was noted to eat more and more of his body everyday. However, individuals with magnetic-based powers were known to hold back the deterioration allowing him to experience no pain as a result. (The Flash Secret Files and Origins v1 #3)


  • Girder was created by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver where he made his first appearance in Flash: Iron Heights v1 #1 (August, 2001).

Alternate Versions

In other media


  • In The Flash, Girder appeared in the live-action television series set in the Arrowverse where he made his first appearance in "The Flash is Born" and was portrayed by actor Greg Finley. This version was a childhood bully to Barry Allen and Iris West who became a metahuman with the ability to turn his skin into steel after falling into a vat of molten steel when the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator exploded. In the episode "The Flash is Born", Woodward kidnaps West to force her to write about him fighing the Flash, who eventually defeats him with a supersonic punch. In "Power Outage", Woodward is released to fight Farooq Gibran / Blackout while Allen was temporarily depowered, only to be killed. In the episodes "Rupture" and "The Runaway Dinosaur", Team Flash inadvertently turn Woodward into a reanimated corpse, though Allen defeats him once more.


  • In Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, Girder appeared in the animated film where he was among the supervillains that attacked Superman and Batman.


  • Flash: Iron Heights v1:
  • Flash v2:
  • The Flash Secret Files and Origins v1:
  • The Flash v4:
  • Flash v5:

External Link

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