Miles Morales

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Spider-Man Miles Morales in Miles Morales: Spider-Man v2 #1.

Miles Morales is a male comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Gaining spider powers in Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man v2 #1.

Miles Morales was the son of Rio Morales and Jefferson Davis where he was born originally on Earth-1610.

He and his parents went to Brooklyn Visions Academy where they attended the school lottery that had spaces for 3 people. Miles came to be one of the few chosen to attend the school with his family being happy for him. Afterwards, he went to visit his Uncle Aaron Davis who was happy at the news and went to get some drinks for his nephew when Miles was bitten by a strange spider that caused him to go into shock. When he regained consciousness, his father had arrived after hearing the news but by this point Morales came to had recovered from the bite. It was then that his father and uncle got into an argument with Miles fleeing the scene. His father looked for him with Miles waiting for him but he was surprised to find out that he had gone invisible as the spider bite had given him superpowers. (Ultimate Spider-Man v3 #1)

At first, Miles was worried that he was a Mutant and thought that he could be rounded up by the government. He also had a talk with his father who revealed why he did not want Miles to meet his uncle Aaron as it was due to his criminal past. At night, he was going to sleep when Ganke texted him telling him that he did some research and that Miles had powers similar to Spider-Man. (Ultimate Spider-Man v3 #2)

Deciding to look for more information, Miles was convinced by Ganke that they should consult Aaron Davis. However, he was not in his apartment and on the way back the two friends saw a fire in an apartment block. Miles decided to help and used his powers to scale the building where he went in through the windows to take people out. Though he saved people, Morales was shaken by the experience and he did not believe he had it in him to be a hero. He reasoned that there was already a Spider-Man in the world and that was enough. Miles then decided to focus on his own life and studies until one night when the teachers informed the students of a super hero brawl on the Queensboro Bridge and that Spider-Man had been shot. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #3) Miles decided that he would become the new Spider-Man and began sketching costume designs. Ganke, having worn a Spider-Man costume for Halloween the previous year, offered it to Miles, even though it was a little too large. Miles went on his first ever patrol of the city, enjoying the freedom he felt leaping from building to building. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #4)

Ultimate Spider-Man

In a new makeshift suit, Miles confronted the supervillain Kangaroo. The Kangaroo and the surrounding crowd of spectators were surprised by the very-much alive Spider-Man. The two fought and Miles was thrown through a plate-glass window. Miles eventually won by using his Venom Strike on Kangaroo while he was lifting a vehicle over his own head, causing him to drop it on himself. Exhausted, Miles wondered to himself that perhaps his costume was in bad taste, as was mentioned by many of the spectators during his fight. (Ultimate Fallout v1 #4) His next patrol was cut short when he was attacked by Spider-Woman who demanded to know who he was. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #4) Miles was confused by the sudden appearance of a female Spider-Man. She webbed him up and Miles tripped and knocked himself out. He later awoke inside a holding cell at the Triskelion ONE. Outside his cell was Spider-Woman, Nick Fury, Hawkeye and Iron Man. After analyzing his blood, Tony came to the conclusion that Miles has a similar genetic makeup as Peter Parker. Fury correctly guessed that Miles had obtained his powers through a spider bite. Meanwhile, in the Triskelion medical ward, Electro awoke from a chemically induced coma and immediately attacked all the medical staff. Miles and Fury immediately joined the rest of the SHIELD Agents in taking point. Electro took down Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Spider-Woman. Miles, using his camouflage, snuck behind him and hit him with a large container. Electro was surprised and confused by Spider-Man being alive; he was distracted long enough for Miles to use his Venom Strike on him, knocking him out. The next day, at school, Spider-Woman showed up in civilian clothing and handed Miles a case containing his new costume, courtesy of Nick Fury. She told him that he had one chance to prove himself. Miles was officially the new Spider-Man. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #5) Miles stopped a mugging, albeit very sloppily. Betty Brant captured video footage of him on her phone, which she brought to the Daily Bugle and presented to Jameson. The story of a new Spider-Man in New York made the headlines. Miles watched the Spider-Man movie that had been released several months ago, featuring actual footage of Peter Parker fighting with Dr. Octopus. He studied Peter's moves so he could become a better crime fighter like his predecessor. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #6)

Later on, Miles hopped around rooftops practicing his new powers. Miles decides to test his wall-crawling abilities on a tall building to see how far he can climb but soon remembers that he has a sort of fear of heights. Then Miles tries to find a way into the building so he can get downstairs, and finds himself on the hotel floor of Principal Suitress who faints in shock at seeing the new Spider-Man. Miles then hears an explosion occur far off in the distance, he decides to jump over to the area to see what is going on since he has no web-shooters yet, he cannot swing towards the danger. As Miles arrives in the area, he starts to feel a buzzing in his head which is his Spider-Sense, and he starts to understand its purpose a little bit more, as he dodges a flying car that was heading right for him. He comes face to face with Omega Red, who is surprised and angered to see another Spider-Man. Miles and Omega Red fight, with Miles making fun of Omega Red's name. To quickly end the battle, Miles uses his Venom Blast which has a good effect on Omega Red, putting a stop to the villain. The scene then cuts to Miles and Ganke talking about Miles fight against Omega Red and how awesome and cool the fight was. But Miles believes that in order to be prepared for much more dangerous and lethal villains he must train harder, and Ganke is about to propose an idea until Miles' Uncle Aaron appeared at the scene. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #7) Miles was later shocked when his Uncle Aaron confronted him with the revelation that he knew Miles was the new Spider-Man. When Aaron told Miles he wanted them to work together but Miles refused, so Aaron threatened to tell Miles' father about his secret. Miles was confused as to what to do with the whole situation. Together, they two went on to fight the Scorpion and after defeating the villain Miles came hand to him to the police which resulted in him almost being arrested. When Miles refused to help his uncle again, Aaron unveiled his latest toy which was a Vulture suit. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #8) Afterwards, Miles came to realise that his uncle had intended to use him to become his personal enforcer leading to Morales deciding that he needed to confront Aaron. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #9)

He was later secretly approached by Gwen Stacy and Aunt May, who tried to give him Peter Parker's original web shooters to help him, Captain America followed them and tried to make Miles abandon the mantle of Spider-Man. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #13) After Miles helped Captain America to defeat the R.H.I.N.O., he agreed to let him be Spider-Man, but with the need of better training. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #14) In order to improve himself, Miles decided to join the ranks of the Ultimates. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #15) In the wake of a civil war, in which Captain America was elected president to help unite the splintered factions of the United States of America. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #16) The Daily Bugle is on the hunt to find out everything they can about the new Spider-Man. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #16.1)

Miles would later encounter the Spider-Man of an alternate universe designated Earth-616. Initially, the two fought one another due to the resultant confusion stemmed from not knowing about the other. (Spider-Men v1 #1) Peter unmasked Miles and demanded answers. However, Miles managed to knock out Peter using his venom strike. Unsure what to do with him, Miles brought Peter to S.H.I.E.L.D. to sort things out. At the Triskelion, Fury learned that this Peter Parker was from another world entirely. Suspecting there might be trouble in a dimensional incursion, he wanted to have Miles fill Peter in on what happened to that world's Peter Parker. (Spider-Men v1 #2) However, the conversation was cut short when Mysterio appeared to attack both Spider-Men by shooting their helicopter ride out of the sky with a RPG. Miles and Peter battled against Mysterio, who conjured up illusions of their greatest rogues in order to subdue them. Mysterio managed to escape the battle, leaving the two Spider-Men to come up with another plan of attack. Miles was present when Peter reunited with the Aunt May and Gwen Stacy counterparts of his universe, touched by the tender moment between them. (Spider-Men v1 #3) Miles and Peter were soon called away by Nick Fury to fight Mysterio again. Although they expected Mysterio to be defeated, the illusionist quickly resorted to a back-up plan: using the heroes' greatest fears against them. (Spider-Men v1 #4) Miles' particular fear was the sight of his Uncle Aaron standing over his dead parents, having murdered them both. However, the heroes managed to overcome Mysterio's illusions and defeat him. While Mysterio was kept within the S.H.I.E.L.D. custody of Miles' universe, Peter spoke to him about his role as the new Spider-Man, saying that he was genuinely satisfied with it. (Spider-Men v1 #5)

During the civil war, Miles's father, Jefferson Davis fought against Hydra soldiers when he caught the attention of the press who tried to interview him. Jefferson was later attacked by the Venom, who days later followed Betty Brant's investigation to incorrectly suspect Jefferson was the new Spider-Man. Miles, as Spider-Man, managed to rescue his father, as the creature later escaped. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #19) After the battle with Venom, Miles began to feel like it was his fault that Venom attacked his father. Ganke managed to convince him that they can stop Venom before it happens again but were unable to think how, until Mary Jane and Gwen showed up. After a long discussion about Venom, Maria Hill appeared revealing she knew the truth about Miles and told him he had to stop the symbiote before someone else got hurt. Mary Jane and Gwen then forced her to leave after the discussion. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #20)

Miles went outside to confront Maria but was stopped when an officer received word that Venom was attacking the hospital Miles' parents were at. Miles then left for the hospital to confront Venom. Miles arrived and began to fight Venom by utilizing his venom blast. Venom managed to gain the upper hand and grabs Miles, but he was saved after his mom started shooting Venom with a gun. Miles told her to escape, but she refused. Miles then got grabbed by Venom again and was nearly consumed when Rio revealed that Miles was her son. Venom proceeded to consume her as well until Miles used his venom blast on the inside of Venom, causing it to be removed from its host. The police showed up and shot Venom's host and the remains of the symbiote. Miles moved his mother to safety, but soon found out she had been caught in the crossfire and was dying. He began to scream for help but is stopped by Rio, who told him she was proud and to never tell his dad the truth, before dying. Miles later woke up to find himself at Ganke's house. Miles run into the room he was and proceeded to rip up his costume screaming "No More!" repeatedly. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #22)

A year has passed since the death of Miles' mother. His father has since recovered from his encounter with Venom and no longer works for the police. The injuries he sustained didn't paralyze him, but he was now lame and needed a cane in order to travel. In between, Miles gotten himself a girlfriend, Kate Bishop; she doesn't know about his secret identity as Spider-Man. Miles would often become thoughtful about his feelings and he could easily get lost in his thoughts without realizing Kate was right next to him; he did not want Kate involved in his affairs as Spider-Man and kept it secret from her. However, those that knew about Miles' secret identity never stopped believing he had eventually come back. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #23)

Iron Man discovered the entity came from the same universe Peter Parker temporarily came from months ago, Earth-616. The Ultimates decided to use a portal recovered from Mysterio to go there and ask for help from their Reed Richards, as suggested by Beck. Before they could decide who would go, Reed Richards appeared and recommended to put their differences aside and let him go, as he could access the other Richards' files in case he wasn't available to help them at the moment. (Cataclysm: The Ultimates' Last Stand v1 #2) The Ultimates let Richards go, with the condition of being accompanied by Miles Morales. Both heroes managed to arrive to Earth-616, extract the information needed and return. He also revealed his double life to his father, who believed Miles was responsible for the death of Aaron and Rio, and rejected him. (Cataclysm: The Ultimates' Last Stand v1 #3)

After a chat with Mary Jane, Miles returned to his apartment, he was surprised to see a stranger in his room. Before he could put his mask back on, the stranger revealed himself to be Peter Parker, alive and well, to Miles' shock. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #1) Miles tried to interrogate Peter, who continuously avoided Miles' question on how was he alive. Ultimately, Peter decided to knock down Miles, steal his web-shooters and leave. Miles came to the conclusion that Peter was actually a clone, and decided to tell Ganke about it. As they were discussing the topic, Kate Bishop arrived at the scene. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #2) Miles then decided to reveal to her he was Spider-Man, making her run away. After discovering Norman Osborn was alive, Miles got to May Parker's old house, where he was soon confronted by the villain. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #3) Peter Parker, as Spider-Man, appeared and helped Miles fight the Green Goblin, who was finally defeated with Miles' Venom Blast. The two Spider-Men were soon surrounded by the police. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #4) However, they managed to separate and escape. Maria Hill helped Miles, and took him to Mary Jane's house, where they found Peter Parker, exactly like Miles suspected. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #5) Peter decided to tell Miles the story of his return until the Green Goblin returned to fight them. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #6) Miles took the upper hand in the fight since his Venom Blast had a stronger effect on Osborn. During the fight, Osborn claimed to be Miles' true father. Peter later jumped in and helped him put the Goblin down before they left to the warehouse where he first met Aunt May and Gwen. Peter returned the web-shooters and gave Miles his blessing before he returned to his dorm. He was later woken by Ganke to see that his father had returned. Unbeknownst to Miles, the parents of his girlfriend Katie Bishop, Derek and Eleanor Bishop, were members of Hydra. Katie didn't know this as well until her parents revealed their secret to her as she went to bed. As an act of loyalty, she, in turn, revealed Miles' identity as Spider-Man to them. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #7) Sometime later, Miles visited Katie's house where he was drugged by Derek who revealed his membership in Hydra to Miles. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #10) Miles, along with a captured Black Widow Jessica Drew, was then taken to a secret Hydra lab in a warehouse in Staten Island for experimentation under the charge of Doctor Doom. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #11)

A few days later, nation held a public funeral for the death of Captain America. At Stark Tower, Tony held a special private funeral for those closest to Rogers. The surviving Ultimates, Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., X-Men, the defunct Fantastic Four, Roger's WWII friends, Lana Baumgartner, Cloak & Dagger, and Miles was there to honor Roger's memory. It was during Tony's emotional speech that he revealed that the Ultimates are disbanded. With the death of Thor and Captain America, Tony couldn't continue on with the team; it was that time that Spider-Woman stepped up and announced the formation of The New Ultimates. Bombshell, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman/Black Widow, Kitty Pryde, Cloak, and Dagger will form to become the new Young Ultimates. (Survive! v1 #1)

On Fury's instructions, Jefferson joined Fisk's Enforcers and continued with the illegal activities to inform Fury as Fisk's powers grew out of control. Fisk's activities were finally put down during an attempt at human trafficking involving Mutant Growth Hormone, and Jefferson injured. Fury offered him to become an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., but he declined, deciding he didn't want any part in that world. It was during therapy that he met Rio Morales, Miles' mother. He said he become a changed man since meeting her and decided to build a life with her. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #9)

As Doctor Doom was zapping Miles with microscopic lasers to obtain tissue samples, Miles releases a powerful bursts of energy and destroyed his prison and much of the laboratory. Everyone is stunned by Miles' new display of power, in which a scientist hypothesize that the physical stress brought on Miles is maybe the cause. Miles collapses from being drained from his new power. Doom orders the Spider-Man Twins to take Miles to a cell while he sees to Jessica that she will be dissected. At the very mention of this, Miles regains his strength and knocks down the Spider-Man Twins and a pair of Doombots. Derek quickly puts his gun to Jessica's head and demands Miles to stand down, but Jessica begins to open her eyes. Eventually, Miles' and Jessica's fellow Young Ultimates, his friend Judge, and the NYPD arrived and stormed the warehouse to rescue him. What they found, however, was Miles single-handedly subduing Doom with a single punch amid the many indisposed Hydra soldiers and Spider-Man Twins. Derek Bishop is webbed to the wall by Jessica. Though Katie feels guilty for selling Miles out, he breaks up with her anyway. As everyone leaves the warehouse, they look up to the skies, which suddenly turns red, to see another Earth which was Earth-616. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #12)

All-New, All-Different

Miles eventually grew accustomed to living in a different reality, mainly due to his personal life having remained virtually the same. He still attended the Brooklyn Visions Academy together with Ganke and lived together with his parents. Of the two of them, only Jefferson knew about Miles' super-heroic endeavors. (Spider-Man v2 #1) The Peter Parker of Earth-616 also provided aid to Miles so that he could be a hero on this world. (Amazing Spider-Man v4 #13) As a young hero, he came to be recruited as a member of a new incarnation of the Avengers where he would train alongside fellow heroes his age that included Ms. Marvel and Nova. (All-New, All-Different Avengers v1 #3)

Within Earth-616, he attempted to adjust to his life on the new world where he tried to balance his civilian life with his secret superhero activities. During this time, he responded to an incident where he found the defeated Avengers who were beaten by the Demon Blackheart. (Spider-Man v2 #2)

Later on, their school was joined by a new student in Fabio Medina with Ganke thrilled at meeting him. However, Miles did not see the appeal in the former X-Man but Ganke in an effort to be friends with Medina came to reveal that Morales was Spider-Man. This made Miles furious at his secret being revealed and he was angry at Ganke leading to him going out into the field as Spider-Man which was when he was attacked by Hammerhead along with his gang. (Spider-Man v2 #4)

Afterwards, an Inhuman named Ulysses Cain emerged who possessed the ability to seemingly accurately predict the future. This led to profiling of potential criminals where they were to be arrested prior to their crime being perpetrated. Miles sided with the stand of his mentor in the Avengers, Iron Man, that using Ulysses' visions to prevent incidents before they happened could be catastrophic, which opposed Captain Marvel's view on the matter. (Spider-Man v2 #6)


Personality and attributes

Holding Spider-Man's Suit in Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #2.
Miles loved ones in Spider-Man v2 #21.

His father had told Miles that the reason he had his mother's surname was because Jefferson's physically abusive father was 'not a good person' and that he did not having his grandfather's name allowed for Miles to have a 'clean start'. (Miles Morales: Spider-Man v1 #10) After the death of his world's Peter Parker, Miles decided to honour the fallen hero and take his hero identity with Morales becoming the new Spider-Man. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #4) Whilst on Weirdworld, he took the name of Shadow-Spider whilst operating as a rogue. (Champions v2 #25)

Originally, Miles did not want powers and simply wanted to live a normal life. The prospect of being a hero filled him with dread where he vomited the upheaval such an event would give his life. He even began to experience nightmares where he imagined supervillains attacking him and wake up in the night. (Ultimate Spider-Man v3 #3)

Miles came to regret not being a hero when he first manifested powers as he felt he could have helped the first Spider-Man Peter Parker. (Ultimate Spider-Man v3 #3)

He later came to have a younger sister named Billie Mariana Morales. (Miles Morales: Spider-Man v1 #13) One person Miles was close to was his uncle Aaron Davis despite the fact that he did not get along with Morales's father. (Ultimate Spider-Man v3 #1) His maternal grandmother was Gloria Morales who was noted for being strict. (Spider-Man v2 #3)

It was remarked that his paternal grandfather was not a good person and had been physically abusive. It was for this reason that Jefferson did not want his surname to pass on to Miles as he wanted his own son to have a clean start at life. (Miles Morales: Spider-Man v1 #10)

One of his closest friends of Ganke who he confided in such as when he revealed that he had powers to him. (Ultimate Spider-Man v3 #2)

Miles had said that he and Lana Baumgartner were like brother and sister which was why he did not consider dating her. (Spider-Man v2 #1)

Morales came to trust his secret identity to Ms. Marvel due to them working together as team mates. (Spider-Man v2 #4) It was noted to have had a crush on Kamala Khan. (All-New, All-Different Avengers Annual v1 #1)

Powers and abilities

He was capable of speaking both English and Spanish. (Miles Morales: Spider-Man v1 #11)

He had studied the original Spider-Man's moves in combat by watching old footage of his past battles to improve his own combat skills. (Ultimate Comics Spider-Man v1 #6)

After being bitten by an OZ engineered spider, Miles gained superhuman abilities similar to Spider-Man that included enhanced reflexes, speed, strength and endurance. He had the ability to climb on the surface of walls such as being able to stick to the surface of the ceiling. (Ultimate Spider-Man v3 #2)

A unique characteristics given to him from the spider that bit him was the ability to discharge a venom strike. These were bioelectrical shocks that could be emitted through touch allowing him to stun people or send a shock through an object. (Ultimate Spider-Man v3 #2) Morales was able to conduct his venom sting through objects such as a web to stun the person on the other side. (Spider-Men v1 #2) In times of intense physical stress, he could release a powerful burst of electrical energy that could destroy entire laboratories but left him exhausted. (Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #12) He developed a new variation of his venom blast which created an energy trail to objects he tagged and pulled them towards him where he could hit them with a charged venom strike from his fists. (Spider-Man v1 #235)

He could later emit a larger scale burst of bio-electricity from his entire body, that he called a Mega Venom Blast. It was powerful enough to repel a large group of opponents and destroyed thick ropes and chains that had been used to restrain him. This was sometimes triggered by extreme stress or focus such as a conscious effort to activate it such as when he tried to use it to escape. Use of this power was shown to leave Miles exhausted as a result. (Spider-Man v2 #5)

Miles had an additional ability that was a natural camouflage that allowed him to turn invisible from normal human sight. (Ultimate Spider-Man v3 #2)

Due to Miles interference, Carnage came to infect him with a Symbiote. (Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales v1 #1) The symbiote overwhelmed Miles' will and seized control of his body, transforming him into a unique six-armed Carnage Doppelgänger. Attacking and initially overpowering Venom, Carnagized Spider-Man was knocked aside, though Eddie prevented the angry Venom symbiote from killing him. (Absolute Carnage v1 #3)


  • Miles Morales was created by Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli where he made his first appearance in Ultimate Fallout v1 #4 (August, 2011).
  • In Champions v2 #25 (2018), he took the name of Shadow-Spider whilst on Weirdworld.
  • In an interview with Axel Alonso, he said, "People who say this is a PC stunt miss the point. Miles Morales is a reflection of the culture in which we live. I love the fact that my son Tito will see a Spider-Man swinging through the sky whose last name is "Morales". And judging from the response, I can see I'm not alone."

Alternate Versions

  • In Spider-Men II v1 #1 (2017), an alternate version of Miles Morales was shown who was originally an inhabitant of Earth-616. This version of Miles became a close friend and confidant to the mob enforcer Wilson Fisk when he saved Fisk's life in prison, an event that resulted in the scars on Miles' face. Miles worked for Fisk following their time in prison, aiding him during Wilson's violent rise to crime boss in New York. Subsequent to this, after Miles fell in love with a woman named Barbara Sanchez, Fisk arranged to have all traces of Miles' existence erased from searchable records in order help Miles leave his criminal life behind him. Years later, after Barbara died, Fisk informed a grief-stricken Miles that he had knowledge of a parallel universe in which Barbara might still be alive. Miles hired the Taskmaster, who confirmed not only that the Ultimate Universe still existed following the events of the Secret Wars but that its version of Barbara was still alive. The adult Miles journeyed to the Ultimate Universe to reunite with his lost love, essentially switching places with his younger counterpart. However, in Miles Morales: Spider-Man v1 #10 (2019), he had become a costumed supervillain operating under the name Ultimatum.

In other media


  • In Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales was introduced in the animated series where he was initially voiced by actor Donald Glover in the Web Warriors season but subsequent appearances had him voiced by actor Ogie Banks. He would later become stranded in Peter Parker's universe leading to him joining the Web Warriors and taking the alias Kid Arachnid.
  • In Spider-Man, Miles Morales appeared in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Nadji Jeter. He was shown as being among the students at the science academy at Horizon High. He was shown as being bullied by people in his neighbourhood and was unable to fight back with his father urging him to use his intellect. On one day, he saw Oscorp under attack from a Spider-Slayer and he came upon the scene where he accidently bumped into Spencer Smythe where he dropped his briefcase. From the briefcase, a genetically engineered spider created by Dr. Warren who named it Electrolis Arachnatis escaped from its container and bit Morales. It imparted on him abilities similar to Spider-Man with Miles deciding to be a hero that looked after his neighbourhood. Miles revealed his identity to Peter Parker, Anya Corazon and Gwen Stacy whilst telling the news that he looked after a particular area. This resulted in Spencer Smythe and Alistair Smythe that were competing to capture him for their respective employers. A Spider-Slayer captured Miles when he was Spider-Man and nearly killed his father when his power manifested shorting out the giant machine. Spider-Man later took on Miles as a comrade with the two Spider-Men working together to defeat the Spider-Slayers. Miles later in costume worked alongside Spider-Man when they were being hunted by Kraven the Hunter. During this time, Miles in fear learnt of a new ability allowing him to camouflage himself and Spider-Man in an attempt to calm him down revealed his true identity as Peter Parker.
  • In Spidey and His Amazing Friends, Miles Morales as Spin appeared in the setting of the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Jakari Fraser.


  • In Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Miles Morales appeared in the animated film where he was voiced by actor Shameik Moore.
  • In Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Miles Morales returned in the 2023 animated film sequel where he was once again voiced by actor Shameik Moore

Video games

  • In Marvel: Avengers Alliance 2, Miles Morales as Spider-Man appeared as a character in the mobile video game.
  • In Spider-Man Unlimited, Miles Morales as Spider-Man appeared as a playable character in the iOS video game.
  • In Marvel: Avengers Alliance, Miles Morales as Spider-Man appeared as a playable character with a Dossier in the Facebook video game.
  • In Marvel Future Fight, Miles Morales as Spider-Man appeared as a playable character in the iOS video game.
  • In Marvel: Contest of Champions, Miles Morales as Spider-Man appeared as a playable character in the iOS video game.
  • In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, Miles Morales appeared as a playable character in the setting of the video game where he was voiced by actor Nadji Jeter.
  • In Marvel's Spider-Man, Miles Morales appeared as a playable character in the setting of the video game where he was voiced by actor Nadji Jeter.


  • Ultimate Fallout v1: (2011)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man v3:
  • Spider-Man:
  • All-New, All-Different Avengers v1:
  • Champions:
  • Spider-Man v2:
  • Spider-Men II v1:
  • Miles Morales: Spider-Man v1:

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