Richard Grantham

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Richard Grantham

Richard Grantham was the nephew of Bedelia and Sylvia Grantham and brother to Cass. Like everyone else, he benefitted greatly from the death of Nathan Grantham.

A very flakey young man with a drinking problem, Richard took an instant disliking to his sister's husband Hank, and initially refused to help her go and look for him when Hank turned up missing. When Sylvia disappeared too, Richard finally agreed to go with Cass to look for them. Going into the kitchen, they were shocked to find the undead Nathan Grantham with Sylvia's head on a platter, declaring, "It's Father's Day, and I got my cake!"


  • Richard appeared in Father's Day.
  • Cass and Richard's fate is left unrevealed at the conclusion of Father's Day. However, the Creep's narration in the comic book adaptation implies that Nathan killed them shortly afterward.
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