World Government (One Piece)

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World Government is a government that features in One Piece.




World Government (Japanese: 世界政府, Hepburn: Sekai Seifu) was a global regime that came to be formed by the human nations of he world.

During Professor Clover's phone conversation with the Gorōsei, we learn more about the World Government. A long time ago, an enormous kingdom existed, which took great pride in its power and strength. During this time, the Ancient Weapons were constructed. People of that kingdom left the Poneglyphs as the only record of their existence, shortly before they were destroyed by some unknown enemy. Those enemies survived and, at the end of the Lost Century of History 800 years ago, the World Government was born. The Blank Century, according to Professor Clover, may be inconvenient history for the World Government. The kingdom held a great power, but all information about that was erased, along with that nation's ideals. Just as Professor Clover was going to speak the name of the ancient kingdom, one of the Gorōsei ordered him shot. Throughout known history, anyone wishing to study the Blank Century has been accused of trying to resurrect the Ancient Weapons and prosecuted as a criminal by the Government; knowledge of the poneglyphs is considered a crime in the highest degree.

Twenty-six years before the current events, scholars on the island of Ohara were secretly researching the Blank Century; several archaeologists including Nico Olvia departed on a voyage to search for the Poneglyphs. About six years later, Olvia was captured by the Marines, who murdered her colleagues and branded her a criminal. Plans were laid for a Buster Call on Ohara, with Vice-Admiral Saul in command; but Saul was shocked at the government's brutality towards "simple historians" and deserted, freeing Nico Olvia from prison in the process.

Olvia went straight home and warn her colleagues (including Professor Clover) before attempting to escape, but was recaptured by Director Spandine and agents of CP9. Cipher Pol soldiers ransacked the Tree of Knowledge and discovered a poneglyph in the basement. the professor was granted a phone conversation with the Gorōsei, and revealed much information pertaining to the Blank Century (see above).

As Clover was about to speak the lost kingdom's name, the Gorōsei had him shot and gave the order to commence the Buster Call, saying that Ohara's knowledge had "exceeded its bounds" and needed to be wiped out. The fleet, led by Vice-Admiral Kuzan (who would later become Aokiji), opened fire while civilians were directed to a waiting rescue ship and soldiers set fire to the Tree. Spandine abandoned Olvia and fled the bombardment, although he learned that eight-year-old Nico Robin could also interpret the poneglyphs. Robin was kept from boarding the refugee ship, which was sunk moments later by Vice-Admiral Sakazuki. Saulo had ended up on the island by chance, and destroyed six warships to protect Robin before being killed by Aokiji, who allowed Robin to escape as Ohara was utterly obliterated.

In the months that followed, the World Government, working in tandem with the Marines, issued a massive coverup. Little Nico Robin was blamed for Saulo's destruction and given a bounty of 79,000,000 beli; publicly, the Ohara scholars were called "demons" and accused of seeking the Ancient Weapons.

Fifteen years before the Arabasta Coverup, an unnamed (unseen in the manga but used as filler in the anime) pirate captain took five hundred of a certain nation's soldiers hostage and demanded the throne. As the king was about to cave, the World Government sent an "emissary": thirteen-year-old Rob Lucci, who resolved the hostage problem by murdering every single hostage before beheading the pirate captain.

The World Government made a move once again some 8 years ago at the island of Water 7. They discovered that the blueprints of the ancient weapon, Pluton, existed there and were under the protection of the great shipwright Tom. At that time, Tom had two apprentices working for him, Cutty Flam and Iceburg. Tom had spent the last ten years building a steam powered boat that would help make Water 7 a great city in order to cancel out the crime of building the ship belonging to Gold Roger. Tom was confronted by CP5 under the orders of the World Government to find and take the blueprints from Tom. However, Tom protected the blueprints by denying he ever had them.

Angry that Tom lied to him, Spandam, the leader of the CP5, decided to investigate Tom under the notion that he was a criminal. At the same time, he decided to frame Tom for not handing over the blueprints to him. On the day Tom was due for pardon for building Gold Roger's ship, CP5 attacked the boat the trial was to be held on using warships made by Cutty Flam, one of Tom's apprentices. Everyone knew who the warships belonged to and presumed Tom had ordered them to attack the trial boat to save himself. Still hoping to get the blueprints from Tom, Spandam confronted him once more declaring Tom as a criminal under CP5 and the World Government's investigation. However things did not go as planned. As Tom had been allowed to have one crime pardoned, he asked to have the crime committed that day, the attack on the trial boat, to be pardoned so that he could save his two apprentices.

As Tom was carted off on the steam boat he had created, Cutty Flam tried to stop it from leaving but was hit by the train and declared dead. After being declared dead, Cutty Flam was put down to being the one behind the attacks and he was known as a criminal who caused the deaths of over 100 people that day. Cutty Flam did not die however, as he managed to drag himself from the ocean and onto an abandoned ship, where he proceeded to modify himself into a Cyborg and later guising himself by bearing the new name Franky. Prior to being carted off, Tom had already handed the Pluton blueprints to Iceburg, the only apparent surviving apprentice of Tom. Thus once again the World Government had lost its chance to get hold of the blueprints.

One of the most recent actions made by the World Government was to hide the truth about Sir Crocodile and his actions in Arabasta. After Sir Crocodile was defeated and the secret behind the Baroque Works organization was discovered, the World Government took actions to cover-up the events that took place in that country. While it was Monkey D. Luffy and his crew that took out the Baroque Works organization, the World Government did not want the public to know that it was a pirate who defeated Crocodile and saved the kingdom of Arabasta. Captain Smoker and his partner Tashigi were awarded all the credit for the group's defeat and capture, and were given promotions.

To add to this, both were rewarded with medals and promotions, however, Smoker rejected both the medals and promotions for his partner and himself. Roronoa Zoro was given a bounty of 60,000,000 beli for defeating over 100 agents at Whiskey Peak and his defeat of Das Bones, while Luffy's previous 30,000,000 beli bounty was raised to 100,000,000 after the Arabasta events.

Later, Director Spandam was tipped off by Admiral Aokiji that the Straw Hat Pirates had recruited Nico Robin and were on their way to Water 7. Threatening the Straw Hats with a Buster Call, CP9 forced Robin to work with them. She and a disguised Blueno entered Iceburg's mansion and shot him, deliberately leaving him alive so that the Straw Hats would be publicly blamed.

The next night, CP9 attacked the mansion in full force with masks hiding their identities, and defeated dozens of Galley-La shipwrights who were protecting their boss. While retrieving the Pluton blueprints, foreman Paulie was attacked by Kaku and Lucci, who discovered the blueprints were fake. While Robin kept Iceburg under guard, CP9 met and decided to reveal their identities. Rob Lucci posited that Iceburg had given the blueprints to Franky, who had returned to the island four years previously and identified himself to Califa (only once) as Cutty Flam; Kaku used Iceburg's pulse to confirm this. The Straw Hats tried to interfere, hoping to clear their names and learn Robin's motivation. Robin was sent to the train station while CP9 easily defeated the Straw Hats.

Setting the mansion on fire (with Paulie and Iceburg trapped inside), CP9 hurriedly set out to locate Franky before Aqua Laguna struck. After brutally attacking the Franky Family, they learned that Franky was hiding out in Tom's old workshop, holding Usopp and the Going Merry as bait for Luffy. CP9 ransacked the warehouse, taking Franky prisoner when the Pluton blueprints could not be located. Spandam was notified of this, and eagerly anticipated his reunion with "Cutty Flam." Usopp was also captured, and Kaku sent the Merry into the sea. Chopper rescued Paulie and Iceburg, and the truth was made known; however, CP9 successfully departed with their prisoners aboard the Puffing Tom, bound for Enies Lobby.

Nami and Chopper search for Luffy and Zoro before the Aqua Laguna storm hits Water 7. While Luffy was found by Nami stuck between two towers, Zoro was found between stuck inside a chimney by Chopper. As Nami explains the reason why Robin left, Luffy frees himself, and Zoro using his sword after Chopper gave it to him. They narrowly escape the Aqua Laguna wave, with the help of Paulie. Luffy and Nami insist on rescuing Robin, despite Aqua Laguna occurring to prevent Nico Robin from entering Enies Lobby's Gates of Justice where she'll never return. Paulie argues that no ship can sail while Aqua Laguna occurs, but Kokoro suggests they use the Sea Train prototype Rocket Man. Luffy, Nami, Zoro and Chopper board as Kokoro pilots it, with the aid of Iceburg. Luffy allows the Franky Family to join them to rescue Franky, bringing their King Bulls, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Galley-La foremen, Chimney and her pet rabbit Gonbe sneak on board. Luffy, Nami, Zoro and Chopper change clothes. Luffy declaring although they fought both Galley-La Company and the Franky Family, they are now allies as Paulie and Zambai hold arms with Luffy to form a triangle.

Sanji secretly boarded the Puffing Tom train, and defeated the CP6 agent, Jerry, before rescuing both Usopp and Franky. After escaping to the roof, while Usopp said he left the Straw Hats, and had no business in their battle, only to reappear as Sogeking. They quickly baited the Marine Captain T-Bone into chasing them before releasing the train cart he was in. Sanji went on to defeat CP7 member Wanze, while Franky took on CP9's newest member Nero, and Sogeking went to the cart containing Robin. Wanze and Nero are defeated by Sanji and Franky respectively, and come to help Sogeking in getting Robin back. As Lucci eliminates Nero for weakness, and throws him in the Aqua Laguna, Robin makes it clear that she doesn't want to leave with them, even going as far as to attempt to break Sogeking's back, when he attempts to take her. Blueno defeats Sanji, saying to him that Robin will not leave because she has a terrible secret, with Lucci further reiterating her existence is a crime. Sogeking reminds her she's not allowed to leave the crew without the captain's permission, and tells her she must have faith in Luffy. As Kaku releases the cart, and Blueno uses his Doa Doa no Mi power to escape with the rest of CP9, leaving Sanji, Franky and Sogeking riding back down the tracks, while the CP9 agents reach Enies Lobby.


In appearance, the World Government was a global regime that was affiliated with roughly 180 countries from around the world. Those member countries retained autonomy and were responsible for running their own internal affairs, though the World Government does sometimes meddle. However, they cooperated with the World Government for massive international relations. At first glance, the World Government seems to maintain a worldly order that benefits all, making the world safe for the sake of everyone. Using the Navy, they pursue criminals endangering the lives of those who are innocent, protecting the people of each country in the world. The World Government is the largest World Power maintaining full rights to halt or encourage any political action without question or opposition from any side. The reality though is that, unknown to most citizens (and many world leaders), the World Government's actions are secretly and often based on corruption or questionable motives. Often when the storyline involves them, it shows them hiding the truth or ignoring the rights of the people. Individuals who become the enemies of the World Government are ruthlessly hunted down and dealt with and all those who walk along the same path as them are doomed to share the World Government's fury.

The World Government's power to release any information on anyone or anything they choose often cause the truth being hidden, altered or ignored all together. Any countries attempting to protect or harbour criminals are at risk from the World Government, although what would happen exactly has not been addressed yet. For the most part, the important role in maintaining world stability on a political ground far outweighs the corruption they often display. Often there is a 'holy' or 'just' theme to the naming of things related to the World Government, like 'the Just Eleven Jurymen'.

The heads of the Government are the Gorōsei (五老星 Five Elder Stars). They are five elderly men who rule above the Navy, the Cipher Pol and made a pact with the Shichibukai. The tall thin one with the moustache (second from right) spoke with Professor Clover, ordered Spandine to kill him and initiate the Buster Call. They have been shown to have at least a basic knowledge of the occurrences of the Void century, according to their shocked reactions to Professor Clover's statements.

The World Nobles (or Celestial Dragons) are the descendants of the twenty kings who founded the World Government eight hundred years ago. They were shown to be corrupt and arrogant, taking part in the slave trade and they carry their own oxygen supplies so that they do not need to breathe the same air as commoners. According to Hatchan, they have the authority to summon one of the three Admirals. All of the known World Nobles are knocked out by the Straw Hat Pirates and Silvers Rayleigh, causing the arrival of Kizaru, a Marine Admiral, with Bartholomew Kuma of the Royal Shichbukai as his infantry.

These are the equals of the Marine Seamen in the direct employ of the World Government. Unlike the Marines, their rank system and hierarchy is, to date, completely unknown, although they seem to fight alongside marine soldiers quite regularly. Their uniform is black, labeled with the emblem of the World Government in white.

All over the world, there are over 170 countries that are affiliates of the World Government. Within their own territory all these members have their own sovereign government that rules over its people. However, in the large World Government itself, those leaders are treated as equals, and each have a seat within it. Among these member countries, not all are of the same kind. Some are large countries with kings as their leaders, while others are simply big cities that are governed by mayors. Nations who are affiliated with the World Government also gain its protection, and can be helped and defended by the Marines and Cipher Pol. However, member nations must pay a tax to the World Nobles known as the Heavenly Tribute (天上金, Tenjōkin?, VIZ: "Heavenly Offerings" (former)). These extravagant payments often take a toll on poorer countries. Being unable to pay the Heavenly Tribute was the most common reason why a nation does not join the World Government. These non-affiliated nations often fall into ruin due to lacking the World Government's protection - in fact, not only can Marines act with impunity in non-affiliated nations, but the non-affiliated nations may also end up as victim of the triennial Native Hunting Competition, where the chosen island is forcefully annexed by the World Government, and its citizen rounded up for World Nobles to hunt that usually had no survivors. Most if not all unaffiliated nations only manage to survive by becoming an Emperor's territory or being self-sufficient enough to defend themselves.

Among the kingdoms that made up the World Government included:

  • Arabasta :
  • Dressrosa :

The Holy Land Mary Geoise (聖地マリージョア, Seichi Marījoa?) served as the capital of the World Government where its top brass resided and governed, the God's Knights had jurisdiction, and it was where the Celestial Dragons resided. It also hosts the Levely, a council of royalty from various World Government-affiliated nations that was in session every four years. Mary Geoise is located on top of the Red Line at the opposite side of the world from Reverse Mountain and serves as the official route for people to cross between the two halves of the Grand Line, although only people acting inside the law are allowed passage; thus, pirates and other criminals must go under the Red Line through Fish-Man Island to cross. Despite being officially proclaimed as the center of the world and not hospitable to any criminals that attempt to oppose or negotiate with the World Government, there have been notorious individuals who have either deliberately chosen to ignore this policy or have been temporarily exempted from the law.

One of their facilities was the Impel Down (Japanese: インペルダウン, Hepburn: Inperu Daun) that was an underwater prison that was used to hold prisoners.

In Paradise, the World Government controlled the island of Guanhao that was used as a training ground for Cypher Pol agents.


  • Im :
  • Saint Rosward :
  • Saint Charlos :
  • Saint Shalria :
  • Saint Donquixote Mjosgard :
  • Saint Jalmack :
  • Saint Camael :
  • Saint Donquixote Homing :
  • Professor Vegapunk :


  • World Government was created by Eiichiro Oda where they featured in the setting of the One Piece universe.

In other media


  • In One Piece, the World Government appeared in the setting of the anime television series adaptation.
  • In One Piece, the World Government appeared in the setting of the live-action Netflix television series.


Video games


  • One Piece:

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