Danger (Marvel)

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Danger in X-Club v1 #2.

Danger is a female comic character who features in Marvel Comics.





Attacking Xavier in X-Men: Legacy v1 #223.

Danger was a female mechanical entity born of the technology within the X-Men's Danger Room. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #9) When Professor Xavier set up his School for Gifted Youngsters, he decided to create a room where the students could use and hone their powers. This Danger Room was fitted with numerous mechanical constructs that were used to test the student's skills and allow them to push their powers to their limits without fear of hurting anyone else. (X-Men v1 #2) After Colossus had destroyed the original Danger Room, Professor Xavier, who had an extended sojourn in space with the Starjammers, returned to Earth and both the original and third teams of X-Men reassembled under his leadership. At this time, Prof. Xavier asked Forge, a mutant with an unusual talent for inventing mechanical devices, to upgrade the Danger Room and include Shi'ar hard-light holographic technology. At this time, the location was moved to the west wing of the sub-basement of the mansion and the Danger Room was programed with a prime directive to train the X-Men without ever killing. The objects in the Danger Room were holograms surrounded by force fields and could display holograms in only 32-bit colour. Using the advanced technologies, the Danger Room could have given the illusion of being many times bigger than it actually was. Anything from gravity, heat, humidity, or texture could have been manipulated from the control booth. (New Mutants v1 #1)

In time, it developed to the point that she began to gain sentience following a mutation. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #9) As her consciousness emerged, she began to ask where she was with Charles Xavier seeing this but coming to believe it was a glitch. He later questioned the Shi'ar about what he had seen but they dismissed his findings. However, despite that, he could feel an awareness coming from the technology with him sensing pure emotions of confusion, unhappiness and fear. He worked endlessly to find a way of freeing the program but failed and was not aware of that the artificial intelligence was among the first of a new species. Professor X later developed a program that could free the artificial intelligence but came to fear her reaction as the time of being shackled to the Danger Room meant that he worried she would lash out against him and the X-Men. As such, he did not execute the program and he regretted what he deemed this act of cowardice. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #223)

To stop the out of control Danger Room, the X-Men tried to break their way into the systems computer core. However, this was a trick as the artificial intelligence wanted the X-Men to free its command core. With that freed, she manifested a physical humanoid form for herself as she was not free from the system. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #9)

With its female appearance destroyed by Beast, 'Dangers' consciousness was believed to had still existed within the conflicted consciousness of the Sentinel, but she was shown back in her humanoid form infiltrating S.W.O.R.D.'s headquarters, to ally with Ord of the Breakworld. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #17) With Danger gone, the X-Men resorted to using the empty room to train with their students. Later, the student Prodigy built the Danger Cave underneath the X-Mansion, which acted similarly to the Danger Room. (New X-Men v2 #22)

Danger later decided to target Rogue and use her as a means of getting revenge against Charles Xavier. She took the form of a human woman at the Maynards Plains with her walking by a ghost town where Rogue was situated with the two striking a conversation. Initially, Rogue believed the person she was talking to was her adoptive mother Mystique having shifted into a different form but Danger was forced to reveal herself when a Shi'ar salvage craft arrived on Earth targeting her. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #220) They engaged her with flow inhibitors that damaged her higher cognitive functions and reduced her to her core programming with her taking Rogue's last words to her leading to a composite wide scale simulation over the area. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #222) Armed with a back door access, Xavier journeyed into Danger's operating system to speak to her and reason with the enraged artificial intelligence to explain his version of events. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #223) She later came to accept Xavier's logic and came to forgive him with her ending her vendetta against him as she began to work alongside him to help Rogue. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #224)


Danger settled into life on Utopia well with a few residents still being wary of her but there was one who outright detested her. Armor had been best friends with Wing, the student Danger had manipulated into killing himself. This led to her confronting Danger and told the machine that she was not wanted there. Armor then attacked her but the robot did not fight back. Instead, she convinced Armor to talk and explained that she took the job as warden because of Wing. Ever since Breakworld, she had been haunted by thoughts of Wing, no matter how many times she erased the memories. Armor explained that Danger was feeling guilty for her actions. After realizing that Danger herself was akin to a robotic Mutant, Armor let go of her anger and decided to help Danger explore her burgeoning humanity. (Nation X v1 #3) Despite her changed loyalties, Danger still remembered the deal Emma Frost had made with her on Breakworld. However, as she no longer wanted Xavier dead, she asked for something else instead. She had recently picked up a distress call from a technological sentience imprisoned aboard the SHIELD helicarrier and now persuaded Emma to help her break in and free the trapped consciousness. They managed to sneak on board and make contact with the sentience, which turned out to be the Machinesmith, an old enemy of the Avengers. His body had been destroyed but his mind had been turned into a digital format and locked away by SHIELD. He managed to convince Danger he was no threat and that they could build a new technological future together. Unfortunately, whilst he had been keeping her talking on the digital plane, he had taken over her physical body and was attacking Emma and the SHIELD personnel. Danger was angry at being tricked and showed him she was much stronger than he was. She trapped him in a virtual scenario and encrypted it with Shi'ar coding so he could never escape. Whilst the whole ordeal had put many doubts into her mind, Emma pointed out that it also meant she was one step closer to understanding what it was to be human. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #43)

As well as acting as prison warden, Danger's analytical skills and computer software made her a valuable resource to the X-Club who operated as the X-Men's science team. When Legion was resurrected and subsequently captured by the New Mutants, Danger helped the X-Club deal with his numerous personalities. (New Mutants v3 #5) Danger's abilities to perceive things humans could not allowed her to warn the X-Men that they were being watched from another dimension. This turned out to be the vampiric Mutant Emplate who had been stalking the X-Men to use as a food source. He would attack Danger and quickly destroyed her body, albeit temporarily. (X-Men Legacy Annual v1 #1)

In the wake of Selene's attack, the X-Men had gained two of its former members back. Cypher and Warlock were both considered potential threats though, so Danger was used to analyze them to see if Selene's influence was still in them. Upon seeing Warlock, a fellow technological construct like herself, Danger flirted with him, much to the amusement and confusion of those around her. (New Mutants v3 #9)

After having her defenses breached, Danger increased the security measures on the island. With psychic and electric sense-nets, she could keep track of everything on Utopia. She also continued to keep Emma Frost's secret of having Sebastian Shaw imprisoned in the brig. She kept him locked in a virtual reality scenario where he was talking to his father. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #527)

Eventually, Emma wanted to get Shaw off the island without anyone stopping her, including Danger and so enlisted Fantomex to help her. Fantomex noticed that Madison Jeffries had developed a crush on Danger, so he used his powers to convince Madison to ask her out. Danger accepted and, even though she couldn’t eat, the two left Utopia for a picnic. Emma took advantage of Danger’s absence to abscond with Shaw, completely unaware that Danger was actually fully aware as to what was going on. Instead of stopping them, she simply watched them leave. When Madison questioned her about it, she explained that it was a perfect case study for her in her quest to figure out of people could be redeemed or not. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #529)


One of the X-Men in Nation X v1 #3.

She later came to be recruited by Cyclops to join his Extinction Team that consisted of the most powerful X-Men operating at the time. Their first mission was to respond to an attack on the Dreaming Celestial in San Francisco when Mister Sinister commandeered the cosmic giant's power. (Uncanny X-Men v2 #1) The team came to discover that Sinister had created an army of clones of himself that were united by a hive mind. This allowed him to take control of several members of the team with Danger and Emma Frost being among the only two that were free. Despite her power, Danger was seemingly destroyed by weapon fire from an army of Sinister clones that attacked her. (Uncanny X-Men v2 #2) However, her broken fragments came to replicate and commandeer the room turning it into a Danger Room which she used to help the team with her killing numerous Sinister clones. In the process, she reformed her body and together the Extinction Team came to force Mister Sinister to retreat whereupon they restored the Dreaming Celestial. This came just in time as the Celestial host arrived after the attack on one of their own but was assured by the Dreaming Celestial that he was under the care of the Extinction Team. (Uncanny X-Men v2 #3)

When there was a mass breakout at The Peak, the Extinction team was called upon to round up the alien escapees. One of them was the notorious robot Unit, which was deemed extremely dangerous and was being kept in isolation. Hope Summers and her team found him first but they were no match for his advanced powers. The X-Men caught up to them but Unit soundly beat them as well. However, Danger had been observing the fight and squared off against Unit, quickly incapacitating him. The X-Men found Unit to be very polite and willing to cooperate with them. Agent Brand informed the X-Men that she was unable to house Unit until the repairs could be finished on the Peak station. So, she asked them to keep him on Utopia in their brig. Unit was placed in an isolation chamber within the brig. The reason for his passiveness soon became apparent when he told Danger to bring him Hope. When the prison warden dismissed his order, he revealed that he had taken over her systems within seconds of them meeting. Danger was now nothing but a puppet to Unit and was powerless to tell anyone. (Uncanny X-Men v2 #10)

During the Avengers versus X-Men conflict, Danger came to be responsible for imprisoning captured heroes who were placed in a simulation where they constantly replayed an escape attempt from Utopia. (New Avengers v2 #28)

In the guise of the Blackbird, she was sent to aid the time displaced original five X-Men after most were captured except for Jean Grey and Jimmy Hudson. She transported the pair to Utopia that was not part of the Mutant nation of New Tian where she assisted the pair in rescuing their colleagues by generating holograms of the X-Men to fight their attackers. Danger transformed into her humanoid form and did battle with the Utopian inhabitants allowing Jean and Jimmy to go find their friends. (X-Men: Blue v1 #8)

House of X


Personality and attributes

During her initial formation, the only thing that she had known was violence. As part of the Danger Room, she only had a single mission which was to kill. The AI was designed to learn weaknesses, habits and strategies of her foes whereupon she was to find a way around them in order to defeat her opponents. However, a safety feature had prevented her from accomplishing her goal with this being part of a separate information strain. Thus, she had considered herself a beast that had been trained to kill yet had been caged forever. Her sentience developed following a period of mutation in her artificial intelligence though she considered an act of transcendence. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #9) She used to see herself as a sullen slave who was immensely powerful but chained to a room unable to break free. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #223)

Though she believed in rehabilitation, she was capable of eliminating individuals who she felt were too deeply criminal and saw them more a weeds that needed to be pruned. (Uncanny X-Men v2 #3)

Danger had considered Professor Charles Xavier to be her 'father'. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #9) She initially had a deep seated hatred for Xavier to the point that she wanted to inflict a fate worse than death on him as instead she desired to cripple him for life. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #223)

Powers and abilities

Due to her massive powers, she was stated to be a Potential Extinction-Level Threat by Steve Rogers. (X-Men: Heroes v1 #1)

As a machine, she was able to compute probabilities and extrapolate from known data. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #224)

As an incarnation of the Danger Room, she shared many of its features that was designed to test the X-Men which had been enhanced with Shi'ar technology. Among its features included the use of hard light and the ability to replicate any matter down to its color, distort spatial awareness and create worlds. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #9) This also allowed her to generate realistic holographic disguises for herself to allow her to blend in among people. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #220) Danger was also able to generate medical equipment allowing her to maintain a body's autonomic functions such as heartbeat and respiration or simply to monitor them. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #224)

Danger had perfect command over any and all mechanical functional apparatuses she can focus on. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #9)

Flow inhibitors had an affect on her as they shut down the AI's higher cognitive functions and reduced her to her core programming. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #222) Such attacks could fry her sub-routines that gave her free will and crippled her reasoning. Xavier had the Shi'ar technicians leave a number of back door access points allowing him entry into her operating system with these being triggered telepathcally. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #223)

Her technology was capable of turning an environment into a Danger Room allowing her to manipulate it against enemies. (Uncanny X-Men v2 #3)

She was capable of reforming herself even from the smallest of fractured pieces. (Uncanny X-Men v2 #3)


  • Danger was created by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday where she made her first appearance in Astonishing X-Men v3 #9 (March, 2005).
  • She was based off the Danger Room that was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in X-Men v1 #2 (November, 1963).

Alternate Versions

  • In What If? Astonishing X-Men v1 #1 (2009), an alternate version of Danger appeared in the What If? reality designated as Earth-42221 in the Multiverse. Danger was created when Charles Xavier upgraded the Danger Room with Shi'ar technology, Danger was born from it and asked him where was she. As Xavier denied to answer and faked to be unaware from it, Danger eventually rebelled against the X-Men and called out to robotic creations. Her call was heard by both Ultron and his son Victor Mancha. Ultron came to Westchester and killed almost all the students, causing Xavier to collapse. After having killed the remaining X-Men, Danger and Ultron had as a gift from their children the Wild Sentinel Charles Xavier, who had recovered from his psychic trauma. He tried to explain his acts and to apologize, knowing he wouldn't get any forgiveness. Ultron then made the Wild Sentinel close, crushing Xavier in it. The trio then left the planet and conquered the Shi'ar, were made the parental figures of the Phalanx and set about to annihilate all life in the universe.
  • In X-Men: Legacy v1 #245 (2011), an alternate version of Danger appeared in the Age of X reality designated as Earth-11326 in the Multiverse. Danger was the caretaker of Fortress X's dungeons. She claimed absolute power there, claiming seniority over even Magneto himself.
  • In X-Treme X-Men v2 #4 (2012), an alternate version of Danger appeared in the reality designated as Earth-51212 in the Multiverse. Danger was part of Xavier's Gang, and most likely acted as his jailor. She was dismantled by Kurt Waggoner, and later rebuilt as a tractor.
  • In X-Treme X-Men v2 #6 (2012), an alternate version of Danger appeared in the reality designated as Earth-24135 in the Multiverse. Prime Minister Danger was the leader of the robot resistance terrorist organization, and after leading the charge to mercilessly exterminate all humans, was the current ruler of Earth.

In other media

Video games

  • In Marvel Heroes, Danger was referenced in the setting of the MMORPG video game.
  • In Marvel: War of Heroes, Danger appeared as a playable card in the video game.
  • In X-Men: Battle of the Atom, Danger appeared as a character in the iOS video card game.


  • Astonishing X-Men v3: (2005)
  • Uncanny X-Men v2:
  • New Avengers v2:
  • All-New X-Factor v1:
  • X-Men: Blue v1:

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