Graydon Creed

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Graydon Creed is a male comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.





Graydon Creed was the son of the Mutant Sabretooh and Mystique where he was born in the modern age on Earth. His parents had met in Germany when Mystique had taken the guise of a secret agent named Leni Zauber. Victor Creed was tasked with meeting the Germany agent in East Berlin where they were to assassinate a scientist in the city. In that time, they came to take shelter in a safehouse where the pair became lovers and slept together. Following the completion of the assignment, Mystique used the corpse of the real Leni Zauber to make her appear that she had died and disappeared leaving Creed to find the dead body on the streets. (Sabretooth v1 #3) Unknown to Victor Creed, Mystique pregnant and gave birth to Sabretooth's son who was born a human named Graydon Creed. Hiding her Mutant nature, she pretended to be human and raised her son claiming that his father was a bond trader. She came to send him to boarding school where one day he snuck away to follow his mother where he was shocked to find out she was a shapeshifting Mutant. This discovery led to Graydon feeling nothing but revulsion about learning about his parents where he came to hate all Mutants. (Sabretooth v1 #4)

Friend of Humanity

After Magneto tried to wipe out humanity from Asteroid M, and with the Acolytes and the Mutant Liberation Front increasing their acts of terrorism, Graydon saw the public backlash as an opportunity to step out of the shadows. During a live TV debate, he presented himself and the Friends of Humanity as a calm and dedicated organization that was looking out for the rights of humans. His charismatic personality helped gain support for his group at a time when anti-mutant hysteria was rising. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #299) Whilst the public knew Graydon had little love for mutants, they couldn’t have known how deep his hatred of them went. When he was approached by a mysterious man calling himself the Gamesmaster, Graydon quickly accepted the offer to join in a contest that involved the slaughter of mutants. Graydon found himself competing alongside a number of mutants and humans, all of whom all murdering mutants in a bid to score points so they could win an unrevealed prize. Going by the name of the Upstarts, the group had already gained a few notable kills, but Graydon soon found himself lagging behind, as he had yet to take anyone’s life. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #301)

Feeling the need to lie low for a while, Graydon went to Europe to concentrate on his business, as well as personal pleasures. It was there that he received word from one of the personal investigators who was looking into Mystique’s background, that his family was even bigger than he knew… he had a half-brother. Graydon did not look on this information positively and beat the investigator to death in a fit of anger. At the same time, he also received word that one of his Friends of Humanity contacts in Washington had been found dead. Whilst the death was ruled as natural causes, Graydon knew otherwise, though he nevertheless still travelled to the funeral a week later. His suspicions were right and Mystique ambushed Graydon there, wanting revenge for sending Sabretooth after her weeks before. His life was saved by the intervention of Rogue and Nightcrawler from the X-Men, who were covertly monitoring the funeral. When Graydon spoke to the authorities afterwards, he denied any link to Mystique. However, in a conversation with Forge, X-Factor’s Washington liaison, he let his mask slip and showed just how deep his hatred for mutants went. In the hopes of locating his mother, Graydon followed Rogue and Nightcrawler to the home in which Mystique had raised Rogue. Waiting for Nightcrawler to be alone, Creed approached the man and revealed that they were half-brothers. This was a revelation to Nightcrawler, as he did not even know who his real mother was, something which Graydon happily filled him in on. As Nightcrawler reeled from the revelation, Graydon attacked him, declaring that, of all the mutants in his bloodline, he was disgusted with the X-Man the most. He attempted to murder Nightcrawler but was knocked unconscious instead. When he came to, he found himself in the middle of a showdown between Mystique, Rogue and Nightcrawler. Seizing the opportunity, Graydon called in back-up in the form of a helicopter that rained missiles down on the area. Unfortunately for him, Mystique and the X-Men managed to escape the carnage, leaving Graydon to retreat to contemplate his next move. (X-Men Unlimited v1 #4)

Without the distraction of the Gamesmaster’s competition, Graydon could concentrate on his dealings with the Friends of Humanity and an aspiring political career. Capitalizing on the growing anti-mutant hysteria, he started to gather a larger following, using every act of mutant violence to his benefit. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #324)

Presidential Race=

During a TV interview with Trish Tilby, Graydon was interrupted by an elderly man who attacked his views on mutants. The man was escorted out of the building but Graydon couldn’t let the outburst go and he investigated into the man’s background. He discovered that he was the father of one of his new campaign assistants, who also happened to be Iceman of the X-Men. Still not knowing Iceman’s true identity, Graydon had his father beaten up and left for dead as a warning. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #340)


In an effort to eliminate the Mutant threat, the restored Bastion gathered various humans that had been involved in anti-Mutant activities whether they were living or dead which included Graydon Creed. They were all restored somewhat to life through the Techno-Organic Virus that Bastion had recovered from a Technarchy offspring. (X-Force v3 #3)

Graydon was uneasy at being used as a pawn in Bastion’s plan, especially when a thousand humans were murdered at one of his rallies. Bastion orchestrated the whole scenario in a bid to stir up hatred for mutants, with Graydon powerless to stop him. (X-Force v3 #12)

During the Second Coming, Bastion sought to eliminate the Mutant Messiah known as Hope Summers with Creed accompanying him. In the battle, Bastion decided in desperation to enter the fray and converted both Creed along with Lang's body that was turned into a Sentinel form to aid him. Despite their efforts, they were destroyed by the actions of the young Mutant girl who tapped into her powers to annihilate them. (X-Force v3 #28)

In the afterlife, he seemingly fell into the hellish domain of the demon Marduk Kurios where he was put through a constant nightmare to torture him. During this time, an Inverted-Sabretooth arrived in that realm alongside his Weapon X-Force where his personality having been changed to become more heroic had him feel incredible guilt over abandoning his son. This saw him attempt to save Graydon who begged his father to put him out of his misery in hell but Victor could not do so and wanted to return his son into the living world. (Weapon X v3 #26) Sabretooth's mission to stop the resurrection of William Stryker succeeded but he was sent to Hell as a result and rather than return to Earth he traded places with Graydon so that his son could be restored to the world of the living. (Weapon X v3 #27)


Personality and attributes

He once came to operate under the codename of Tribune. (Sabretooth v1 #1)

His hatred of Mutants stemmed from learning his parents were Mutants. (Sabretooth v1 #4)

Graydon Creed was the son of the Mutant serial killer Sabretooth and the shapeshifting Mutant Mystique. His parents true identities were hidden from him with his mother claiming that his father was a bond trader. (Sabretooth v1 #4)

Powers and abilities

Graydon Creed despite being born the son of Mutants though he himself was only human. (Sabretooth v1 #4)


  • Graydon Creed was created by Scott Lobdell and Brandon Peterson where he made his first appearance in Uncanny X-Men v1 #299 (April, 1993).

Alternate Versions

  • In Mutant X v1 #15 (1999), an alternate version of Graydon Creed appeared in the Mutant X reality designated as Earth-1298 in the Multiverse. This version was also the son of Mystique and Sabretooth and the founder of the Friends of Humanity. He became President of the United States after Mister Fantastic went missing. Graydon also reinstated S.H.I.E.L.D. and promoted Nick Fury to General.
  • In X-Men: Millennial Visions v1 #2000 (2000), an alternate universe of Graydon Creed was shown on a world designated as Earth-1004 in the Multiverse. This version was Vice-President of the United States when President James Jameson was killed allowing Creed to take power. He increased anti-Mutant hysteria leading to the Legion of Evil Mutants declaring war against him and in turn the United States. This results in the Gene Wars being waged on Earth with Creed's scientists developing an airborne toxin designed to eliminate Mutant life with this being the M-Pox. It was released with a sixteenth percent of the population including Graydon Creed himself perishing from the toxin.
  • In Civil War: House of M v1 #3 (2008), an alternate version named Graydon Creed was shown to exist in the House of M reality set on Earth-58163 in the Multiverse. After Magneto's takeover of Genosha, Graydon Creed rose to prominence as an anti-mutant activist, becoming friends with vice-president Bolivar Trask. His prominence, however, was short-lived, as Magneto, who compared Creed to Hitler, viewed it as his duty to rid the world of the man, sending his assassin Sabretooth to kill him. Creed's massacred body was found by government agents, and Trask ordered his death ruled an accident to prevent panic.
  • In Age of X: Alpha v1 #1 (2011), an alternate version named Colonel Graydon Creed was shown to exist in the Age of X reality set on Earth-11326 in the Multiverse. Graydon Creed had led a strike force that put the mutant race on the verge of extinction.
  • In Point One v1 #1 (2012) an alternate version named Colonel Graydon Creed was shown to exist in the Age of Apocalypse reality set on Earth-295 in the Multiverse. This version went by the known by the code-name Horror Show who was the son of Sabretooth but was born a human in a world where Apocalypse's empire of Mutants followed the creed of the fittest being allowed to survive. Graydon joined a band of human resistance fighters known as the X-Terminated where he fought against Apocalypse's forces.

In other media


  • In X-Men, Graydon Creed appeared as an antagonist in the 1990s animated television series where he was voiced by actor John Stocker. He was revealed to be the son of Mystique and Sabretooth in the episode "Bloodlines" but had been unaware of his parents being Mutants. Creed later became a prominent member and leader in the Friends of Humanity and led numerous demonstrations against Mutants whilst raising anti-Mutant hysteria. Creed hates mutants because he is ashamed of being part mutant himself and because his parents, Mystique and Sabretooth, were abusive to him. Many years later, Graydon founded the Friends of Humanity (FOH), an anti-mutant hate group that sought to vilify mutants. After the Beast's pardon by the President, Graydon's resentment grew even more and the Friends of Humanity began targeting the X-Men.
  • In X-Men: Evolution, a similar character named Duncan Matthews appeared in the setting of the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Vincent Gale. He was a Bayville High jock who dated Jean Grey and a rival to Scott Summers/Cyclops. After the secret about mutants was revealed, he became more antagonistic, turning to hate crimes and assaulting mutants. His hatred for mutants grew to the point that he attempted to kill X-Man Evan Daniels but was arrested.
  • In The Gifted, a company by the name of Creed Financials appeared in the live-action television series where it first mentioned in the episode "iMprint". They maintained a well known bank and had a history of acts of persecution against Mutants with them being for financing experiments on Mutants such as the creation of the Frost Sisters.


  • Uncanny X-Men v1: #299 (1993)
  • Sabretooth v1:
  • X-Men Unlimited v1:
  • X-Force v3:
  • Weapon X v3: (2018)

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