Queen Clea
Queen Clea is a female comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.
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Clea was a female member of the Atlantean people from the nation of Venturia on Earth-2. It along with its neighbour of Aurania were descended from the ancient landmass of Atlantis. At some point, she came to rise to the position of Queen of her nation of Venturia. (Wonder Woman v1 #8)
She then launched an attack on Aurania whilst they were unprepared where they fought fiercely but the defenders were captured with Clea's forces looking to claim its neighbours golds and slaves. Aurania's Queen Eeras managed to escape her prison and fled in order to seek out aid from people on the surface in order to free her people. (Wonder Woman v1 #8)
After freeing herself, Eviless managed to capture the guards and released the other captives on Transformation Island allowing them to take over the prison. Queen Clea of sunken Atlantis was among those that rallied under her where they came to form a group called Villainy Inc. that sought revenge against Wonder Woman. (Wonder Woman v1 #28)
For sometime, she had been plotting to regain the crown of Atlantis when she was contacted by King Kull from Earth-5. He had engaged in a scheme involving multiple worlds across the Multiverse and allied with a number of supervillains from these other realities. Among them included Clea where she helped oppose the heroes that sought to challenge them. (Justice League of America v1 #135)
Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Clea was a member of the Atlantean race who rose to power in the crumbling outpost of Venturia. For a long time, she sought to conquer the sister Atlantean city of Aurania. (Wonder Woman v2 #180) During World War II, Clea continued her attempts at conquering Aurania and intending to lay claim to Atlantis as well. She decided to trade weaponry with the Nazi's where she alongside her daughter Ptras travelled to a meeting spot with General Zahl. Clea offered a mystical horn tied to the sea god whose music could decipher any language allowing Nazi Germany to decode any message from their enemies. In exchange, the Nazi's offered Clea a u-boat which she intended to use to conquer Aurania but the meeting was interrupted by the arrival of Wonder Woman Hippolyta. Clea managed to get the drop on the hero but was stopped from killing her foe due to the seeming intervention of Miss America. Zahl departed the scene and Clea was betrayed by her own daughter Ptras who knocked her out thus thwarting her mother's plans. (Wonder Woman v2 #184)
Years later, she came to join the first incarnation of Villainy Inc. where she used their help to attempt to conquer Aurania once again. She alongside her allies were foiled once more by the hands of the Wonder Woman Hippoylyta. (Wonder Woman v2 #180)
Decades later, the Imperiex War came to Earth which saw the city of Atlantis being removed from the earthly plane of existence. Clea then conducted a desperate search for the fabled city and came to believe she found it in a distant nether realm. To conquer it, she assembled a new incarnation of Villainy Inc. where each of its members had a special power that she believed would get her to take over Atlantis. After taking the Trident of Poseidon, she and her team made their way to conquer the city only to instead discover the savage land of Skartaris. Despite not being Atlantis, the group went about conquering the region where they brought the primitive natives under their control. They then sought out the fabled city of Shamballah in order to find the location of the Master Computer that was created by ancient Atlantean refugees to manage Skartaris. After finding the city, they encountered the sorceress Jennifer Morgan where they interrogated her and found the underground chamber to the Atlantean supercomputer. (Wonder Woman v2 #180)
She later allied with Circe who empowered her where Clea came to regain the Trident of Poseidon where she joined a number of supervillains in an attack against Wonder Woman. Despite her power and their numbers, they found themselves to be defeated where they were apprehended by Thomas Tresser and taken into custody by the Department of Metahuman Affairs. (Wonder Woman Annual v3 #1)
Personality and attributes
In appearance, Clea was a tall beautiful woman who was descended from the Atlantean race. (Wonder Woman v1 #8)
Clea was noted to always be in a frenzied quest for the throne to rule. (Wonder Woman v2 #180)
She was noted to had fought Hippolyta and was the Amazon's most consistent enemies. (Wonder Woman v2 #180)
It was shown that she had a daughter by the name of Princess Ptra. (Wonder Woman v1 #8)
Powers and abilities
She was known to had wielded the Trident of Poseidon that was a weapon of the gods. (Wonder Woman v2 #180)
- Queen Clea was created by William Moulton Marston where she made her first appearance in Wonder Woman v1 #8 (March, 1944).
- The character received a brief mention in Wonder Woman Secret Files and Origins v1 #3 (2002) in the profile for Villainy Inc.
In other media
- Wonder Woman v1: (1944)
- Justice League of America v1:
- Wonder Woman v2:
- Wonder Woman v3:
- Wonder Woman Annual v3:
External Links
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