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- ...mmonwealth in surprise attack that ceased control of Earth and Venus from Human control. Under Neosapien rule, Human beings were considered as second-class citizens or worse.7 KB (1,062 words) - 18:16, 19 September 2016
- be loyal creations of Dr. [[Anton Arcane]]. They were part of his first experiments in achieving immortality and considered failures. Though crude, they were c the body parts of dead soldiers in a series of unauthorized necromantic experiments. As a trusted aide of [[Adolf Hitler]], the middle-aged Arcane came to be h10 KB (1,586 words) - 17:45, 27 May 2024
- ...)|Amon]] arrived who were seeking to create a perfect being. Their earlier experiments had created the [[Protoss]] who were gifted with the purity of form with th ...racy]]. This led to the formation of the [[Terran Dominion]] as the newest human empire to dominate the region. Meanwhile, the zerg captured a Terran Ghost7 KB (1,119 words) - 12:17, 14 September 2024
- ...nterested the government and attempted to urge for the continuation of the experiments regarding the Extremis Enhancile. ...efing later described it as a nanotech-based interface that works with the human nervous system. A.I.M. worked with Hammer Industries in developing it for t13 KB (2,103 words) - 13:06, 1 March 2021
- ...eir cousins however, their large mouths allow them to swallow a full-grown human being whole for a snack.879 B (137 words) - 02:01, 23 November 2005
- ...ter]]. The castle where he performed his experiments was discovered by the Human villagers who sought to storm it at the time when Viktor Frankenstein was s ...ed to use his first descendant [[Valerious, Boris|Boris Valerious]] as the human conductor to give life to his vampiric children but this failed. The disapp9 KB (1,488 words) - 14:03, 21 July 2013
- Zombies were reanimated under unclear circumstances (theories by the human population included radiation and an overflow of souls from [[Hell]]). Thes ...animated by a chemical known as [[Trioxin 245]] which made them hunger for human brains (to ease the pain of being dead) and much quicker in reflexes and in4 KB (607 words) - 21:01, 3 December 2007
- '''Max Eisenhardt''' was a male human [[Mutants (Marvel)|Mutant]] born on Earth during the early [[Category:1920s ...s, Magus came to forge a friendship with Xavier where they came to discuss human evolutionary mutation. Despite their kinship, the two came to disagree on h55 KB (9,475 words) - 11:38, 31 August 2024
- ...ress situations. Some believe mutants to be the next stage in the chain of human evolution, while others say they are simply a new branch of humanity. Muta ...fest in the millennia afterwards that could surpass those of the other two experiments in the future. Upon completing their task, the Celestials departed allowing38 KB (6,128 words) - 10:42, 10 September 2024
- ...eanimating the dead. Victor agreed and spent the next few years creating a human body from the corpses of seven men. The end result of his experiments was the creature which would become the [[Frankenstein's Monster (Van Helsi1 KB (229 words) - 00:41, 25 December 2007
- ...ors]] with journals speaking of how they had engineered life on Earth. The experiments had led to the creation of humanity that were to be the base line of a more ... to his [[Agito Makishima|contact]] in the hope of being returned to being human. He was pursed by a Chronos team sent to retrieve the Units but Malmot deto15 KB (2,474 words) - 13:01, 5 June 2022
- Vandal Savage was a male human born in the year 1,000,000 B.C. on [[Earth-2]] where he was 40 summers old ...h was divided between humans and Martians. Thus, Lionel secretly conducted experiments on Martian xenoforms whilst looking to awaken Perptua even though this was30 KB (5,108 words) - 12:33, 5 January 2024
- ...ll lacked the essential ingredient that made the potion successful for his experiments. His ability to change back from Hyde into Jekyll had slowly vanished in co In appearance, Edward Hyde was a male human described as pale and dwarfish with rough as well as corded hands. Everyone13 KB (2,177 words) - 16:57, 19 November 2023
- ...o lived a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. He came to be an insane human medical practitioner who boasted having the death sentence in twelve system In appearance, Evazan was a human male with a heavily scarred face. After committing a rash of crimes on Milv5 KB (715 words) - 12:25, 12 December 2023
- ...クター・ゲロ, Hepburn: Dokutā Gero, lit. "Doctor Gero") was a male human born on [[Planet Earth (Dragon Ball)|Planet Earth]]. He fathered two childr ... 16, he pursued another avenue, creating a pair of androids from a pair of human twins- [[Android 17]] and [[Android 18]]. However, the twins were dangerous9 KB (1,456 words) - 17:16, 21 October 2023
- ...t. Their construction was ordered by the [[Regess]] who conducted numerous experiments in regards to evolution, de-evolution and genetic engineering in the large ...suitable for living on the planet, the Genesis Pits were used to carry out experiments in biogenetic engineering. Creatures were cloned from different eras in the2 KB (311 words) - 19:49, 19 November 2017
- ...h-3]] that had crafted a mystical [[Power Ring]]. This ring was given to a human being who used it to become the super-criminal known as [[Power Ring (Crime ...s Earth, Volthoom was a Tibetan being that resided within a cursed ring. A human criminal found the ring where the caretaker warned of the cursed artifact b9 KB (1,559 words) - 00:23, 3 March 2017
- 3055 and showed Vicki he wore high leather soles when doing electrical experiments, explaining the disparity in height. Batman 3055 returned to the future, sa ...used him with hallucinogenic gas. Dr. Hurt was subjecting him to isolation experiments at the time, and used Zur-En-Arrh as a mental command he could use to shut53 KB (9,104 words) - 10:32, 13 October 2024
- *'''Wiccan''' : male human, Billy Kaplan in the future had become Doctor Strange's successor as the So ...gers transformation by a Nazi spy which resulted in the true nature of her experiments. Despite disappointment at the supersoldier program, the U.S. army believed18 KB (2,954 words) - 12:34, 8 January 2024
- ...imself by training among the solar system's asteroid belt and destroying a human army that attacked him. Cell was a genetically engineered being created as the result of Dr. Gero's experiments where the DNA of some of the greatest fighters were part of his makeup. Amo9 KB (1,381 words) - 13:40, 15 January 2021