Sublime (Marvel)

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Sublime is a character that features in Marvel Comics.



Sublime's origins were traced to an early time in the cosmos where he was one of two siblings with him having a sister called Arkea. These perfect twins were in thrall to their biological imperatives of replication, dominance and survival leading to the two battling with one another. Ultimately, Sublime won this struggle where he forced his sister out and as the victor decided to claim the primordial world of Earth. (X-Men v4 #1) Around 3 billion years ago, the primal screams of the newly formed planet claimed to had awoken Sublime and was when he knew himself as one mind. The entity became the first genome consisting of RNA and DNA where he was a perfectly adapted form as well as considered the pinnacle of evolution. This self-aware immortal being called himself Sublime and considered himself the dominant species of the planet. (New X-Men v1 #154)

On Earth, carbon slime colonies and bacterial mats gorged themselves on the abundant hydrogen available in the atmosphere. Whilst seemingly the dominant force, the Sublime entity actually hid and thrived within their DNA. A form of co-existence was achieved with native lifeforms whereby Sublime traded genetic innovations with the increasingly more organized lifeforms. Thus, Sublime achieved a role as a dominant species from this primordial sequence where he became the alpha gene. This cycle of existence even continued during the rise of mankind with humanity holding no defense against the infection by Sublime. Where humans thought themselves the rulers of Earth, they were unaware of the existence of Sublime within them. (New X-Men v1 #154)

The challenge to Sublime's dominance was the birth of Homo Superior whose mutations born of radiant atoms and broken chromosomes led to the birth of strong offspring. Thus, they became the first real threat to the eternal dominion of the sentient bacteria. In order to combat Mutants, Sublime infected ordinary humans with aggression and diverted energies into waging mindless conflicts with Homo Superior. It was hoped that being locked in perpetual struggle would prevent Mutants from breeding and thus ensure that they never grew into a threat that could bring about Sublimes extinction. This led to the creation of supermen that fought and died in meaningless shadow games against Mutants which was done so at the command of Sublime. (New X-Men v1 #154)

During the formation of Weapon X, he operated as an assistant to Dr. Abraham Cornelius. He had a short tenure there before moving on to the advancement of the Weapon Plus program where they had already created Weapon XI and XII. At this point, they sought to terminate Weapon X as being a dead end program but Professor Thorton decided not to comply where he instead separated his branch officially from Weapon Plus in an open act of defiance. (Weapon X v2 #23)

He would later meet with Malcolm Colcord and offered him the means of restarting the Weapon X program. (Weapon X v2 #23)

After the apparent death of Sublime, Fantomex checked his grave only to find his coffin empty with a card that read 'Roanoke'. (Weapon X v2 #23)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Sublime was created by Grant Morrison and Leinil Francis Yu where he made his first appearance in Marvel Comics Presents v1 #79 (June, 1991).
  • A character similar to Sublime known as That Which Endures previously featured Avengers West Coast v1 #47 though no reference has been made whether these are separate entities or the same being.

Alternate versions

The Beast in New X-Men v1 #153.
  • In New X-Men v1 #151 (2004), a version of Sublime appeared in the alternate reality designated as Earth-15104 which was set 150 years in the future during the "Here Comes Tomorrow" story arc. It was shown that Beast had taken the role of being the new Headmaster of the Xavier Institute where the stress of the position saw him take the drug Kick which actually contained Sublime. This allowed the organism to take possession of Hank McCoy who became his new host body whereupon he waged a war against Mutants. Thus, he became known as The Beast with his hosts fur going white whilst he began mass producing genetically engineered species that were used to fight other races for domination on the planet over the next century. Among his servants was Apollyon the last U-Man and he used Mutant genetics that were combined with one another to produce creatures such as the teleporting duplicating Crawlers with this conflict bringing other species on the verge of extinction. Ultimately, he sought to acquire the Phoenix Egg in order to use its power to freeze evolution making it stagnant and allowing the Beast's own creations to control the Earth.
  • In E is for Extinction v1 (2015), a version of Sublime was shown to reside on Battleworld. This version resided in a Mutant realm where he was discovered by Magneto when he amplified his own powers with the Mutant Growth Hormone. Through the Phoenix Egg, Magneto enslaved Sublime but not before the viral entity released spores that spread to the winds of Battleworld. Once released, Sublime managed to infect one version of Beast becoming the White Beast that became his prime host and enslaved other versions of Hank McCoy in order to build an army to reclaim the Phoenix Egg with the intention of defeating God-Emperor Doom and taking Battleworld for himself. They battled the X-Men where Professor X within Quentin Quire's body used his powers to destroy Sublime on a subatomic level thus killing the virus and freeing the many Beast hosts that he controlled.

In other media


  • In Marvel Anime: X-Men, the character featured where he was voiced in the English Dub by Troy Baker. This version of the character featured as a white haired human with a mechanical eye and was a leader of the U-Men. He along with fellow member Kick were responsible for kidnapping Mutants in order to harvest their organs. Kick was eventually killed by the X-Men leading to Sublime ambushing the Mutants whilst wearing a robotic suit of armor that was immune to their abilities. However, Beast managed to find a weak spot in the armor which allowed his comrades to defeat him whereupon Sublime initiates a self-destruct sequence that kills himself after it was learnt that he had in his possession a mutant detection device.

Video games

  • In X-Men: Destiny, the character featured as a boss enemy where he was voiced by Joel Spence. John Sublime was shown to be the leader of the U-Men that were harvesting Mutants for their genetic material which led to a confrontation with the games heroes. As a result, he injected a serum in himself which was made up of concentrated samples of the X-Gene which gave him Mutant powers as well as made him into a monstrous figure. Sublime was defeated in the struggle with it being presumed that he died of his injuries.


  • New X-Men Annual 2001:
  • New X-Men v1 #154: (2004)
  • X-Men v4 #1: (2013)

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