Morgana Le Fey (Trollhunters)

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Morgana Le Fey is a female villain who features in Trollhunters.



Morgana Le Fey was an ancient powerful female sorceress who some claimed was older than the world. At some point, she was noted to had become an apprentice to the wizard Merlin where she came to learn more about the magical arts. However, she intended to bring about her domination of the world leading to her becoming a sworn enemy of Merlin. The two battled with Morgana came to lose her left hand that Merlin was used to create a mystical relic known as the Amulet of Daylight. Around this time, Morgana she came to create hostility between the races of man and Trolls that led to war erupting between the two for the surface world. This brought about the rise of a wicked Troll from the Heartstone who took the name of Gunmar with the vicious warlord pledging his servitude to Morgana in bringing about the Eternal Night. Gunmar's tribe of Gumm-Gumms came to steal Troll children where Morgana used her magic to turn them into a race of spies called Changelings who were used against the good Trolls. To defeat Morgana and her warriors, Merlin used the Amulet of Daylight to empower warriors known as Trollhunters in protecting the world. At some point, she was called upon by the Troll Angor Rot who desired to live forever with her giving him his wish by stripping his soul as he was turned into her champion. Rot was then charged with hunting down the line of Trollhunters and bringing about her return. Ultimately, the conflict among Trollkind led to the Battle of Killahead where Gunmar along with his armies were forced through a mystical bridge leading to them being trapped in the otherworld realm of the Darklands. At the same time, Merlin battled Morgana where he succeeded in defeating her where she came to be imprisoned in the core of a new Heartstone.


Personality and attributes

She came to be known by many names including as Argante, the Pale Lady, Baba Yaga, the Eldritch Queen, the Mother of Monsters, and to the Changelings was known as the Lady Creator.

Her ultimate goal was to conquer the world that she intended to do so by bringing about the Eternal Night.

Powers and abilities


  • Morgana Le Fey was voiced by actor Lena Headey.


  • Trollhunters:

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