Cassie Sandsmark

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Cassie Sandsmark in Young Justice v3 #1.

Cassie Sandsmark is a female comic superhero who features in DC Comics.





Cassandra "Cassie" Sandsmark was a blonde haired female human who was the daughter of Helena Sandsmark. (Wonder Woman v2 #105)

Cassie then made a plea to Zeus himself where she asked to have power so that she could help Wonder Woman with him stating that he would grant her fondest wish. (Wonder Woman v2 #122) She was then transported to Jason Blood's apartment where she arrived alongside her mother and Diana. The place was then attacked by Artemis whose target was Blood who revealed his true nature as the demon Etrigan. (Wonder Woman v2 #123)

She was responding to an incident when a cat was being attacked by some kids who she fought off though the feline ended up scratching her before running away. It was then that she was approached by a ghostly figure called Secret who wanted her help stating that it was to save Superboy, Robin and Impulse. (Young Justice v1 #4)

Teen Titans

Whilst near the library, they heard people screaming that the place was haunted by a ghost. Upon investigating the site, Robin determined that it was actually Impulse who was moving at such high-speeds that no one could see him and he was not interacting with them. Whilst Robin and Superboy spoke, Cassie heard a voice calling out to her and went outside the building where she saw in the glass the Greek god of war Ares. He expressed an interest in her as they were related and promised that he would not abandon her as the others had with him gifting her a magical lasso that he claimed was linked to Zeus himself. Before she could ask more, the glass shattered leaving her alone but now armed with a new weapon. (Teen Titans v3 #4) She then joined the team in battling Deathstroke where they learnt from the older Titans that it was actually the villain's son Jericho who had possessed his father and was on a mission to end the Teen Titans team from forming as he believed it only brought the tragic death of a young hero. Jericho moved through multiple Teen Titan's members before disappearing when Raven arrived who also vanished when something took her away. Wonder Girl later rendezvoused at Titan's Tower with the others where she and Superboy shared a kiss as they spoke about each other's lives. Superboy was then thrown to the side by Wonder Woman who expressed her unhappiness at Cassie joining the Teen Titans with her stating that she was there to take Sandsmark back home. (Teen Titans v3 #5)

Wonder Girl's class discussed Wonder Woman's murder of Maxwell Lord, and they directed their anger at Wonder Girl, causing her to turn violent. She left school to help the Teen Titans deal with an army of demons unleashed on Los Angeles by Brother Blood. The Titans fought the demons and the New Titans, a group of former Titans resurrected by Blood, while Raven and Beast Boy went into the afterlife and found that Brother Blood had Kid Eternity chained in the opening of the door between life and death, allowing the opening to widen. They freed him, and he sent the demons and New Titans back to the afterlife, and temporarily resurrected Blood s predecessors, who tore him to bits. (Teen Titans v3 #31) Superboy Prime confronted Superboy because he wanted to take his place, and was willing to kill him to do it. Superboy took a beating from Prime, but called Wonder Girl and the Titans and their reservists on an emergency signal. There were casualties, but Flash Jay Garrick, Flash and Kid Flash took Prime out of action by running him into the Speed Force. Superboy's heart stopped, but he was revived by Raven. (Teen Titans v3 #32)

Cassie was still very furious at Diana, who she felt abandoned her during the last year. She was also not pleased that Robin was aware of Diana's disappearance, but never told her about it. Diana and Cassie had not been able to discuss their past differences, partially due to the kidnapping of Donna Troy. When Donna questioned Cassie's hesitance to be near Match due to his resemblance to Superboy, Cassie finally broke down and told Donna how hurt she was over Superboy's death after all that time. Adding to her pain, Cassandra attended Bart Allen's funeral. During a heated and controversial eulogy, she vowed to get revenge for Bart's death. (Countdown v1 #43)

Cassie and Supergirl discovered that their friends and family had been placed in an internment camp due to their ties to the Amazons. After a failed attempt to aid them, the two heroes agreed to bring the U.S. President to Hippolyta in order to stop the war. They are ambushed by a group of Amazons in the process, which caused the President to become mortally wounded. The actions of the Amazons and Wonder Girl's own involvement caused public outcry and hatred against all those who had followed in Wonder Woman's footsteps. Ultimately, Cassie declared that despite her training and past, she was not an Amazon, preferring her ties to the Teen Titans over that of Paradise Island. (Teen Titans v3 #49)

An army of Earth's heroes, including Wonder Girl and the Teen Titans, appeared to take Superboy-Prime down during the Sinestro Corps invasion of Earth. The heroes focused on wrecking his armor, because after a year on Oa, and away from a yellow sun his Kryptonian body still wasn't at full strength, and his armor collected sunlight. Superboy bragged that once the sun rose on Earth he'd be at full power. Superboy was battered by Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman, who blamed him for Superboy's death, as well as Supergirl and Power Girl, who blamed him for the death of the Superman of Earth-2. As the fight went against him, Superboy broke down in tears. He tried to wipe them away, saying that it was impossible foir boys to cry, and then whining that no one ever thanked him for sacrificing his Earth to save the multiverse. The battle lasted until dawn, and he flew into the sunrise. As he achieved full power he declared himself the one, true Superman. The Guardians arrived with Sodam Yat, the new Ion, and pitted him against Superboy-Prime. (Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime v1 #1) The Sinestro Corps War raged on Earth, and while Wonder Girl and an army of superheroes battled the Corps the Anti-Monitor prepared to unleash an anti-matter wave to destroy Earth. With Earth s destruction, the entire 52 would fall, and he would once again rule all that was. The GLC ruptured the heart of Anti-Monitor s Warworld, the Sinestro Corps central power battery, and created a shield around Warworld and the Monitor. The ensuing blast nearly destroyed the Anti-Monitor, and he was finished off by Superman-Prime, who betrayed him for having destroyed his home, Earth-Prime. GL Hal Jordan defeated Sinestro in personal combat, and the Sinestro Corps, lacking any leadership, fled Earth. The heroes rejoiced and began rebuilding the damage made by the the Sinestro Corps. (Green Lantern v4 #25)

In the months following the kiss, Cassie and Tim continued to go through 'will-they-won't-they' moments in which they both questioned the validity of their relationship. It was after a battle against an army of future Titans, the pair finally decided to date. Unfortunately, their relationship is short-lived, as after their first official date Cassie ended the relationship, feeling guilty that she was using Tim. (Teen Titans v3 #55)

Due to personal responsibilities, neither Conner nor Bart returned to the team, though Cassie still continued to lead. However, following the demise of Red Devil, Cassie started questioning her leadership and began to make mistakes. During a massive battle with Cinderblock in downtown San Francisco, Cassie refused to let her team attack the villain directly, causing massive destruction to the area. The heroes continued in their fruitless stalemate until Beast Boy arrived and took command of the team, leading to their victory. In the aftermath of the battle, Beast Boy told Cassie that she had to stop dwelling on Red Devil's death or else more innocent people were going to get hurt, something she did not take kindly. (Titans v2 #17)

Robin made the decision to leave the Teen Titans for an undetermined length of time in the wake of Batman's death, leaving Cassie with the task of assembling and leading a new team. After an unsuccessful attempt by Kid Devil to recruit teen metahumans such as Klarion, Shining Knight, and the teen members of the Justice Society of America, Cassie eventually gaieds three new Titans in Static, Aquagirl, and Kid Eternity. Kid Eternity's ability to summon the spirits of the deceased briefly tempted Cassie into having him summon Conner's spirit. She eventually decided against it, telling Eternity never to grant her such a request, even if she were to beg him. (Teen Titans v3 #71)

After this, Cassie travels to New York to confront Cyborg about Beast Boy's statements. He assures her that she is capable of leading the Titans, and she returns to the team and admits to them that she is done moping over Conner and Eddie. She then leads the team to the city of Dakota in order to rescue Static, who had been kidnapped by a superhuman gangster named Holocaust. (Teen Titans v3 #79) After hearing about a battle between Static and Holocaust in downtown Dakota, Cassie arrives on the scene with Bombshell and Aquagirl. The three heroines are easily defeated and captured by Holocaust, who then informs them that he plans on killing them and weaponizing their powers in order to sell. Beast Boy and the other Titans arrive at the compound to retrieve their comrades, but end up being overpowered and defeated themselves. At the last second, Cyborg bursts into the compound with Superboy and Kid Flash, preparing to rescue the other Titans. (Teen Titans v3 #81) Cassie is soon freed, and assists Superboy in holding off Holocaust while the other Titans make their escape. In the final battle, Cassie uses her lasso to bind the villain, allowing Kid Flash to finish him off by sending him plummeting into the Earth's inner core. On the plane ride back to San Francisco, Conner remarks that Cassie seems to be ignoring him, and she simply responds by telling him that he is correct. (Teen Titans v3 #82)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.

She he was ambushed on the coastal highway by a fake policeman. Red Robin, who had been tracking N.O.W.H.E.R.E., intervened. When he explained why he was there, Cassie was distrusting and reluctant. Not just because this metahuman-hunting organization now attacked a non-metahuman, but also because Red Robin was aware of her criminal activities. A renewed attack forced her to activate her armor. Though she defeated the attacking helicopter, she realized her life wouldn't be the same. (Teen Titans v4 #1) Cassie took Red Robin to her home, where he spent the night on the couch. He explained he was going to investigate other metahuman kids, but Cassie told him she was not interested in teaming up. She did decide to track his movements as he investigated Skitter, and saved him in an ambush by N.O.W.H.E.R.E. agent Thrice. (Teen Titans v4 #2) She started doing more research into N.O.W.H.E.R.E., and enjoyed it. (Teen Titans v4 #3)

She later met with Hippolyta at the Hall of Justice who revealed her quest in finding a newly discovered Amazon that played an important role according to prophecy. Cassie came to offer to help her in finding this person and was told that the Amazon was located in Brazil. Wonder Girl then went on the mission travelling across the country in search for the Amazon. In pursuit of a lead, she was attacked by Artemis who mistakenly believed that Cassie was following her as she was on her own quest for the person. This led to a brief fight between the pair when they were confronted by a pair of Amazon assassins who were looking to eliminate the girl of prophecy as she was deemed a threat to their people. (Wonder Girl v3 #2)


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Cassie Sandsmark was a young female with blonde hair. (Wonder Woman v2 #105)

Her mother was noted archaeologist Professor Helena Sandsmark who was an expert on Greek myth. (Wonder Woman v2 #105)

It was shown that she used to have a crush on Superboy. (Young Justice v1 #4)

Powers and abilities

Child of the gods in Young Justice v3 #19.

She was later given a golden lasso called the Lasso of Lightning that became her signature weapon. With it, she could wrap someone up in the rope and if she thought of hurting them then it emitted lightning from it. (Teen Titans v3 #5) The lasso responded to her emotions as when she got angry it could release lightning strikes though she struggled in controlling the voltage. (Teen Titans v3 #10)

The armor was said to had been forged in the heart of the Sun with it said that no force on Earth could scratch or melt it. (Teen Titans v4 #11) It was said that the longer she was covered in the armor than the less control she had over herself. The Silent Armor was said to be parasitic and that it could not survive without a host. (Teen Titans v4 #12)

Cassie was once given magical strength and the power of flight by Zeus. (Wonder Woman v2 #122)


  • Cassie Sandsmark was created by John Byrne where she made her first appearance in Wonder Woman v2 #105 (January, 1996).

Alternate Versions

  • In Young Justice v3 #8 (2019), an alternate version of Wonder Girl was shown to exist in the Multiverse on Earth-3. On that world, she was a brunette haired warrior who went by the name of Amaxon Thunder who dominated other young heroes that she brought under her control where they ruled parts of Earth after the disappearance of the Crime Syndicate of America.

In other media


  • In Young Justice, Cassie Sandsmark as Wonder Girl appeared in the animated television series 2nd season Invasion starting in the episode "Happy New Year" where she was voiced by actor Mae Whitman.


  • In Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, though not named a character resembling Cassie Sandsmark appeared in the animated film as a person at a diner where Superman and Wonder Woman were having a date.

Video games

  • In DC Universe Online, the Cassandra Sandsmark Wonder Girl appeared in the MMORPG where she was voiced by actor Mindy Raymond.


  • Wonder Woman v2: (1996)
  • Young Justice v1:
  • Teen Titans v3:
  • Wonder Girl v1:
  • Teen Titans v4:
  • Young Justice v3:
  • Wonder Girl v3: (2021)

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