Zuul and Vinz Clortho
Zuul and Vinz Clortho were the two loyal minions/pets of Gozer the Gozerian and are both otherworldly beings known as Terror Dogs. They were hairless quadrupeds with powerful, dark-tinted bodies and horns protruding out of the sides of their heads. Zuul was thought to be female because her horns were shorter and because she was called the Gatekeeper while Vinz Clortho was thought to be male due to his title of Keymaster and his longer, more prominent horns. Both hellhounds had tails, glowing red eyes, and large demonic claws. They were lion-sized and looked and acted like nothing more than mindless beasts, but they were actually very intelligent, with the ability to possess human hosts and perform human-like acts. However, while possessing human forms, they still showed characteristics of their animalistic nature, giving their hosts the ability to bark and roar horrendously when severely angered and flare their eyes red similar to their eyes in their native, demonic dog form. During possession their human hosts were also given other supernatural abilities such as levitation and telekinesis and were also able to transform back into their demon dog forms when the time came.
Both Terror Dogs possessed two tenants of the Shandor Building, with Zuul possessing Dana Barrett and Vinz Clortho possessing Louis Tully respectively. They went on eventful journeys, with both demons encountering Ghostbusters. On the same night Zuul took possession of Dana Barrett, she was visited by Peter Venkman while Vinz landed in the custody of Egon Spengler. During her "date" with Peter, Zuul desperately tried to mate with him as part of the ritual to bring Gozer into this world, under the impression that he was her Keymaster. Peter quickly realized Dana was not herself and ignored her wanton advances. Their encounter ended with her having a demonic outburst of rage when, in Dana's human form, Zuul snarled and roared monstrously like the demonic beast that she would soon become. Meanwhile, Vinz Clortho was captured by the police after harassing a coachman in Central Park and brought to the Ghostbusters headquarters, where he was put under several tests by Egon in order to determine the severity of his possession of Louis. One of these tests revealed the true monstrous nature of his identity on a screen. The two demons eventually found each other in Dana’s destroyed apartment after Vinz escaped during the Ghostbusters firehouse explosion, which released all of the pent up supernatural energy onto the city. The pair met in the center of the demolished living room, staring lustily at each other before engaging in a passionate kiss. They then walked up to the building’s rooftop where the two demons proceeded to have sex on a ceremonial altar in front of the doorway to Gozer's Temple as part of their satanic mating ritual. Afterwards both demons awoke in a trance-like state, basking in the hellish storm that had manifested above them during their encounter. With their mating ritual complete, they slowly walked toward opposite pedestals once occupied by them in their statue forms. Zuul and Vinz stood atop their pedestals waiting anxiously for the right moment to finally bring their master into the world. Eventually both demons raised their arms to the sky and smiled, knowing that the time for the summoning of their master had finally arrived. Zuul and Vinz were then struck by two bolts of supernatural lightning coming from the top of the structure, which they redirected towards the gates of the Temple of Gozer. Their actions caused the gates to slowly grind open, revealing a staircase, a translucent door with two pedestals on either side, specifically for them. With the ritual almost complete, the two demons began absorbing the full power of the supernatural lightning striking their human bodies, making them thrash wildly atop their pedestals while also making their humanoid skeletons light up, signaling that their hosts' bodies were ready to be transformed. They both finally succumbed to the force of the storm weighing them down and got on all fours.The Ghostbusters charged back to the temple, with Gozer right on their heels. They readied their proton packs. Vinz watched as Zuul mounted her pedestal. He roared at them as Zuul turned towards them, wagging her tail and lifting her paw. The Ghostbusters fired at the temple gates where Gozer had entered from. They crossed the streams. Vinz stared at the blast and roared, lifting his paw. Zuul stared angrily at the Ghostbusters and roared several times, powerless to stop what was about to happen. She stared at the doorway as Vinz swatted at the proton streams. Before the dogs could intervene any further, the temple exploded, along with Gozer in her Marshmallow Man form. When the smoke cleared, the burnt corpses of Zuul and Vinz laid within the temple, frozen like stone gargoyles. Dana and Louis emerged from their demonic possessors' burnt corpses, reverted back to human beings from their Terror Dog forms. Zuul and Vinz Clortho were believed to be destroyed, along with their master, Gozer. However, as with all immortal demi-gods, they are likely to make a return and attempt to take this world once again.
Nearly 40 years later, the spirits of Zuul and Vinz rematerialized within an underground temple built solely for Gozer. The Terror Dogs possessed two people in order to jumpstart the ritual. Zuul possessed Callie Spengler, the daughter of the late Egon Spengler, while Vinz Clortho possessed Gary Grooberson, the school teacher of Callie's children. Gary, possessed by the Terror Dog, made his way to the Shandor Mining Company, a sort of Temple of Gozer that was disguised by Ivo Shandor as an ordinary mine. Gary was able to destroy most of it, leaving the main temple exposed. It was the exact same as the one from 1984: a staircase leading up to a crystalline door with two pedestals for the Terror Dogs. Gary smiled as he was staring at his destiny. Meanwhile, Callie, now possessed by Zuul, sat in the living room of the farmhouse, awaiting her Keymaster. Her former children arrived and tried to talk to her. Callie barked and roared at them in defiance before the house was hit with a blinding light. Callie smiled as she saw that Gary had opened the temple. She then snarled at the others before diving out of the window and galloping towards the temple on all fours, like she would as a Terror Dog. Gary sat in a field atop a large boulder, awaiting his gatekeeper patiently. Callie finally approached and Gary sensed her presence. He got up and began to run towards her. Callie then ripped her clothes off, revealing a bright gold dress underneath. Gary stared at her, stunned. He complemented her eyes. Callie smiled before responding in demonic gibberish, presumably also complementing his looks. Gary thanked her and, before he could forget, he handed her a flower he had found in the field. Callie sniffed it and purred before grunting as she swallowed it whole. The two then got down on the grass and proceeded to have demonic sex. Afterwards, the couple made their way to the temple and proceeded to walk up the staircase towards two opposite pedestals. Callie's former children watched them from afar as she and Gary mounted their pedestals and raised their arms up to the sky. Callie smiled as she was struck by supernatural lightning, along with Gary. The two eventually got down on all fours under the weight of the lightning striking them. Callie and Gary then turned into Terror Dogs almost in unison. Once the transformation was complete, Zuul roared ferociously as the lightning ran off of her beastly form, while Vinz watched, wagging his tail. Zuul, formerly Callie, stood up and stared at her former children with nothing but demonic rage. She wagged her tail as she roared at them. Zuul and Vinz then ran up to the top of the temple and awaited their master's arrival. Once Gozer finally arrived, she was greeted by Ivo Shandor himself. He stated how he has waited for this moment for years and that he had built this temple for her in case she had ever returned to Earth. Gozer touched his face sympathetically before she grabbed his hair and ripped him in half. Gozer then bent down next to Zuul and scratched her chin with her lightning-tipped fingers. Zuul purred and nodded her head as her master pleasured her. The dogs then leapt down back to their pedestals where they first transformed. Gozer then leapt down to her throne and sat on it. Vinz growled. The demonic trio then sat there, docile, awaiting the right time to begin ruling the world. Zuul and Vinz looked around in triumph, ready to serve their master forever.
However, as Zuul, Vinz and Gozer's victory was at hand, Callie's daughter, Phoebe, came out of the shadows, greeting Gozer. Zuul snarled at her as she approached her master, as she recognized her from the farmhouse after she threatened her while she was still in human form. Zuul sneered as fought every urge to not attack her. Phoebe stared at Zuul in fear, knowing full well that her mother was gone, and that Zuul had fully taken over. Phoebe then began to crack jokes at Gozer in order to distract her. Gozer seemed all but pleased with the display. The Terror Dogs watched, snarling. Meanwhile, Phoebe's friend, codenamed Podcast, controlled an RC ghost trap and carefully maneuvered up the pedestal where Zuul stood. The dog continued to focus her attention on Phoebe, her tail twitching behind her as she watched. The trap slowly moved under Zuul's body until it accidentally bumped into her paw. Zuul was startled and grunted as she turned her head towards Podcast, barely seeing him. Zuul didn't think too much of it and readjusted her four legs, still focusing her attention on Phoebe. She and Vinz stared at her from atop their pedestals, snarling and purring menacingly as Phoebe wasted Gozer's time. Gozer then asked her if she had come to offer herself in sacrifice and if she was prepared to die. Phoebe asked if she was. Just then, Podcast successfully positioned the ghost trap directly underneath Zuul's body and pressed the button. It opened up and began to absorb the spirit of Zuul within it, weakening Gozer's form in the process, as it needs both of its minions alive to stay in a stable form. Callie emerged, back to human form, covered in ash. She lost her footing, as her body wasn't used to standing on two legs, and began to tumble down the temple staircase. Vinz, still using Gary's body as a vessel for his Terror Dog form, roared out of anger as he watched his mate being captured before his eyes. Gozer writhed in agony as Zuul was taken away from her. Vinz turned his attention to his master and stared at her in horror.
Vinz then began to chase after Zuul throughout the streets of Summerville. Phoebe fended him off with her particle thrower while she informed Callie that she had been possessed and turned into a dog. After reaching the farmhouse, Phoebe stood atop the front porch and held out the ghost trap containing Zuul, waiting for Gozer to make her move. Gozer appeared and began to antagonize the group. Just then, their friend Lucky burst the front door and shouted towards Gozer, blasting her with her proton pack. Phoebe yelled at Callie to hit the pedal. She did, and the whole plot of land lit up, beginning to trap Gozer in the process. However, even though Gozer wasn't at full strength, she was angrier than ever. She managed to grab Lucky's proton beam and yank it, causing Lucky to fall forward and drop her proton pack. Phoebe rushed to recover it. Just then, Vinz appeared and stepped on the proton pack, blocking Phoebe from it. The dog roared loudly at her, slobbering. Gozer was able to get a hand of the ghost trap and break it open, causing Zuul's spirit to be freed. Zuul immediately chose to possess Lucky. Her spirit went into Lucky, causing her to writhe in agony. Suddenly, Lucky was engulfed in lightning, causing her to get down on all fours. Lucky then turned into a Terror Dog.
Zuul stood there, the lightning running off of her dog body. She wagged her tail as she turned towards Callie and Phoebe and roared at them twice. Lucky was gone. Zuul made her way towards Vinz and Gozer and sat beside them while Gozer slowly gained her strength back. Gozer then pet Zuul and Vinz as they purred for her. At this point, and traces of Gary and Lucky were now gone for good. Gozer began to charge her lightning, preparing to attack Callie and Phoebe. The dogs roared in unison excitedly. Just then, the original ghostbusters showed up, along with Egon's ghost and defeated Gozer once and for all. The trap worked properly this time, and Gozer's army of ghosts were all but destroyed. In the process, Zuul and Vinz turned to stone. Gary and Lucky became human again. Callie rushed towards him and asked if he was alright. He said that was weird asked her why he was bleeding. She informed him that, while he was still a dog and was chasing after them, he hit his head on a park bench which, interestingly, made him bleed in his human form. Gary remembered all of this, surprisingly. He then clarified with Callie that they he thinks that they had sex in the field before becoming dogs and summoning Gozer. She was fully aware of this fact and stared at him intently.
Finally, Zuul, Vinz Clortho, and Gozer seemed to be gone for good. However, they were only temporarily trapped, and are likely to reemerge once again in an attempt to take over the world.
Ghostbusters (1984)
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Zuul drops down on all fours under the force of the lightning striking her and whips her head back violently as she transforms into a demon dog. She wags her tail and blinks her blood-red eyes as she becomes familiar with her beastly body, all while the lightning continues to run off of it. She looks down at her demonic claws, baring her fangs in a menacing grin in acknowledgement of her violent transformation