Fallen (Transformers)

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The Fallen

The Fallen is a comic character who features in Transformers.




The Fallen (? - 6.5 million years ago) was one of the original thirteen Transformers created by Primus. He became known as the Fallen after he betrayed his creator by allying himself with Unicron. After a great battle, Unicron was sucked into a black hole, and the Fallen was sucked in with him.

Millions of years later, during an accident with experimental Space Bridge technology, the Fallen returned to Cybertron prepared to carry out a catastrophic event known as the Unbinding. The Fallen recruited three young Decepticons - Bludgeon, Mindwipe and Bugly - to carry out his dirty work.

The Fallen manipulated events on Cybertron to keep each of the factions busy while he captured four Transformers to carry out the Unbinding. Capturing Jetfire, Grimlock, Hot Spot and Blitzwing, the Fallen prepared to open the Well of Allsparks and send a beacon to summon Unicron. Later, intervention by Shockwave and the Decepticons who had allied with Grimlock's Lightning Strike Coalition, as well as being attacked by Jetfire, failed to stop him. The Fallen was stopped during the final moments by Primus himself, who sucked the Fallen into the Well of Allsparks. He is presumably gone for good.


Megatronus Prime

Twelve million years ago, in the primitive age that followed the departure of the Knights of Cybertron, the 'bot who would become "Megatronus" was a humble nomad who wandered the deserts of prehistoric Cybertron alongside the shepherd Onyx and his flock of beasts. One day, the flock came across a badly damaged Transformer in the wastes—unbeknownst to any of them, this was Shockwave, who had been cast backwards in time following the destruction of his chronal drive.

Having recognized the figures for who they would become, Shockwave slew Onyx without a moment's hesitation, sending his followers fleeing all of them, that is, except one of Onyx's compatriots. Realizing that he could use his understanding of Cybertron's past to set the planet's history along the preordained course that he knew it must follow, Shockwave dubbed Onyx's terrified compatriot "Megatronus," naming him after the Decepticon leader that would one day arise. Fashioning a new body for himself from Onyx's remains, Shockwave thus became "Onyx"; knowing from history that Megatronus's conquests would lead to the eventual unification of Cybertron, "Onyx Prime" trained Megatronus in the ways of war and deliberately inspired him to build an empire of his own.

His tutelage complete, Shockwave set Megatronus on the lands to the west, and Shockwave's pupil soon established a kingdom that became known as the "Darklands". As his power and influence grew over the course of his campaigns, Megatronus became a feared warrior and tyrant, and took to calling himself "The First Who Was Named."

Late into his conquests, Megatronus marched on neighboring Protohex and easily annexed it into the Darklands, overthrowing its ruler Septimus Prime and murdering his Supplicants of Arrius. There, he recruited the gladiator twins Arcee and Galvatron, who proved their loyalty to him by slaughtering their old master. The pair thus became the vanguards of the army as Megatronus continued their eastward advance, conquering the Forgotten Plains, deposing Liege Maximo, and giving them the opportunity to attack the humble village that would one day become the Crystal City. Unbeknownst to Megatronus, "Onyx Prime" and Liege Maximo had arrived beforehand and galvanized the local tribes into allying with his army of beasts to battle Megatronus - and, by doing so, deliberately providing the necessary impetus that would unite the scattered tribes of Cybertron into a single civilization. Megatronus fought on the front lines before three Titans, drawn to the sounds of battle, arose from the ground. Megatronus paused to look, giving Onyx the opening to fight his way through Megatronus's forces, meet with his old friend, and convince him to stand down. The two armies quickly ratified a proper truce, and Megatronus and his warriors joined the alliance of Primes.


Nexus Prime claimed that Megatronus worked in collusion with Liege Maximo leading to the First Cybertronian Civil War between the Thirteen and the tribes each Prime led.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • The Fallen was created by Simon Furman and Andrew Wildman where he made his first appearance in Transformers: War Within: The Dark Ages v1 #1 (October, 2003) by Dreamwave Productions.
  • According to Hasbro, the character was once deemed a multiversal singularity meaning that while he exists across the multiverse but this was removed in an event called the Shrouding where all multiversal singularities within the Hasbro-Takara multiversal now exist as separate beings within each universe.

In other media


  • In Transformers: Power of the Primes, Megatronus Prime appeared in the setting of the Hasbro/Machinima animated web series where he was voiced by actor Mark Hamill.
  • In Transformers: Robots in Disguise, Megatronus Prime appeared in the setting of the 2015 animated television series where he was voiced by English actor Gil Gerard and by Japanese actor Fumihiko Tachiki in the dub.


  • In Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the Fallen appeared in the setting of the live-action film where he was voiced by English actor Tony Todd and by Japanese actor Masafumi Kimura in the dub. Nineteen thousand years ago, The Fallen accompanied his brother Primes to Earth in an attempt to harvest the star it orbited. Just as they had completed construction of the Star Harvester, however, The Fallen discovered a primitive race of hunters. The Primes invoked their rule of the sanctity of life and refused to activate the harvester, but The Fallen despised the humans as simple insects and attempted to activate the Harvester. A great battle took place, but ultimately, The Fallen was defeated and the remaining Primes hid themselves and the Matrix of Leadership, and The Fallen's harvester was concealed within a pyramid in Egypt. The Fallen dispatched the Seekers to locate the Matrix, but they proved unable and he eventually abandoned them. The Fallen became known as the first Decepticon, and he became the master of Megatron, leader of the faction. He employed Megatron in the pursuit of the AllSpark, but after Megatron's defeat at Mission City, the AllSpark was reduced to a mere fragment.

Video games



  • Transformers: War Within: The Dark Ages v1: (2003)


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