Trollhunter (Trollhunters)

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A Trollhunter is a title that features in Trollhunters.



A Trollhunter was a title that was linked to the wielder of the Amulet of Daylight with it being created by Merlin. The purpose of these warriors was to protect the balance between humans and Trolls with them hunting evil memebrs of the race. It arose to create a champion to battle the evil Troll warlord known as Gunmar the Black who was waging a war to take over the planet. The Trollhunter Deya the Deliverer was responsible for defeating Gunmar but exiling him and the Gumm-Gumms into the otherworld realm of the Darklands at the Battle of Killahead. This saw them sealing the Bridge of Killahead through the use of the Amulet of Daylight. Afterwards, Deya aided in evacuating Trollkind to the ship known as the Mayflower so that they could resettle elsewhere. This saw Deya battle Gunmar's son Bular where the Trollhunter was slain by the savage warrior.

At some point, Baba Yaga was responsible for transforming the Troll Angor Rot into becoming a mystically empowered hunter charged with slaying Trollhunters. During the course of this time, he was responsible for slaying a number of Trollhunters where he stole their souls preventing them from joining the Council of Elder Trollhunters.

Bular was noted to had killed a number of Trollhunters over the years.

Bular managed to chase Kanjigar into the human world where he badly wounded the Trollhunter in order to claim the Amulet. Rather than let it fall to evil, the heroic Troll decided to allow himself to die by falling into sunlight where he turned to stone and shattered with the relic left behind.


In appearance, the position of Trollhunter was achieved by a person being chosen by the Amulet of Daylight. Upon being chosen, they were gifted with the magic inherent in the relic that could manifest in the form of an armor and produced various weapons as other mystical traits. Originally, the position was only used by members of the Troll race until the Amulet selected its first Human wielder. They were referred to as Merlin's Creation and as Gunmar's Bane.

It was considered a noble sacred obligation with them being a protector who was responsible for protecting both humans and Trolls. Thus, whenever called by their charges, it was said that a Trollhunter must answer the summons.

There were three rules that were regarded as being important for a Trollhunter for them to live and die by with these being:

  • Rule One: Always be afraid
  • Rule Two: Always finish the fight
  • Rule Three: When in doubt, always kick them in the gronk-nuks.

A common trait of Trollhunters was that they believed in working alone as to bring friends or loved ones into their struggle meant that their lives were at danger. Thus, they often severed ties with family and kept a distance as they stood alone to complete their duty.

When slain, the bodies of deceased Trollhunters were gathered and pieced together to form a statue in honor of the Troll. These were placed in poses at the Hero's Forge as a reminder of the heroic actions of the warrior.

In addition to their living mentors, a Trollhunter was also guided by counsel from the Council of Elder Trollhunters. These were the spirits of the deceased predecessors that advised them and helped in their training. They resided within the Amulet of Daylight in a world that was referred to as the Void Between Worlds. The elder Trollhunters appeared in spectral forms as they spoke and attempted to advise their successor.

Central to the Trollhunter was an area referred to as the Hero's Forge that served as a training ground for their number. In addition, it held the remains of the former Trollhunters that were slain in combat with their bodies pieced together as statues.


  • Spar : the Spiteful was one of the earliest Trollhunters chosen, even while humans were still primitive cave people. He is also the very first Troll to meet an Akiridion, having helped the visitor get back her planet by pushing her ship off the edge of a cliff to gain velocity and return to their home. This brief encounter with an alien taught him how to bring balance his own, it also gained him the respect of the humans and learned to respect the primitive cave people. He died roughly 5,200 years before Jim Lake Jr. took the mantle of Trollhunter.
  • Boraz : the Bold got his name because he took out a thousand Gumm-Gumms. During a fight, Bular came up behind him and stabbed him in the back.
  • Maddrux : the Many was the Trollhunter way before Kanjigar, even before the Days of Gogun, who protected Trollkind as one of its most celebrated heroes. She cultivated a reputation as a capable and confident champion. She battled Orlagk the Oppressor with her clones, but he escaped that day.
  • Unkar : the Unfortunate was a Trollhunter for six hours under the training of Blinky Galadrigal. On his first and only night, he battled several Jungle Gumm-Gumms on the stairs of a temple, while fighting he was shouting some very egocentric things liked how he always wanted to wear the armor. When Unkar reached the top of the temple, he tripped and felled into a hole of spikes. Bular pulled his body from the spikes and discovered that he was still alive then he tore Unkar apart limb from limb.
  • Grimbald : the Grave had trained with Kanjigar and Deya. Once, when he went on look out, a group of Gumm-Gumms attacked while he was fighting Bular. They went up behind him and he cut his head into two pieces.
  • Magmar : the Molten was the Trollhunter who preceded both Araknak and Tellad-Urr. He stood out as the only known Mountain Troll to become a Trollhunter. He was known for using a certain Conflagration Stone that Tellad-Urr would later utilize for nefarious purposes. It was also from him that Araknak learned a certain combat move which involved bringing down debris upon enemy combatants.
  • Kanjigar : the Courageous, a male Troll.
  • Deya :
  • Unkar :
  • Draal :
  • Voltar :
  • Arakak :
  • Gorgus :
  • Jim Lake Jr. : a young dark-haired male who was the first human ever chosen by the Amulet.


  • Trollhunters featured in the setting of Trollhunters.
  • According to Aaron Waltke on his Twitter page, the Trollhunter works as a kind of "wandering knight errant", like the famed knight Lancelot, given how one Trollhunter had to protect multiple troll caverns around the world, especially the likely chance that two or more worlds would need him at the same time. Aaron even agrees that this kind of job can be rather hard.


  • Trollhunters:

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