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A manifestation of an Ori on the corporeal plane.

The Ori are a species that feature in Stargate SG-1.





The Ori were a race of highly advanced race of humans that were part of the first evolution of that form in a distant galaxy where they were once known as the Alterans. (SG1: Avalon, Part 2) At that time, they lived together as a single unified society with the Alterans. However, a split occurred between the two societies over the matter of Ascension with the Ancients advocating themselves to science whilst their kin known as the Ori became more religious. This division erupted to the point where violence emerged with the Ori attempting to destroy the Ancients. As war was contrary to their beliefs, the smaller numbered Ancients decided to depart their home galaxy and left for a journey to the Milky Way galaxy. (SG1: Ark of Truth)

Despite abandoning their home, the enmity remained as the Ori sought to destroy their enemies. Doctor Daniel Jackson believed that the Ori may have been responsible for introducing a plague into the Milky Way galaxy that nearly brought about the extinction of the Ancients. Eventually, both factions achieved Ascension and abandoned their corporeal forms in favour of becoming a race of energy beings. However, where the Ancients decided to contemplate this new existence, the Ori decided to take a path to godhood. They created a second evolution of humankind in the galaxy which populated various worlds in their home galaxy. Establishing themselves as gods to these primitive humans, the Ori enforced a religion based around themselves. Initially, they had the best of intentions but the worship of the Ori by their Human followers began to empower as well as corrupt these ascended beings. Creating the religion known as Origin and a priesthood which enforced their will, they used their advanced knowledge of the universe as justification of their status as deities. (SG1 Episodes: Avalon, Origin, The Powers that Be)

The Reckoning

Contact with Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran led to the Ori becoming aware of the Milky Way galaxy and all the humans that the Ancients had hid from them. This saw Priors being dispatched through the Stargate to begin converting those humans to the path of Origin. This led to first contact with Earth through Stargate Command who became aware of the threat posed by the Ori. At the same time, the Priors made overtures to the Free Jaffa Nation where some came to believe in the path of enlightenment. By this point, the Ori had commanded their followers to gather and train great holy armies that would invade the Milky Way galaxy in order to bring Origin to its inhabitants. (SG1: Origin, Part 3)

At Kellana, a Prior looked to convert the Jaffa native to the world but when they refused they were eliminated. An impenetrable force field was then maintained over the Stargate with an active wormhole linking it to the Ori home galaxy. (SG1: Beachhead)


In appearance, the Ori were among the first evolution of the human form that evolved in their galaxy long ago where they came to advance themselves both physically and mentally. This reached a point were they became able to shed their physical bodies and lived as energy on another higher plane of existence. The enlightenment achieved by his state afforded these ascended beings much greater understanding of the universe and all its knowledge. (SG1: Avalon, Part 2) As ascended beings, they had all the appearance of genuine gods. (SG1: The Ties That Bind) The Ori were capable of taking possession of their evolved human followers and speak through them to make their will known on the lower planes. Typically though, they manifested as a wall of fire with these being the Flames of Enlightenment. Though having access to greater knowledge, the infinite scope of the universe meant that they were not privy to all events occurring across space. (SG1: Origin, Part 3)

When they choose to do this, they appear in the Flames of Enlightenment as a wall of flame or as strands of fire in the air. They are also capable of forming a demonic looking face made of fire. When the Ori themselves wish to communicate with their followers; a member of their kind possesses the Doci who's eyes glow bright red and speaks in a echoing voice. Unlike the Alteras, the Ori had a religious view on Ascension and believed that they were gods and thus should be worshipped.

The Ori are capable of influencing the world around while within their ascended forms, this can be seen in their impregnation of Vala Mal Doran with a child. The full capabilities of the Ori are however not known or demonstrated due to the interference of the Ancients though presumably they are capable of the same abilities as the ascended Ancients.

Another appearance by the Ori can be seen in their creation of the Orici Adria who is the closest to the Ori themselves in the form of flesh and blood. Such a living corporeal vessels contained the knowledge of the Ori that is limited due to the constraints on the Human brain.

They inherited the home galaxy after chasing away the Altera after which they ascended. Lording over their realm, the Ori recreated Human life in the galaxy and taught their subjects that the Ori were their gods and creators. Some of their followers are evolved into a higher stage of Human evolution known as Priors who are led by the Doci. These psionic individuals command great power from telepathy to create bio-genetic plagues. They are also fiercely loyal to the Ori and ensure the masses submit to their rule.

Unlike the Ancients, the Ori took a more direct role in the shaping of their followers lives and demanded to be worshipped by their believers. (SG1: Avalon, Part 2) The Ori saw themselves as gods and demanded humans come to worship them due to their great power. (SG1: Origin, Part 3) They came to establish a belief system known as Origin that was dictated in the Book of Origin. This stated that the Ori had created all mankind and there was no existence prior to their creation of humans. (SG1: Avalon, Part 2) According to this, all humans were to be converted to the path of enlightenment with those that rejected it being destroyed. They claimed that those who abandoned the path set by them were evil. According to Origin, the Ori seemingly guided their followers on the path towards ascension and become uplifted in the process. (SG1: Origin, Part 3) It was said that the promise of the Ori was that their followers could ascend on the event of their death. (SG1: Beachhead)

The Ori tended to let their devout followers enforce their edicts with these acts confirming their loyalty. (SG1: Origin, Part 3)

Leadership of their followers was held by an evolved human called the Doci who were ones that spoke the word of the Ori. They managed the other chief servants of these ascended beings with these being the Priors of the Ori. (SG1: Origin, Part 3)

Human villages were headed by a human who took the title of Administrator and were charged with ensuring their continued belief in the Ori. (SG1: Avalon, Part 2) Those that proved themselves could become rewarded by being evolved into a Prior. (SG1: Origin, Part 3)

Not all humans came to worship the Ori with some forming an underground movement that looked for knowledge that contradicted that with the Book of Origin. These individuals were heretics though they did not doubt their gods power but rather their intention. Such heretics had to live in secret and suffered risk of being burnt alive for their views. (SG1: Avalon, Part 2)

After discovering Human life within the Milky Way galaxy was shielded by the ascended Ancients, the Ori began the steps to form a mighty crusade to convert the Humans of that galaxy. This started with the creation of starships and training of large armies that would spread the word of Origin across the stars. To pave the way for this coming army, the Priors were dispatched through the Stargate to multiple worlds to convert the populations to Origin while resistance was ruthlessly destroyed.

The second stage involved in the Ori's crusade was the construction of a Supergate which would allow the transportation of starships into the Milky Way. This is largely believed to be because the Ori Home Galaxy is too far for intergalactic travel to be feasible in an invasion.


As ascended beings, the Ori were noted to hold a greater understanding of the universe. (SG1: The Power That Be)

It was shown that through their power that they could evolve humans to the height of advancement. These became their Priors who gained a range of superhuman abilities at their disposal. These included the power to read minds, move objects with their thoughts and create impenetrable barriers to protect them from harm. (SG1: Origin, Part 3) It was shown that a Prior was capable of healing a person of injuries and ailments. Alternatively, the Priors were capable of creating plagues that could not be healed through advanced technology. (SG1: The Power That Be)

The Ori were known to be familiar with the use of the Stargates and were capable of linking to networks located in other galaxies. (SG1: Origin, Part 3) It was said that they had access to a power source that could indefinitely maintain a wormhole from another galaxy and even encompass a Stargate in an impenetrable force field at the same time with this being a feat said to be greater than that of a Zero Point Module. (SG1: Beachhead)

To aid in rapid deployment between galaxies, their technology allowed for a much larger version of a Stargate known as a Supergate which created a wormhole large enough for starships.


  • Adria :


  • The Ori were created by Robert C. Cooper and featured in the setting of the Stargate SG-1 universe.


  • Stargate SG-1:

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