Ana Kravinoff

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Ana Kravinoff in Amazing Spider-Man v1 #633.

Ana Kravinoff is a female comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.




Kraven in Amazing Spider-Man v1 #567.

Anastia Kravinoff was the daughter of Sergei Kravinoff and his wife Sasha Kravinoff with her having a brother Vladimir Kravinoff and a half-brother in Alyosha Kravinoff.

Several years ago, she met her mother who was in a meeting one of their family's servants named Vasili Holpkin Sidorov. He had inherited his family housekeeper ledger that kept a track of the lost fortunes of the Kravinoff family. Ana then came to see the fortunes that had been plundered from their family over the years and desired them back. (Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Black Cat v1 #1)

Years after Sergei Kravinoff took his own life, Sasha put together a complex plan to restore Sergei to life, realizing that he was connected to Spider-Man. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #635) Setting up a high end residence for herself in New York City, Ana tracked Spider-Man for three days, fighting off the urge to kill him. She soon believed his real identity was Vin Gonzales. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #565) Ana took pictures of Spider-Man and gathered intel, keeping it in a base in the tunnels. Ana wired the base with explosives. (Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! v1 #3) Ana observed Spider-Man and Daredevil in a fight with Fracture. Later, after gathering intel, she opened fire on Peter Parker and civilian Mike at a comic book store. As they fled, she fired wooden stakes and a net at them. Later, she attacked Vin Gonzales in his apartment building, and instructed him to put on his Spider-Man uniform, then she knocked him out. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #565) Ana purchased some MGH to use in her plot. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #566) Vin woke up in the sewers, strung from the ceiling, as Ana revealed herself. Ignoring Vin's protests that he was not Spider-Man, Ana beat him and ordered him not to die until she was ready. Realizing Vin didn't seem to have any spider-powers, Ana injected him with MGH to get him up to fighting strength, but just then Vermin attacked with an army of rats, furious that Ana was in his sewers. Ana fought off Vermin, who escaped when 'Spider-Man' broke free. Ana then took "Spider-Man" to the sewers, telling him to run so she could hunt him, threatening to kill his loved ones if he did not. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #566) Despite her skill, she was thwarted in her attempt at killing Spider-Man due to the intervention of Daredevil whereupon she was attacked by Vermin. Though ambushed, she managed to defeat her attacker and returned to her home where she was saddened at her failure. However, her mother consoled her stating that she was much like her father Sergei as she had brought the captured Vermin to their home. Sasha also removed a Spider-Tracer that had been placed on her daughter. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #567)

Ana's mother took Ana back to their penthouse apartment in New York, and Ana was ordered to stay there with the captive Vermin. She hated being there. Ana heard Vermin ranting and she realized that she had gotten Spider-Man's identity wrong, and that the 'Daredevil' who had attacked her had actually been Spider-Man. Ana rushed back to the tunnels to gather her things in case Spider-Man returned, and she found Spider-Man there. Spider-Man asked Ana if she was Kraven's daughter, but she pushed a button and blew up the base. As she watched Spider-Man swing away, she began planning her revenge. (Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! v1 #3)

At her mother's order, Ana captured Madam Web, who seemed to lack her precognitive skills when it came to Ana. Mrs. Kraven told Ana she did a great job. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #600) Ana and her mother kept Madame Web captive for weeks, disoriented with drugs. At her mother's request, Ana fed Madame Web a mystic spider, inspiring Web's visions, and then Ana questioned Web about Spider-Man. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #606) After Spider-Man defeated Diablo in a battle, Mrs. Kraven sent Ana to recruit Diablo. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #607) Ana spent weeks torturing and training Madame Web, making sure she was compliant and reporting about possible futures. At Mrs. Kraven's instruction, Ana called Deadpool to hire him, then she asked her mother for praise. Later, while Deadpool distracted Spider-Man, Ana attacked Spider-Woman Mattie Franklin. Ana returned Spider-Woman to her mother, who was pleased. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #611) Ana continued taunting and torturing Madame Web. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #617) Ana and her mother hired Scorpion (Carmilla Black) to continue manipulating Spider-Man. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #626) Ana, Sasha, and Chameleon taunted their captives, Madame Web and Spider-Woman. (Spider-Man: Grim Hunt - The Kraven Saga v1 #1) Ana found her father's journal among her mother's supplies and read it, learning about his obsessions with stalking prey before attacking them. She learned about his life, then spent time stalking Spider-Man, watching him in a battle against Blue Shield and Jackpot once. (Spider-Man: Origin of the Hunter v1 #1)

She accompanied her father in a hunt of the New Men with this being done so to draw out the High Evolutionary. Kraven then forced the supervillain scientist to aid him by creating 87 clones of himself to serve as his children. Ana came to consider this a disgraceful act where she decided to abandon him and the Kravinoff name. (Amazing Spider-Man v5 #16)

Scorpia came to recruit Ana into the new incarnation of the Sinister Syndicate in order to give them a much needed edge against their enemies. This was despite the objections of the team leader the Beetle Janice Lincoln. Ana joined the team when they targeted Spider-Man after a hunt was made of the Wall-Crawler by Kindred leaving to various supervillain teams competing to kill the hero. (Sinister War v1 #2)


Personality and attributes

Battling Anya Corazon in Spider-Girl v2 #5.

According to her mother, Ana was much like her father Sergei in that she was brash, overconfident and also sought out trophies. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #567)

Her mother had taught her that initiative was to be only made by alphas. (Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Black Cat v1 #2)

She had a French tutor was the aunt of Vasili Holpkin Sidorov who maintained the housekeeper's ledger that kept a record of all the valuables once owned by the Kravinoff family. (Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Black Cat v1 #1)

Powers and abilities

She was skilled in a number of close-quarter fighting techniques such as martial arts with her being knowledgeable in Krav Maga. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #567)

Ana actually possessed superhuman feats that made her both stronger than an ordinary human and incredibly fast. Such was her strength that she was able to break through Spider-Man's webbing. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #567)


  • Ana Kravinoff as Kraven the Hunter was created by Marc Guggenheim, Joe Kelly, Mike McKone and Phil Jimenez where she made her first appearance in Amazing Spider-Man v1 #565 (September, 2008).

Alternate Versions

In other media

Video games


  • Amazing Spider-Man v1: (2008)
  • Spider-Man: Grim Hunt - The Kraven Saga v1:
  • Spider-Man: Origin of the Hunter v1:
  • Amazing Spider-Man v5:
  • Sinister War v1: (2021)

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