Megatron (Beast Wars)

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Transmetal Megatron, in robot mode, beast mode and vehicle mode.

Megatron is a male robotic character who features in Transformers.



Beast Era

In the far future, a Predacon (Destron) criminal took the name Megatron from the Covenant of Primus. Although respected by the ruling Predacon Triumvirate, the Tripredacus Council, Megatron was considered a rogue and a loose cannon who would disrupt their own long-term plans for regaining power. He then gathered a group of Predacons consisting of Terrorsaur, Scorponok, Tarantulas (Taransu), Waspinator and Dinobot. They stole the Golden Disk and a Predacon ship called the Darkside, before heading back in time to prehistoric Earth. They were pursued by Optimus Primal (Convoy) and the crew of the Axalon. Megatron mistakenly believed them to be on the wrong planet, but he made the most of it by collecting energon and attempting to destroy the Maximals (Cybertrons).

Following the dispatch of his traitorous sub-commander Dinobot, who went on to join Optimus Primal's Maximals, Megatron immediately began planning for the future. The discovery of vast reserves of energon on the planet, plus his hesitation to actually tamper with the timeline, left Megatron unwilling to actually follow through with the plan laid out by the original Megatron. He did locate The Ark, but decided to blast the tunnel he had dug closed, and began his own plans to amass power through the collection of energon. Megatron then tried a variety of schemes to gather energon and eliminate the Maximals in a series of conflicts dubbed the Beast Wars by Optimus Primal. He later recruited Blackarachnia (Black Widow) and Inferno to the Predacon cause. Megatron's leadership was not universally popular, however. Tarantulas, Terrorsaur, Blackarachnia and a brainwashed Rhinox would all attempt to overthrow Megatron at some point, although none succeeded for long. Even Waspinator dreamed of overthrowing his commander. Megatron would even face a challenge from the most unlikely of sources - the spark of the ancient Decepticon Starscream, thought long dead, would possess Waspinator and with the aid of Blackarachnia attempt to take over the Predacons. Predictably, he failed due to the efforts of the Maximals and Blackarachnia's own treachery, and his spark was cast out once again.

He manipulated Tarantulas's betrayal, and had Optimus Primal blown up as he destroyed the Vok Planetbuster. Megatron became a Transmetal as a quantum surge hit the Earth. Megatron recruited Quickstrike to his cause. Later, he also cut the Spark of Rampage in half and forced the deranged Transformer to serve him. Dinobot sacrificed his life to stop Megatron from destroying the proto-humans and disrupting history. Later, Ravage (Jaguar) came to Earth to kill Megatron, but Megatron showed him a message on the Golden Disk left by the original Megatron, bringing Ravage to his side. He fled battle and headed for the buried Ark, where he blackmailed Blackarachnia into opening it with the access codes she had downloaded. He entered, and destroyed the head of Optimus Prime, causing a huge time storm. However, he was defeated by Optimal Optimus, and Prime was repaired.

Megatron made several more attempts to secure the Ark and alter history, and soon created a clone of Dinobot (Dinobot 2) and gave it the core of Rampage's spark. He did eventually enter the Ark, and soon was mutated when he took the spark of the original Megatron into himself. Megatron transformed into a mighty fire-breathing dragon. The Predacon base was later destroyed by Tigerhawk, but Megatron gained a new weapon in the form of the Nemesis. As he prepared to destroy the Ark with the Nemesis fusion cannon, he was defeated by the Maximals and the betrayal of the new Dinobot. He was hauled back to Cybertron (Seibertron), chained to the Maximals' shuttle's hull.

Megatron broke free in transit to the future, and landed on Cybertron some time before the Maximals arrived. Megatron prepared a transformation-lock virus, and used it to incapacitate the entire population of Cybertron. He then created the Vehicons to secure the planet, and spent some time trying to free himself of his beast mode (which he may have blamed for his defeat in the Beast Wars). He stole all the Transformers' sparks and kept them in storage, creating his new vision of a perfect machine world.

Upon their return, Megatron was opposed by the Maximals led by Optimus Primal, who tried to restore the organic to Cybertron. Megatron freed himself of his beast mode and planned to merge all the sparks with his own. In doing this, he would become as a god. In a final battle with Optimus Primal, both of them fell to their deaths into the core of Cybertron, and like seeds, transformed Cybertron into a technorganic world.


Megatron was a member of the True Path, and was brought back to Seibertron by the Cybertrons under Convoy without incident.


Personality and attributes

It was noted that he named himself Megatron after the Decepticon leader from the Great War.

Megatron was skillful at orchestrating vast schemes by manipulating others into doing them for him—an idle suggestion here, a conspicuously planted object of interest there. He knows his enemies, and these include some minions, inside and out and exactly how to provoke them. He has no friends, only pawns, or occasionally, pawns that are too reliable to risk losing. Because of this attitude, this superiority complex, he despises working with the very troops he needs to carry out his plans. His hubris does not make him very popular, and so he must rely on power and fear to rule them. In fact, he prefers mindless drones.

Following his return to Cybertron, he believed in technological perfection for his home planet that could only be achieved by him. By this point, he had nothing but disgust for the organic which included the Cybertronian beast modes such as the one he picked up on Earth.

Powers and abilities

Megatron was a Transformer of Predacon design and as any Cybertronian who was a mechanical lifeform with the ability to transform.

Originally, Megatron was a member of the Predacon Alliance but he refused to follow the orders of the ruling Tripredacus Council. This saw him acting on his own and being declared a renegade as well as a criminal.

His return to Cybertron saw him taking control of the planet. As its sole ruler, he controlled hordes of Vehicons that were directed by him. Later on, he began to delegate tasks to generals whose spark he retrieved and placed in new Vehicon bodies.


  • Megatron was created by Larry DiTillio and Bob Forward where he featured in the setting of the Beast Wars: Transformers universe
  • The character was based on Megatron created by Hasbro and Takara Tomy.

Alternate Versions

In other media


  • In Transformers: War for Cybertron, Megatron appeared in the setting of the CGI animated series where he was voiced by actor Marqus Bobesich. A Predacon born out of an uninhabitable Cybertron due to loss of the AllSpark by Optimus Prime and the threat of Unicron, Galvatron, and Nemesis Prime, he honorably named himself after his ancestor and Galvatron's past self, Megatron, whom he held to the highest esteem. Galvatron, desperate to end his slavery to Unicron by returning an artifact with the complete memoirs of Megatron to his past self, allowed Predacon Megatron to deliver the artifact instead. Personally intending to save Megatron from becoming Galvatron, Predacon Megatron and his small band of thieves stole the artifact, now known as the Golden Disk, from the Maximals. While being fired at by Maximal Enforcers, Megatron was hit and tossed the Golden Disk, only for his lieutenant Blackarachnia to catch it while Dinobot attempted to stop Megatron. However, Blackarachnia returned the disk to Megatron, and the Predacon leader scolded Dinobot for his lack of loyalty. Megatron later decrypted a few minutes of the Golden Disk, and was able to trace the original Megatron's steps back to Earth in the past, where the Predacons took on beast modes and engaged in a battle with the Maximals from the Axalon. The conflict would continue for cycles, with both sides suffering devastating blows to their ranks until the Golden Disk proved right, and the Ark and Nemesis crashed onto Earth. Along with Dinobot, Predacon Megatron met with Decepticons and recognized Megatron as his ancestor, displaying the Golden Disk to him. In the Nemesis, Predacon Megatron explained to the original Megatron what became of Cybertron, why the Predacons traveled to Earth at this time and place, and what importance the Golden Disk holds. The two 'cons then ushered Starscream and Dinobot out of the room, and formed an alliance. Soundwave later brought in a falcon, whom Predacon Megatron identified as the Maximal Airazor.

Video games

  • In Transformers: Earth Wars, Megatron appeared in the setting of the mobile video game. In an unknown time and place, the Beast Wars came to a conclusion. Optimus Primal planned on going home, with Megatron's future in an iso-containment cell. As the shuttle traveled through chronospace, Megatron, unanchored in time, reverted to his original beast mode, as did Optimus Primal.



  • Beast Wars: Transformers:

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