Category:Transformers (Japan)
From Multiversal Omnipedia
Transformers in Japan originally matched the U.S. canon, save for some naming differences and other subtle changes. (For example, Optimus Prime was known as Convoy, and the factions were the Cybertrons (Autobots) and Destrons (Decepticons).) However, it gradually evolved into a continuity of its own- beginning with ignoring the fourth U.S. season in favor of their Transformers Headmasters. Over the years, it added entire series' worth of its own events and elements to those of the U.S. continuity.
Canon Material
- Fight! Super Robot Life Form Transformers (1985-1986)
- Fight! Super Robot Life Form Transformers: Scramble City (1986)
- Transformers 2010 (1986-1987)
- Transformers Headmasters (1987-1988)
- Transformers: Matrix Forever (1988)
- Transformers Super God Masterforce (1988-1989)
- Transformers Victory (1989-1990)
- Transformers Zone (OVA) (1990)
- Transformers Zone (Manga) (?)
- Transformers: Return of Convoy (a.k.a. Battlestars) (in TV Magazine) (?)
- Transformers: Operation Combination (in TV Magazine) (?)
- Beast Wars: Cho Seimeitai Transformers (1997-1998)
- Beast Wars Second (1998-1999)
- Beast Wars Neo (1999-2000)
- Car Robots (2000-2001)
A few episodes of Transformers Headmasters tied the Battle Beasts into the Japanese continuity (as the "Beast Formers").
Transformers Universes |
Animated Series |
U.S. Animated | Robots in Disguise | Armada | Japan | Micron Legend | Galaxy Force |
Comic Books |
Marvel U.S. | Marvel U.K. | Dreamwave | Armada | IDW | Manga |
Toy Lines |
U.S. | Japan | Europe | Machine Wars | Universe | Binaltech | Robot Masters |
Pages in category "Transformers (Japan)"
The following 131 pages are in this category, out of 131 total.