The Terminators are robots that feature in Terminator.
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Judgement Day
The Terminators were a series of machines that were developed by Cyberdyne Systems that were to be managed by the artificial intelligence Skynet.
Among the earliest experiments that led to the creation of the more modern Terminator models was a research project conducted by Cyberdyne Systems in the early 21st century. One of the researchers was Dr. Serena Kogan who in 2003 convinced a death row inmate named Marcus Wright to take part in the initiative. Without his knowledge, he was converted into a cybernetic organism with his brain and heart placed in a mechanical endoskeleton that was covered in living flesh.
By 2018, Skynet had conduced experiments in creating more advanced cybernetic organisms culminating in the creation of the T-800 series that were tasked as infiltrators.
In time, the humans under John Connor came to turn the tide against Skynet leading to them pushing forward to the A.I.'s core. Facing potential defeat, Skynet decided on achieving a victory through other means. Having developed time-travel technology, it decided to dispatch T-800 assassins back in time to eliminate John Connor either by killing his mother or killing him at an earlier point history. One model was sent to kill the humans mother Sarah Connor before she could give birth to him. However, the resistance had dispatched Kyle Reese back in time as well to save her where circumstances led to him fathering John Connor. The Terminator was destroyed with only its arm being left that came to be recovered by Cyberdyne Systems.
Following the failure in eliminating Sarah Connor, Skynet deployed its even more advanced T-1000 series to eliminate John Connor when he was a child.
Later on, Skynet decided to dispatch a more advanced T-X model Terminator back in time to eliminate John Connors lieutenants and his wife in the past.
Sarah Connor Chronicles
It was noted that the Resistance came to capture Terminators that they re-programmed to help serve them in a variety of roles. These came to be trusted assets used by John Connor though they were often distrusted by the humans around them.
Among the Terminator assassins deployed against John Connor was Cromartie. However, the future John had also sent a re-programmed Terminator model named Cameron to serve as his younger self's bodyguard. Disguised as a human teenager, the T-900 came to protect him and Sarah Connor where they fled via time travel to several years later to escape their pursuer.
Although clearly not the normal procedure, a bare T-888 endoskeleton was able to grow itself a new flesh covering using 2007 technology with the assistance of a geneticist and its own knowledge of future formula by submerging itself in a blood-like bath. This improvised process resulted in a deformed covering that had the appearance of a burn victim and lacked its own biological eyes, requiring it to steal those of the geneticist and subsequently undergo cosmetic surgery to produce a more normal appearance.
After facing defeat, Skynet uploaded itself into a Terminator shell of a T-5000 that disguised itself as a member of the Resistance named Alex. The unit accompanied John Connor in destroying Skynet's hub where 'Alex' betrayed his compatriots and infected John Connor with nanomachines thus turning him into a T-3000. This machine was then sent back in time to an alternate timeline to ensure the rise of Skynet.
Before the Resistance could reach the machine, Skynet sent a T-800 back to 1984 to kill John's mother, Sarah. Convincing his leader that he's the best choice to be sent back to protect Sarah, Connor decides to send his friend into the past. Moments before Kyle disappeared, he saw Alex, one of the Resistance fighters, who turned out to be a machine, attack John. As Kyle was floating in the machine's magnetic field, he experienced new memories of his 12-year-old self with a young Sarah Connor, and a warning that "Genisys is Skynet" and it would come online in 2017. The first T-800 sent to kill Sarah arrives in the Los Angeles of 1984, but is quickly dispatched by Sarah Connor and Pops, a reprogrammed T-800 with aged human tissue. Shortly after his own arrival, Kyle is ambushed by a T-1000 and unexpectedly rescued by Sarah and the Guardian. Kyle is told that the original timeline had been altered and Sarah already knew about Skynet, Judgment Day, and Reese's role as her protector as well as John Connor's father. The T-1000 soon reacquired them at their hideout, where it reactivated the disabled T-800. The revived infiltrator attacks Kyle, who manages to destroy it. Sarah eventually lures the T-1000 to a large sewer junction where she disintegrates it with acid before Pops finishes it off. Sarah explains to Kyle that the Guardian was sent to protect Sarah in 1973 from the T-1000. Both Terminators' arrivals caused a fractured timeline that differs from Kyle's. After saving Sarah, the Guardian raised and trained her to face her destiny, which she adamantly tries to reject, especially any suggestions that she one day "mate" with Reese to produce the child that will ultimately become the Resistance's leader. The Guardian has built a time machine similar to Skynet's. Sarah plans to make use of the one and only chance to jump with Kyle to 1997 to stop Judgment Day. However, Kyle, convinced of his new memories, successfully persuades Sarah and the Guardian that they should travel to 2017 instead. Both Kyle and Sarah time-travel while the Guardian spends the next 33 years preparing for their arrival.
Dark Fate
After Skynet was destroyed, Judgement Day from the AI was averted thus creating a new timeline. This saw the development of a cyberwarfare program that was known as Legion which ultimately went rogue and turned against mankind. Thus, Judgement Day began once again with Terminators being created by the AI to eliminate mankind. In this timeline, Legion was responsible for creating a new advanced kind of unit that was known as the Rev-9. To oppose the machines, Danielle Ramos came to head the Resistance in this era thus forcing Legion to use time travel to send a Rev-9 unit to eliminate Ramos in the past.
In appearance, the Terminators came in a variety of shapes and forms with different features depending on model.
A trait persistent throughout the series is the faint red glow of the 'robotic eyes' when online, which fade out when a Terminator shuts down. The lack of the glow had been used as an indicator when one such unit was out of action.
The endoskeleton was actuated by a powerful network of electric servomechanisms making the machines superhumanly strong. However, their density meant that they were incapable of swimming though it was shown that a Terminator could walk across a water-bed until they reached dry land.
According to Kyle Reese, these cyborgs were said to not feel pain. However, they were capable of sensing injuries and that the data could be called pain. Unlike humans, however, being machines, they are capable of resisting or shutting off this sense of discomfort. It is elaborated that Terminators can appreciate physical sensations such as the wind blowing through its hair and toes, and process them in a psychological manner.
Certain models came to be powered by hydrogen fuel cells which, if ruptured, caused them to become unstable and create a large explosion.
A Terminator's endoskeleton's efficiency was shown to deteriorate with age causing the android to encounter physical limitations and impairments over time.
Microprocessors were located underneath their hyper-alloy combat chassis. They were equipped with a neural-net processor that were able to think and learn like a human being. Through human contact, a Terminator was capable of learning over time. The CPU was said to be superconducting at room temperature.
It was said that they lacked human emotions with it not possible to bargain or reason with them as Terminators felt no pity, remorse or fear.
Initially, attempts were made at creating infiltrator models that utilised a rubber skin. Over time, Terminators became cybernetic organisms that were encased in living human tissue with flesh, skin, hair, blood all grown for the cyborgs making them part man and part machine. The organic covering was developed for the 800 series and was its unique feature when first introduced. Terminators' flesh coverings were grown identically, producing many copies of exactly the same physical appearance. A synthetic based oxygen carrier was used in the organic skin where an artificial spear was used to carry oxygen in and bringing nutrients to the skin thus obviating the need for marrow interaction. Though Terminator flesh does contain blood, it only displays minimal bleeding when damaged and has never been shown to experience any kind of profuse bleeding, even from massive lacerations and dozens of gunshot wounds. A Terminators flesh was capable of healing itself. In fact, it was able to do so at a much faster rate when compared to normal human tissue. However, a Terminator's flesh covering can die if it sustains adequately massive damage, at which point it takes on a waxy, corpse-like pallor and begins to decompose.
Future models were composed of more advanced materials. These included some made from mimetic poly-alloy that were a type of 'liquid metal' described as an amorphous alloy that twice the tensile strength of titanium, and composed entirely from microscopic nanites. It uniquely combined the strength of forging with the ability to mold intricate and complex parts in one step. More advanced iterations included some made entirely of nanorobotic material to the point of being Machine-Phase Matter.
There were various models of Terminators that included:
- T-600 : large skeletal machines that were coated in plastic skin to fool humans in order to allow them to ambush them with these being equipped with weapons such as chain guns and grenade launchers.
- T-800 : a more advanced series that were cybernetic organisms that contained a skeletal endoskeleton wrapped in living organic flesh to make them infiltrators.
- T-1000 : composed of a liquid metal that allowed it to assume any form with it able to shape its arms into blades to stag opponents.
- T-X : a thin framed machine composed of a mimetic skin able to assume various forms over an endoskeleton that was equipped with various built-in weapons and features with these able to eliminate rogue Terminators.
- T-3000 : composed of nanotechnology machine-phase matter that infected organic hosts and transformed them into living machines whose body was held together by a magnetic field and could reshape their form at will.
- T-5000 : a highly advanced series whose capabilities were not truly known except it could house Skynet's A.I. and was able to infect humans with nanomachines thus turning them into T-3000 units.
- Rev-9 : a humanoid unit developed from the Legion timeline that created a Terminator unit that consisted of two units with one being an internal endoskeletal Terminator and another one composed of liquid metal that served as the outer layer. The two units could operate as a merged unit or function as two independent units in order to accomplish their objective.
The infiltration models possessed actual organic human flesh that was capable of aging allowing a Terminator to appear old though their internal hardware remained uncompromised.
There were a number of vehicle sized machines utilised by the Terminators that included:
- Hydrobots :
- Aerostats :
- Moto-Terminators : these were motorcycle shaped Terminators deployed to pursue escaping vehicles.
- Harvester : a large two-legged machines with two primary arms and two smaller ones with these being used to capture humans and were armed with a powerful shoulder-mounted energy weapon.
Known Units
- Cameron :
- Cromartie :
- Myron Stark :
- Catherine Weaver : a T-1001 unit that travelled back in time to present day where she took the form of Catherine Weaver of ZeiraCorp and wanted to aid in the development of the Turk artificial intelligence program.
- Pops :
- Queeg : a Series 888 Terminator reprogrammed by the Resistance. In 2027, he was the Captain of the USS Jimmy Carter, a submarine operated by the Resistance.
- Carl : a unit sent by Skynet to eliminate John Connor where it succeeded in his mission thus creating a new timeline. Without a purpose, the unit met a human woman named Elyssia where he helped protect her and her son thus becoming part of their family. Years among humans caused the learning program of the Terminator to develop sapience and he began to feel remorse for his actions in killing John Connor.
- The Terminator :
- The Terminators were created by James Cameron where they made their first appearance in The Terminator (1984).
In other media
Video games
- In Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Terminators appeared in the setting of the video game adaptation of the live-action film. A scene showed the origins of the Terminators as a project by CRS, which obtained patents from Cyberdyne. It was shown that a Chief Master Sergeant named William Candy was chosen to be the model for the Terminator project. Events showed the reprogramming of the Terminator by the Resistance in the future where it helped them combating Skynet's forces whilst making its way to the time displacement chamber to protect John Connor in the past.
- In Terminator 3: The Redemption, terminators appeared in the setting of the action-adventure video game.
- In Terminator: Resistance, Terminators appeared in the setting of the 2019 first-person shooter video game. During the war, Skynet created the Annihilation Line that were armies of Terminators, Hunter-Killers and other machines that expanded from base in a line to eliminate any human forces in their path.
- In T2, Terminators appeared in the non-canon trilogy novels written by S. M. Stirling. A particular model of Terminator was shown was the I-950 with the I series Infiltrators are bred, and not factory-built machines. Skynet decided that the best way for one of its Terminators to act human was to start out with a human and add technological enhancements where necessary. The I-950 starts out as a genetically engineered baby with a neural net processor attached to its brain, providing an up-link to Skynet. To condition it physically, it is coaxed with holographic toys to crawl until it is exhausted. After four years, it is given an injection that rapidly ages it to maturity to finish its training. In an effort to blend in better with humans, the I-950 is allowed to feel emotions, but the range is limited by one of its cybernetic implants. Because it is far more human than machine, dogs are not alerted to its presence, and the infiltrator can go undetected for extremely long periods of time inside a resistance base. The I-950s carry Model 101 CPUs in case they are needed, as well as power cells. Once the 'living' portion of the I-950 is dead, the CPU then takes control of the body, but can only do so for a short time. They can reproduce with other 950s but not humans. If the female I-950 decides that the pregnancy would stop them from carrying out their mission, they could fertilize their eggs in vitro and would be implanted in human surrogate wombs. They are also able to clone themselves.
- In, T2 3-D, the attraction at Universal Studios added two more models: the T-70 created by Cyberdyne Systems and the T-1,000,000.
- The Terminator: (1984)
- Terminator 2: Judgement Day:
- Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines:
- Terminator: Salvation:
- Terminator: Genisys:
- Terminator: Dark Fate: