Corvus Glaive

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Corvus Glaive in Infinity v1 #3.

Corvus Glaive is a male extraterrestrial comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.





Corvus Glaive was a male extraterrestrial who was said to had been the brother of Black Dwarf. (Black Order v1 #1) He was a warrior who was said to had betrayed his people and sold his soul to Thanos in pursuit of a different kind of glory. Thus, he came to be one of the Black Order where he was the first of the five and the most favored by the Mad Titan. (New Avengers v3 #9)

He was the emissary to the worlds Thanos razes and demands tributes in the form of the heads of their children in exchange for leniency. Thanos and his followers learn that the Illuminati possess the Infinity Gems and that Black Bolt of the Inhumans has knowledge of the whereabouts of Thanos' remaining child Thane, and they set forth to invade Earth. (Infinity v1 #1) Corvus Glaive and Supergiant lead an attack on the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning in search of an Infinity Gem and its holder, during which Corvus grievously injures Wolverine. (New Avengers v3 #8) Corvus later met with the Inhumans in Attilan and demanded a tribute, but was rebuffed by them. (Infinity v1 #2) Corvus, alongside Proxima Midnight and Supergiant, attack Wakanda in search of the Black Panther, who they believe to be in possession of an Infinity Gem after being misled by Namor. They discover the anti-matter bombs the Illuminati have been building as well their prisoners.(New Avengers v3 #9) Corvus and Proxima accompany Thanos to the Inhuman city of Orollan after being informed by Ebony Maw of Thane's capture. As Thanos prepares to finish off Thane, Corvus receives word that their forces are being attacked by the Avengers and their interstellar allies. (Infinity v1 #5) A squad of Avengers led by Captain America confront Thanos, Corvus and Proxima in Orollan. Corvus was seemingly obliterated by Hyperion and his glaive was recovered by Promixa. She and Thanos were subsequently placed by his son Thane in a state of 'living death' that left them frozen in amber. They were imprisoned by the Illuminati alongside the Black Swan and Terrax the Truly Enlightened. (Infinity v1 #6)

Time Runs Out

However, Corvus could not truly die as long as his blade was unbroken, and he began to slowly return to life inside his cell in the Necropolis. (New Avengers v3 #15) As part of his secret experimentation with the amber cube, Maximus used a microscopic drill to let air reach Corvus Glaive's remains which fully regenerated him. (New Avengers v3 #19) They were later freed by Namor to form a new Cabal that he felt could carry out the necessary destruction of worlds that the Illuminati and the other heroes could not do. (New Avengers v3 #23) The Cabal proceeded to halt multiple Incursions by destroying world after world, but alienated Namor with their penchant for needless slaughter. Eight months after the formation of the Cabal, Namor had finally grown weary of their wholesale slaughter. (New Avengers v3 #24) Namor, now willing to turn himself in for his crimes, devised a plan with the Illuminati to destroy the Cabal. A new Incursion was on the horizon, one in which the incursive world had been ravaged by the Sidera Maris. Namor would lead the Cabal to said world, activate the anti-matter injector without their knowledge, and leave them to die with said Earth, preventing them from escaping with the use of an A.I.M. platform capable of creating an impenetrable barrier between the two colliding Earths. As the Cabal engaged the Sidera Maris in combat, Namor set his plan in motion. However, he was betrayed by Black Panther and Black Bolt, who pushed him off the platform into the soon-to-be-destroyed Earth. (Avengers v5 #40) Corvus and the Cabal confronted Namor, who lied about his intentions, claiming he had merely been investigating the platform and had been blindsided by the barrier. Before they could press him further, they discovered an unusual event was occurring. The Earth they were in was, in addition to its incursion with Earth-616, experiencing an Incursion with another universe at the same time. Unable to return to Earth-616, the Cabal made their way to the second Incursion point, and escaped from the doomed planet into the third universe, the Ultimate Universe. (Avengers v5 #41) The Cabal allied themselves with the Maker and began preparing with him for the eventual end of everything. Anticipating that the final incursion would take place between their world and the Maker's, they ensured Nick Fury would rally his world to fight theirs, buying them enough time to complete their life raft, which would enable them to survive the end of the Multiverse. (Avengers v5 #44)

During the Secret Wars, the Cabal came to work hard at putting the finishing touches on their life raft, a device designed to allow them to survive the end of the Multiverse at the hands of the final incursion with this being based on the designs of Reed Richards. During the battle between Earth-1610 and Earth-616, the Maker used his Children of Tomorrow to buy additional time for the Cabal to complete their work. They were able to finish their craft before the incursion ended, allowing them to live past the end of everything. (Secret Wars v1 #1) Eight years after the final incursion, the Cabal's life-raft was discovered and opened, awakening the Cabal. They awoke on Battleworld, a patchwork planet composed of fragments of various destroyed universes created by Doctor Doom. (Secret Wars v1 #2) The Cabal went on the move, trying escape the wasteland they had awoken in while plotting their next course of action. They were soon accosted by the Thor Corps, the police force of Battleworld. Corvus, along with Proxima and Terrax, murder King Thor of the Thor Corps after he opens their raft. (Secret Wars v1 #3) The villains proceed to wander aimlessly over the seemingly endless wasteland, at which point Corvus suggests that they split apart in order to cover more ground. They are shortly confronted by a squad of Thor Corps members, the surviving heroes, and Stephen Strange. The fighting is interrupted by the God Emperor Doom who demanded their fealty. However, Doom came to be preoccupied with subduing the Phoenix-possessed Cyclops, Strange casts a spell that scatters the other heroes and villains into the wind in order to spare them from Doom's wrath. (Secret Wars v1 #4) Corvus and Proxima eventually found each other but were confronted by Baron Apocalypse and his Horsemen. Despite putting up a fight, Corvus and Proxima were defeated and left badly injured. Captured, the pair were presented to God-Emperor Doom, who held them captured in stasis tubes and probed their minds for information about them and the other survivors. (Secret Wars v1 #6)


After Thanos's departure, Corvus Glaive took control of the Black Order and established new members where he ruled from the stronghold at the Black Quadrant. This was the case until Thanos's return with Glaive attacking his former master as he refused to bow to him. He was unable to fight the Mad Titan who destroyed his spear that was the source of Corvus Glaive's power. Thanos then gave his former subordinate the choice of either slowly dying or killing himself with Corvus Glaive choosing the later leading to him ending his own life. (Thanos v2 #1)

Corvus Glaive was returned to life by the Challenger as part of his preparations to reform the Black Order and have it fight the new Lethal Legion assembled by his opponent, the Grandmaster. (Avengers v1 #681) Since Earth had been chosen as battleground so that its heroes could act as obstacles, the Black Order decided to launch a surprise attack on Avengers Mansion, destroying it with an explosion. (Avengers v1 #676) The plan failed since Voyager managed to teleport herself and her fellow Avengers to safety in the nick of time. Once the game started, each team was divided in half to fight for the possession of two Pyramoids placed on Earth by the gamemasters. Corvus Glaive was among the members of the Black Order that traveled to the Pyramoid site in Cusco, Peru. (Avengers v1 #677) A group of Avengers eventually stepped in, specifically when Corvus Glaive was close to killing the Lethal Legion's Ferene. (Avengers v1 #678) After the Avenger Human Torch touched the Pyramoid and was teleported away in such a way it seemed like he had been disintegrated, the round ended. Corvus Glaive and the rest of the Black Order regrouped, with the exception of Black Dwarf, who had been taken off the board in a same way as the Human Torch after touching the other of the two Pyramoids. (Avengers v1 #679) The following round, the entirety of the Black Order traveled to Antarctica to seize one of the new pair of Pyramoids activated by the Challenger and the Grandmaster. A group of Avengers attacked the villains. Struck by grief over the apparent death of the Human Torch as a consequence of the contest, Avengers co-leader Rogue brutally attacked Corvus Glaive and used her powers to absorb his powers and psyche. After taking Corvus' glaive from him, she impaled him with her fist, killing him. (Avengers v1 #680) Despite losing possession of his glaive, Corvus returned to life. Following the end of the contest and the Avengers' victory over the Challenger, the Black Order regrouped and escaped to the planet Angargal, where they were approached by the Grandmaster with an offer. (Avengers v1 #690)

Afterwards, he led his compatriots as they made their way to the territory of the Sinnarian Empire where they first ravaged a peaceful world that swore fealty to its emperor. (Black Order v1 #1)

Wanting to get his hands on the mysterious Black Infinity Stone, Corvus went to Broxton to kidnap Thor's little sister, Laussa. Lying to her that he would take her to Gaea, he instead took her to the Forbidden Area of Niffleheim, where long ago Bor and his Valkyries had fought Thanos for the Infinity Stone. (Thor v6 #29) Fighting his way through the Draugr, Corvus approached the Asgardian gates sealed by Bor, and cut Laussa's arm in order to draw her blood, as he needed the blood of Bor or his descendants to open them. Fortunately for her, while Corvus was busy opening the gates, Laussa mustered up enough strength to cause an explosion that allowed Thor and Rūna to catch up to them. Corvus threatened them with Laussa's life, but Thor attacked him before he could do anything. The magic in the cave twisted the lightning of Thor's hammer into a pack of wolves that quickly tore Corvus apart. Corvus' soul left his body behind soon after his demise. (Thor v6 #32)


Personality and attributes

He was known to be cruel, arrogant and also the most loyal of the Black Order. (New Avengers v3 #9)

It was noted that his brother was the Black Dwarf who was considered the funny one in the family. (Black Order v1 #1)

Powers and abilities

It was said that as long as his otherworldly blade remained whole then he could not die. (New Avengers v3 #9)

The glaive itself can slice through any known thing and person in the universe. (Infinity v1 #6) Corvus himself can recall his weapon to his hand whenever he throws it with a gesture. (New Avengers v3 #26)

He was the leader of the Black Order that had consisted of the greatest warriors that served the Mad Titan Thanos. (Infinity v1 #1)


  • Corvus Glaive was created by Jonathan Hickman and Jim Cheung where he made his first appearance in Free Comic Book Day, 2013: Infinity.
  • In an interview, it was said that Glaive was, "The first of the five. Thanos’ most favored. Corvus is cruel, arrogant and the most loyal of the Black Order,” said Hickman. “A warrior who betrayed his people and sold his soul to Thanos to pursue a different kind of glory."
  • Editor Tom Brevoort further commented:
"He was the one character among the generals who was designed by Jim, and he was designed by Jim specifically because this story was being done and Jim had to get to him first. In essence, this is no different than any other design challenge. Jonathan laid the particulars of the characters out on the table, Jim went to town and did a few designs — different roughs for the head and so forth. We selected from that and away he went. He's the most prominent of the five lieutenants. He's Thanos' second-in-command and the one who most readily speaks for him, and yet you want him to have a certain amount of visual contrast to Thanos. While Thanos is a fairly big, blocky character and really became that over the years, Corvus — he's not skinny, but he's more slender, more lithe, more wiry — sort of in reflection of the glaive weapon that he carries. He's like the physical personification of that in a sense."
  • Creator Jonathan Hickman in an interview noted, "I think it’s obvious that Corvus Glaive is the most important. He's sort of first among equals in the Black Order. Like any group of really shady characters though the internal machinations of how much they distrust each other and how much they can't help but be the awful people they are have lead to secret alliances between members. Plus certain members have their own agendas. All of that will play out over the course of "Infinity" and perhaps even after that."

Alternate Versions

  • In What If? Infinity - Thanos v1 #1 (2015), an alternate version of Corvus Glaive appeared in a What If? reality that was designated as Earth-15121 in the Multiverse. Corvus Glaive was by Thanos' side when the titan was called before the Galactic Council were he offered his services against the Builders. Corvus was later by his wife Proxima Midnight's side when they destroyed some of the vessels within the Builder's armada.
  • In What If? Infinity - Inhumans v1 #1 (2015), an alternate version of Corvus Glaive appeared in a What If? reality that was designated as Earth-99220 in the Multiverse. After the destruction of Attilan, Thanos faced Black Bolt and ultimately defeated him while Corvus watched. The Builders began their invasion of the universe, and Thanos promised Black Bolt he would protect the Inhumans and the Earth, in exchange Black Bolt had to kill the Avengers. Eventually, the rest of the Inhuman Royal Family began to conspire against Thanos. Their plan involved Gorgon and Crystal tracking down Dazzler and smuggling her into New Attilan and tried to hide her. After she had been found, Karnak informed both Medusa and Black Bolt. He and Medusa used Lockjaw to teleport to Gorgon and Crystal, but the Black Order discovered they were trying to smuggle a weapon into the city and attacked the Inhumans. After Thanos was killed by Black Bolt and Dazzler, Corvus Glaive then revealed to everyone that Black Bolt was a traitor, and Black Bolt killed him in retaliation.
  • In Thanos: The Infinity Finale v1 #1 (2016), an alternate version of Corvus Glaive appeared in a reality that was designated as Earth-TRN909 in the Multiverse. Corvus Glaive was one of the heroes who survived Annihilus' universe conquest and joined an universal resistance, but he was killed by the Annihilation Wave after Thanos' plan had been failed
  • In Thanos v2 #16 (2018), an alternate version of Corvus Glaive appeared in a reality that was designated as Earth-TRN666 in the Multiverse. Corvus Glaive helped Thanos in his quest to please Death by killing the heroes of Earth.

In other media


  • In Avengers Assemble, Corvus Glaive appeared in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor David Kaye.
  • In Guardians of the Galaxy, Corvus Glaive appeared in the animated television series where he was once again voiced by actor David Kaye.


  • In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Corvus Glaive made multiple appearances in the shared continuity setting:
    • In Avengers: Infinity War, Corvus Glaive appeared in the setting of the live-action film where he was voiced by actor Michael James Shaw. Along with the rest of the Black Order and Thanos, Glaive was present when they first attacked Xandar in search of the Power Stone. Thanos eventually stole the Orb from the Nova Corps Headquarters after defeating the Nova Corps. Eventually, the Sanctuary II had crossed paths with them in space with the Asgardians. Together with Black Order, Glaive took part of Thanos' assault on the Statesman carrying the surviving Asgardians, as Thanos sought to secure the Space Stone from Loki. During the assault, Glaive was finishing off any wounded Asgardian that survived the attack before watching over Loki. As Loki was giving up the Tesseract to Thanos, Hulk violently attacked him. After Thanos defeated Hulk, Glaive lent his weapon to him to kill Heimdall who had used his powers to transport Hulk to Earth. Once Thor was restrained by Maw, Thanos had acquired the Space Stone to his Infinity Gauntlet and ordered his children to retrieve two Infinity Stones on Earth, to which they bowed down to her knee in agreement. Loki then tried to distract them by telling Thanos that he would be an allegiance to him; however, he was then killed by his own hand. With the Space Stone secured, Thanos teleported himself and his children away from Statesman as it exploded. Glaive and Proxima Midnight traveled to Edinburgh, Scotland, in order to claim the Mind Stone. The pair found and ambushed Vision on his date with Wanda Maximoff, having the android at the back of chest. After letting Vision go, Glaive encountered Maximoff before Midnight attacked her from behind. After Glaive stabbed Vision through the back of his chest with his weapon and severely injuring the android to prevent him from phasing, he turned him around on the ground and proceeded to use his weapon to open up the Mind Stone from Vision's forehead, much to his trouble of getting him to submit. After Maximoff recovered from her attack, she blasted both Glaive and Midnight away, letting them both escape from the scenery.
    • In Avengers: Endgame, Corvus Glaive appeared in the live-action film where he was once again voiced by actor Michael Hames Shaw.

Video games

  • In Marvel: Avengers Alliance, Corvus Glaive appeared as a playable character in the Facebook video game.
  • In Marvel: Future Fight, Corvus Glaive appeared as a playable character in the mobile video game.
  • In Marvel Contest of Champions, Corvus Glaive appeared as an unlockable character in the mobile video game.
  • In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, Corvus Glaive appeared as a boss level character in the setting of the video game where he was voiced by actor David Kaye.


  • Free Comic Book Day, 2013: Infinity: (2013)
  • New Avengers v3:
  • Thanos v2:
  • Avengers v1:
  • Black Order v1:
  • Guardians of the Galaxy:
  • Thanos v3:
  • Thor v6:

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