Darth Maul

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Darth Maul

Darth Maul is a male extraterrestrial character who features in Star Wars.




Darth Maul was a Force-sensitive male Zabrak who was born a long time ago in the galaxy far, far away on the planet Dathomir where he was part a tribe known as the Nightbrothers. At some point, he came to be taken as an apprentice by Darth Sidious who inducted him in the ways of the Sith. This saw being instructed in the way of the Dark Side of the Force and came to serve as a servant of his master as they operated from the shadows. By this point, his master publicly operated as a Senator in the Galactic Republic whilst looking to orchestrate the destruction of the Sith's age old foe in the Jedi Order. During this time, Darth Sidious had manipulated the Trade Federation into blockading the world of Naboo. This saw Queen Padmé Amidala managing to escape where she headed towards Coruscant to warn the Galactic Senate of the illegal blockade. To stop this, Darth Sidious dispatched his apprentice Darth Maul where he was tasked with eliminating Queen Amidala. This saw a him clashing with the Queen's Jedi protectors on Tatooine where the Dathomiri waited in ambush at Naboo. At the Naboo Royal Palace, he came to battle Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi where he came to kill the former in single combat. The victorious Maul then fought Jinn's student Kenobi who in a moment of rage succeeded in outwitting the Sith and seemingly kill him with his Lightsaber. The presence of the Sith Lord led to the Jedi Council learning that their ancient enemies had returned and concluding that Darth Maul had a hidden master operating somewhere in the galaxy. Though seemingly killed, Maul's hate actually allowed him to survive where he used the Force to maintain his body whilst he made it to a trash container. The container then was dumped on the junkyard world of Lotho Minor where the shattered form of Darth Mal attempted to survive in the bowels of the planet. He came to use the discarded metal he could find to fashion a six-limbed lower body for himself in order to walk again. His defeat and the years he spent on the planet came to drive Maul to madness where he became fixated with getting revenge against Obi-Wan Kenobi.

In the years afterwards, the Clone Wars came to rage across the galaxy and unknown to Darth Maul his master had replaced him with a new apprentice named Darth Tyrannus. During this time, Tyrannus looked for an enforcer to serve him and consulted with the Nightsisters who provided him the brother of Darth Maul. Using their magic, they came to enhance him into a brutal warrior named Savage Opress who was later told by the Nightsisters that his brother still lived and provided him a talisman that directed him to Lotho Minor. Whilst there, Savage found Maul but found his sibling to be a broken person whose mind was now shattered making him a shadow of his former self. He took Darth Maul to Dathomir where the Nightsisters used their magic to restore his mind and reforge his lower body into a bipedal form using destroyed battle droids from a recent battle. With his mind restored, he then set forth to get his revenge against Obi-Wan Kenobi and had the aid of his brother as they went out into the galaxy.


Personality and attributes

His original name was unknown and after becoming a Sith Lord he went by the name of Darth Maul. After being abandoned by his master, he came to be stripped of his title and went by the name of Maul instead.

Powers and abilities

As a Zabrak, Maul had all the natural traits of the species. In addition, he was a Force-sensitive allowing him to tap into the power of the Force. He was capable of sing the Force to direct powerful telekinetic pushes that could send his opponents flying backwards.

As a Sith Lord, he came to wield his own lightsabre that took the form of a double red blade. Maul could either ignite one end to fight an opponent like it was an ordinary blade or use both ends in a fight. In battle, it was shown that he used the blade alongside his impressive acrobatic skills to make him a deadly opponent.

During the Clone Wars, he came to be the leader of the Shadow Collective that consisted of the leading criminal organizations of the galaxy. By the Empire's reign, he was the secret leader of the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate that operated in the Outer Rim.


  • Darth Maul was created by George Lucas and was portrayed by actor Ray Park where he made his first appearance in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.

Alternate Versions

In other media

Video games

  • In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Darth Maul made a minor appearance in the setting of the video game. He was part of a training program within PROXY who used his holographic disguise to take on Darth Maul's appearance that was used to help in combat training for his master Starkiller.
  • In Star Wars: Battlefront 2, Darth Maul appeared as a playable hero character in the third person shooters multiplayer mode where he was voiced by actor Sam Witwer.


  • Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace:
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars:
  • Star Wars: Rebels:

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