Nova Corps (Marvel)
The Nova Corps is an organization that featuerd in Marvel Comics.
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The Nova Corps was an intergalactic force of peacekeepers that originated from the planet Xandar. For generations, the Nova Corps had been involved in the protection of friendly worlds. (Nova v4 #19) Central to the Corps was the use of the Nova Force that empowered each of its Corpsmen with the organization by the cognitive resources of the Xandarian Worldmind. (Annihilation: Nova v1 #1)
To get an advantage of the Kree, the Skrulls launched an assault against Xandar in order to claim the World Computer of Xandar. At the time, the Fantastic Four were present on the word and participated in the defense of the planet. (Fantastic Four v1 #205)
The Shi'ar had deep reservations on giving the Nova Force to the Human Richard Rider with Adora agreeing to a trial whereby Shi'ar warriors along with Gladiators would test the Human Nova in a trial by combat where he succeeded. (Nova v2 #1) A criminal named Kraa later sought to destroy Xandar as revenge for the death of his brother Zorr and carved a path of destruction across numerous worlds as he headed towards his targets. A Star Corps force was sent to stop him but the were all killed by the warlord. This led to Queen Adora calling a second team to gather the Nova Prime Richard Rider in order to stop Kraa before he reached Xandar. (Nova v2 #15) Kraa was defeated and a Nova Corps team were sent with a containment vault to arrest him though they had standing orders to similarly arrest Richard Rider for criminal disobedience though he departed the scene before the Corpsmen arrived. (Nova v2 #16) Garthan Saal was later appointed as the Nova Centurion to protect Earth and replaced Richard Rider who had his powers stripped from him. (Nova v2 #17)
On Annihilation Day, the Nova Corps was placed on alert following the destruction of the Kyln with a number of their forces being destroyed by the emergent Annihilation Wave that later devastated Xandar. (Annihilation: Prologue v1 #1) In the aftermath, the Nova Corps had been effectively destroyed with only a single survivor left namely Richard Rider. (Annihilation v1 #1) Rider was contacted by the Xandarian Worldmind which downloaded itself and the Nova Force into him so that the last shard of Xandar could continue to survive. (Annihilation: Nova v1 #1)
During Rider's sleep cycles, the Worldmind secretly began searching for individuals to join a new Nova Corps and began to select Centurions to be empowered with the Nova Force. This was done in secret as Richard Rider was opposed to recreating the Nova Corps at this time. However, the Xandarian Worldmind believed that the Nova Corps played a vital role in the security of the galactic community thus leading to it conducting its actions. At least five were recruited by the time Richard Rider had an encounter with Galactus where the Worldmind was rendered temporarily off-line. The new recruits were deployed in the defence of Earth during the Skrull's Secret Invasion where they helped save Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. from falling under enemy hands. In the aftermath, the Worldmind began a mass recruiting measure once more against the wishes of Richard Rider with his brother Robbie Rider added into the new Nova Corps. (Nova v4 #19) It was later revealed that the Worldmind had also co-opted Ego the Living Planet where it had effectively suppressed the planetoid's intellect and used it as a housing for the Xandarian artificial intelligence. The world was then called Nu-Xandar that was to serve as the mobile headquarters for the Nova Corps. (Nova v4 #21) The Worldmind then proceeded with a recruitment initiative where it selected suitable candidates into the Corps from Earth's population who were teleported through selection beams with the necessary information downloaded into their minds. It was actually achieving this mass recruitment through subtle subliminal control where it made recruits wanting to become part of the reconstituted Nova Corps. A reason for this act was because of the growing hostilities between the Kree and the Shi'ar which necessitated peacekeeping operations from the Nova Corps. (Nova v4 #22) Nu-Xander then departed Earth where it began going to various worlds and went on a recruitment drive to increase the number of Centurions in the Corps. Meanwhile, the Corps was deployed to the Kree world of Nil-Rast to defend it from the Shi'ar aggressors where the Centurions managed to push back against the attackers until the deployment of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. Nova Prime Tarcel was ultimately forced to surrender to the Shi'ar with his Centurions taken as prisoners but they were executed by Xenith and her Praetorians. (Nova v4 #24)
At some point afterwards, the Corps began re-constituting though faced opposition in one quadrant of space from the Shi'ar's Fraternity of Raptors. (Free Comic Book Day Vol 2017 All-New Guardians of the Galaxy v1 #1) They re-established themselves from a new base of operations on a large asteroid in-between the Shi'ar and Terran systems with them calling their headquarters the Spirit of Xandar but it was known more commonly as The Rock. The Corps mined the asteroid for rare metals that they sold and used the profit to build weapons to arm themselves. By this time, the Corps was entirely dependent on the support of member worlds who donated warriors, scientists, equipment and funding to keep it operational. (Guardians of the Galaxy v1 #146)
Sometime afterwards, the Nova Corps came to register a cataclysmic threat that was devastating worlds in the universe. They determined the threat to be the Nafglfar Armada that consisted of undead gods rampaging through space. The Corps received word of an incident on Chandilar where they found the Shi'ar capital world under attack from undead Asgardians. These undead later fled leaving behind a group of living warriors with ties to Asgard who were fighting the undead. They were led by Angela with the Shi'ar seeking their arrest due to what they perceived was another attack from Asgard. The Nova's proceeded with arresting the group of warriors and learnt that the nature of the Nafglfar Armada was under the control of Nebula who they determined was heading towards Earth. Upon learning this, Angela and her comrades broke free where they headed to stop the space pirate from destroying Midgard. (Asgardians of the Galaxy v1 #4) Afterwards, they were in pursuit of the Asgardians alongside other galactic factions as the group had the Naglfar Beacon which was seen as a cosmic relic of destruction that needed to be put into safe custody. (Asgardians of the Galaxy v1 #6) They later responded to a disturbance at the vicinity where the last will and testament of Thanos was being held which was at Sanctuary. They arrived to find a number of cosmic based superheroes who they intended to arrest as part of the investigation of the incident. However, Star-Lord intervened where he claimed that the individuals were part of the latest incarnation of the Guardians of the Galaxy. (Guardians of the Galaxy v5 #1)
They were also referred to as the Starcorp of Xandar. (New Warriors v1 #42) And as the Xandarian Star Corps. (Nova v2 #17) Centurions were gifted with amazing powers and gained all sorts of expertise that were instantly patched into their minds. (Nova v4 #21) Such information included skill-packages and dataware upgrades being loaded directly into their consciousness's. (Nova v4 #22) The helmets also maintained their own record feed into the helmet log that could be recovered for access in case the Corpsmen was killed. (Nova v4 #34)
The Corps was divided into a hierarchy that included:
- Prime Commandant : leader of the Corps that could be a dual one held by the ruling monarch. (Nova v2 #1)
- Nova Prime : a high-rank within the Corps. (Nova v1 #1)
- Centurion Sector Coordinator : a management position with the post wielder controlling Corpsmen over a set sector of space. (Nova v2 #1)
A branch within the Corps was System Operations that were part of the strategic division with postings into the speciality involving directing other Centurion tactics. (Nova v4 #23) System Operations ultimately stayed at headquarters where they provided tactical analysis. (Nova v4 #24)
Interstellar law allowed the Nova Corps to operate under the Pan-Worlds Jurisdiction Treaty. (Nova v4 #24) World's protected by the Corps could summon their assistance with this being a 8X8 Code distress signal. (Nova v4 #1) Each member of the Starcorp was assigned a specific sector which they guarded as part of their duties. (New Warriors v2 #6)
In terms of regulations, Priority One stated that a Corpsmen was to defend Xandarian civilization whilst Priority Two dictated that they protect and safeguard the Xandarian Worldmind. (Annihilation: Nova v1 #1) Xandarian dress code had strict requirements for Corpsmen to adhere to and not following them meant that a Starcorps member was out of uniform making it a breach of regulation which can be grounds for disciplinary action. (New Warriors v2 #6)
Crisis Protocols could be put into effect during a disastrous event that suspended unauthorized pan-galactic travel and use of stargates. (Annihilation: Prologue v1 #1)
Training made use of Xandarian fightsticks that were used as a training tool in the Corps. (Nova v4 #31)
Centurion suits were woven around their Nova Corps members. (Nova v4 #22)
Data could be transmitted for visual interface to the Corpsmen through the visor array. (Annihilation: Nova v1 #1) The helmet could receive radio signals and tune into communication bands allowing the user to hear any such conversations. (Nova v1 #1) The suit's contained their own heal and repair sub-systems to allow their user to recuperate from wounds. (Annihilation: Nova v1 #1) Suit-heal systems were, however, unable to resolve massive physical trauma that resulted in a terminal strike against the Centurion. (Nova v4 #24) Centurion armor was ray shielded that prevented contamination from radiation sources. (Nova v4 #3) Other systems in the costume included its tesseract release, systems-adapt mode, flight navigation sensors and gravimetric pulse. (Nova v2 #7) Typically, a DNA based security system prevented non-Corpsmen from using the suits though magic was able to circumvent this feature. (Asgardians of the Galaxy v1 #4)
Only a Nova could contain the power of the Nova Force. (Annihilation: Nova v1 #1) Helmets imbued with its power gave the wearer cosmic awareness of everything around them. (Champions v3 #7)
The Centurion User Support System (CSUSS) was an aspect incorporated in Nova uniforms. These were limited backups of the WorldMind if that artificial intelligence was damaged or offline. It had the abilities of the WorldMind but was more limited in terms of intellect, decision making or self-awareness. (Nova v4 #15)
Another device they made use of was the computer P.R.I.M.E. (Planetary Recorder for Information Maintenance and Education). This machine controlled the Nova Prime's ship with the unit storing all memory along with knowledge of the previous Nova Primes in its bio-circuits. It was linked to all living creatures on Xandar and accessed by the Nova Primes helmet. (Nova v1 #8) The Xandarian Worldmind offered a consensus voice with this being a Class G collective artificial intelligence that was created to govern and maintain all Xandar's culture. Everything of Xandar's culture including its science, arts, philosophy and history were stored within the Worldmind including the bio-template of the Xandarian species. It also contained and controlled the Nova Force that empowered the Nova Corps. (Annihilation: Nova v1 #1)
They made use of surveillance spheres that were satellites deployed in space and used to monitor a solar system. (Nova v2 #17) Their purpose was to assist a Sector Centurion in monitoring their territory. (Nova v2 #18) Their facilities made use of service repair droids that operated in their facilities. (Nova v4 #29) The Nova Corps had access to synthesizers that allowed for the replication of items such as clothing and uniforms. (Nova v2 #18) Nova GuardBots were used to protect their planetary outposts. (Nova v5 #20)
Members of the Starcorps were often assigned a Xandarian cruiser to serve as their base of operations in their assigned sector of space. (New Warriors v2 #6) A type of craft that the Corps used were the three-mile long Upholder class Nova Corps patrol cruiser that had their own hydroponics gallery. (Nova v4 #29) They were known to make use of starships that were three times the size of Saturn. (Nova v1 #1)
One of their base of operations was the Spirit of Xandar that was also known as The Rock and was a large asteroid that was mine for rare metals. (Guardians of the Galaxy v1 #146)
- Richard Rider :
- Sam Alexander :
- Garthan Saal :
- Torthar : male Corps member who was part of an earlier team sent to stop the rampage of the villainous Kraa who murdered Torthar and his comrades. (Nova v2 #15)
- Muraitak : a male Skrull member of the Star Corps who was dispatched by Queen Adora to recover the Nova Prime Richard Rider and be part of the force to confront Kraa. (Nova v2 #15)
- Grot : a stone skinned alien who was sent to retrieve the Nova Prime Richard Rider and be part of the force to confront Kraa. (Nova v2 #15)
- Tas'wzta : a male D'Bari who was part of the forces sent to fight Kraa but was badly injured in the struggle. (Nova v2 #15)
- Malik Tarcel : male Shi'ar who was recruited into the reborn Nova Corps during the Secret Invasion who participated in the defence of Earth. (Nova v4 #19)
- Irani Rael : a female Rigellian who was recruited into the reborn Nova Corps during the Secret Invasion who participated in the defence of Earth. (Nova v4 #19)
- Qubit : a synthorganic from the Manufactured Harmonites who was a Centurion recruited into the reborn Nova Corps during the Secret Invasion who participated in the defence of Earth. (Nova v4 #19)
- Fraktur : a female from Kakaranthara who was recruited into the reborn Nova Corps during the Secret Invasion who participated in the defence of Earth. (Nova v4 #19)
- Morrow : a male Mephistoid who was a Centurion recruited into the reborn Nova Corps during the Secret Invasion who participated in the defence of Earth. (Nova v4 #19)
- Scott Adsit :
- The Nova Corps were created by Marv Wolfman and John Buscema where they made their first appearance in Fantastic Four v1 #205 (April 1979).
Alternate Versions
- In Infinity Gauntlet v2 (2015), a version of the Nova Corps was shown to reside on Battleworld following the collapse of the Multiverse. They resided in the realm of New Xander with members being given Nova Stars that were hand-held red crystalline stars that activated to create a Nova suit around the wearer. The Corps were protected of their realm but were overwhelmed and destroyed by the Annihilation Wave that swarmed through their territory. The only survivor of the Nova Corps was Eve Bakian who gave Nova Stars to her surviving family members in order to take them to safety and to locate the Infinity Gems.
In other media
- In Ultimate Spider-Man, the Nova Corps was mentioned in the animated television series in the episode "The Return of the Guardians of the Galaxy". It as mentioned that Titus was a member of the organization until he went rogue and with Sam Alexander being all that was left of the Nova Corps. Sam Alexander's helmet was said to hold the untapped secrets of the Nova Corps which was why Titus sought to claim it for himself.
- In Guardians of the Galaxy, the Nova Corps appeared in the two part mini-prequel episode of Drax. They were responsible for arresting Drax and sending him to the Kyln prison. In "Undercover Angle", the Guardians of the Galaxy infiltrate the Nova Corps facility on Xandar to recover a Pandorian Crystal. They later get blackmailed by Corpsmen Titus into infiltrating the Black Order but he intended to use them to recover Ronan's Universal Weapon to sell to the Collector. However, they revealed Titus being corrupt and he was arrested by the Nova Corps. In "Black Helmet Woman", it was shown that an elite unit within the Corps were the Nova Centurions that wore special helmets that empowered them with the Nova Force. Prototype black helmets had a defect in them that caused them to drain the life energy of their user. One such Nova Centurion helmet was within Thanos's possession that contained data on the cocoon on the mysterious sarcophagus on his ship.
- In the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Nova Corps appeared in the live-action film set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe where they were shown as the military force of the planet Xandar that was home to the Nova Empire. Numerous of its officers were shown defending the world and upholding the law. The Nova Corps was responsible for apprehending Peter Quill, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon and Groot on Xandar where they shipped them to the prison station known as the Klyn. They were deployed in force to combat the threat of Ronan who had acquired the Infinity Stone and sought to exterminate all life on Xandar. A large force of fighters from the Nova Corps was dispatched after being alerted of Ronan's plan by Peter Quill where they first assisted against enemy Necrocraft and managed to slow down the renegade Kree's vessel. However, Ronan used the power to shatter the blockade which eliminated many of the fighters.
Video games
- In Marvel: Avengers Alliance, the Nova Corps was mentioned in the setting of the Facebook video game.
- In Marvel Heroes, the Nova Corps was referenced in the MMORPG video game with them appearing as an ability for Nova.
- In Marvel: Future Fight, the Nova Corps appeared as antagonists where they were based on their Marvel Cinematic Universe incarnation in the iOS video game. They along with the Nova Prime were brainwashed into helping Nebula capture and detain Gamora.
- In Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, the Nova Corps appeared in the setting of the video game.
- In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, the Nova Corps appeared in the setting of the Wii video game. They were involved in attempting to stop the Black Order from bringing the recovered Infinity Stones to their master Thanos. This led to them battling the villains on Knowhere but they failed in their mission though the heroes were able to stop the Mad Titan. After Thanos disappeared, the Nova Corps proceeded to arrest the Black Order who were going to be imprisoned in the Kyln for their crimes.
- Nova v1:
- Fantastic Four v1:
- Annihilation: Nova v1:
- Nova v4: #24
- All-New Guardians of the Galaxy v1:
- Guardians of the Galaxy:
- Asgardians of the Galaxy v1:
- Guardians of the Galaxy v5:
External Link
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