Doctor Doom
- For other uses of this name, see Doctor Doom (disambiguation).
Doctor Doom was originally Victor Von Doom, born to a gypsy family in the European nation of Latveria. Von Doom's father Werner was a gifted hearler while his mother Cynthia was a practicing sorceress. Von Doom's tribe of gypsies was frequently persecuted by the Baron of Latveria. Cynthia was visited by the demon Mephisto and sold her soul in exchange for Latveria becoming a gypsy paradise and her son Victor its king, as well as gifted with great power, which shortly destroyed her. Werner was summoned to the Baron's castle and ordered to save the life of his wife. When Werner failed to do so, the Baron ordered his and Victor's deaths, and the two fled. Werner died during the winter, and Victor promised vengeance.
As a teenager, Victor was taken in by Boris, a friend of his father's. Victor soon discovered a gift left to him by his mother, a chest containing herbs, medicines and other artifacts of great power. He began to delve into their secrets, growing obsessed with knowledge and power and while doing so, becoming distant to his girlfriend Valeria.
Von Doom was later offered a science scholership at Empire State University in New York City, and upon arriving met another student named Reed Richards. Later he began pursuing forbidden experiments, trying to figure out how to communicate with his mother's soul in Hell. Richards discovered Von Doom's notes and an error in his calculations. Von Doom refused to listen and threw Reed out. Von Doom began his experiment with his machine which exploded, injuring Von Doom. While recovering, Doom was expelled, and forever on Von Doom blamed Richards for his failure.
The accident also left a thin scar along one side of his face, the egotistical Von Doom believed this one scar had ruined his entire face, and soon left America for Tibet where he was taken in by a secret order of monks, learning their secrets and eventually becoming their master. The monks helped him forge a suit of armor and a metal mask. In his haste to cover his face, Von Doom donned the mask before it had completely cooled, thereby truly and permanently disfiguring Von Doom's entire face.
Calling himself Doctor Doom, Doom left Tibet and returned to Latveria and quickly overthrew the ruling monarchy and established a new monarchy with himself as master of Latveria. Doom succeeded in bringing peace and prosperity to Latveria while ruling it with an iron fist. He renamed the capital Doomstadt and built a castle as his new home and headquarters. He then desired to bring this same peace and prosperity to the entire world, and began to plan world conquest.
Doom then captured the new superhero group led by Richards called the Fantastic Four and failed to use and destroy them, but became their greatest and most bitter enemy. He has also encountered and become enemies with many other heroes such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, the Avengers, the X-Men and many others.
In one of his early schemes to destroy the Fantastic Four, Doom encountered an alien race called the Ovoids and from them learned an alien secret to transfer his mind and soul into another body and back. He also grew in his sorcerous skills becoming second only to Doctor Strange. Recently, with help from Strange, Doom succeeded in freeing his mother's soul from Mephisto.
One of Doom's most infamous moments was stealing the Silver Surfer's Power Cosmic and almost conquering the world. But he lost the Power Cosmic when he flew into the barrier left by Galactus to keep the Surfer trapped on Earth.
Doom's bionic armor is equal to Iron Man's, as he can fly, breathe in space or under water and fire energy blasts, and features numerous hidden weapons and gadgets as well as control over his minions. Doom also has robotic doubles called Doombots which can serve as perfect doubles and decoys.
Doom has been thought dead numerous times but has always come back, and if alternate futures we've seen have shown anything, Doom will remain a threat to the world for a very long time.
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