Kull Warriors

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Kull Warriors are supersoldiers that feature in Stargate.



The Kull Warriors were a genetically engineered race of beings that were created by the Goa'uld lord Stargate. It was believed that the creation of these warriors was possibly the reaction to the recent uprising amongst the Jaffa. (Episode: Evolution, Part 1) This saw him establishing a heavily fortified facility on the planet Tartarus where he came to reverse engineer the technology of the sarcophagus to give life to a new engineered race of humanoids. Part of this also involved implanting Symbiotes into the drone soldier with the parasite being devoid of the Goa'uld's genetic memory thus meaning they had no personality and simply kept their hosts alive. For this purpose, Anubis came to gain the allegiance of a Goa'uld Queen who was responsible for spawning these mindless Symbiotes who were placed within an army of supersoldiers where this manufacturing process produced thousands of warriors. A Goa'uld scientist named Thoth was placed in the role of heading the development of these supersoldiers and monitoring their progress. (Episode: Evolution, Part 2)

Among the first noted encounters with these supersoldiers was on a remote planet where two minor Goa'uld System Lords named Tilgath and Ramius were meeting in order to form an alliance. A single Kull Warrior arrived on the planet where it proceeded to kill Tilgath and all the Jaffa present at the scene with this being witnessed by Teal'c and Bra'tac. Another supersoldier came to be sent to Ramius's home planet after the Goa'uld fled there where he was ultimately killed after suffering from multiple wounds in his chest. (Episode: Evolution, Part 1) Stargate Command looked to investigate the emergence of these supersoldiers and finding a counter to them. This saw one mission looking to finding the Ancient device that brought about the creation of the Goa'uld sarcophagus technology with this machine being located on Earth. Similarly, another team went to find the facility that was breeding the Kull Warriors leading them to Tartarus. (Episode: Evolution, Part 2)

Afterwards, Anubis came to learn the location of Earth's Alpha Site with super-soldiers attacking the secret off-world base. They nearly succeeded in killing everyone at the site until the Tau'ri and Tok'ra came to develop a weapon capable of killing Kull Warriors. (Episode: Death Knell) Stargate Command came to use the Game Keeper's chairs as the basis for virtual training exercises for SG Teams. During a test trial, SG-1 took part where they were placed in a virtual scenario against Kull Warriors. (Episode: Avatar) Later on, Anubis launched a massive attack against Earth in order to find the lost Ancient city of Atlantis. Accompanied by Kull warriors, they looked to storm a lost Ancient base in Antarctica but SG-1 managed to activate the outposts defensive systems that killed the super-soldiers and destroyed the Goa'uld fleet in orbit. (Episode: Lost City, Part 2)

Despite Baal's growing power, it was revealed that in reality he was actually forced to serve Anubis who managed to escape an icy world that was to be his prison. From the shadows, he manipulated events to ensure his own vision for the galaxy that included wiping it of life so that it would be reborn according to his plan. (Episode: Threads) Around this time, the galaxy came under the threat of the Replicators that were under the command of a Replicator version of Samantha Carter. At the same time, Kull Warriors were employed by Baal as part of his forces. (Episode: Reckoning)


In appearance, Kull Warriors were humanoids that had translucent white skin and similarly white eyes to match the rest of their skin. (Episode: Evolution, Part 1)

These drone soldiers were intended to be a new form of foot soldier and were engineered hosts. They were a lot stronger than a human with an incredibly unusual organ structure where everything out was out proportion. Physiologically, their heart and lungs were abnormally large to supply enough blood and oxygen to its muscles. The genetic engineering seemingly had a design to create the perfect athlete without any concern towards longevity and though stronger they were far from superior. In fact, they were plagued with biological problems with some simply dying as they were left on the verge of a pulmonary failure. It was this reason that a Symbiote was implanted in them to regulate their bodies and sustain their lives but even they were not able to compensate for long. (Episode: Evolution, Part 1) The Symbiote themselves lacked the genetic memory of their predecessors with this being intentional on the Queen that spawned them as they were intended to simply perform in regulating the Kull Warriors physiology. (Episode: Evolution, Part 2)

Infused within its cells were a unique energy signature that was similar to the residual effects left by the use of a Sarcophagus with this being used to bring these creatures to life. As a result, they were created in a laboratory with these soldiers capable of being deployed on the battlefield in the span of weeks. (Episode: Evolution, Part 1)

Kull Warriors were deemed the perfect soldier as they were deadly, fearless, and showed unquestioning loyalty to their master. (Episode: Evolution, Part 2)

They were equipped with armor that possessed some sort of advanced energy absorption technology. This allowed it to survive multiple energy blasts such as from staff weapons or zats. It also made them difficult to scan with technology such as MRI machines until the armor was removed. They had a helmet made up of two pieces with some sort of breathing filtration system built into them and they were fused right into the suit. The chief weapon of these supersoldiers though was an energy weapon that was attached to the top of the forearms that emitted rapidly fired red energy blasts from above the wrist which were activated from the gloves. These blasts were shown to leave circular burn wounds in their targets and were capable of easily penetrating through Goa'uld and Jaffa armor. (Episode: Evolution, Part 1)


  • In SFX Magazine (May, 2003), executive producer Robert C. Cooper said that the conception of the the Kull Warriors was made due to a need for a much more powerful adversary than the Jaffa, and one that would be more "palatable" to fight.
  • Supervising producer Damian Kindler said that the Kull Warriors were planned as a Terminator-like enemy, and that many ideas for their creation came from the episode "Cure".


  • Stargate SG-1:

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