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Wade Wilson in Deadpool v4 #7.

Deadpool is a male comic anti-hero that features in Marvel Comics.




Wade Wilson is a man living with cancer, who went through a procedure and made him become the Merc with a Mouth.

He was then recruited for the Canadian special weapons development branch known as Department K. Wilson was suffering from cancer at the time and took part in experiments undertaken by Weapon X. This saw castoffs being gifted superhuman powers and thus the potential to become a superhero. (Deadpool and Death Annual v1 #1998)

As a result, he became the second iteration of the Weapon X program where among his fellow recruits was Garrison Kane. (Deadpool: The Circle Chase v1 #3) This saw the distillation of a Mutant Healing Factor from one agent and implanting it into another which in this case was Wilson. (Deadpool and Death Annual v1 #1998) Dr. Killebrew told Wade that the experiment would give him regenerative powers that would last forever. (Deadpool: Sins of the Past v1 #1)


He was hired by Mr. Tolliver and paid to eliminate the Mutant Cable. Deadpool managed to ambush his quarry and even fought off several of his New Mutant students but was defeated by Domino. Rather than kill him, Cable sent the mercenary back to Tolliver for him to deal with the failure in the mission. (New Mutants v1 #98)

Wilson was later at the Hellhouse when it was attacked by mercenaries targeting him. Despite killing some of them, he came to be frozen and was nearly taken away until he was saved by Banshee along with his daughter Siryn. (Deadpool v1 #1)

He came to be abducted by information brokers looking for a cure for the Legacy Virus where he was rescued by Wolverine and the mercenary Maverick. (Wolverine Annual v1 #1995)

Wilson had taken a job to assassinate a person when he was approached by Sabretooth who was recruiting for a reborn Weapon X program. Deadpool at first refused but Creed would not take a refusal and threatened to kill Wade. This led to a fight between the pair where Deadpool was surprised to see that Weapon X had improved Sabretooth's abilities namely his healing factor and claws. After being nearly killed, Wade decided to take Creed up on the offer and went to the Weapon X compound where he was introduced to its mysterious leader the Director. (Deadpool v3 #57)

Cable and Deadpool

Wilson traveled back to New York with the idea that Osborn should have paid him for that intel he transmitted during the Secret Invasion, and attempted to break into the Avengers tower. Osborn had been ready for him with a trap, and sent the Thunderbolts to intercept him. Deadpool managed to disable all of the Thunderbolts with the exception of Black Widow, who he began to fall for. While professing his love, he was shot by Paladin and escaped. He teleported to the Taskmaster's 'Unoccupied office building' where he regrouped and got the bullets out of his body whilst telling "Tasky" about how much he adored Black Widow and his plan for two Deadpools. (Deadpool v4 #8) Hiring a plane to fly a banner professing his love for "BW" as well as his phone number, Taskmaster was able to pinpoint the call made to that number to find the Thunderbolt's headquarters. The Thunderbolts used the call to find Taskmaster's position as well, believing him to be Deadpool. As they left to intercept him, Deadpool called their number and flirted with Widow while he shot at them from the plane. Crashing the plane and losing that phone, he teleported back to Taskmaster to get a new phone before teleporting directly to her, since she wasn't with her team. While fighting and kissing her, he managed to ask Taskmaster (dressed as Deadpool) to stall her team while he spent time with her. After losing Rock-Paper-Scissors, Deadpool had to instead take care of the Thunderbolts while Taskmaster went after Black Widow. Taskmaster was captured by her, and was about to have his head cut off by Headsman when Wade rescued him. Osborn wanted to see Deadpool killed, and was in attendance when Taskmaster was about to have his head chopped, so Deadpool went after him after releasing Taskmaster. Wade nearly had Osborn when Black Widow shot him through the heart, enabling Headsman to cut off his head. After recovering, Deadpool thanked Taskmaster for his help by paying him via ATM using Osborn's wallet. Taskmaster claimed he didn't put Wade's head back on, and Deadpool believed it was Widow's way of telling him she loved him back. He would later pop up behind Osborn during a national television appearance holding a sign that said, "Respawn lol". (Deadpool v4 #9)

Uncanny X-Force

He was later hired by Warren Worthington III and dispatched to find Clan Akkaba that were operating in the shadows. (Wolverine: Road to Hell v1 #1) Wilson managed to discover their hidden headquarters and witness a ceremony made by the secret society where they performed a sacrifice in order to create a young clone of their leader Apocalypse. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #1) During the mission, he was attacked and captured with the Akkaba scientists studying him until X-Force arrived to free him where they proceeded with their mission to eliminate Apocalypse. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #2) The team consisted of Angel, Psylocke, Wolverine, and Fantomex where they pursued their target to the Moon only to fight the boy's protectors who were the Final Horsemen. Their craft was shot down on the surface of the Moon with Wade protecting Angel who was injured in the crash. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #3) He helped Warren recover with the two departing towards Ship and infiltrated it where they entered its inner chambers. Within the sanctum, they found their target only to see that Apocalypse was in the form of an innocent young boy. Psylocke and Wolverine intended to take the boy away to be raised in peace with this being opposed by Angel who wanted to kill the child before he became Apocalypse. Ultimately, he came to realise his actions namely the murder of a child and agreed with his compatriots in taking the boy away. However, Fantomex shot a bullet into the young En Sabah Nur's head thus killing the child whereupon the team was forced to quickly escape on E.V.A. before Ship teleported to a new site. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #4) After one of their first missions, which ended with the team killing Apocalypse, who was reincarnated as an innocent child, Deadpool called a meeting to discuss his moral doubts about killing a child. During this meeting, Archangel told Wolverine that, despite being employed by Archangel for over a year, Deadpool never cashed any of the checks for his services. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #5)

Using his medium awareness, he then decided to hunt down the notorious serial killer Carnage. This saw him him attacking Cletus Kasady where he managed to subdue the villain using dubstep. (Deadpool vs. Carnage v1 #1)

Thanos had long been angry at Deadpool for being the object of Lady Death's affections and, unknown to the mercenary, had cursed him with the inability to be killed, thereby preventing Wade from ever uniting with her. When Lady Death went missing, causing all creatures in the universe to become immortal, Deadpool accused Thanos of responsibility, stole a starship from Cable and confronted him. Thanos rescinded his curse, turning Wade into the only mortal creature in the universe and killed him for his impudence. However, Thanos soon realised that Wade was now the only being who could communicate with Death and was forced to bring him back to life so that they could find her. (Deadpool vs. Thanos v1 #1) Together, they learned that Eternity had taken Lady Death and entered its realm to rescue her. This was Death's plan all along though - to push Thanos to destroy Eternity on her behalf, thereby causing the death of reality. To stop this from occurring, Deadpool was briefly gifted with the Uni-Power, turning him into Captain Universe, thereby giving him the means to defeat Thanos. During the fight, Wade managed to convince Death of the validity of life and to abandon her murderous plans. (Deadpool vs. Thanos v1 #4)

Uncanny Avenger

During this time, he came to join the Avengers Unity Division where he used his newfound fame and wealth to fund the team. (Deadpool v6 #1)

Later on, he came to learn that Solo had impersonated him on a job. This led to him coming up with the idea of forming a team of mercenaries called the Mercs for Money whose reach extended across the world. Around this time, his newfound popularity meant that he had to leave his family behind as he feared his enemies would endanger them. Deadpool also came to join the ranks of the Avengers Unity Division where he used his popularity and merchandising to help fund the team. (Deadpool v6 #1)

Despicable Deadpool

Steve Rogers later gave Deadpool a mission to hunt down and kill agent Phil Coulson. (Deadpool v6 #31)


Carnage later sought to capture him in order to claim the Symbiote codex fragments left in his spine after he was host to the different Klyntar. (Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool v1 #3)

King of the Monsters

After Deadpool was hired to kill the Monster King who had invaded Staten Island, he teamed up with Elsa Bloodstone in order to accomplish this task, and upon succeeding he became the new king of the monsters, in accordance with an old Monster Law. (Deadpool v8 #1) His first goal as their king was for monsters to live in peace alongside humans, but, after Captain America told Wade that he needed take the monsters out of the island in order to avoid casualties, Deadpool refused and instead declared "war" between humans and monsters. (Deadpool v8 #2)

After she informed Deadpool that she was dying, the duo went to Greenland, where she explained to him that her bloodstone had been infected by some creatures called the Bone Beast, causing her to slowly begin dying. There, they battled some of the creatures invading a village, but discovered the Bone Beasts had already taken the children. They then entered a portal in the sky and arrived at the Bone Beasts' dimension, where the Bone Beast Queen awaited intending to make Deadpool her new host. (Deadpool v8 #7)


Personality and attributes

It was shown that underneath his mask that his features were covered by hideous scars. (Deadpool v1 #1) He also came to be known as the Crimson Comedian and as the Regeneratin' Degenerate. (Deadpool v4 #2) Whilst working for a Yakuza group, he came to be given an alias where he worked under the name Takehiko Adachi. Oyakata’s daughter gave him the nickname Chiyonosake (Translation: the White Wolf of the Rice Wine) which he loved as usually young ladies did not give him kind names. He was sometimes referred to by a nickname of Chiyo when using this name. (Deadpool Team-Up v1 #1) He once came to operate as a superhero for the Las Vegas area where he went by the name of Wildcard. (Deadpool v4 #24)

As a mercenary, he was said to had been more cultivated than those of his breed. (Deadpool and Death Annual v1 #1998)

Despite being a hired gunner, he had said that he never killed children. Wolverine had believed that Deadpool was motivated by money but it was revealed that Wade had never cashed his cheques. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #5)

He had claimed that he did not like Japanese food. (Deadpool Team-Up v1 #1)

It was shown that Wade was aware of the fact that he was a fictional character in a comic book. (Deadpool v2 #34)

Wade was shown to had been deeply attracted to and fell in love with Siryn after seeing her for the first time. (Deadpool v2 #1)

Bullseye was noted to have had a sense of camaraderie with Wilson where he said that Wade made him laugh. (Deadpool v3 #16)

Powers and abilities

He had noted that he had gone through chemo twice and radiation three times. (Deadpool: The Circle Chase v1 #3)

Wilson was said to be an expert in using banter to distract opponents in combat. (Deadpool v3 #2)

Originally, he was an ordinary human being but one who was subjected to experiments that implanted a Mutant Healing Factor in his body. (Deadpool and Death Annual v1 #1998)

This resulted in him getting a cellular structure that was constantly regenerating. (Deadpool: The Circle Chase v1 #4) It was said that he was near invulnerable where he simply grew back from whatever damage dealt to him. (Deadpool v2 #1) With his power, he was able to reattach lost limbs and even his own head if severed from his body. (Thunderbolts v1 #132) His cellular structure was in a state of perpetual flux which prevented telepaths from reading his mind. (Cable & Deadpool v1 #8)

Deadpool's unpredictable nature meant that he could overcome Taskmasters talent for copying moves just by watching a person. (Deadpool v3 #2)

Deadpool had the ability to talks directly to the reader and was completely aware that he was a fictional character. This stemmed from being accidentally transported to the Foundation of Reality by the Beyonder where everything in eternity was said to had originated. (Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars v1 #4)

He frequented the Hellhouse that was an establishment catering to mercenary contracts with it being located in Chicago. The building was formerly Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Children that had been burned, condemned, demolished, rebuilt, then burnt again and rebuilt once more. Hellhouse was run by an elderly man named Patch who took the Nightline and distributed contracts to mercenaries. (Deadpool v1 #1)


  • Deadpool was created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld where he made his first appearance in New Mutants v1 #98 (February, 1991).
  • In an interview in Forbes, Liefeld said, "Wolverine and Spider-Man were the two properties I was competing with at all times. I didn't have those, I didn't have access to those. I had to make my own Spider-Man and Wolverine. That's what Cable and Deadpool were meant to be, my own Spider-Man and my own Wolverine."
  • Writer Fabiant Nicieza commented on the characters sexuality, "Not trying to be dismissive, but readers always want to 'make a character their own', and often that is to the exclusion of what the character might mean to other fans. I've been dogged with the DP sexuality questions for YEARS. It is a bit tiring. He is NO sex and ALL sexes. He is yours and everyone else's. So not dismissive, but rather the epitome of inclusive."
  • In Uncanny X-Force v1 #1 (2010), according to Clan Akkaba scientists it was noted that Weapon Plus had gone outside the hyper-nova discipline for Deadpool.
  • In Deadpool v3 #34 (2014), following the Inversion the character was briefly referred to as Zenpool.

Alternate Versions

  • In X-Calibre v1 #1 (1995), an alternate version of the character named Dead Man Wade appeared in the alternate timeline of the Age of Apocalypse that was set on Earth-295.

In other media


  • In X-Men, Deadpool made a non-voiced cameo appearance in the 1990s animated television series.
  • In Marvel Anime: X-Men, Deadpool had a brief cameo in the animated television series where he was seen in the episode "Destiny".
  • In Ultimate Spider-Man, Deadpool appeared in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Will Friedle.


  • In Hulk Vs Wolverine, Deadpool appeared in the animated film where he was voiced by actor Nolan North.
  • In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Deadpool made his first live-action appearance in the film where he was portrayed by actor Ryan Reynolds.
  • In Deadpool, Deadpool starred in the live-action film where he was once again portrayed by actor Ryan Reynolds.
  • In Deadpool 2, Deadpool returned in the live-action film sequel where he was once more portrayed by actor Ryan Reynolds.

Video games

  • In X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse, Deadpool appeared in the setting of the video game where he was voiced by actor John Kassir.
  • In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Deadpool appeared as playable character in the video game where he was once again voiced by actor John Kassir.
  • In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Wade Wilson appeared as a boss antagonist in the video game adaptation of the live-action film where he was voiced by actor Steven Blum.
  • In Marvel Heroes, Deadpool appeared as a playable character in the MMORPG where he was voiced by actor Nolan North.
  • In Marvel Strike Force, Deadpool appeared in the setting of the 2018 mobile game.


  • New Mutants v1: (1991)
  • X-Force v1:
  • Deadpool v1:
  • Deadpool v2:
  • Deadpool: The Circle Chase v1:
  • Deadpool v3:
  • Cable & Deadpool v1:
  • Deadpool v4:
  • Uncanny X-Force v1:
  • Deadpool vs. Carnage v1:
  • Uncanny Avengers v1:
  • Despicable Deadpool v1:
  • All-New Wolverine v1:
  • Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan v1:
  • Deadpool:
  • Domino:
  • Domino: Hotshots v1:
  • Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool v1:

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