Sinestro is a male comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.
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Thaal Sinestro
He later began to operate as an archaeologist where he cared for the history of his world. Thaal became obsessed with discovering the past thinking that this would reveal the future. (Green Lantern v5 #23.4) A young Sinestro came to be considered one of the great intergalactic anthropologists in the universe. Among his discoveries included recovering Xotar's mechano-engine and the rescuing the Harp-strings of Linearity. (Justice League v4 #3)
According to one account, he was an apprentice to Jewelius Blak where he lived in a time when Korugar was renowned for rectitude and had not been visited by people from space. One day, he came to see a Green Lantern visit his world named Sawa where Sinestro decided to pattern him on her. (Green Lantern Corps v1 #222) Later on, a ship carrying Green Lantern Corpsmen crashed on his world where inside the pilot was wounded after being pursued by one of he feared Weaponers of Qward. The Green Lantern bestowed his Power Ring on Sinestro which he managed to defeat the Weaponer. However, instead of returning the ring to the Green Lantern, he allowed the Corpsmen to die and became the Power Ring's new wielder whereupon he joined the ranks of the Green Lantern Corps. After being taken to Oa, he was inducted into the Corps with Abin Sur serving as his teacher. (Green Lantern v5 #23.4) During his service to the Corps, he was said to had served as a recruiter and a trainer in the past. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II v1 #1)
Initially, he operated as a hero in secret on Korugar where he claimed to had performed his duty to perfection as an apprentice of the Guardians. In time, he believed he should not operate hidden but instead do so openly. This saw him then selecting a massive building to be a suitable headquarters for himself. He then opened its doors to the people who petitioned him for aid where he only took on the cases that interested him. (Green Lantern Corps v1 #222)
On one such occasion, he accompanied Abin Sur to Ungara where he expressed his concerns over the recent activities of his friend. It was during this moment that he met his friend's sister Arin Sur. (Green Lantern v4 #45)
Thus, the individual from Korugar was chosen to become the Green Lantern of Sector 1417 with him combating evil on his own planet. In time, a subtle change began to affect the Korugaran where he used his ring's unlimited power to build a great headquarters for himself that eclipsed any building on his world. From there, he dispensed justice in strange with him being met by supplicants and he became dissatisfied in this role. One day, a supplicant challenged him and called him power-mad with the angry Korugaran striking the person unconscious with a power beam whereupon he dissolved the planetary high council and placed himself in command. (Green Lantern v2 #7) He then went forth to make his world and sector a model of harmony and order where his actions terrorised his people who came to fear him. In this time, Sinestro formed the Young Lantern Brigade who were to serve him in ensuring discipline on Korugar. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II v1 #1)
Her mother came to fear for her child and decided to protect her by giving her a new life. This involved her being adopted by the obstetrician who delivered Soranik thus leading to her being taken in by Karoll Natu and Dgibb Natu. (Green Lantern Corps v2 #36)
Sinestro was later brought before the Guardians of the Universe who had a task for him which was overseeing the training of a new Green Lantern named Hal Jordan. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II v1 #1)
He was brought before the Guardians who concluded that Sinestro had abused his position and stripped him of both ring and battery. They then sentenced him by banishing him to the Anti-Matter Universe to the planet Qward where evil flourished. Whilst there, he used his fiery energy to contact the Weaponers of Qward who ruled their universe and became master of their world where he directed their efforts in the defeat of the Guardians as well as the Green Lanterns. (Green Lantern v2 #7)
One of his plots was using the Qwardians to abduct the thousands of inhabitants of Valdale on Earth before similarly abducting Hal Jordan to the Anti-Matter Universe. Jordan was encased in a yellow sphere until his Power Ring had run out of charge but the Green Lantern tricked them into thinking it was without energy. He then proceeded with defeating the Qwardians and trapped Sinestro in a green sphere of energy on Qward before returning back to Earth. (Green Lantern v2 #7) Though trapped, Sinestro was prepared and after the Green Lantern had left he pulled out his newly forged yellow Power Ring that drained green energy. With it, he freed himself and embarked on his next plot against the Green Lantern of Earth. Disguised as a human, he followed the Green Lantern and every moment he used his Power Ring then Sinestro used his own yellow ring to drain its energy to power it. He intended to charge his ring to ultra-high potency as he intended to replace Hal Jordan in a meeting he had with his fellow Green lanterns and use that as an opportunity to directly attack the Guardians. After ambushing Jordan, he trapped him in a yellow construct cage before altering his appearance into the Green Lantern to meet at the rendezvous planet Yquem for the scheduled meeting. Once there, he crafted an illusion of an enemy to get the Green Lanterns to use their ring energy where he absorbed it into his yellow ring after which he departed Yquem but left a cloud of yellow energy to prevent pursuit. With the added power from the conference, he journeyed to Oa where he broke through the Guardians defences but before he could confront his foes he was challenged by Hal Jordan who had freed himself. The pair battled and Sinestro was defeated where the Guardians exiled him in a construct that launched him into space on a journey across the universe with this serving as his prison. (Green Lantern v2 #9)
Sinestro's hatred for Green Lantern started to extend to a hatred of all Earth, and he destroyed the New Age Museum dedicated to space travel. Sinestro fled to Korugar, and hid in his father's Null Chamber, where addicts paid his father to have most of their vital energies drained so they could experience near-death. Green Lantern pursued Sinestro, and Sinestro trapped him in the Null Chamber. Lantern escaped thanks to Katma Tui, they battled and with the fight turning against him Sinestro fled to Qward. (Green Lantern v2 #124) Returning from Qward, Sinestro came to be confronted by Lantern, who bested him and stripped him of his power ring, forcing him to retreat to Qward. Sinestro had the Weaponers of Qward construct a more powerful ring from him. Lantern had followed him, but his power ring was useless in Qward, and barely saved his skin by using a Weaponer's thunderbolt to distract Sinestro so he could return to Earth. (Green Lantern v2 #125) He then traveled to Oa to aid the Qwardians in their takeover of the planet, but they made it clear they viewed him as a tool whose use was at an end. Indignant, Sinestro helped Green Lantern destroy a yellow vortex that was preventing the Corps from defending Oa from the Qwardians. (Green Lantern v2 #127)
With his recent capture, Sinestro was brought to Oa where the Corps became divided between executing him for his crimes or imprisoning him. This led to a formal trial to be conducted that was overseen by former Guardian Appa Ali Apsa. Ultimately, a vote was held by the Green Lanterns who decided to execute him. Sinestro came to warn them that a great danger would befall them if he was killed but they ignored him with the Korugarian seemingly being killed by the Green Lantern Power Rings. (Green Lantern Corps v1 #222)
The spirit of Sinestro came to possess the body of John Stewart in order to prevent Guy Gardner from claiming his yellow ring. The two fought a contest of wills over the Power Ring where ultimately Sinestro came to lose leading to his spirit dissipating. This allowed for Gardner to claim the ring which he used to continue his career as a superhero. (Guy Gardner: Reborn v1 #3)
Trapped within the Central Power Battery, he came to encounter the yellow impurity that was the sentient fear entity that was Parallax. With his ring, he was able to commune with it and embarked on an ambitious plot to destroy Hal Jordan. This included manipulating his rings in order to eventually drive him insane with fear. (Green Lantern: Rebirth v1 #4)
As the renegade Jordan headed to Oa, the Guardians in desperation felt that the only one to defeat their fallen champion was another renegade. Thus, they freed Sinestro from the Central Power Battery and equipped him with a Power Ring so that he could defeat his former protégé. On arrival, Jordan and Sinestro battled one another with the Korugarian surprised at the extent Hal was willing to go to achieve his goal. This was to the point that he did not believe Jordan would kill him but Hal ultimately broke the neck of Sinestro thus seemingly killing him. He then murdered Kilowog and then stole the energy from the Central Power Battery thus slaying most of the Guardians of the Universe as he became Parallax. (Green Lantern v3 #50)
At the Watchtower, he attacked Green Arrow and Kyle Rayner when they had recovered the body of Hal Jordan. Sinestro came to easily overpower the two heroes where he was on the verge of killing them until Oliver Queen came to ignite a green Power to generate an arrow construct that wounded the Korugarian. (Green Lantern: Rebirth v1 #4)
Sinestro Corps
Within the Anti-Matter Universe, he came to swear allegiance with the Anti-Monitor where they planned a great war to change the universe. (Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special v1 #1) This saw him enslaving the Qwardians that were forced to forge yellow power rings to equip his army for the coming conflict. (Green Lantern v4 #15) A mass recruitment campaign was made where these became members of his Sinestro Corps where once his forces had been assembled they began their assault thus triggering the Sinestro Corps War. This saw the rescue of both the Cyborg Superman Hank Henshaw and Superboy-Prime whilst Kyle Rayner was abducted so that he would become host to the Parallax entity. (Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special v1 #1) Sinestro then presented the Anti-Monitor to Superboy-Prime. Superboy played along, but he was horrified that the Anti-Monitor, the being that had destroyed his Earth, was reborn. He planned to pretend to follow Sinestro until he had the opportunity to make the Anti-Monitor bow to him. (Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime v1 #1)
Sinestro then enacted his plans as he sent out and a number of his corpsemen across the space sectors to pick off Green Lanterns one by one, killing dozens. He promised Superboy Prime and Cyborg Superman that they would both get everything they desired, that fear would deliver it to them. (Green Lantern v4 #21)
The people of Korugar held a rally demanding that Soranik Natu lead them into a new age of prosperity, such as Korugar used to have under the protection of the Green Lantern Corps. Natu reminded her people that as a member of the Corps she could not condone her people overthrowing the government. Sinestro appeared and engaged her in battle, taking their skirmish to the skies. He bested Natu, but told her he would leave and allow the Korugarians to think she was the victor. He knew she rejected power, and feared that it would corrupt her and turn her into someone like him. Sinestro made it clear he needed someone to keep his planet safe, and she was obligated. He told her to embrace power, and stop fearing the Guardians, because they would soon be no more. Sinestro let her fall to Korugar, and just as he suspected, she kept up the premise of being their champion against Sinestro as a matter of duty. (Green Lantern Corps v2 #14) Sinestro returned to Qward, and demanded to know if his Corps had defeated Hal Jordan, but Hal had fled to the planet’s catacombs. (Green Lantern v4 #22) Hal defeated Lyssa Drak, and freed Guy and John Stewart. Because Hal’s power ring was running low on energy he was forced to don a number of Sinestro Corps rings, his time infected by Parallax gave him a limited mastery over fear. Sinestro appeared and showed Hal he had no true understanding of fear, but just then the Lost Lanterns returned, having rescued Ion from the Anti-Monitor, and the Lanterns returned to the positive-matter universe. The Guardians foresaw the Blackest Night prophecy coming to pass with the rise of the Sinestro Corps, and did the unthinkable, rewriting the Book of Oa. The first of their temn new laws stated that the Corps power rings were authorized to use lethal force against the Sinestro Corps. Cyborg-Superman announced to Sinestro that Warworld was ready, and waiting to attack the Sinestro Corps next target which was Earth. (Green Lantern v4 #23) Warworld approached Earth where Sinestro laid out his plan of disabling the Justice League of America to Cyborg-Superman, and tried to get a rise out of him by mentioning the possibility of an encounter with Superman. Cyborg mused that he was long past taunts, or wanting revenge, and he looked forward to pursuing his and the Anti-Monitor’s agenda of the end of all life and betraying Sinestro. The Sinestro Corps damaged the JlofA satellite, battered the League, and Warworld entered Earth’s orbit. (Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Cyborg-Superman v1 #1)
It was decided that Sinestro was to be transported to Korugar where he was to face execution for his crimes. During his transport, the Green Lantern escorts were ambushed by the Sinestro Corps looking to free their leader. The group though both came under from the newly created Red Lantern Corps. They came to kidnap Sinestro who they took to their leader Atrocitus on the planet Ysmault. (Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns v1 #1) Crucified on the planet, Atrocitus revealed his plans to destroy both the Sinestro Corps and the Green Lantern Corps whilst promising to destroy the thing Sinestro more cared about in his life. The Korugarian though was dismissive of Atrocitus's claims with the demon using the heart of a dead Yellow Lantern to enact a ritual that revealed to him that Sinestro had a daughter whose identity was a closely guarded secret. (Green Lantern v4 #36) It was then that Hal Jordan arrived in order to recover Sinestro though the Sinestro Corps also had arrived to retrieve their leader. Members of the Blue Lantern Corps also arrived looking to diffuse to the situation but in the fighting Sinestro came to kill Laira. This led to Hal Jordan succumbing to rage and saw him being chosen by a red Power Ring as he became a Red Lantern looking to get revenge against Sinestro. (Green Lantern v4 #37) During the midst of the fighting, Sinestro and his Corps managed to escape back to the Anti-Matter Universe where the Korugarian came to take stock of the War of Light being waged across the cosmos. He was informed of how the Star Sapphires had begun converting others to their cause whilst Mongul was looking to take over the Yellow Lanterns. Sinestro ordered that they gather all Yellow Lanterns who had rejected Mongul to his side whilst he dealt wiith the personal matter involving his daughter. (Green Lantern v4 #38) Sinestro then proceeded to his homeworld of Korugar where he rapidly incapacitated Princess Iolande and confronted Soranik Natu and reveals that she is his daughter. He informs Soranik that his wife took her as a child and left him as he began his rise to power on Korugar. He was eventually able to locate his daughter and give her the mark on her face, his family's coat of arms, along with a micro-transmitter so he could locate her. He visited Soranik throughout her life using his ring to alter his appearance. He even took a picture of her and the Natus at her medical school graduation. Sinestro then says that he was proud of his daughter for succeeding where he could not, namely bringing order to Korugar as a member of the Green Lantern Corps. He then tells her that they must work together to stop the Blackest Night. (Green Lantern Corps v2 #36)
After leaving Korugar, Sinestro travels to visit the grave of Abin Sur and makes plans to lead an assault on the homeworld of the Star Sapphires. (Green Lantern v4 #41) When he arrives, he first encounters Carol Ferris. While Sinestro holds no ill will towards Carol and only wishes to free his Corpswomen from Zamaron, he warns Carol that he will hurt her if she stands in his way. Carol then encases Sinestro in a crystal structure, forcing him to relive the death of his love, Arin Sur. Angered by this, Sinestro burst free, staggering Carol enough for his Corpsmen to seize her. However, before he can capitalize on the advantage, the Black Lanterns invade, led by Amon Sur, shocking both Sinestro and Carol. (Green Lantern v4 #45) During the attack, he was beset upon by the Black Lantern Abin Sur when he was attacked by the undead Amon Sur as well. Sinestro then had some of his Yellow Lanterns divided between going to their designated safeworld whilst others were ordered to join him in fighting this new enemy. Their battle was interrupted by the arrival of the Indigo Tribe alongside Hal Jordan where the wielders of the violet light had a unique ability to destroy the Black Lanterns. Despite the reinforcements, black Power Rings came to target the Central Power Battery on Zamaron thus causing the planet to fall to them. Indigo-1 then teleported herself and her allies away with Sinestro finding himself on Korugar where he was hostile to these other Lanterns. It was then revealed that Indigo-1 had brought him to his homeworld to face his rival which was Mongul who was looking to take over the Sinestro Corps. At first taken off-guard, he was nearly defeated but put up a fight but was unable to match against Mongul's strength. It was only through tapping into his ring that he was able to grievously injure Mongul and dropped his Central Power Battery on the warlord leaving him defeated. This secured his position as the leader of the Sinestro Corps with his Yellow Lanterns rallying under his rule once more. (Green Lantern v4 #46)
Alongside the other Lanterns, they travelled to Okaara in order to recruit Agent Orange as part of their effort to resist the Black Lanterns. They arrived just in time to save Larfleeze and Atrocitus who were fighting the undead members of the Black Lanterns reanimated on the planet. After defeating the Black Lanterns, Sinestro had a construct to carry the unconscious Atrocitus but the Red Lantern managed to break free. He then attacked Sinestro but was restrained by Hal Jordan where the other Lantern Corps were attempting to convince Atrocitus and Larfleeze to aid them. However, Atrocitus refused to do so as he wanted his revenge against the Guardians and all those that served them. To secure his aid, Sinestro suggested that once the Blackest Night was stopped that the Sinestro Corps and Red Lantern Corps could ally to destroy their mutual enemy in the Green Lanterns. Atrocitus though refused as he intended to claim his vengeance on Sinestro as well but after sometime he relented and agreed to work with the others against their mutual foe. (Green Lantern v4 #48)
In the aftermath, he was formally inducted into the Green Lantern Corps by the Guardians who claimed that this was an opportunity for him to redeem himself for his past crimes with him being assigned his Space Sector. Sinestro observed Korugar to find the Sinestro Corps there where they enslaved his people. A Yellow Lantern discovered him forcing Sinestro to kill them and he destroyed the ring before it could report the discovery as he became determined to free his world. (Green Lantern v5 #1) To achieve that end, he went to Earth to recruit Hal Jordan for the task where he deputised him by giving him a ring construct linked to his own. Together, they helped Sinestro kill a Yellow Lantern that had pursued him to Earth intending to eliminate him to claim leadership of his Corps. (Green Lantern v5 #2)
Afterwards, he remained in his self-imposed exile as he felt responsible for the death of his people and operated on an isolated world where he never used his Power Ring. During this time, several beasts attacked him and he was saved by the arrival of Lyssa Drak who now bore the words from the Book of Parallax on her skin. She had come to bring Sinestro back into the fold as the prophetic words from the book told her that only he could stop the coming threats to the cosmos. Among these was the church of the Paling who were a cult of anti-emotion spreading across the universe. However, Sinestro refused as he had no desire to return to his old life but Lyssa Drak revealed that there were survivors of Korugar scattered across space. In this state, they were vulnerable to being preyed on by others with Sinestro agreeing to return and he charged his ring from the words embedded in Drak's skin. (Sinestro v1 #1) They then went back to the Yellow Lanterns with Sinestro intending to claim back leadership of the Corps from Arkillo as he intended to use his former army to protect the Korugarians. At this point, Arkillo had cemented himself as leader and had done a large scale recruitment program in order to build an army that would attack the Green Lanterns. However, the open recruitment led to many ambitious people joining the ranks of the Yellow Lanterns many of whom seeking to claim leadership of the corps for themselves. Arriving at the scene, Sinestro easily bested Arkillo and took back leadership of the Sinesro Corps once again. (Sinestro v1 #1)
No Justice
He was then recruited into Lex Luthor's Legion of Doom where he had the opportunity to now unlock the hidden half of the Invisible Emotional Spectrum. This allowed him to unlock a new light where he came to head the Ultraviolet Lantern Corps where he forcibly recruited John Stewart to be his first recruit. (Justice League v4 #2)
Sinestro along with his Corps attended a summit hosted by the United Planets that discussed the admission into the interplanetary alliance of worlds where he gave evidence that opposed the request where he listed the failures of the Guardians. Despite his testimony, the greater majority of delegates attending the event voted to allow Oa to join the United Planets. (Green Lantern v6 #1) Afterwards, he came to sense that dark times were coming for the universe with Sinestro building a bulwark against it. He intended to bring his bright shining order to every corner of the galaxy. Around this time, the Green Lantern Corps suffered a devastating attack that destroyed the Central Power Battery on Oa along with killing many of their number. By this point, New Korugar was visited by Jessica Cruz who had taken a yellow Power Ring and looked to confront Sinstro himself over his possible role in the attack on the Green Lantern Corps. Sinestro though revealed that he had no role in the attack but was intrigued at Cruz where he felt she had potential in being a Yellow Lantern. Thus, he looked to recruit her but she refused and instead wanted to be returned to Earth but came to see how she could help people in the universe by wielding the yellow light of fear. This led to her returning to Sinestro and joining the ranks of his Corps though she refused to work directly for him. (Green Lantern 2021 Annual v6 #1)
Personality and attributes
The Guardians had determined that he was a worthy wielder of a Power Ring and was absolutely without fear. (Green Lantern v2 #7) He had said that he was a superior soul and could not be denied control. (Guy Gardner: Reborn v1 #3) Sinestro was described as being the model of self-control. He held himself to be the champion of Korugar and such was his commitment to the defence of the planet that he refused to leave his sector as he feared the chaos that wold fall on it whilst he was away. He believed that his people were always grateful for his protection though in reality his extreme methods resulted in them fearing him. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II v1 #1) He believed in the virtues of seriousness, efficiency, precision and perfection with these helping in bringing about the perfect cosmic order. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II v1 #2)
Sinestro had believed that each person was born with a destiny among the stars. He claimed to had never doubted his own grandeur that awaited him in the future. (Green Lantern Corps v1 #222) It was believed that he had been infected with virus of power with this and pride becoming his undoing. (Green Lantern v2 #7)
Travelling every corner of the universe, Sinestro had said that the one thing he had learnt was that the universe needed to change. He believed the universe was filled with hedonism and chaos with it being untamed and morally devoid. As such, he saw it as a place filled with darkness which he initially thought he escaped by joining the Green Lantern Corps. Initially, he thought fear to be part of the chaos he abhorred but he came to find it more controlling than willpower. Thus, after his fall, he began to embrace it and use it a a power to bring order to the cosmos. (Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special v1 #1) He had said that he had practiced a creed as far above other people as their own was above that of insects. (Green Lantern Corps v1 #222)
He claimed to had despised the green colour of willpower. (Green Lantern: Rebirth v1 #4)
Abin Sur was his friend and a person he considered to be the bravest of Lanterns. In fact, Sinestro considered Abin Sur to be the closest thing to a brother after his sister Arin Sur became his lover. (Green Lantern v4 #46)
He was in reality the biological father of Soranik Natu and his wife Arin Sur. It was revealed that it was Sinestro's tyranny over his homeworld that resulted in Arin sending their daughter away to be adopted by another family as she wanted to keep Soranik away from her father. (Green Lantern Corps v2 #36)
Upon meeting Hal Jordan, Sinestro was tasked with being the humans trainer but found his efforts to be a waste of time. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II v1 #2) The Guardians though had believed that Sinestro was the perfect counterpoint to Hal Jordan. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II v1 #1) Part of his plot against Jordan involved him going through the similar hardships as himself. This included orchestrating events to make Hal into the greatest villain on his world which was why he infected him with the Parallax parasite. (Green Lantern: Rebirth v1 #4)
Sinestro showed nothing but contempt for Kyle Rayner who he called an 'alley rat' and that a power ring was never meant for him nor was he meant to be a Green Lantern. (Green Lantern: Rebirth v1 #4)
On Mongul, Sinestro had commented that he did not like the warlord but came to admit that it was because the tyrant reminded Thaal of himself. It was for this reason that he opposed Mongul as he saw him as a competitor whose view of order rivalled his own views. (Sinestro v1 #9)
Powers and abilities
Ion the living embodiment of willpower had stated that Sinestro held the single most indomitable will in all of creation. (Green Lantern: New Guardians v1 #24) At first, he came to be selected to be a member of the Green Lantern Corps. (Green Lantern v2 #7) Tests conducted by the Guardians deemed him to be deserving to be a Green Lantern and that he had absolutely no fear. (Green Lantern Corps v1 #222) Thus, he was provided a Power Ring and gained all the abilities inherent in its use such as creating constructs, flight, fire energy beams and creating a barrier around himself. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II v1 #1) He could use the ring to make himself invisible or to create a replica of another person either with a characteristic green glow or in more normal colours. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II v1 #2) In that time, he served as the Green Lantern of Sector 1417. At one point, he was said to had served as a trainer and recruiter for the Corps. (Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II v1 #1)
It was noted that he had designed and forged the yellow Power Rings that were fuelled by the golden light of terror. (Green Lantern v4 #46) Sinestro had said that he never realised at first that the Qwardian ring tapped into power of sentient fear. (Green Lantern: Rebirth v1 #4)
The yellow ring that he wielded could initially only draw upon the power of a real Power Ring and drained energy from emerald constructs. It was composed of yellow energy as if it was made entirely of the yellow impurities that afflicted the Green Lantern Power Battery. Once done, it was capable of a number of feats such as being able to emit beams of yellow energy. Similar to a green ring, he could create constructs made of yellow energy and also accomplish feats such as altering his appearance to make him appear as an exact replica as another person. The ring was capable of also crafting realistic illusions that were actually constructs that could be used as distractions. (Green Lantern v2 #9)
He had introduced an override system within the yellow Power Rings allowing him to take control of one of them in case the wielder ever turned against him. (Green Lantern v4 #46)
At one point, he came to wield a ring that was tapped into the power of the Invisible Emotional Spectrum. (Justice League v4 #2) The Ultraviolet Light that was a raw, cruel and deadly power which tapped into feelings of shame. (Justice League v4 #3)
Sinestro was also came to be a host to the fear entity Parallax though unlike other bearers of the creature he came to control it. This gave him great cosmic power where he claimed to control fear. (Green Lantern v5 #20)
As a result, he had been privy to many of the secrets of the Green Lantern Corps. He ha said that he knew more than 1,000 stories about them. (Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual v1 #2)
From there, he resided at the Panopticon that was located at the city center which served as a headquarters for the Sinestro Corps. (Green Lantern 2021 Annual v6 #1)
- Sinestro was created by John Broome and Gil Kane where he made his first appearance in Green Lantern v2 #7 (August, 1961).
- In Wizard Magazine interview, artist Gil Kane noted that Sinestro's appearance was based upon British actor David Niven.
- On IGN, the character was ranked 15 among the greatest comic villains.
- Pre-Crisis, the characters origins were different in that he was already a renegade by the time Hal Jordan first encountered him but in Emerald Dawn it was retconned with him being a mentor to Jordan whereupon he was removed from his position as a Green Lantern due to becoming a dictator on his homeworld.
Alternate Versions
- In Countdown Presents: Lord Havok and the Extremists v1 #3 (2008), an alternate version of Sinestro was shown as being a Green Lantern known as Green Sinestro who joined Monarch's Multiversal army that sought to challenge the Monitors with him accompanying several warriors to attack Tracer of the Extremists.
- In Flashpoint: Abin Sur - The Green Lantern v1 #1 (2011), an alternate version of Sinestro was shown in the altered timeline event known as Flashpoint. He was shown in this timeline as being still a member of the Green Lantern Corps.
- In The Multiversity: The Society of Super-Heroes: Conquerors of the Counter-World v1 #1 (2014), an alternate version of the character named Count Sinestro appeared in the reality of Earth 40 in the new Multiverse.
- In Sinestro: Futures End v1 #1 (2014), an alternate version of Sinestro was shown to exist in the possible future timeline of Future's End.
- In The Green Lantern v1 #12 (2019), Thal Sinestro was an alternate version that was native to the Anti-Verse where everything was opposite with this one was a hero though he considered himself a loveable rogue. He wielded a yellow Power Ring and aided Green Lantern Hal Jordan against the Qwa-Man who was a negative evil version of Jordan. This Sinestro was paid for jobs with the Qwa-Masters paying him to recover the Qwa-Man whilst the Blackstars paid him to lure the Anti-Matter Lantern to an isolated world.
- In Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night v1 #1 (2020), an alternate version of Sinestro appeared in a reality within the Dark Multiverse. During Blackest Night in this universe, Sinestro had joined as one of the New Guardians who fought against Nekron and had received the power of a White Lantern. Instead of sharing the power he had been given, he decided to keep the power for himself. Unable to control the ring's power by himself, Sinestro and the New Guardians failed to stop Nekron from killing the Life Entity. Nekron killed the remaining Lantern leaders and resurrected them, forcing them to join the Black Lantern Corps. Deciding that he could not live with his actions he tries to commit suicide, however, his body instead fused with the White Lantern's life and the Black Lantern's corruption and disappeared. Days later, he came back to Earth, finding Dove and Lobo fighting off a corrupted version of the Teen Titans. Sinestro drove the group away and explained how his ring led him to Dove, who he predicted was immune to the Black Lantern's influence. The group left Earth and arrived on Takron-Galtos six days later, finding the corrupted New Gods, including Big Barda, led by Granny Goodness. The group attacked the trio as Mister Miracle redirected them into a room, locking themselves from the other New Gods. Scott explained to them that he had used the planet's bank to hire Lobo and told them his plan: to use Dove to transfer the energy of the Source using his Mother Box plus the life energy from Sinestro's White Lantern ring to order to resurrect those under the influence of the Black Lanterns. After the group agreed to the plan, they used the Mother Box's Boom Tube to travel to the Source Wall.
In other media
- In Challenge of the Super Friends, Sinestro appeared in the setting of the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Vic Perrin.
- In the DC Animated Universe, Sinestro made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
- In Superman: The Animated Series, Sinestro appeared as a villain in the episode "In Brightest Day..." where he was voiced by actor Ted Levine. It was revealed that he was once a Green Lantern but expelled due to his villainous motivations but he managed to acquire a yellow Power Ring by unknown means. This saw him murdering Green Lanterns and claiming their Power Rings to empower himself further. Among his victims was Abin Sur who crashed on Earth and was fatally wounded. However, before he could get the ring, Abin Sur had dispatched it to find a successor. Sinestro battled Superman as he sought to claim the Power Ring from its new wielder Kyle Rayner.
- In Static Shock, Sinestro appeared as an antagonist in the animated series in the episode "Fallen Hero" where he was voiced again by actor Ted Levine. He had fought against John Stewart and stole his Power Battery whereupon Sinestro began masquerading as Green Lantern where he began committing various crimes. This attracted the attention of Static leading to a confrontation with the young hero until Stewart arrived where he had Sinestro reveal his true self.
- In Justice League, Sinestro returned in the setting of the animated television series where he was voiced again by actor Ted Levine. He came to be recruited into Grodd's Secret Society in a plot to destroy the Justice League, Sinestro was defeated once more.
- In Justice League Unlimited, Sinestro appeared in the setting of the animated television series where he was once more voiced by actor Ted Levine. Sinestro later joined the Legion of Doom, notably taking part in a train robbery with Doctor Polaris, Tala, and Lex Luthor. When the Society split between loyalty to Grodd, the original leader, and Luthor, his usurper, Sinestro sided with Luthor. Surviving the battle between both sides, Sinestro saved the lives of his allies by shielding them when a newly resurrected Darkseid destroyed the Society's ship. Putting aside his feud with Green Lantern and the Justice League, Sinestro helped fight back Darkseid's forces, taking on Parademons in Tokyo. In the aftermath, Sinestro and the other surviving members of the Society were given a five-minute head-start to run in "consideration" of their help defending the Earth.
- In The Batman, the character appeared in the episode "Ring Toss" as a villain where he was voiced by Miguel Ferrer. He was the arch nemesis and former mentor to the Green Lantern until Sinestro was kicked out of The Green Lantern Corps for abusing his power. Vowing revenge, he was eventually defeated by his former student. He later escaped and returned to Earth to kill Hal and claim The Lantern’s ring as his own. Realizing he had little chance of defeating Sinestro on his lonesome, Hal ordered the ring to find Batman. Sinestro searched the city to find the ring, only to discover that it’s new host was the foolish oaf The Penguin, who had little idea how to operate the most powerful weapon in the universe. Deducing that thw ring was placing him in great danger, The Penguin surrendered it to Batman, who donned the same and fought Sinestro, before he in turn handed it back to Hal. Batman and Green Lantern. eventually stole Sinestro’s own ring and overpowered him, resulting in his defeat and a return to his status field.
- In Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Sinestro appeared a an antagonist in the episode "The Eyes of Despero!" where he was voiced by actor Xander Berkeley. He was shown as being the Green Lantern of Sector 1417 who believed in bringing order. On one mission, he was dispatched to protect a pacifist world from the Warlords of Okaara where he defeated the invaders who surrendered but he instead destroyed their ships. For his actions, he was arrested and detained in a holding cell on Oa where he shared the room with Guy Gardner along with G'Nort who locked himself in when he was providing them food. At the time, the Green Lantern Corps was gone following a confrontation with Despero and Hal Jordan's Power Ring went to Batman. Batman came to Oa where he took Gardner, Sinestro and G'Nort with him to stop Despero. He and the others empowered Batman's suit for the job. When Batman was fighting Despero, the villain mentioned that Sinestro was in jail for destroying the Okaran warships, taking every living being on those ships with them. Sinestro then created a puppet government loyal only to him. He attempted to blow up Mogo, only to be stopped by Gardner. Gardner imprisoned Sinestro in his ring at the end.
- In Green Lantern: The Animated Series, the character appeared in the episode "Prisoner of Sinestro" where he was voiced by actor Ron Perlman.
- In Justice League Action, Sinestro appeared in the animated television series in the episode "The Ringer" where he was voiced by actor Darin de Paul.
- In Harley Quinn, Sinestro appeared in the setting of the animated television series where he was shown as a member of the Legion of Doom.
- In Green Lantern: First Flight, Sinestro appeared in the animated film where he was voiced by actor Victor Garber. Sinestro was initially worthy of wielding his ring and try to keep peace and order across the universe using the Guardians beliefs along with the other Green Lanterns. Years of working with them made him the best of the Green Lanterns and raised him in the ranks until he became part of the Green Lantern Honor Guard. This allowed him to learn more about Green Lantern Corps deepest secrets like where the Yellow Element was after the Guardians hid it. As time went on though, he became disillusioned with the beliefs of the Guardians believing him and the rest of the Green Lanterns were nothing more than garbage collectors always stopping and capturing criminals instead of killing them and that it was an endless cycle. He soon believed that they had to be more ruthless in their attempts to stop evil and should rule the universe instead of just protecting it. But when the Guardians refused, he believed they had gotten soft and decided a new order was needed across the universe his own. Sinestro decided to take over the Green Lantern Corp by using their one weakness, the Yellow Element. Unable to execute his plan by himself, he contacted the warlord Kanjar Ro and told him where the Yellow Element is and told him to turn it into a weapon that can be used against the Green Lantern Corp and together they would rule the universe. Around this time he managed to turn Boodikka on to his side and both agreed that the Guardians were useless in promoting peace and order across the universe. Sinestro's plans nearly failed when the guardians realized that the yellow element was stolen and Abin Sur went undercover to see where Kanjar Ro hide it. To keep his cover and to make sure Abin Sur wouldn't reveal Sinestro's involvement, he warned Kanjar Ro about him and one of Kanjar Ro's minions, Cuch, killed him. Abin Sur died but not before giving his ring to Hal Jordan who became his successor. Realizing that Abin Sur was dead and his ring was given to someone else, Sinestro and a group of Green Lanterns were sent to earth to find the person who wielded Abin Sur's ring and take him to the Guardians to see if he was really worthy of using the ring. They found Hal Jordan and took him to the Guardians and they debated whether he was worthy of using the ring or not since they believed that humans were a barbaric race. Wanting to see what Hal Jordan was capable of he took it upon him to take Hal under his wing and teach him the ropes of being a Green Lantern. The Guardians agreed with his request. He began Hal's training by taking him to the Green Lantern battery where Hal was gathering information about the universe, but Sinestro wanting to accelerate the process put Hal's ring closer to the Green Lantern battery making him gather information faster but brought him great pain in the process.
- In Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, Sinestro appeared in the animated film where he was voiced by actor Jason Isaacs.
- In Green Lantern, Thaal Sinestro appeared in the 2011 live-action movie where he was portrayed by actor Mark Strong.
- In Green Lantern: Beware My Power, Sinestro appeared in the setting of the animated film set in the Tomorrowverse where he was voiced by actor Rick D. Wasserman. Sinestro was once a member of the famed Green Lantern Corps and mentor to Hal Jordan, who would become its greatest member. However, at some point, he turned evil and formed the Yellow Lantern Corps, a terrorist organization dedicated to mass slaughter for the sake of it, becoming the arch-rival of his former pupil. Sinestro instigated a war between the planets of Rann and Thanagar by launching a series of false-flag attacks starting with destroying Rann’s capital city and countless other massacres to prevent both sides from reaching a peace accord. After several years of fighting, Rann and Thanagar finally came to a tentative peace, designing a Zeta Beam via engineers from both planets that would facilitate interplanetary travel via teleportation and strengthen the economies of both planets. However, Sinestro secretly sabotaged the experiment, causing Thanagar to be transported next to Rann, killing millions on both sides and causing climate catastrophe along with reigniting the war. Sinestro would find a powerless Hal Jordan, who had failed to stop the Zeta Beam and released his ring after crashing on Thanagar and seeing Sinestro to prevent him from getting it. He infected Hal Jordan with the Parallax entity in an attempt to bend him to his will and seemed successful at first. He and Hal would proceed to launch a devastating attack on Oa, wiping out the entire Green Lantern Corps, but here was when Sinestro realized Hal had become an independent monster who absorbed the Green Lantern rings for himself. Although Sinestro attempted to flee at first, he soon agreed to become Hal’s main acolyte to pursue the ultimate goal of destroying the entire universe. John Stewart, Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, and Adam Strange discovered someone was responsible for staging the Rann-Thanagar War and traced the location of Sinestro’s ship to his secret base, he had his corps engage the heroes before making his first appearance in the film proper by holding John hostage and mocking him for sparing one of his men before forcing the rest of the heroes to drop their weapons and knocking them out to imprison them. He rendered himself invisible while the heroes were talking to Hal Jordan, unaware of his true colors, until the heroes revealed Rann was designing a superweapon based on Zeta Beam tech capable of destroying planets to use on Thanagar, exploiting the new opportunity to launch on assault on Rann to recover the doomsday weapon to use for his and Hal’s goals. While the heroes escaped, they were unable to stop Sinestro from pursuing them to the location of Sardath and the superweapon. Sinestro lead his corps into the hangar bay to engage the heroes and Rannians, personally taking on John Stewart. Overwhelming Stewart, Sinestro knocked him across the room and secretly swiped his ring off and tossed it aside in the process. Gloating that he would now kill the last Green Lantern, he aimed to kill Stewart, but Stewart summoned his ring right when Sinestro attempted a strike, accidentally blowing a hole through Sinestro’s chest, killing him. Before dying, Sinestro spitefully snarled that his master would kill them all.
Video games
- In Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, Sinestro made a cameo appearance in the setting of the fighting video game during the arcade mode ending for Green Lantern Hal Jordan.
- In Injustice: Gods Among Us, Sinestro appeared in the story mode and as a playable where he was voiced by actor Troy Baker. An alternate version of the character appeared on a parallel Earth where he was an ally of High Councilor Superman's One Earth Regime. Among his Sinestro Corpsmen was this Earth's version of Hal Jordan who became a Yellow Lantern. Acording to Sinestro, the One Earth Regime was similar to the government that he himself had established on Korugar. He battled the main Earth's version of the Justice League and was later tasked by the High Councilor to get the One Earth Regime forces to prepare for the decimation of their Metropolis and Gotham City. During the final battle, he attacked the main Earth's Superman but was defeated by him and the superhero removed his yellow ring. In the ending sequence, it was shown that this Sinetro and their version of Hal Jordan was taken by the main Green Lantern to Oa to be detained by the Guardians of the Universe for their crimes.
- In Injustice 2, Sinestro was only referenced in the fighting video game sequel where it was said that he was imprisoned in the Sciencells. In Green Lantern's ending, the cutscenes revealed that he was freed by his Sinestro Corps with Hal Jordan going undercover as a Yellow Lantern to apprehend him again.
- In Infinite Crisis, Sinestro appeared as one of the Champion Protectors that were playable in the MOBA game where he was voiced by actor Troy Baker.
- In DC Legends, Sinestro was a playable character in the mobile video game.
- In DC: Unchained, Sinestro appeared as a playable character in the mobile video game.
- Green Lantern v2: (1961)
- Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II v1:
- Green Lantern Corps v1:
- Green Lantern v3:
- Green Lantern: Rebirth v1:
- Green Lantern v4:
- Green Lantern v5:
- Forever Evil v1:
- Sinestro v1:
- Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps v1:
- Justice League: No Justice v1:
- Justice League v4:
- The Green Lantern v1:
- Green Lantern v6: (2021)
- Green Lantern 2021 Annual v6: (2021)
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