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Qwardians in Convergence: World's Finest v1 #2.

Qwardians are a humanoid alien race that feature in DC Comics.




A Qwardian Thunderer in Green Lantern v2 #2.

The Qwardian's origins were traced to the creation of the Multiverse with this act being witnessed by the Maltusian scientist known as Krona. He defied his peoples edicts that prevented them from observing creation which led to an explosion that was claimed to had led to the birth of evil in the cosmos. By seeing the beginning of existence, the birth of a negative universe was created known as the Antimatter Universe which mirrored its positive matter counterpart. In this darker reality, the planet Qward formed which was an analogue for the positive matter world of Oa. Legends spoke of this being a dimension where evil was worshipped with the world of Qward seeing the rise of a humanoid race of being that were called Qwardians. Many eons prior to embracing evil, it was claimed that a group of wise men placed all the treasures of their time in the Golden Obelisk. Future generations of their people would try many attempts to break through the artifact and claim the mythical rewards that were within but all these attempts failed. Around ten billion years ago, the Anti-Monitor was born on the moon of Qward where his growing power led him to take control of the planet along with the Qwardian people. From their ranks, he formed an army of warrior that were known as the Thunderers of Qward with the elite being turned into Shadow Demons to serve as his personal guard. It was the discovery of the Monitor which saw the Anti-Monitor being left in a coma-like state for billions of years after a million year long struggle between the two cosmic beings.

Eons ago, even before the Qwardians had adopted evil, their wise men placed a great treasure within the Golden Obelisk of Qward. Across the ages, many attempts had been made by the people of Qward to open it and take the treasure inside only for these to fail. Unknown to anyone, the obelisk contained nothing inside as the wise men intended it to spur Qwardian scientific development in their effort to unlock it which they believed was the greatest gift they could pass their descendants. A thousand diurnas ago, Rengan the Abominable noted as the greatest ancestor of the Qwardians made an attempt to unlock the Golden Obelisk. It was said that he had harnessed the power of the heavens and drained them of energy for an entire age to empower a lightning bolt to hit the relic in an attempt to open it only to fail. Years later, Yokal the Atrocious founded the Weaponers of Qward who made his own attempt at opening the obelisk. He brought in numerous large wild beasts from off-planet in an attempt to topple the artifact but this similarly failed. Around two diurnas ago, Vestry the Thinker theorized a great power known as Ergono that resided within the mind of a special being. (Green Lantern v2 #75)


Weaponers of Qward in JLA: Classified v1 #47.

At some point, the Qwardians encountered the Green Lantern Hal Jordan and often clashed with him on a number of occasions as they sought to invade Earth in the positive matter universe. During this time, Sinestro of the Green Lantern Corps was found guilty of tyrannical acts against the people of his homeworld of Korugar. This led to his expulsion from the Corps and banishment to the Anti-Matter Universe where he encountered the Qwardians. Upon his arrival, he made an alliance with the alien race who often provided a sanctuary for the renegade Korugarian.

A Qwardian outcast by the name of Telle-Teg escaped the Anti-Matter Universe to travel to Earth in order to find a haven for himself and other likeminded members of his kind that opposed the evil nature on their homeworld. On Earth, he was pursued by a Qwardian Destroyer leading to him seeking the aid of Green Lantern Hal Jordan. During this moment, Telle-Leg was killed though Jordan would travel to Qward to save the other outcast Qwardians from the Weaponers Qward whereupon these outcasts were taken to the plus-matter universe to live peacefully on an isolated asteroid. (Green Lantern v2 #2) The next plot by the Weaponers was tricking Hal Jordan to come to Qward to seek an antidote for radiation poisoning that had afflicted Thomas Kalmaku. In exchange for the cure, the Weaponers demanded he battle their latest android creation known as Gnaxos that was made to defeat the Green Lantern. However, Gnaxos during its brief existence had learnt of the difference between good and evil where it sided with the former against the Qwardians. During the battle, Gnaxos aided Jordan only to be destroyed by its creators whilst Hal Jordan managed to escape with the cure to save Kalmaku. (Green Lantern v2 #4)

In an effort to unlock the Golden Obelisk and to achieve that goal he abducted Olivia Reynolds who had the power of the U-Mind that was deemed an ultimate source of power that could destroy anything. Through their control over her, they cracked the obelisk to discover it to be empty whilst Green Lantern Hal Jordan saved Reynolds where he returned her to Earth. (Green Lantern v2 #75)

The Qwardians came to create an Anti-Green Lantern Corps that consisted of genetically altered soldiers equipped with rings powered by Antimatter. Their first warrior was St'nlli who was dispatched to capture Green Lantern Hal Jordan in order to study his ring and perfect the process. (Green Lantern v2 #150) However, upon crossing over to the positive matter universe, St'nlli lost his memories and believed himself to be a human. Under the identity of 'Stanley', he joined the employ of long-time Green Lantern villain Goldface, and played an instrumental part in getting Hal Jordan arrested for breaking and entering. (Green Lantern v2 #146) Stanley's mistreatment at the hands of Goldface eventually caused him to recover his memories. (Green Lantern v2 #148) After taking his revenge on Goldface, St'nlli resumed his original mission of hunting down Hal Jordan. He finally locates Jordan on a mission to Ungara with fellow Green Lantern Corps member Arisia Rrab. St'nlli defeats Jordan and takes him to the Antimatter Universe to deliver to his masters. (Green Lantern v2 #149) Afterwards, St'nlli is further augmented to have immunity to Green Lantern rings, and to have the ability to convert any positive matter being he touches into an evil antimatter being. After grappling with Jordan, the latter joins forces with the Qwardians until the combined force of the entire Green Lantern Corps manages to free him. (Green Lantern v2 #150)

The Weaponers of Qward, seeking to discredit the Green Lantern Corps, gave 'Anti-Oan' energy rings to the conniving and irresponsible Pogliachi to hand out as the Pogliachi saw fit. The result, as planned, was the Pogliachi gave the rings to imbeciles and morons. (Green Lantern v3 #12)

The Thunderers of Qward, spared from their punishment at failing to stop Guy Gardner, regroup and increase their efforts to carry out their master's plan to humiliate the Green Lantern Corps. Guy wakes to find that he and G'nort are trapped in restraints that counteract ring powers by using anti-Oan ring-power. They are soon visited by their captors, the Qwardians, who have brought them to Qward in the Anti-Matter Universe. They interrogate Guy, hoping to discover the location of Hal Jordan. They tortured him but he did not comply, and when he seemed unconcerned when they threaten to torture G'nort, they simply gave up, and take them to the master. (Green Lantern v3 #11)

In the Antimatter Universe, the Qwardians began their preparations to make a new yellow ring. (Green Lantern v3 #13)

Sinestro Corps

This led to the mass forging of yellow power rings and companion power batteries by the Qwardians thus leading to their enslavement. In time, these rings were used to arm criminals and other beings in the cosmos to form the Sinestro Corps that brutally tormented the people of Qwardian with many of their number being worked to death as a result. The formation of the Sinestro Corps served as the army for the newly reborn Anti-Monitor who assembled four heralds to serve him as his lieutenants. These were Sinestro who led the Sinestro Corps, Hank Henshaw known as the Cyborg Superman who led the Manhunters, the fear parasite Parallax and finally Superboy Prime who had recently been freed from Oa. With this army, the Anti-Monitor brought about the Sinestro Corps War where he attempted to conquer Earth and continue his plans against the Multiverse only to be defeated as a result. Despite their defeat, the Sinestro Corps was still at large and maintained their occupation of Qward. A group of Qwardians witnessed the Anti-Monitors fight with Deadman who was wielding the power of a White Lantern which left strands of that energy behind that they attempted to study only for the Weaponer to warn them off as he desired it for his own purposes. Many of the Qwardians resented the Sinestro Corps and blamed the Weaponer for his involvement in forging the first yellow power ring. By this point, the Weaponer attempted to get revenge against Sinestro himself by attacking his daughter Soranik Natu. This was during the Qwardians attempt at killing the Weaponer but they allied with him and several members of the Green Lantern Corps that had come to rescue their comrade Natu. Ultimately, the Qwardians failed in their uprising against the Sinestro Corps and the Weaponer was forced to serve Sinestro leading to him once again being reviled by his own people after he joined the Corps.


Following the Flashpoint, a different timeline was created due to the changes in history. During the Convergence, a Qward city was abducted by Telos who placed it on his planetary surface where they battled the inhabitants of a Metropolis protected by the Seven Soldiers of Victory. (Convergence: World's Finest v1 #1)

A group of Qwardians were later forced to serve Sinestro where they sought to help him in capturing the Parallax entity. At the time, the entity had controlled Superman's body but was shifting hosts to prevent its capture with it taking possession of a number of Qwardians. Sinestro had no hesitation in killing them but them being saved by Superman who took Parallax away rather than fall under the Korugarian villains control again. Superman then told the Qwardians to embrace hope and abandon serving Sinestro who was willing to kill them and easily left them behind with them helping him return to Earth. (Superman v4 #30)

31st Century


Qwardians, denizens of the Antimatter Universe.

They were considered a warrior race who referred to themselves as the Q'ardajin. (JLA v1 #109) The surface of their home planet was so bleak and soulless that this was considered one of the reasons why their species was so militant. Humans commented that their society resembled that of Berlin in 1939 whilst others commented that the architecture resembled aspects of Egypt but highlighted only death. Such was the extent that the populace lived in fear of the ruling elite and only understood harsh commands as they feared for their lives. Such was the populace's desire to serve their leaders that they did not hesitate to kneel when commanded. This served partly as a means of detecting outsiders as free men did not easily bend their knees in servitude. Ranks of the evil Weaponers had no issue with commanding weapons to be fired on their own troops so long as their enemies were defeated with such losses being deemed acceptable. (JLA Classified v1 #47) They also entertained themselves through the use of gladiatorial combat where they pitted their enemies and outsiders against their elite warriors. (JLA Classified v1 #48)

A body amongst them included the Weaponers Council. (JLA v1 #108) Another was the Techno-Council that handled matters of scientific inquiry. (JLA v1 #109)

One of the ruling titles held among the people of Qward was that of the Emperor and Empress. (JLA Classified v1 #48) Other positions of power included the Thunderlord that was held by the ruler of the Thunderers and the High Weaponlord that represented the Weaponers. (JLA v1 #108) Destroyers were agents of the Weaponers that were armed with Qwa-Bolts and golden shields. (Green Lantern v2 #2) It was said that they had a futuristic feudal society. (Green Lantern v2 #75)

Life on Qward was conducted on lawful evil lines which meant that those who did not take part in evil practices were deemed outcasts that were hunted down as criminals. (Green Lantern v2 #2) To survive, people had to steal in order to survive with such evil being an accepted fact of life. (Green Lantern v2 #75) Typical members of the species had a love of violence and the exciting clash of combat. (Green Lantern v2 #4) Despite the harsh society, there was a underground movement that attempted to overthrow the Weaponers though they faced a constant struggle for survival which was why they could not aid anyone that had stumbled onto Qward. (JLA Classified v1 #47) One group immune to targeting were the songmen who were bands of troubadours that were a race apart who were protected from birth and immune to thievery as well as harm. (Green Lantern v2 #75) Zolus were a form of currency that was used by the Qwardians. (Green Lantern v2 #4)

An entity prayed to by some Qwardians was known as Godevil. (DC One Million 80-Page Giant v1) One ancient legend among their people spoke of Erdammeru who was known as the Void Hound. These tales spoke how the hungry deity sought out life to devour with Qward only spared by the rocky plates above the atmosphere. (JLA v1 #111) Some Qwardians came to admire and worship Sinestro who they believed was their greatest champion and warrior where they formed the Cult of the Red Man. These beings would kept a statue of Sinestro at their headquarters and used to wear costumes that resembled the Korugarian. Their devotion was to such an extent that when Sinestro was seemingly killed that the cult did not believe it and that this was simply a Green Lantern lie. Instead, they held the view that their leader would one day return and bring victory against the Guardians. Thus, they intended to keep his dream and schemes alive until he returned to them once more. (Green Lantern v3 #12)

A key cultural relic was the Weapons of Rengar that were the vestments of the First Highlord of Qward. It included the Helm of Will and the Blade of Glory with the wearer being deemed as the ruler of Qward. They possessed in them a Q'a-Power that killed those that strong enough to master them. (JLA v1 #109)

They once controlled a vast empire that sprawled across nine universes that crushed all who stood in their path. This led to them possessing a number of client empires that served them. (JLA v1 #109)


A creation of the Qwardians were machines known as Hate-Drones. (Justice League v3 #24) Another device was the bad luck generator that created negative improbable events. (DC One Million 80-Page Giant v1) Their super-scientific methods allowed them to also construct large humanoid advanced automatons able to challenge a Green Lantern. (Green Lantern v2 #4) They had developed short-range that they used to quickly intercept enemies. (Green Lantern v2 #75) To travel between universes, they had built transformer bridges that linked the anti-matter universe with the plus-matter universe that existed in the same continuum. These portals operated by reversing the atoms in the body turning anti-matter into plus-atoms allowing them to survive in the other universe. (Green Lantern v2 #2) Their kind had built machines known as Qwa-Portals some of which were ancient and were transference pathways between the dimensions with them taking the power of a small star to reactivate. (JLA v1 #109) The Qwardians had long studied the Oan Power Ring technology which took a century of study for them to reverse engineer. This manifested in a Power Ring and Power Battery that operated by projecting anti-matter that annihilated normal matter upon contact. (Green Lantern v2 #150)

They possessed Deep-Matrix Observation Scopes that were able to see irregularities in the space-time continuum. (JLA v1 #109)


  • Yokal : the formation of the Weaponers of Qward marked the first time in known history that the Qwardians were united under one ruler, other than the Anti-Monitor. The Chief Weaponer was the highest position one could hope to attain in the antimatter universe. Yokal the Atrocious was the first of many Chief Weaponers. Yokal would be required to choose his second in command, the Master Thunderer, commander of the Thunder Guard, an elite group of the best Weaponers. Yokal the Atrocious, founder of the Weaponers of Qward, attempted to topple the Golden Obelisk on Qward and break it open by the crushing force of its own weight. Bringing gargantuan wild beasts from far off planets, Yokal chained the creatures and goaded them to pull the obelisk down. The terrific force of the beasts broke the chains, thousands of Qwardians were killed.
  • Brikan : male Thunderlord that served as a figurehead on Qward for the Weaponers. (JLA v1 #108)
  • Varnathon : Varnathon of Q'Uld was the First Weaponlord, leader of the Weaponers of Qward, which granted him the status of leader of the military. The Thunderers of Qward worked alongside the Weaponers of Qward for hundreds of years. The Weaponers began to gain greater control as the manufacturers of their counterparts weapons. While this lasted for some time, it eventually led to a schism erupting within the military ranks. The leader of the Thunderers, Irik Roval, staged a coup against First Weaponlord Varnathon of Q'Uld. The plan went off without a hitch and Commander Irik T. Roval became the Highlord of Qward.
  • Irik T. Roval : a male Qwardian formerly holding the rank of Commander before overthrowing the Weaponers to become the Highlord of Qward. (JLA v1 #108) He managed to locate the prison of Erdammeru, the Void Hound, an ancient weapon of the Qward. In the intervening centuries since it's creation it had been misconceived of as a dark god. Roval piloted the Void Hound into the positive matter universe, traveling through an ancient Qwa-portal, where he went in search of the ancient scientist, Krona. During his search, he ended up doing battle against the Justice League. Forced to retreat by the destruction of the Void Hound, Qward remained a potent threat to the Justice League, revitalized under their new leader.
  • Telle-Teg : a male Qwardian serving as a recordkeeper in the citadel of the Weaponers who secretly did not agree with his peoples evil practices and intended to escape with his fellows to the plus-matter universe by seeking out Green Lantern Hal Jordan only to be killed on Earth by a pursuing Destroyer. (Green Lantern v2 #2)
  • Kiman : male Chief Weaponer who orchestrated a number of plots against Green Lantern Hal Jordan. (Green Lantern v2 #4) He wields the staff of Yokal, a staff created from the bones of defeated enemies by Yokal the Atrocious himself.
  • General Fabrikant : a male Qwardian who served as the Supreme Commander of the Weapons of Qward. General Fabrikant carried out a plan to invade Earth and then Oa as part of their war against the Guardians of the Universe and the Green Lantern Corps. He commanded his forces from a distance, while he was disguised as a little kid named Fabian on Earth, who befriended the Green Lantern Hal Jordan. (Green Lantern v2 #125)
  • Badgor : a male guard in the capital city of Qwardeen. (Green Lantern v2 #75)
  • Graxitus : (JLA v1 #109)
  • Chomin : one of two Qwardian operatives that came to Earth posing as traveling salesmen, noticed a connection between Green Lantern and the Ferris Aircraft company. The Qwardians created an exact duplicate of Ferris Aircraft some fifty miles out in the desert. Returning from a mission out in the desert, Green Lantern thought he had miscalculated the distance he had travelled. The emerald crusader thought he was just over tired, even thought he saw Hal Jordan walking across the Ferris grounds. Entering his dressing room in an aircraft hanger, Green Lantern began to charge his ring on the invisible power battery, only to find it was not there. Ferris Aircraft disappeared, leaving the stunned hero in the middle of the desert. The Qwardians had watched Green Lantern's movements and duplicated them in the real Ferris Aircraft. They were able to use an "object transmitter" to bring the invisible battery to their room. Though they still could not see or touch the battery, a "Q-Ray" was used to cast the battery's shadow on the wall. As the Qwardians had spied on Green Lantern, another person was spying on them, Tom Kalmaku. Green Lantern found his way back to the real Ferris Aircraft, but his battery was no longer there. After he was told of Kalmaku's story, the ring wielder tried to get back his battery, but could not catch up to it. Green Lantern retrieved his battery but it could not recharge the ring in the Anti-Matter universe. The Weaponers had been monitoring Green Lantern's thoughts and knew he would be helpless. Green Lantern was blasted with yellow-firing ray guns and killed. The victory was only an illusion, though, as Green Lantern had willed himself invisible and slipped away before the Weaponers learned the truth. The two Qwardian spies were captured once Green Lantern charged his ring in the positive matter universe.
  • Diataria Lysis : a bald headed female Qwardian who was a member of the Weapons of Qward. (JLA v1 #109)
  • Rengar : a famous warrior who arose to be the First Highlord of Qward that ruled their world. (JLA v1 #109)
  • Weaponer : When Sinestro returned years later to enslave the Qwardians and make Qward the base of operations for the Sinestro Corps, The Weaponer swore revenge on him. After discovering a piece of net composed of white light energy, left over by Deadman, he creates the ultimate weapon. Kidnapping Sinestro's daughter Soranik Natu in order to lure him to Qward, he instead comes face to face with members of the Green Lantern Corps. However, his new ultimate weapon proves to be more than up to the task as he defeats five Green Lanterns single-handedly. Afterwards, Sinestro arrives along with members of the Sinestro Corps and after a long battle, Sinestro decides to play on the Weaponer's fears and he gives up on revenge and joined the Sinestro Corps instead.
  • St'nlli : The Qwardians needed to examine Jordan's Green Lantern Ring in order to perfect their own Anti-Green Lantern Corps. However, upon crossing over to the positive matter universe, St'nlli lost his memories and believed himself to be a human. Under the identity of "Stanley," he joined the employ of long-time Green Lantern villain Goldface, and played an instrumental part in getting Hal Jordan arrested for breaking and entering. Stanley's mistreatment at the hands of Goldface eventually caused him to recover his memories. After taking his revenge on Goldface, St'nlli resumed his original mission of hunting down Hal Jordan. He finally locates Jordan on a mission to Ungara with fellow Green Lantern Corps member Arisia Rrab. St'nlli defeats Jordan and takes him to the Antimatter Universe to deliver to his masters. Afterwards, St'nlli is further augmented to have immunity to Green Lantern rings, and to have the ability to convert any positive matter being he touches into an evil antimatter being. After grappling with Jordan, the latter joins forces with the Qwardians until the combined force of the entire Green Lantern Corps manages to free him.
  • Kaliber : was an anarchist in his homeworld of Qward. Kaliber left his homeworld to travel to earth with intentions of meeting the heroes he admired and joined Kindred Marx rave. Later, he knew Superboy and joined him in his adventures.
  • Thalon : Lord Thalon was a male Qwardian who took over his homeworld of Qward in the 30th century. (The Legion v1 #34)
  • Owlwoman : a female superhero in the 853rd century who had a Qwardian mother and was a member of the Justice Legion. (DC One Million 80-Page Giant v1)


  • The Qwardians were created by John Broome and Gil Kane where they made their first appearance in Green Lantern v2 #2 (October 1960).
  • In JLA v1 #9 (1997), the Key used a psycho-virus to put the Justice League into a dream state where they imagined separate worlds from reality. Within this dream world, the Qwardians of the galaxy were the dominant force in the universe and had inducted Kyle Rayner as Weaponeer 500 who was the Sector-Dictator of his region of space.

Alternate Versions

  • In Justice League Adventures v1 #13 (2003), the Qwardians appeared in the setting set in the DC Animated Universe. They came to Earth's Apex City in order to claim the Star Charm that had been acquired by Olivia Dawson who became the superhero All-Star. The young hero was aided by Green Lantern John Stewart in battling the Qwardian Weaponers that had come from the Anti-Matter Universe to claim the Star Charm but the extradimensional invaders were defeated.

In other media


  • In Batman: The Brave and the Bold, the Qwardians appeared in the setting of the animated television series during the episode "Cry Freedom Fighters". The Qwardians were natives of the Anti-Matter Universe who had fallen under the tyrannical rule of the Supreme Chairman. His forces terrorized the civilian populace leading to a resistance force fighting them with Teletig seeking out Earth's heroes in order to warn them of a coming invasion of their world. Qwardian infiltrators had been previously dispatched to corrupt Earth who were unmasked by Batman and Plastic Man with the help of Uncle Sam. After hearing of Teletig's message, the Freedom Fighters with Batman and Plastic Man travel to Qward to liberate its population but they were captured by the Thunderers of Qward. It was only Plastic Man's inspiration to the civilian population which allowed them to rise up against the injustices perpetrated by the Chairman leading to his defeat.


A Qwardian with Sinestro in Green Lantern: First Flight.
  • In Green Lantern: First Flight, the Qwardians appeared in the setting of the animated film. They were shown as being short multi-limbed humanoids with four legs and four arms. They were noted for being skilled craftsmen that sold their services to others. Secretly, Green Lantern Sinestro worked with Kanjar Ro in acquiring the yellow element in order to make a weapon that would topple the Guardians of the Universe and the Green Lantern Corps. Kanjar Ro was responsible for taking the element and contacting the Weaponers of Qward where he gave them payment for it but withheld the location of the Qwardians from Sinestro. After Kanjar Ro was killed, Sinestro animated his mind to find the location of Qward which was situated in Space Sector 364. Once there, he encountered one of the Weaponers that was crafting a weapon who told him that he was not their client but Sinestro said that he was Kanjar Ro's partner thus entitled to receiving the weapon. The Qwardian escorted him to where his fellow Weaponers were constructing a mobile yellow Central Power Battery. They would give Sinestro his yellow Power Ring as his control mechanism where they told him that it was the greatest weapon in all creation subject to one small flaw prevalent in all weapons namely the weaknesses of its user. They would then disappear from the normal universe as they returned to their own universe.

Video games

  • In DC Legends, Qwardians were referenced in the setting of the mobile video game. They were mentioned Sinestro's backstory and a Qwardian Power Battery was an item available to him in the iOS video game.


  • Green Lantern v2 #2: (1960)
  • DC One Million 80-Page Giant 1,000,000 v1 #1: (1999)
  • JLA v1 #111:
  • JLA Classified v1 #47-48: (2008)

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