Ginyu Force

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The Ginyu Force was a group of highly-skilled, powerful warriors led by Captain Ginyu that did special favors for Frieza and were characterized by crazy dances and silly poses. They were summoned to Planet Namek on Frieza’s order to kill Vegeta and obtain the Dragon Balls after his regular forces failed to do so.

Vegeta eventually killed Guldo and Jeice, and finished off Recoome and Burter after they'd already been beaten by Goku. Ginyu survived, but switched bodies with a frog. In the Other World, the dead members of the Ginyu Force worked for Frieza, but Ginyu spent the rest of his days as a frog on Earth.




  • The Ginyu Force appeared as antagonists in Dragon Ball Z where they first appeared during the Namek Saga.

In other media

Video games

  • In Dragon Ball Fighterz, the Ginyu Force appeared in the setting of the fighting video game. Only Captain Ginyu was a playable character but he made use of the team as part of his power set and fighting moves.


  • Dragon Ball Z:
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