Scourge (Robots in Disguise)

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Scourge was originally part of a crew of Autobots sent to Earth to find Fortress Maximus. Their ship crashed and decades later the crew was recovered and reprogrammed by Megatron into the Decepticons. At first, Scourge served Megatron loyally, much to the chagrin of Sky-Byte whom Scourge was over-shadowing. Eventually Scourge revealed his true colors by trying to take command of the Predacons, but was re-programmed by Galvatron and served loyally until his master was defeated. Scourge was taken prisoner with the rest of the Predacons and Decepticons.

Decepticon Leaders
U.S. Animated
Megatron | Starscream | Galvatron
Marvel U.S./Marvel U.K.
Liege Maximo | Megatron | Shockwave | Straxus | Ratbat | Scorponok | Bludgeon | Jhiaxus | Galvatron | Cyclonus and Scourge | Soundwave
Megatron | Shockwave | Starscream
Other Leaders
Megatron (Machine Wars) | Scourge (Robots in Disguise) | Megatron (Armada) | Scorponok (Energon)
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