Captain Marvel (Marvel)

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Captain Marvels in Infinity Countdown: Captain Marvel v1 #1.

Captain Marvel is the name used by several characters in the Marvel Universe.


Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell)

Main Article: Mar-Vell

Mar-Vell was a pink-skin Kree who a member of his empire's military where he served under Yon-Rogg as they went to investigate the Earth following loss of contact with a Kree Sentry. He was sent to infiltrate the U.S. military where he took the identity of Walter Lawson. During this time, he had to switch to his true identity where humans came to refer to him as Captain Marvel. (Marvel Super-Heroes v1 #12)

Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau)

Main Article: Monica Rambeau

She worked as a New Orleans Harbor Patrol lieutenant and, as a black woman, faced difficulties to ascend to the rank of captain. Fate came upon her one day when she met Professor André LeClare, a friend of her late grandfather, who approached her seeking help in retrieving a energy-draining device which had been usurped by his rogue assistant, Felipe Picaro. Rambeau traveled with LeClare by bravely captaining a boat to a Roxxon oil rig on the Gulf of Mexico. She infiltrated the oil tower by gaining Picaro's trust. Regrettably, LeClare was found by security guards when trying to deactivate the dangerous mechanism, revealing their plan. When Picaro attempted to use the energy disruptor to obliterate Fort Benning, Rambeau destroyed the equipment with her bare hands and gained superpowers by being bombarded with extra-dimensional energy. With the ability to convert her body mass into any form of electromagnetic energy, Rambeau found herself back to New Orleans, where she designed a super hero costume by combining pieces of Mardi Gras outfits from a storage warehouse. With her new powers, she returned to the oil rig, rescuing LeClare and preventing the disruptor from damaging the fabric of the universe. Her actions caught the attention of the media, which referred to her as Captain Marvel. Finally, a captain by her own merit, Rambeau decided to resign from the navy. (Amazing Spider-Man Annual v1 #16)

Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell)

Main Article: Genis-Vell

Genis-Vell was the biological son of the Kree warrior Mar-Vell and the Titanian Elysius who had been the hero's brief lover. Elysius came to feel lonely after Mar-Vell left her causing her to use Titanian science to conceive a child using the Kree man's genetic structure. To protect him from Captain Marvel's enemies, Elysius had Genis artificially aged to maturity and then took him to an isolated world called Paraxis. There, they lived peacefully, safe from harm, with occasional visits from Eros, who Genis believed to be his father. (Silver Surfer Annual v1 #6)

Captain Marvel (Phyla-Vell)

Main Article: Phyla-Vell

Phyla-Vell was the biological daughter of the Kree warrior Mar-Vell and the Titanian Elysius who had been the hero's brief lover. She was born after her brother Genis-Vell after he destroyed and recreated the universe where their mother Elysius using samples of Mar-Vells genetic structure to conceive a child using Titanian science. (Captain Marvel v5 #18)

Captain Marvel (Khn'nr)

Main Article: Khn'nr

Khn'nr was a male Skrull warrior who was part of the invasion forces of Earth when their faction intended it to turn it into a new homeworld for their people. He came to volunteer to be part of the infiltration forces where he was to take the identity of Captain Marvel. However, an error occurred in the deeply seated encoding program where he came to believe he was the real Mar-Vell who had somehow survived his cancer affliction. After breaking free, he turned against the Skrulls and went to Earth with his comrades attempting to re-capture him. (Captain Marvel v6 #5)

Though he defeated his attackers, he was badly wounded when he was approached by the Kree Noh-Varr who held onto his dying body. As Captain Marvel, he urged Noh-Varr to continue the legacy and to protect the Earth from the invading Skrulls before he reverted to his true form after which he died. (Secret Invasion v1 #6)

Captain Marvel (Noh-Varr)

Main Article: Noh-Varr

Noh-Varr was a male pink-Kree from an alternate reality within the Multiverse where he was originally known as Ensign Marvel. Their vessel ended up in Earth-616 where it was shot down on Earth with the entire crew killed in the process leaving Noh-Varr the only survivor. (Marvel Boy v2 #1) After going on a rampage, he was captured and placed in the Cube where the Illuminati approached him where they attempted to steer him on the path of being a hero by showing him the actions of Mar-Vell. (New Avengers: Illuminati v2 #4)

Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)

Main Article: Carol Danvers

Carol Danvers was born to Joe Danvers Sr., a former U.S. Navy officer and construction worker. (Ms. Marvel v1 #13)

Upon awakening in a hospital, an obsessed Danvers fled in order to look for Captain Marvel when FBI agents came to question her about Dr. Lawson. Just outside the hospital, a concussed Carol was kidnapped by Yon-Rogg, who wished for final revenge against Mar-Vell. (Captain Marvel v1 #16) Yon-Rogg brought her to an abandoned subterranean Kree outpost that hid a damaged Kree Psyche-Magnitron, a machine able to synthesize pieces of Kree-devised technology. Empowered by the Nega-Bands, Mar-Vell was lured into the secret base. During their battle, Danvers was brutally knocked by Yon-Rogg into the damaged machinery. As the outpost collapsed, Mar-Vell chose to bring only Danvers to safety as Yon-Rogg perished. (Captain Marvel v1 #18) Unknown to Carol, her genetic structure came to be altered by the incident thus giving her superpowers. (Ms. Marvel v1 #19)

As a consequence of the Psyche-Magnitron's alterations, Carol developed a split personality to access her Kree powers, which included superhuman strength, flight, and a "seventh sense" that caused her to periodically receive premonitions. Carol would black out and turn into the amnesiac Kree warrior named Ms. Marvel, instantaneously donning a costume which the Psyche-Magnitron had created for her to ease her body's changes. As Ms. Marvel, Carol became a super hero. Both of her identities remained unaware of each other's existence. (Ms. Marvel v1 #1)

She was later convinced by Captain America to take up the mantle of Captain Marvel. (Captain Marvel v7 #1)



  • The concept of Captain Marvel was created by Stan Lee and Gene Colan where it made its first appearance in Marvel Super-Heroes v1 #12 (January, 1967).

Alternate Versions

  • In Ultimate Secret v1 #1 (2005), an alternate version of Mar-Vell existed in the Ultimate Marvel universe that was designated as Earth-1610 in the Multiverse. This version was known as Geheneris HalaSon Mahr Vehl where he was a Pluskommander in the Kree Void Navy.

In other media



Video games


  • Marvel Super-Heroes v1: (1967)
  • Captain Marvel v1:

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