Sentinels (Marvel)

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A Sentinel in X-Factor v3 #41.

The Sentinels are a class of machines that feature in Marvel Comics.





Sentinels deployed in X-Men v1 #14.

The Sentinels were a series of humanoid robots that were created by Dr. Bolivar Trask with the express purpose of targeting Mutants. (X-Men v1 #14) Due to his scientific knowledge of mankind's evolution, Trask believed that Homo superior and Homo sapiens would fight each other for dominance. This led to him concluding that baseline humanity’s future faced extinction with mutants posing a great threat not only to others but also themselves. His own children proved to be Mutants such as his daughter Tanya Trask who could not control her powers to phase out of synch with time and became lost in the timestream. Similarly, his son Larry Trask was plagued by precognitive visions he did not fully understand and told his father about the crimes that 'evil mutants' would commit in the future, prompting his father Bolivar to take action. After designing a medallion that would negate Larry's abilities as well as suppress his memories of his status as a mutant, Bolivar began to design humanity's defense against the rising threat of mutants. Ironically, his son even helped him in that task. For the next years, Bolivar Trask spent most of his family fortune to design the Sentinels – giant robots charged with the apprehension or elimination of mutants. However, rather than to build each Sentinel by hand, Trask constructed a Master Mold unit first. Based on the Sentinels' blueprints in its databanks, the Master Mold would assist Bolivar in creating more Sentinels as well as coordinate their efforts. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #-1)

They were unveiled in a public appearance by Dr. Trask as he espoused the view that Mutants were a threat and had Professor Charles Xavier present in the demonstration. During the demonstration, Trask commanded the Sentinels to stand down but they refused his command and stated that they were superior. After stunning their creator, they took him back to their base in order to force him to create more of their number. (X-Men v1 #14) The X-Men later tracked the Sentinels to their headquarters where they were being constructed by the Master Mold. (X-Men v1 #15)

Though defeated, the Master Mold had created a separate installation to build a separate line of Sentinels independently that were to activate once they reached a sufficiently large number. (X-Men: First Class v2 #7)

Project: Wideawake

Sentinels in Mighty Thor v2 #21.

Larry Trask later re-started the Sentinel program as he blamed Mutants for the death of his father and dispatched the Neo-Sentinels on a global operation after gaining approval from the newly created Federal Council on Mutant Activities. He attempted to get a legal mandate by bringing in a family friend in Judge Chalmers in order to instigate a war on the Mutants. (X-Men v1 #58) Several of the X-Men were captured with Trask in a fit of anger commanded the Sentinels to kill all Mutants. At that point, the medallion he was wearing fell off and it was revealed that Larry Trask himself was a Mutant but was unaware of it. The Sentinels then proceeded to apprehend him and sought to purge the world of Mutants despite Trask's attempts at countermanding the order. Cyclops managed to rely on the Sentinels logic systems as one of their directives was the protection of human life with Summers convincing them that mankind was the result of mutation that they could only combat by targeting the source. The Neo-Sentinels determined that the source of mutation on Earth was from the sun and departed in an attempt to destroy it. (X-Men v1 #59)

Afterwards, Dr. Steven Lang headed a program to combat Mutants leading to Project Armageddon whereby he sought to eliminate Homo Superior. (X-Men v1 #96) Lang made use of Trask's notes in reconstructing the Sentinels for the project but these were seemingly incomplete as this series of the Mutant hunting robots were inferior. (X-Men v1 #99)

Despite the demise of Lang's Project: Armageddon, Sebastian Shaw knew that sooner or later the government would resume their attempts to keep mutants under control. Rather than fear the inevitable, Shaw handled the situation liked any good businessman would, as he sought the personal and financial opportunities that it might provide him with. If the Sentinels were to be produced again, he could at least make some money from them, if nothing else. To make sure that it would be his own company that would be assigned with the task of designing the next generation of Sentinels, and as such receive the governmental funding that came along, it was Shaw himself who would set the new project in motion. Already knowing the right man to address in Senator Robert Kelly, a well-known anti-mutant politician and fellow member of the prestigious Hellfire Club, Shaw perfectly timed his suggestion. After a conflict between the Inner Circle and the X-Men went awry, the mutants having tried to secretly enter the Hellfire Club during one of their parties only to end up fighting their opponents in front of numerous bystanders – including Kelly – Sebastian portrayed a new and improved series of Sentinels as a long-term solution to the 'mutant menace'. (X-Men v1 #135)

Any doubts over the Sentinel program ended when Kelly was nearly assassinated by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Within a few weeks, Shaw's proposal made its way through Kelly’s Senatorial committee and eventually found itself on the desk of the president of the United States. Though troubled by some of its draconian and perhaps illegal parts, the president agreed due to concerns of national security and so the covert Project: Wideawake was conceived. Appointed to head the secret organization, agent Henry Peter Gyrich was directed to work with Shaw Industries to design and construct the new breed of Sentinels. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #142) After the problems of both Trasks and Lang, Shaw learned from their mistakes and declined to repeat them. Wanting to ensure that the new Sentinels would remain under control, Shaw apparently renounced making use of a Master Mold unit, rather having the Sentinel manufactured one by one in his factories. The first generation of Sentinels built for Project Wideawake, the Mark IV Sentinels, were incapable of independent thought and had to be remote-controlled from afar. This was obviously another security measure against the Sentinels turning against their creators. Additionally, Sebastian Shaw purposely designed his Sentinels with an inherent flaw. While capable of registering all mutant activity within a certain range, there was one genetic signature the giant robots would never recognize for a mutant – Shaw's own. (X-51 v1 #4)

Shaw made sure that his business partners would never learn his, nor the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle's secret. Seeking revenge for the X-Men's initial attack on the Hellfire Club, Shaw eventually used the new Sentinels to attack the hero team at Xavier's mansion. Shaw did this behind the back of Henry Peter Gyrich and everyone else working for Project Wideawake, knowing for sure that the X-Men could not alert the authorities without compromising their secret identities. However, the mutants at Xavier's school, being used to fighting more advanced Sentinels, found the remote-controlled Mark IV models to be quite easy to overcome. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #151) To be effective, future models of Sentinels needed to be capable of independent action. As such, a series of improvements were to be made for the Mark V model which Shaw needed to convince his employers of their effectiveness. The people working for Project Wideawake did more than just construct Sentinels and had also gathered data on any known mutants. Due to him having manifested his powers in public, the identity of Sunspot of the New Mutants was already known to Gyrich's staff, and by checking his friends and background, they quickly uncovered the real names of Sunspot's teammates as well. Shaw suggested to try the new Sentinels against Xavier's students but Gyrich was against it and argued that the mutant hunting robots had been designed to take down adult villains, and not a bunch of teenagers who had not comitted any crimes yet. In addition, he had been ordered by the president to keep the entire operation under wraps. However, Shaw had different ideas as he wanted Xavier's students to become as paranoid about humans as possible, so that they could be easier manipulated into joining the Hellfire Club. When a team of FBI agents were sent to arrest and interrogate the kids, Shaw arranged for one of the agents to call three Sentinels into action. Somehow, Colonel Mike Rossi learned of all this and he tried to warn the New Mutants, but he was too late. By the time he reached them, the youngsters found themselves already under attack by the giant robots. Still unfamiliar in the use of their powers, the New Mutants still overcame the three Sentinels attacking them. As the battle occurred in a crowded shopping mall, the incident turned into a double failure for Project Wideawake – not only had the advanced robots been beaten by a group of untrained teenagers, but they had also been spotted in public. (New Mutants v1 #2)

haw Industries designed the Mark VI series of the Sentinels to have cloaking and camouflage capabilities. While in stealth mode, these Sentinels could not be detected, neither by radar nor by the naked eye. Together with the overseer of this project, an overeager FBI agent launched the untested Stealth Sentinels when the mutant hypnotist known as Mesmero broke out of prison and escaped to Canada. The new Sentinels not being spotted in Canadian airspace, the FBI agent hoped to avoid an international incident. Perhaps the idea might have worked, if these Sentinels did not have a glitch; while in Stealth mode, they would only register a mutant when they actively used their powers, opposed to regular Sentinels who could constantly target any mutants within sensor range. Because of that, the Sentinels decided to phase out of stealth mode, as soon as they first locked on Mesmero's signature, not wanting to lose him again. The giant mutant robots suddenly materializing in the heart of Vancouver caused exactly the unwanted attention the FBI agent had hoped to avoid. Learning of the incident too late, a quite angry Sebastian Shaw promised to make him pay personally, should the incident end his relationship with the defense department. Fortunately for Shaw, they were lucky. Canada's premiere team, Alpha Flight, not only managed to subdue Mesmero, but they also destroyed the Sentinels before they caused and further harm. (Alpha Flight v1 #43)

Though Shaw was missing, Project Wideawake continued with the U.S. government took it one step further as Senator Robert Kelly took a much more active role than he had in the past. Deciding that they had let the production and construction in private hands for far too long, the Senate sanctioned more funds for Project Wideawake, which set up base at a harmlessly looking military facility in Camp Hayden, Kentucky. Working from designs and prototypes that Shaw had provided them with, the engineers and scientists of Project Wideawake tried to further improve the Sentinels. (X-Factor v1 #92) They even began adding technology derived from Nimrod, the highly advanced super-Sentinel from the future who had fought the X-Men several times. Eventually, a self-awareness program serving as a sleeper virus to wait for the opportunity to access a Sentinel's self repair systems became activated, and Nimrod began to re-create itself. Due to the timely interference of X-Force, however, the future Sentinel was stopped and rendered inert. In the aftermath of that crisis, one of the scientists at Camp Hayden struck a deal with the mutants. She removed the robot’s central neural net and handed it to X-Force, such ensuring that Nimrod could no longer function, yet wanted to keep the rest of the robot so that she and her colleagues could study its defensive systems and alloys. As X-Force couldn't argue against the idea of humanity deserving the chance to protect themselves from evil mutants, they accepted the compromise, well aware that Project Wideawake would continue to produce Sentinels capable of hunting down and killing mutants. (X-Force v1 #36)

Operation: Zero Tolerance

During Operation: Zero Tolerance, the agency in their mandate to counter Mutants deployed a type of human/machine cyborgs known as Prime Sentinels. (X-Men v2 #65)

E is for Extinction

Cassandra Nova abducted dentist Donald Task claiming to be working for the government and took him to the jungles of Ecuador to a shadow site holding a Master Mold unit that was producing Wild Sentinels who responded to the commands of a Trask. She intended to use the machines in a campaign to wipe out Mutants with her stating that Homo Superior's evolution would render Homo Sapien extinct in a matter of generations. (New X-Men v1 #114) Cassandra gained entrance into the facility and convinced him to order the Master Mold unit to construct two immense Mega-Sentinels, which they then sent to the island nation of Genosha. There, home to half of the world’s mutant population, the two Mega-Sentinels annihilated over sixteen million mutants. (New X-Men v1 #115) Cassandra had also instructed the Master Mold to build microscopic Nano-Sentinels, which she injected into her own bloodstream. A short while later, once Cyclops and Wolverine arrived, Cassandra allowed herself to be defeated and captured, in order to be taken to the X-Men’s mansion for study. There, right beneath the noses of the X-Men, Cassandra telepathically switched minds with Xavier, after which she shot her own body. (New X-Men v1 #116)

Dr. Valerie Cooper spearheaded an attempt for the government to hold a response unit that could deal with out of control superhumans. To that end, she stated that the Office of National Emergency be equipped with a new breed of Sentinel that were piloted by human operators. (Sentinel Squad O*N*E v1 #1)

Simon Trask utilized a virus to turn numerous humans of his Humanity Now! activist coalition into biomechanical bio-Sentinels that started attacking the X-Men. Norman Osborn had the Dark X-Men make their debut in battling the Human Sentinels where Emma Frost commented that the human hosts were no longer alive nor human. Both H.A.M.M.E.R. and the Dark Avengers became involved as the three groups sought to stop Trask. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #514)

An international arms control conference was later held in Switzerland with Cyclops attending as a representative of the Mutant nation of Utopia. Cyclops gave a speech in order to highlight the global use of Sentinels that were used to target Mutants with many of the representatives denying possession of such weapons. The conference was targeted by the newly returned Quentin Quire who used his powers to get the delegates to reveal their darkest secrets. After the scandal, many nations in the world began an increase in the deployment of Sentinels with the Mutant population of Earth going into high alert as a result of the increased anti-Mutant sentiment. (X-Men: Schism v1 #1) The new Black King Kade Kilgore of the Hellfire Club deployed a special variant of a Sentinel that was sent to destroy Utopia. (X-Men: Schism v1 #4)

Following the dispersal of the Terrigen Mists, Mutants around the world came to be displaced as a result of the M-Pox. In this time, Forge came to remove Cerebra from its casing and installed it within the shell of a Sentinel. She then joined the X-Men to serve as a mobile Mutant detector as they looked to aid Mutants suffering from the crisis at this time. Cerebra was invaluable to the group and helped track down the alternate reality Old Man Logan who was hiding within the Canadian wilderness. (Extraordinary X-Men v1 #2) After vanishing for years, the Omega Sentinels had emerged again in this time due to Core Command and had been targeting Mutants that were dying as a result of exposure to the Terrigen in the air around the world. (Uncanny X-Men v4 #15)

These Inhuman-hunting Sentinels were constructed at an abandoned factory in South Dakota and launched. Several Wild Sentinels were left behind that were guarding the site from intruders. (Extraordinary X-Men v1 #20) Kade Kilgore later headed an auction where he sold Kilgore Industries newest model of nano-Sentinels that were sold to the Fenris Twins. (Generation X v2 #6)

A Sentinel that was designated as Sentinel-X came to be used by the Indian Mutant Defense Force (IMDF). Its head Lakshay Singh deployed the machine after Jean Grey and her allies had raided the IMDF headquarters in order to rescue the Mutant technopath Trinary. (X-Men: Red v1 #2) However, Trinary used her powers to bend the Sentinel's will to her command and it was used by Jean Grey and her allies to return to Wakanda. (X-Men: Red v1 #3) Afterwards, the robot was rechristened Sentinel-X. Its weaponry systems were removed to make room for seats to turn in into an adequate means of transport for Jean Grey's X-Men. (X-Men: Red v1 #5)

House of X

Following the establishment of the mutant nation of Krakoa, the mutant-phobic organization Orchis reached a new pinnacle of Sentinel technology. Using Sol's Hammer as a base, they created a Mother Mold, a replicating, adaptive, self-aware Sentinel factory capable of creating Master Molds. While a Master Mold is incapable of improving beyond its ultimate Sentinel state, the Mother Mold is believed to be able to produce purely adaptable machines through Nano-Sentinel technology. (House of X v1 #2)


Evolution of the Sentinels in X-Men: Gold v2 #6.

In appearance, the Sentinels were a series of humanoid machines created by humanity that were tasked with hunting Mutants. (X-Men v1 #14)

Sentinels were composed of special alloys, unique circuit elements and strategic elements. (X-Men v1 #99) Their brains were cybernetic in nature and contained their programming. (X-Men v1 #14) These advanced computers were able to process tactical data and could potentially evolve a form of cyber-consciousness. (X-Men v2 1996) Sentinels had their own built-in system of logic that allowed them to operate. (X-Men v1 #58) One of their directives was the protection of human life. (X-Men v1 #59)

They were a type of mechanical Mutant-hunter and could operate as assassins. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #151) After their creation, they were programmed with their directive of guarding humanity. However, they quickly believed themselves superior and refused to take commands from anyone. They sought to accomplish their directive by ruling over mankind. (X-Men v1 #14)

There were various models of Sentinels created that included:

  • Mark I :
  • Mark II :
  • Mark III :
  • Mark IV :
  • Mark V :
  • Mark VIII : large Sentinel models that had human operators. (All-New X-Factor v1 #16)
  • Kilgore Sentinels : these large models were created with the purpose of decimating entire nations of Mutants by itself. (Avengers A.I. v1 #2)
  • Wild Sentinels : a type of Sentinel that drew material from its surroundings. (New X-Men v1 #115)
  • Human Sentinels : biomechanical creations that were created from a virus that transformed humans and made them subservient to the controller with reports that they were able to fire energy blasts from their palm but after firing the host body died. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #514)
  • Super-Sentinels : products of the Weapon Plus program and developed in facilities such as 'The World'. Human genetic material was spliced with Sentinel microtechnology whereby strains were created through artificial evolution technology. Regular gamma bombardments were used to induce new mutations in the population whilst eugenic culls were made to maintain a manageable population. Through artificial evolution, scientists were able to accelerate natures own processes to create highly-evolved and specialised super-soldiers developed through man/machine fusion techniques. They were designed and perfected to exterminate the Mutant species. (New X-Men v1 #143) These Super-Sapiens were part man and part machine made to be protectors of humankind against the menace of mutation that were developed as part of a biological arms race. The designer supermen were mutant-killing machines with the Super-Sentinels being presented to the public as a comic book style fighting team. (New X-Men v1 #145)
  • Prime Sentinels :
  • Nimrod Sentinels :
  • Bio-Sentinels :
  • Stark Sentinels : under the influence of the Red Skull, Tony Stark created a model of Adamantium constructed Sentinels outfitted with Pym Particle technology with databases withholding knowledge of different super heroes he acquired after the first Civil War. (Avengers & X-Men: AXIS v1 #1)
  • Nano-Sentinels : nanotechnology that was used to infect targets and attack them from inside their bodies. (New X-Men v1 #123) Once inside a Mutant's bloodstream, they worked to decimate the immune system with the target being unaware with them only showing flu-like systems before it was too late. (Generation X v2 #6)
  • Sentinites : a nanite Sentinel that entered into a host body to embed itself in the amygdala where it not only imparted Mutant detection abilities to the user but also a hatred of Mutants with a compulsion to eliminate them. (X-Men: Red v1 #4)
  • Master Mold :
  • Mother Mold : a large Sentinel facility that was a Master Mold that produced other Master Molds with it orbiting the Sun. (Powers of X v1 #2)
  • Sentinel Zero : a modern era Orchis X-Sentinel robot built over by Dr. Stasis's gene-spliced animal/human hybrids that used the many corpses of Wolverine to perfected a process and converting them into Sentinel units, combining Wolverine's Adamantium skeleton and claws with the latest Sentinel casing and systems prove to be a lethal combination. (X-Men v6 #22)

There were various types of Sentinels that were created for specific mission profiles. Hunter-killer models were largely self-propelled weapon systems that contained elaborate training suites. Others were built to be unarmed tactical surveillance and operations drones that were dedicated to observe, analyze and transmit intelligence updates to the combat models. Surveillance Sentinels were equipped with upgraded processors and a long range sensor package allowing them to monitor events even from high geosynchronous orbit. These models processors collated all incoming data and built an extrapolation model upon which an overlay progressive tactical scenario was generated. (X-Men v2 1996) A version built by Kilgore Arms made use of a hyper-conductive core that could fit in a suitcase and when deployed it grabbed onto the nearest forms of metal to itself to create a Sentinel body. These versions had simple minds with them programmed for a single purpose with them able to create large aircraft-sized bodies for themselves in the span of seconds. This model were simple in their design with no Mutant sensors but programmed for a single target with it being relentless in its pursuit and eliminating any obstacles in its path. (X-Men: Schism v1 #4)

Sentinels were linked to one another through a centralized communication net. (X-Men v2 1996)

They made use of machines such as the Monitron to observe events and used it for surveillance operations. (X-Men v1 #59)

Due to their power, sophistication, and high mass production, Sentinels were often sold on the black market. (M.O.D.O.K.: Head Cases v1 #2)


  • Gol-19 : from a parallel future created by the Chronomancer. (Bishop: The Last X-Man v1 #7)
  • Number 2 :
  • Tri-Sentinel : a Sentinel created by the Asgardian Loki who magically merged three prototype Sentinels built by Shaw Industries to become the cornerstone for Project Nimrod. The trickster god then reprogrammed the robot to attack a nuclear power plant nearby in order to kill thousands of people; however, Spider-Man used his newfound powers of Captain Universe to destroy it. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #329)
  • Rover :
  • 0101 : an accidently created mutated model that was self-aware with it being formed from Sentinel programming and nano-swarm echnology that merged into humanoid model that learnt from its attacks with it being able to reshape its form to make new weapons or disperse it to attack multiple targets. (X-Men: Gold v2 #5) The unit began to refer to itself as Alpha and intended to eliminate Mutants and all signs of evolution after which it intended to terminate itself as it had self-evolved into sentience. Thus, the Sentinel began to work with anti-Mutant senator Lydia Nance in creating a smart virus to eliminate all holders of the X-Gene. (X-Men: Gold v2 #27)
  • Sentinel-X : a Sentinel unit in India that was taken over by Trinary and used by Jean Grey as part of her X-Men team as their transport. (X-Men: Red v1 #5)
  • Sentinel Zero : the first X-Sentinel to come online and built over the frame of Wolverine's Adamantium Skeleton. In the end, Firestar incinerated Sentinel Zero's Sentinel parts, leaving a smoking Wolverine skeleton. (X-Men v6 #22)
  • Nimrod the Lesser :
  • Nimrod the Greater :


  • Sentinels were created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where they made their first appearance in X-Men v1 #14 (November, 1965).

Alternate Versions

  • In X-Men v1 #141 (1981), an alternate future timeline was shown that was designated as Earth-811 that was set in 2013. On this Earth, anti-Mutant attitudes arose after the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants assassinated Presidential candidate Senator Robert Kelly along with Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggert in 1980. This led to the governments of the world passed the Mutant Control Act in 1988 leading to mass deployment of Sentinels that targeted Mutants. The machines were given an open-ended program to eliminate Mutants by any means necessary with the robots concluding that this required them to take over the country. Afterwards, they targeted Mutants and other superhuman beings with them eliminating both heroes and villains leading to the death of millions as they took over North America. Governments in the world determined that if the Sentinels sought to push further then they would launch nuclear weapons leading tot he potential destruction of the world in a nuclear holocaust. The X-Men were largely killed but several of their number headed an anti-Sentinel resistance with them heading a plan to alter the past and avert this timeline. By this point in history, America was under the control of the Sentinel Hierarchy and assisted by humans such as the Houndmaster Ahab and other scientists. In addition to combating Mutants, the Sentinels were committed to fighting Soviet Super-Soldiers, Asian Alliance Mega-Robots along with pockets of resistance in Europe and South America.
  • In Civil War v1 (2015), one version of the Sentinels were shown to reside on Battleworld in the civil war between Iron Man and Captain America. These versions were known as Iron Sentinels and created by Tony Stark to police his region known as the Iron. They were programmed for external defense and were not capable of assaulting their own base which was why they were deployed against Captain America's forces in the Blue.


In other media


  • In Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, a Sentinel features in the episode "A Firestar Is Born" where it appeared in Firestar's backstory where Angelica battled one of them during her time with the X-Men.
  • In X-Men: The Animated Series, the Sentinels appeared in the cartoon series as antagonists where they first appeared in "Night of the Sentinels". They were described as being experimental robot police that were being used to foil an attack from the X-Men on the Mutant Control Agency. Sentinels were part of the government program to apprehend Mutants and were created by Bolivar Trask. However, the Sentinels turned against Trask as they sought to take over the world. A future alternate timeline was shown where the Sentinels controlled the world with Bishop seeking to avert this future.
  • In Spider-Man: The Animated Series, Sentinels appeared in the shared continuity setting of the animated television series in the episode "The Mutant Agenda" in a cross-over arc with the X-Men. They were created as part of a training exercise in the Danger Room when Spider-Man accidently activated the simulation when visiting the X-Mansion whilst looking for Professor X's help for his recent mutation. The holographic replicas of the Sentinels were later deactivated by Jean Grey.
  • In X-Men: Evolution, Sentinels appeared in the animated television series where they created by former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Bolivar Trask. Trask had developed the original prototype but it was released in public by Magneto forcing the X-Men to battle with and thus revealing the existence of Mutants to the media.
  • In Wolverine and the X-Men, the Sentinels appeared as antagonists of the series. Various models were shown to had been created such as the Sentinel Prowler and Sentinel Hounds. They were shown as being the results of the Mutant Response Division's Sentinel Program that was funded by Senator Robert Kelly and developed by Bolivar Trask. Its culmination was the Master Mold that was a feminine artificial intelligence and giant Sentinel that was being created to control as manage other such units. The Master Mold later turn against humanity and created a future whereby it along with the Sentinels dominated the world. A time displaced Professor X lived this future and used Cerebro to inform his X-Men in the past to prevent this future from coming to pass.
  • In The Gifted, an organization by the name of Sentinel Services appeared in the live-action television series that consisted of agents armed with advanced robots that arrested Mutants. Among them included small spider-like robots created by Trask Industries to withstand various forms of hazardous environments and attacks as well as adapt quickly to damage taken.


1970 era Sentinel in X-Men: Days of Future's Past.
2020 era Sentinel in X-Men: Days of Future's Past.
  • In X-2: X-Men United, Wolverine was shown to be practicing in the Danger Room where he battled a large foe that had a robotic head that was seemingly a Sentinel.
  • In X-Men: Days of Future's Past, the Sentinels were shown to be in research and development in the 1970's where they were products of Bolivar Trask's genius who constructed them from advanced polymers lacking metal, engines that allowed them to hover and rapid machine guns in the arms along with a sensor that could detect the X-Gene. Trask headed Trask Industries who learnt of the existence of Mutants and believed that they threatened the existence of Humanity. As a result, he attempted to convince members of the various governments to take his warnings seriously and invest in the program. His experimentations on Mutants were discovered by Mystique who succeeded in assassinating him but she was caught in the act which led to the Sentinel program being authorized. Through a study on Mystique's body, the Sentinels were given the ability to adapt and evolve their abilities to combat threats allowing them to take over the world. By 2020's, they were moving to eradicate Mutants and Humans which forced the surviving X-Men to project Wolverine back in time to stop Mystique. In the past, Magneto found the eight prototype Sentinels that were being taken to a public demonstration where he infused metal within them in order to turn them against the President. However, he was stopped and Mystique stopping her plan in eliminating Trask thus showing that Mutants could be trust which stopped the Sentinel dominated future.
  • In X-Men: Apocalypse, the Sentinels made a brief appearance in the live-action sequel to X-Men: Days of Future's Past. The 1970 models were shown to be deployed in the Danger Room to be used for training the next generation of X-Men.

Video games

  • In X-Men: Children of the Atom, a Sentinel was a playable character in the fighting arcade game. The characters stage was a Sentinel factory in Genosha with a Master Mold in the background.
  • In Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes, a Sentinelw as a playable character in the fighting video game.
  • In X-Men Legends, Sentinels were shown as antagonists in flashback sequences in the video game. General William Kincaid who was an anti-Mutant supporter was said to had been rebuilding the Sentinels. A facility building the robots in Europe was infiltrated by the X-Men who battled the machines. A group of Sentinels later attacked Asteroid M with Kincaid arriving on the scene in Master Mold but was defeated thus stopping any further war between humans and Mutants.
  • In Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds, a Sentinel appeared as a playable character in the fighting game with the character being voiced by actor Jim Ward.
  • In X-Men: The Official Game, Sentinels made an appearance in the video game tie-in to X2: X-Men United set during events after the movie. The Sentinel program was mentioned as being operated by the government with HYDRA seeking to recover Sentinel components from the Alkali Lake facility that was run by William Stryker. Numerous Sentinel Tech parts could be collected by the player for upgrades. A Sentinel head was situated at one part of the base whilst at another numerous Sentinels attacked Mutant intruders.
  • In X-Men: Destiny, Sentinels appeared as antagonists in the video game. Sentinel tech was being used in secret with a factory being used to create them without anyone noticing. These were later deployed by Bastion as he intended them to eliminate all Mutants.
  • In Marvel: Avengers Alliance, the Sentinels appeared as antagonists in the video game.
  • In Marvel Heroes, Sentinels featured as antagonists that targeted players in the game.
  • In Marvel: War of Heroes, the Sentinels appeared on multiple cards in the video game with the various models being referenced in the background.
  • In X-Men: Battle of the Atom, the Sentinels appeared as a card in the iOS video card game. The Sentinel Mark VIII - or O*N*E Squad Sentinels also made an appearance as a separate card along with Wild Sentinels.
  • In Marvel: Contest of Champions, the Sentinel appeared as a playable character in the mobile video game. It was said that they rebelled and killed their creator whereupon they sought to take over the Battlerealm with a Mark-ISO model evolving that used its enhanced power core to target its enemies.
  • In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, a Sentinel appeared in the setting of the video game. A Power Stone-enhanced variant known as the Infinity Sentinel served as a boss. Ultron utilized them to steal the Infinity Stones from the Avengers and the X-Men until the Sentinels are destroyed by the heroes.


  • In The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death, Sentinels feature as antagonists in the Marvel Super Hero Adventures #6 game book. The United States Government at their Obar Island research facility were directed by Henry Peter Gyrich to build a new range of robotic security drones. The scientist's thus built the Centi-Bots that were small spherical machines that operated under solar recharge. They had a variety of weapons but no bladed appendages and powering their armaments along with levitational drained muvh of their bsttery power. Unknown to anyone, they were programmed to take orders from Sentinels who could deploy them into tiny spaces the giant robots could not reach. An active damaged Sentinel hiding underground took control of the facility by commandeering the Centis to attack the staff leading to the X-Men arriving to help save the facility.


  • X-Men v1: (1965)
  • X-Men v2:
  • Uncanny X-Men v1:
  • New X-Men v1:
  • X-Men: Schism v1:
  • X-Men: Gold:
  • X-Men: Blue v1:
  • X-Men: Red v1:
  • House of X v1:
  • Powers of X v1:
  • Invincible Iron Man v5:
  • X-Men v6: (2023)

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