Damian Wayne

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Damian Wayne in Robin: Son of Batman v1 #1.

Damian Wayne is a male comic character who features in DC Comics.





Son of the Batman in Batman v1 #658.

Damian Wayne was the biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. (Batman v1 #656)

Batman then brought him to the Batcave though the boy was hostile to his father. (Batman v1 #657)

He felt that there was no need for anyone else to be Robin except for himself as this was his inheritance. Thus, he attacked Tim Drake as he felt he was undeserving of being Robin as he was only an adopted child. During their fight, Damian was nearly injured with Drake looking to save him but the son of Batman instead used this as an opportunity to defeat Tim. He then wore the Robin costume and went to meet his father in the field where he declared himself to be Batman's new partner. (Batman v1 #657)

His mother came to take her injured son to her island headquarters where she commenced with full organ harvest and replacement to help him recover with him being in a stable condition at this point. (Batman v1 #665)

Talia later took Damian to Australian Outback after the White Ghost suggested that she teach her son the secret history of Ra's al Ghul. In reality, the White Ghost had intended to sacrifice Damian to serve as a vessel to house the soul of Ra's al Ghul. Initially, Talia intended to do her duty but she relented and instead escaped with her son who she wanted to live longer. (Batman Annual v1 #26)

Batman refused to choose between Damian and Robin, and told Ra’s there was another way for him to restore himself. He offered to take Ra’s to Nanda Parbat and the Fountain of Life, and Ra’s accepted. Ra’s was surprised that Batman knew where to find Parbat, and Batman said he’d recently traveled there to undergo Thogal, a Buddhist rite of purification. Sensei had already come to Parbat and set it on fire. Ra’s asked Batman if he ever saw someone that hated their enemy as much as Sensei hated Ra’s. Batman battled the Men of Death, and was surprised with how easily he overcame them. The monks of Parbat said Rama Kusha had strengthened his hand and weakened theirs. Batman and Ra’s made their way to the fountain of Life, which Ra’s had always believed was the prototype of the Lazarus Pits that had kept him alive over the centuries. Sensei was infuriated to see Ra’s yet lived, and asked what he needed to do to get rid of his wayward son. Ra’s asked him why he stood in his way, and Sensei responded that under Ra’s and Talia’s rule the League of Assassins had lost their way and their honor, and he needed to restore both to them.. Sensei rammed his staff into Ra’s chest , saying that if he just died Sensei might spare the Fountain. Batman and Sensei engaged in battle, and Batman knew he was outmatched, but because of his advanced age Sensei had limited stamina, and Batman kept the fight going long enough to get the advantage. They fell into the Fountain of Life and Sensei found himself burning, unable to stand the purity of the Fountain. (Batman v1 #671)

Merlyn continued to train Damian in the ways of the assassin, and was pleasantly surprised when he realized he could learn some things from the boy. Talia was fuming from celebrity gossip reports that indicated Bruce Wayne’s relationship with Jezebel Jet was getting serious. Talia said Bruce always had and always would belong to her, and told Merlyn to take care of her. Merlyn assembled a hit squad, saying he had kill her humanely, but when they were preparing to travel to Gotham they learned that Bruce and Jet had been kidnapped by the Nine-Eyed Man. Damian sensed an overarching threat aimed at the Batman, and Talia agreed, saying he’d gotten his extraordinary intuition from her. (Batman v1 #675)

Upon Batman's disappearance, Talia and Damian went to Wayne Manor where they deactivated a series of traps and saved the life of Commissioner James Gordon. (Batman v1 #680)

Talia, Damian and Ubu visited Wayne Manor, only to find it full of death traps. They saved Commissioner Gordon, who was also concerned about Batman. Talia said she had no love for the police, but Batman had always spoken kindly of Gordon. Dr. Hurt and his club of villains had broken batman’s mind, and lured him into a confrontation at Arkham Asylum. Talia and Damian freed Alfred, who was being held hostage in Wayne Manor, and with Commissioner Gordon they took the Batmobile to Arkham Asylum. Damian was ensconced with the Batmobile, and asked Alfred if he thought his father would let him have it. At Arkham, Nightwing helped Batman fight off Dr. Hurt, the Black Glove and the Club of Villains. Hurt prepared to take-off in a helicopter piloted by Bat-Devil, and claimed to be Thomas Wayne. Batman didn’t believe him, and Hurt said he’d staged photos that would paint his parents and Alfred as criminals and degenerates, threatening to release them unless Batman agreed to serve the Black Glove. Batman refused and jumped on the helicopter. Bat-Devil could not control the flight and the helicopter plummeted into Gotham Harbor, exploding in a burst of flames. Nightwing dredged up Batman’s uniform, and Talia al Ghul promised to avenge the father of her child. In the coming months several members of the Black Glove turned up dead. Talia wanted personal revenge on Jezebel Jet, who had played Batman since the first day they met in service of the Black Glove. Talia sent a squad of Man-Bat Commandoes after her private plane as she was trying to return to her home country of Mtamba. (Batman v1 #681)

Taking the Batmobile, he went and met a young girl that he took for a joyride in Gotham. Whilst driving, he accidentally deactivated the GPS scrambler allowing for Oracle to find the car and she asked Damian to investigate an incident at a nearby freightliner. She then remotely ejected his passenger but the Batmobile came under attack from supervillains looking to capitalise on the disappearance of Batman. Killer Croc came to be responsible for killing and eating the girl that Damian had taken with him where he was nearly killed if not for the timely arrival of Nightwing. However, Grayson's glider was shot down and the pair were nearly killed by gunmen hired by Black Mask who was looking to eliminate all of Gotham's vigilantes after it was believed that Batman was dead. It was only then that a man wearing an armored Batsuit arrived wielding guns came who kill the gunmen where he declared himself to be Batman. (Batman: Battle for the Cowl v1 #1)

He and Squire came to later find the injured Tim Drake who had gone to confront Jason Todd at his own version of the Batcave. During their fight, Drake was badly injured and left for dead with Damian coming in to save him. (Batman: Battle for the Cowl v1 #3)

Batman and Robin

In the aftermath, Damian was on the streets as Gotham where he fought against Doctor Phosphorus. By this point, Grayson had formally taken on the mantle of Batman with Damian being his sidekick. (Batman v1 #687)

He later created a flying Batmobile as he teamed up with Dick Grayson who had assumed the mantle of Batman where among their first acts was the apprehension of Mister Toad. (Batman and Robin v1 #1) This led to them encountering the Circus of Strange who had come to free their teammate from prison leading to the death of many police officers. Damian decided that Grayson was not worthy of the mantle of Batman and refused to follow his orders with him instead seeking to solve the case his own way. Whilst tracking the Circus, he found their headquarters but was captured by Professor Pyg and his Dollotrons. (Batman and Robin v1 #2)

They began a search the globe for Bruce Wayne, who Tim believed was still alive. After his first fight alongside Dick, Damian gets upset with Grayson and goes looking for the villain Professor Pyg himself. The Professor captures him, or rather, is led to believe so by Damian, who is in complete control of the situation, waiting for the right moment to make his move. Despite his good intentions, however, Damian is still overpowered by a large number of Dollotrons. Bent on catching Pyg, he was saved only by the timely intervention of Dick Grayson. While pursuing Pyg, he overlooks an earlier promise he had made to Sasha, the only Dollotron who had an intact personality. As a result, the young girl's sanity is bent by her traumatic ordeal and disfigurement, ripe for the Red Hood to sway to his side. (Batman and Robin v1 #5)

Damian also becomes involved with the Wayne Enterprises' board members during one board meeting led by Lucius Fox. He manages to track down financial irregularities within the Wayne Enterprises accounts, intimidating the board of members along the way. The board becomes impressed that the young Wayne has such impressive business capabilities despite his young age, apparently inherited from his father. (Batman and Robin v1 #10)

After Bruce's skull was taken from his grave, Damian and Dick decide to bring the rest of his skeleton, along with those of Damian's paternal grandparents, to their base beneath Wayne Tower. Damian is quite shaken by the sight of the bones of his family. On the way to the cave, Dick's body is possessed by Deadman, whom Damian lashes out at in confusion. Deadman then possesses and leaves Damian's body, subsequently passing his knowledge of the attack of the Black Lanterns onto him. The two heroes then prepare for the Black Lantern's assault on Gotham. (Blackest Night: Batman v1 #1) After raiding the Army Reserve National Guard Armory, Dick, Damian, and the arriving Tim Drake, are able to save Commissioner Gordon, Oracle, and the surviving police officers at Gotham Central from the reanimated versions of the original Dark Knight's deceased rogue gallery members. However, they then find themselves having a horrific encounter with Batman and the Red Robin's parents - the Flying Graysons and Jack and Janet Drake - reanimated as Black Lanterns. (Blackest Night: Batman v1 #2) Dick and Tim send Damian with the Gordons to their underground base while they battle the Black Lanterns. Dick eventually orders Damian through their comm-links to send one of his Wingers with Mr. Freeze's gun. Grayson uses the weapon to cryogenically suspend himself and Tim, forcing the Black Lanterns to retreat as they are unable to read any sign of life of them. Deadman later revives the former Boy Wonders. (Blackest Night: Batman v1 #3)

Talia begun to clone Damian as she has realized that her son has completely sided with Dick Grayson and the Bat-Family. Damian finally stands up for his Robin mantle, telling Talia that being Robin was the best thing that he had ever done, and Talia does not need to save him from something he chooses to be. Talia then shows Damian the cloned version of himself, whom she sees as Damian's younger brother. Talia admits to Damian, that even though she loves him, he is no longer welcome and is now considered an enemy of the House of al Ghul. Damian defiantly replied that he hoped that he would be a worthy one. Damian as Robin was then seen teaming up with Batman and Alfred to begin the search for Bruce Wayne. (Batman and Robin v1 #12) Batman and Robin got into a confrontation with a villain known as the Getaway Genius, which caused Damian to actually want to know more about his father after learning that Bruce had also encountered a villain by the same name. (Batman v1 #703) After Grayson's confidant Oberon Sexton was revealed to be the Joker in disguise, Damian tortured the villain by savagely beating him with a crowbar in order to get information along self-defense as Joker had planned to attack him. (Batman and Robin v1 #13) However, the Clown Prince of Crime's appeared helplessness reveals to be another ruse and incapacitates Damian with his hidden Joker venom. The villain intends to use him and Dick of his fight against their common enemies: the Black Glove. (Batman and Robin v1 #14) Help arrives in the form of the original Batman. (Batman and Robin v1 #15) After Bruce Wayne helps Dick and Damian defeat the Black Glove and the Joker, Wayne accepts his son in additions of his role of Robin. (Batman and Robin v1 #16) Despite Bruce's parental responsibilities to Damian, he decided that he prefered Damian to continue working with Dick who maintained the Batman mantle and whom Bruce sees as a positive role model for his son rather than being with himself primarily, due to his plans with Batman Incorporated. (Batman: The Return v1 #1)

On one of their missions, Robin fought and defeated Brutale where this led to Grayson believing that Damian needed more interaction with 'friends' to help balance his life. This saw him placing Damian among his former team in the Teen Titans. (Teen Titans v3 #88)


Damian Wayne in Robin v3 #1.

Following the Flashpoint, a new version of history was created with a different series of events.

When he was younger, he competed with his cousin Mara where the two fought in their years at the Black Citadel on Infinity Island as they sought to prove themselves Ra's al Ghul's successor. In this match, Damian proved to be the better fight and left a scar on Mara's face to humiliate her. (Teen Titans v6 #3)

It was then that Damian departed Gotham in order to atone for his many actions during the Years of Blood when he conducted numerous quests for the Al Ghuls. Around this time, his mother had returned into his life when she was fleeing from the Lu'un Darga. (Robin: Son of Batman v1)

After the emergence of the pre-Flashpoint Superman, Damian had become aware of the Man of Steel's child who was Jonathan Samuel Kent and had become the new Superboy. However, Damian did not trust the boy and had been observing him where he believed him to be a threat to the world. With Nobody's assistance, he had Jon observed in Hamilton where Goliath was with Maya to watch Superboy where they grabbed him following an accident but he fell to the ground and was briefly unconscious. Jon was then taken to Gotham City and held in restraints whilst Damian questioned him when both boy's fathers arrived leading to a confrontation. Hostilities were only stopped by Jon who intervened and calmed his father down after he was angry at the kidnapping of his son. Batman later asked for Jon to be brought to the Batcave to check his genetic structure with an unhappy Damian told by Alfred to show the various pets he had adopted. Damian refused to accept the friendship offered by Jon and sparked an argument leading to a fight between the pair until Batman along with Superman intervened. (Superman v4 #10)

Damian later grew tired at what he perceived as the inadequacy of the Justice League and decided to make a new incarnation of the Teen Titans that was more proactive. After recruiting Emiko Queen and Wallace West, he scouted for Crush and Djinn whilst Kid Flash brought in a celebrity superhero named Roundhouse to join their team. They moved to target supervillain operations but secretly Robin was taking the captured criminals and locking them up in his underground prison at the Teen Titan's new headquarters of Mercy Hall. (Teen Titans v6 #22)

After abandoning the Robin mantle, he struck on his own and stole the Black Casebook from the Batcave after it had been recovered during the Joker War. With this information, he decided to solve cases that his father failed to do so from years ago. Among these included a near-death from an accident involving his plane that had no suspects. Damian came to break into the Cold Case Room of the GCPD in order to find some leads where he decided to hunt down one of the officers investigating the case for clues. (Detective Comics v1 #1030)

He then decided to seek out his mother in order to claim his mantle as the Heir to the Demon Throne due to being the grandson of Ra's al Ghul. Damian came to find Talia in Markovia where he evaded her guards and told her that he had rejected the legacy of Batman. However, she was somewhat disappointed in her son as she felt that he had only done so after being rejected by the other superheroes. Their conversation was interrupted by assassins who claimed to represent the League of Lazarus. Damian came to query his mother about them but the two ended up fighting the mysterious attackers who came to capture Talia and were ready to kill her. (Batman v3 #106) However, his mother protected herself from her attacker and explained the history of the League of Lazarus to her son. She then waited for Damian to join her but he departed as he sought to track down the League of Lazarus and participate in their tournament as he set about charting his own future. (Batman v3 #107) He began this by attempting to attract the League of Lazarus's attention by fighting skilled warriors with among them being King Snake who he beat mercilessly. This saw him being invited to the tournament that was being held on Lazarus Island where Damian was overconfident in his skill and fought against Flatline where he was seemingly killed by his foe who had pulled out his heart. (Robin v3 #1)


Personality and attributes

After meeting his father, he decided to embrace the life of Batman and took the mantle of Robin for himself. (Batman v1 #657) In one case, he was known to used the alias of Li'l Matches when he went undercover on one occasion. (Superman/Batman v1 #77)

Damian had a lot of anger in him and lacked patience where he often made demands that he expected to be given to him without delay. In the League of Assassins, he was taught to show no mercy to his enemies and to kill anyone that got in his way. (Batman v1 #657)

He had said that his mother was never there for him when he was growing up as she was running a criminal empire which little time for bonding with her child. Despite that, he said that his mother let him do whatever he wanted to do. Though it was held that he had been brutalised and indoctrinated as part of Talia's efforts against Batman. (Batman v1 #657)

The brief contact with his father showed Damian the possibility of a better and more nobler life which was why he decided to become Robin. (Batman and Robin v1 #2)

As Batman's son, he felt that he was destined to inherit everything and initially felt that there was no need of another Robin. This led to him attacking Tim Drake and claiming the mantle for Robin for himself. (Batman v1 #657)

Damian was shown to be torn between the various traits he carried from the people in his life. He carried within him his fathers flair for the theatrical, his mothers ruthlessness, his grandfathers cruel ambition and the compassion he learnt from his adoptive brothers and sisters. (DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration v1 #1)

From his mothers side, he had a cousin named Mara who was the daughter of his uncle Dusan. The two had a rivalry within the League of Assassins where both competed to inherit their grandfather Ra's al Ghul's empire. Despite her skill, Mara was bested by Damian who left a scar on her eye as a mark of humiliation during their youth. (Teen Titans v6 #3)

According to one account, his paternal grandmother was Rúh al Ghul who came to be known as the 'Soul of the Demon' and even adopted the name of Mother Soul after becoming immortal like her son. (Robin v3 #7) S

Within the League of Assassins, he was given an attendant named Ravi who helped tend to his needs and was stationed at Al Ghul Island. (Robin: Son of Batman v1 #1)

He was noted for having a crush on Emiko Queen after seeing her talent and noting her similarity to him. (Teen Titans v6 #14)

One of his friends was Carrie Kelley who was a fellow student at his school. She actually came to be his mentor as she helped give him acting lessons. (Batman and Robin v2 #20)

Powers and abilities

It was noted that he had been trained by the masters of the League of Assassins. (Batman v1 #657)

According to him, he had learnt to drive when he was 5 years old. (Super Sons v1 #1)

Damian had claimed that he was capable of fighting blind with him able to hear the breathing of a person and beat them senseless in pitch darkness. (Batman and Robin v1 #4)

He was capable of vocal mimicry allowing him to replicate the voice of another person with perfect accuracy. (Batman v1 #657) As part of his training to rule the world, his mother made sure he was educated to Ph.D. economics standards before this ninth birthday allowing him to handle company finances. (Batman Incorporated v2 #1)

His training in the League of Assassins had him claiming that he was a master of the bow and arrow with him even better than Green Arrow. (Green Arrow v6 #32) It was shown that he was capable of firing his bow with accuracy even when blindfolded. (Batman v1 #675) Since emerging from the bio-tube, he became proficient in a range of weapons and took target practice every morning with his mother after he turned 7 years old. Damian could field strip almost any gun ranging from an M-16 to an AK-47. (Blackest Night: Batman v1 #2)

It was said that he learnt the toxophilitic arts from Merlyn though he admitted that he came to learn from Damian. (Batman v1 #675)

Damian was shown as being familiar with some degree of magic involving drawing a circle, speaking to a demon and using a magic wand. This allowed him to create magical chains that were able to restrain superhuman beings. (Batman v3 #77)

During the Years of Blood, he managed to acquire a pet in the form of Goliath who was a large bat winged beast. (Robin: Son of Batman v1 #1)

One of his bases of operations was Al Ghul Island that belonged to him and had served as a base of operations in the past. (Robin: Son of Batman v1 #1)

His mother had maintained a laboratory full of replacements that could be transplanted to Damian to help him recover from serious injuries. (Batman v1 #665)


  • Damian Wayne was created by Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert where he made his first appearance in Batman: Son of the Demon (September, 1987).
  • In an interview on CBR, Morrison spoke about how the character was designed to be killed off in the story and his struggle between his two heritages; "I think those things are just obvious an inherent in these things when you have the al Ghul family against the Wayne family. But for me underneath it all -- and I think what people have started to feel --Â is that in the end this is about real people. It's about us. It's not about Bruce, and it's not about Talia. These people are monsters and superheroes, but in the middle is Damian looking up and saying, "Why can't you two just get along?" That's what it's about. It's about being a child of divorce and sitting there with these giant ideologies warring across the surface of a planet that should really have starships flying into space. Everybody should be peaceful and there's no money anymore, but instead it's "What the fuck are you guys up to?" That's what it's about. These kids with hope trapped between these monstrous powers fighting. You can't talk to them. You can't reason with them."
  • In 2013, IGN placed the character 25th in their list of the top 25 heroes in DC Comics.

Alternate Versions

Damian taking the cowl in Batman v1 #666.
  • In Kingdom Come v1 (1996), the later designated Earth-22 was home to a version of Damian Wayne known as Ibn al Xu'ffasch. This version was unaware of his parentage as the illegitimate child of Talia al Ghul and Batman. Instead, he grew up within the al Ghul family where in hi adulthood he learnt of his true father when Batman battled Ibn's grandfather Ra's al Ghul.
  • In Batman v1 #666 (2007), a future version of Damian Wayne was shown as an adult who took on his fathers mantle as Batman after failing to save him from being killed. Damian as Batman was far more brutal than his father as he was willing to injure and kill his opponents if he believed it necessary to do so. He set his base of operations beneath Wayne Tower and had a pet cat called Alfred whilst also forming a rivalry with Commissioner Barbara Gordon. In this possible future, he was shown to hold supernatural abilities namely the power to heal from wounds and claimed that he sold his soul for this power in order to protect Gotham City. Damian admitted that he could never match his father or Dick Grayson's talents and instead resorted to setting booby traps to turn Gotham itself into a weapon for his purposes. At one point, he was shown to be mentoring Terry McGinnis to take the mantle of Batman.
  • In Superman/Batman v1 #75 (2010), an alternate future version of Damian was shown to exist that resembled the one in Batman v1 #666. This version had become Batman after his father died and had an adversarial relationship with the Superman of this era who was Connor Kent. The reason was because of his violent approaches that he used as Batman with this one having found and trained Terry McGinnis but worrying about the future of his charge as he believed he was fighting a losing battle in the world
  • In Justice League: Generation Lost v1 #14 (2011), an alternate version of Damian Wayne as Batman was shown in a possible future where Maxwell Lord's O.M.A.C. army conquered the world and hunted its Metahuman population that was set one hundred and twelve years in the future. Damian had managed to live to 131 years old due to his use of the Lazarus Pits and wore a high-tech battle-suit that encompassed his body as he fought the O.M.A.C.s with the Justice League. One of his team mates was Thomas Grayson who had taken on the identity of the Red Hood.
  • In Multiversity: The Just v1 (2015), one of the 52 alternate Earth's was Earth-16 which showed Damian Wayne as Batman with Chris Kent assuming the mantle of Superman. It was revealed that in the past, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman had managed to transform the world into a virtual utopia with peace being maintained by Superman Robots. As a result, the second generation of Metahuman superheroes had no crime or villains to battle but instead had to resort to engaging in historical re-enactments to capture the glory of those days in order to alleviate boredom. Damian on this Earth was secretly involved with Alexis Luthor who was the daughter of Lex Luthor where she was ultimately responsible for betraying him.
  • In Batman Beyond v6 (2017), an alternate future version of Damian Wayne appeared in the setting based on Batman Beyond. This version had grown to had adopted the role of Ra's al Ghul in the future and had led the League of Assassins. He was tended to by his right hand Kuro and had pardoned Curare for her failure but dispatched his assassins to eliminate her when she betrayed him. Wearing an jackal-mask, Terry McGinnis as Batman where he believed he was fighting Ra's al Ghul only to discover it was Damian.
  • In The Shadow/Batman v1 (2017), an alternate version of Damian Wayne appeared in the setting that crossed over with The Shadow. It was shown that Ra's had named as Hafid al Ghul though Damian was said to had preferred Ibn al Xu'ffasch.
  • In DC's Very Merry Multiverse v1 #1 (2021), a gender inverted version of the character named Talia Kane appeared in an alternate reality set on Earth 11 in the new Multiverse. This version was the daughter of Batwoman Kathy Kane and Ali al Ghul where she was trained as a tactical leader.

In other media


  • In Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Damian Wayne appeared in the setting of the animated television series in the episode "The Knights of Tomorrow!" with Robin being voiced by actor Patrick Cavanaugh and his older Batman incarnation being voiced by actor Diedrich Bader. A change from the comics showed that this Damian was the son of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle.
  • In Young Justice, an unnamed Damian Wayne appeared in the setting of the animated television series during its Outsiders season. He was an infant being cared for by Talia al Ghul when she was within the headquarters of the League of Assassins.
  • In Harley Quinn, Damian Wayne appeared in the adult animated television series where he was voiced by actor Jacob Tremblay.


  • In Son of Batman, Damian Wane appeared in a major role in the animated film that was a loose adaptation of the comic origin story where he was voiced by actor Stuart Allen. Damian was conceived by Talia and Bruce though the latter did not know of his birth with the child being raised among the League of Assassins under his grandfather. As a child, he had mastered a sufficient level of fighting skill when the League's mountain stronghold came under attack from within their own ranks as the assassin Deathstroke betrayed Ra's al Gul out of anger for not being considered his successor. Ra's was ultimately killed before he could reach the Lazarus Pit and Damian was forced to flee with his mother who took the boy to meet his biological father in Gotham City. She would leave the child in Batman's care though Damian was only interested in avenging his grandfather where he stole the Robin costume in order to track down the traitor Ubu who was one of Slade Wilson's allies. During this time, he would work with his father as Robin as the pair sought to stop Deathstroke's plans and free Talia who had been captured by Slade. Damian would go to a League platform off the coast of Scotland where he would successfully defeat Deathstroke but not kill him per his fathers wishes. He would escape from the destroyed facility with Batman who had managed to free Talia where the three returned to Gotham. Talia intended to take her son back with her but Batman opposed this decision though ultimately Damian decided to remain in Gotham City at his father's side as Robin with this decision being accepted by his mother who departed with the League of Assassins.
  • In Batman vs. Robin, Damian starred in a major role as Robin where he was voiced again voiced by actor Stuart Allen. He was shown to be operating as Robin for sometime with Batman attempting to curb his killer instincts. One of their missions saw them stopping the Dollmaker Anton Schott who had been abducting children. In a confrontation with Schott, Damian restrained himself from killing the villain though the Dollmaker was killed by Talon who framed Robin for the murder. Initially, Batman believed that Damian had killed though the boy angrily protested his innocence leading to a growing gap with his father.
  • In Batman: Bad Blood, Damian returned in a major role in the animated film with him being once more voiced by actor Stuart Allen. It was shown at an isolated monastery among monks where he was learning control when he learnt of the news that his father had died. This led to him travelling back to Gotham City where he met with Dick Grayson who had taken on the mantle of Batman.
  • In Teen Titans vs. Justice League, Damian once again returned in a major role in the animated film where he was voiced by actor Stuart Allen. He was brought along by Batman during a Justice League fight with the Legion of Doom though his father kept Damian behind the scenes to manage evacuation. Batman later had Damian sent to join the Teen Titans as he felt that working with team mates around his age would encourage him to be more social. However, Damian resented the idea and felt that the Teen Titans were a waste of his talent. Batman decided to send Robin to train with the Teen Titans in order to learn how to be part of team. The next day, Nightwing drove Robin to the Titans Tower in the Batmobile. Robin thought he was being punished and it was made worse when Nightwing said the Titans were teenagers, not children. Nightwing teased him about being afraid of socializing. Robin stated he thought teammates were a liability and Nightwing was an unavoidable irritation. Once they got to the Tower, Nightwing asked him not to behead anyone and introduced him to Starfire. Later, Robin went to his room. Blue Beetle stated that found him creepy, but Raven detected sadness. The next day, Robin spent an hour and a half in the training simulation fighting holograms of Deathstroke's soldiers. Starfire tried to get him to stop, but Robin refused until Blue Beetle powered down the machine generating the holograms. Robin threw a Batarang at him, but the Scarab shot it down as Beetle warned him about it. Starfire reminded Robin that it was all a team effort and everyone had to be accommodating with each other.
  • In Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, Damian Wayne appeared in the 2020 animated film where he was once again voiced by actor Stuart Allen. Robin is present along with the rest of the Teen Titans during the Justice League's briefing of the plan to attack Darkseid on Apokolips, where they're assigned the role of protecting Earth. As shown in a flashback after the League's failed attack, Robin witnesses his teammates die at the hands of the Paradooms, genetic hybrids of Parademons and Doomsday. During the initial battle at Titans Tower, Robin was almost killed by a Paradoom until Nightwing sacrificed his life to protect him and Robin was tossed into the water and escaped. Once a member of the Teen Titans as Robin, Damian left following Darkseid's invasion to lead his late mother's organization as save for Raven, all his teammates were either killed or captured. He then asked her to help him lead the League of Assassins with her as his right-hand. Raven however declined, and so he fled with his dog Titus instead. Afterwards, Damian used the Lazarus Pit to resurrect Nightwing, despite promising Raven not to use it. Unfortunately, the Pit did revive Dick, yet it had also left him in a permanently insane state, causing him to become extremely feral and attack anything that moved. This forced Damian to permanently restrain him in a strait jacket and keep him locked up in a cell for the rest of his life, much to Damian’s sadness. Two years later, Superman, Raven, John Constantine, and Etrigan the Demon traveled to one of the League of Assassins' outpost, where Damian ordered his assassins from attacking the group. Though he blamed Superman for everything that occurred, Damian agreed to join them on their quest to save the world, in the hopes that he'll be able to save his father, Batman from Darkseid's control or be forced to kill him if he is beyond saving. Damian and the heroes then teleported to Metropolis, where Superman's wife Lois Lane has recruited former members of the Suicide Squad for their operation, including Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, and King Shark, among others. Damian later reveals to Raven that the reason he had asked her to lead the League of Assassins, wasn’t because he thought of her as a great fighter, but because he had feeling for Raven. Raven then told Damian that she had initially declined because her father Trigon, wanted to kill him after everything they had went through. Damian and Raven reconciled their feelings for one another, while the heroes prepared for their final assault on Darkseid.
  • In Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants, Damian appeared as Robin in the direct to video animated film where he was voiced by actor Lucien Dodge. He became the new Robin after Red Robin Tim Drake but felt a lot of expectations being placed on him with him feeling that Batman disapproved of him.
  • In Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons, Damian Wayne appeared in the setting of the 2022 animated film where he was voiced by actor Jack Griffo.

Video games

  • In Injustice: Gods Among Us, an alternate reality version of the character appeared as an adult playable fighter where he was voiced by actor Neal McDonough. Damian appeared as an alternate version of Nightwing where he sported a red emblem and served as a violent member of the alternate Superman's One Earth Regime. He accompanied Hawkgirl and Regime forces that attacked the Joker Clan's hideout but the two were defeated by the regular Earth's version of Joker whereupon they retreat from Batman of the Insurgency and the mainstream Justice League. Afterwards Nightwing along with Catwoman battled Batman and Green Arrow with Oliver trying to reason with Nightwing as he believed him to be Dick Grayson. However, Damian revealed his parentage namely that he was Batman's son but the Insurgency Batman states that he stopped being his son when he killed Grayson. This leads to Damian retorting that Superman was a better father figure than Batman leading to a battle between the two which he loses. The Insurgency Batman would coldly states to Damian that his son was dead to him. He was later seen among the Regime forces that took part in the final battle against the Insurgents. After Superman's defeat, the One Earth Regime was dismantled and its members arrested with Damian among the members rounded up by the mainstream Justice League. During the game's endings, Damian's version showed him as Nightwing he began challenging anyone that crossed his path leading to him instilling fear in others with this ability attracting a yellow power ring that inducts Damian Wayne into the Sinestro Corps.
  • In Injustice 2, Damian Wayne appeared as a playable character in the alternate reality world setting that was part of the campaign mode of the fighting video game where he was voiced by actor Scott Porter.
  • In Infinite Crisis, an alternate version of Damian Wayne as Robin appeared in the setting of the MOBA video game where he was from the Nightmare Earth who as among the Champions available to players and was voiced by actor James Arnold Taylor.
  • In DC Legends, Damian Wayne appeared in the iOS video game with the Bio revealing that he was the son of Batman and operated as Robin.
  • In DC Unchained, Damian Wayne as Robin appeared in the setting of the mobile video game.


  • Batman v1: (1987)
  • Batman: Battle for the Cowl v1:
  • Batman and Robin v1: (1987)
  • Superman/Batman v1:
  • Batman and Robin v2:
  • Robin Rises: Omega v1:
  • Robin: Son of Batman v1:
  • Teen Titans:
  • Super Sons v1:
  • Teen Titans:
  • Detective Comics v1: (2020)
  • Batman v3: (2021)
  • Robin v3: (2021)
  • DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration v1: (2021)

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