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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
07:22, 22 December 2024AvengersKreeSkrullWarTPB-V1-1.jpg (file)679 KBDarth Batrus (The Avengers during the Kree-Skrull War. From Avengers: Kree-Skrull War v1 #1 Trade Paperback Cover.)1
07:28, 21 December 2024SpiderManRevelationsV1-1Textless.jpg (file)792 KBDarth Batrus (The Green Goblin Norman Osborn stands victoriously before Spider-Man and Ben Reilly. From Spider-Man: Revelations v1 #1 Textless Cover.)1
07:03, 20 December 2024BloodHuntersV2-1DaggerVirgin.jpg (file)221 KBDarth Batrus (Dagger. From Blood Hunters v2 #1 Dagger Textless Variant Cover.)1
06:05, 19 December 2024WonderWomanV6-1Textless.jpg (file)1,012 KBDarth Batrus (Wonder Woman. From Wonder Woman v6 #1 Textless Cover.)1
06:25, 18 December 2024UltimateOriginsV1-1Textless.jpg (file)123 KBDarth Batrus (Wolverine. From Ultimate Origins v1 #1 Textless Cover.)1
06:41, 17 December 2024UncannyXMenV1-149.jpg (file)848 KBDarth Batrus (Colossus and the X-Men face off against Garokk. From Uncanny X-Men v1 #149 Cover.)1
06:20, 16 December 2024ReturnOfWolverineV1-1WeaponXCostumeVariantTextless.jpg (file)3.23 MBDarth Batrus (Logan as Experiment X of the Weapon X program. From Return of Wolverine v1 #1 Weapon X Costume Variant Textless Cover.)1
05:33, 15 December 2024AvengersV1-43.jpg (file)320 KBDarth Batrus (Red Guardian Alexei Shostakov. From Avengers v1 #43 Cover.)1
06:24, 14 December 2024DoctorStrangeV6-1Textless.jpg (file)1.71 MBDarth Batrus (Doctor Strange. From Doctor Strange v6 #1 Textless Cover.)1
07:12, 13 December 2024NightwingV4-10TextlessVariant.jpg (file)255 KBDarth Batrus (Nighting Dick Grayson patrolling the streets of Bludhaven. From Nightwing v4 #10 Textless Variant Cover.)1
09:43, 12 December 2024AmazingSpiderManV1-9.jpg (file)1.15 MBDarth Batrus (Spider-Man battles Electro. From Amazing Spider-Man v1 #9 Cover.)1
06:34, 11 December 2024WolverineRevengeV1-1WolverineVirgin.jpg (file)344 KBDarth Batrus (Wolverine. From Wolverine: Revenge v1 #1 Wolverine Virgin Cover.)1
07:38, 10 December 2024IronManV1-1.jpg (file)138 KBDarth Batrus (Tony Stark wearing the Iron Man Armor. From Iron Man v1 #1 Cover.)1
05:22, 9 December 2024XMenV1-38.jpg (file)396 KBDarth Batrus (Vanisher and the Blob battle the X-Men. From X-Men v1 #38 Cover.)1
05:26, 8 December 2024DaredevilV2-7Textless.jpg (file)1.46 MBDarth Batrus (Mysterio Quentin Beck targets Daredevil. From Daredevil v2 #7 Textless Cover.)1
05:55, 7 December 2024PoisonIvyV1-26Textless.jpg (file)804 KBDarth Batrus (Poison Ivy. From Poison Ivy v1 #26 Textless Cover.)1
06:32, 6 December 2024GhostIntheShellSAC2045AmericanEmpireSEALsAim.jpg (file)102 KBDarth Batrus (American Empire SEALs. From Ghost in the Shell SAC 2045. )1
05:48, 5 December 2024ShazamV5-3TextlessVariant.jpg (file)259 KBDarth Batrus (Tawky Tawny. From Shazam! v5 #3 Textless Cover.)1
05:53, 4 December 2024BatmanSecretFilesTheGardenerV1-1TextlessVariant.jpg (file)1.06 MBDarth Batrus (The Gardener. From Batman Secret Files: The Gardener v1 #1 Textless Variant Cover.)1
07:48, 3 December 2024JusticeLeagueOfAmericaV1-107.jpg (file)112 KBDarth Batrus (The Freedom Fighters of Earth-X call for aid from the Justice League of America from Earth-One. From Justice League of America v1 #107 Cover.)1
01:44, 3 December 2024DanaZuulRoars.gif (file)
Error creating thumbnail: convert: memory allocation failed `/home/chronito/public_html/moa2//images/thumb/a/ad/DanaZuulRoars.gif/180px-DanaZuulRoars.gif' @ error/quantize.c/QuantizeImage/2653.
convert: memory allocation failed `/home/chronito/public_html/moa2//images/thumb/a/ad/DanaZuulRoars.gif/180px-DanaZuulRoars.gif' @ error/gif.c/WriteGIFImage/1693.
16.46 MBVinz Clortho 1
14:29, 2 December 2024LT032.png (file)2.26 MBHarshweed (Louis Tully slides down the glass door as Vinz Clortho's continues to roar monstrously while the indifferent patrons stare then continue with their meals. )1
14:28, 2 December 2024LT031.png (file)1.88 MBHarshweed (Louis Tully screams as the demonic Vinz Clortho roars monstrously at him before possessing him.)1
14:26, 2 December 2024LT030.png (file)2.09 MBHarshweed (A scared Louis Tully turns to face the approaching Vinz Clortho, who purrs in anticipation.)1
14:25, 2 December 2024LT029.png (file)2.11 MBHarshweed (Louis Tully bangs on the door of the restaurant, screaming desperately for someone to let him in as the patrons just stare at him.)1
14:24, 2 December 2024LT028.png (file)2.01 MBHarshweed (Louis Tully arrives at the Tavern on the Green restaurant, looking back to see if Vinz Clortho is nearby.)1
14:22, 2 December 2024LT027.png (file)2.21 MBHarshweed (Louis Tully desperately runs along Central Park, trying to outrun the Terror Dog Vinz Clortho)1
14:20, 2 December 2024LT026.png (file)1.9 MBHarshweed (Louis Tully runs across traffic trying to escape from Vinz Clortho)1
14:19, 2 December 2024LT025.png (file)2.16 MBHarshweed (Louis Tully frantically calls for the elevator as the demonic Vinz Clortho stares at him from across the hallway)1
14:05, 2 December 2024LT024.png (file)1.69 MBHarshweed (Louis Tully runs toward the elevator as Vinz Clortho bursts through his front door and crashes into the hallway.)1
14:04, 2 December 2024LT023.png (file)2.05 MBHarshweed (Louis Tully screams as he comes face to face with the demonic Vinz Clortho.)1
14:03, 2 December 2024LT022.png (file)1.63 MBHarshweed (Louis Tully reacts as Vinz Clortho, the Terror Dog, smashes through his bedroom door in the middle of his party.)1
06:19, 2 December 2024UltimatesV4-6Textless.jpg (file)1.59 MBDarth Batrus (The Hulk. From Ultimates v4 #6 Textless Cover.)1
06:23, 1 December 2024AllNewCollectorsEditionC58-V1-1.jpg (file)125 KBDarth Batrus (Captain Marvel of Earth-S clashes with Superman of Earth-1. From All-New Collectors Edition C58 v1 #1 Cover,)1
05:37, 30 November 2024TimDrakeRobinV1-9TextlessAcuna.jpg (file)1.19 MBDarth Batrus (Tim Drake as Robin. From Tim Drake: Robin v1 #9 Textless Cover.)1
05:27, 29 November 2024IcemanV1-1.jpg (file)1.04 MBDarth Batrus (Iceman. From Iceman v1 #1 Cover.)1
06:58, 28 November 2024AvengersV8-23BringBadGuysTextless.jpg (file)248 KBDarth Batrus (The Avengers fight Count Nefaria. From Avengers v8 #23 Bring the Bad Guys Textless Variant Cover.)1
05:58, 27 November 2024StarTrekBorgCollectiveEmblem.jpg (file)56 KBDarth Batrus (The emblem of the Borg Collective. From Star Trek.)1
06:00, 26 November 2024OnePieceV1-89.jpg (file)523 KBDarth Batrus (Charlotte Katakuri battles Monkey D. Luffy. From One Piece v1 #89 Cover.)1
06:26, 25 November 2024StaticShadowsOfDakotaV1-3Textless.jpg (file)1.11 MBDarth Batrus (Ebon targets Static. From Static: Shadows of Dakota v1 #3 Textless Cover.)1
05:16, 24 November 2024AmazingSpiderManV1-142.jpg (file)304 KBDarth Batrus (Mysterio Quentin Beck faces off against Spider-Man. From Amazing Spider-Man v1 #142 Cover.)1
08:43, 23 November 2024ImmortalThorV1-17Textless.jpg (file)436 KBDarth Batrus (The Enchantress. From Immortal Thor v1 #17 Textless Cover.)1
04:08, 22 November 2024DemonDaysXMenV1-1UnknownComicBooksExclusiveVirginB.jpg (file)409 KBDarth Batrus (Sai. Demon Days: X-Men v1 #1 Unknown Comic Books Exclusive Virgin Variant B Textless Cover. )1
04:03, 21 November 2024CableV4-2Textless.jpg (file)680 KBDarth Batrus (The Stepford Cuckoos and Kid Cable. From Cable v4 #2 Textless Cover.)1
04:01, 20 November 2024NewXMenV1-131Textless.jpg (file)183 KBDarth Batrus (Emma Frost joining the X-Men. From New X-Men v1 #131 Textless Cover.)1
04:24, 19 November 2024BatLashV2-1Textless.jpg (file)678 KBDarth Batrus (Bat Lash. From Bat Lash v2 #1 Textless Cover.)1
04:38, 18 November 2024SpiderGwenV2-5Textless.jpg (file)222 KBDarth Batrus (Captain George Stacy of Earth-65. From Spider-Gwen v2 #5 Textless Cover.)1
04:51, 17 November 2024DeadpoolSuicideKingsV1-5Textless.jpg (file)59 KBDarth Batrus (Tombstone rips off Deadpool's head. From Deadpool: Suicide Kings v1 #5 Textless Cover.)1
03:16, 16 November 2024RoadToEmpyreTheKreeSkrullWarV1-1Textless.jpg (file)648 KBDarth Batrus (Participants in the Kree-Skrull War. From Road to Empyre: The Kree/Skrull War v1 #1 Textless Cover)1
05:27, 31 October 2024FantasticFourV1-78.jpg (file)651 KBDarth Batrus (The Wizard targets the Thing. From Fantastic Four v1 #78.]])1

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