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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
04:46, 30 October 2024AsgardiansOfTheGalaxyV1-2HansTextless.jpg (file)211 KBDarth Batrus (The Destroyer. From Asgardians of the Galaxy v1 #2 Hans Textless Cover.)1
04:53, 29 October 2024SpiritWorldV2-3Textless.jpg (file)910 KBDarth Batrus (Xanthe in Spirit World. From Spirit World v2 #3 Textless Cover.)1
03:41, 28 October 2024RomV1-13.jpg (file)583 KBDarth Batrus (Rom and the Spaceknights. From Rom v1 #13 Cover.)1
05:06, 27 October 2024StarsAndSTRIPEV1-9Textless.jpg (file)193 KBDarth Batrus (The Nebula Man faces the Seven Soldiers of Victory. From Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. v1 #9 Textless Cover.)1
04:26, 26 October 2024CodexDarkEldar5thTextless.jpg (file)
Error creating thumbnail: convert: Insufficient memory (case 4) `/home/chronito/public_html/moa2//images/0/04/CodexDarkEldar5thTextless.jpg' @ error/jpeg.c/JPEGErrorHandler/338.
5.94 MBDarth Batrus (The Drukhari. From Codex: Dark Eldar 5th Edition Textless Cover.)2
04:02, 25 October 2024LeadingComicsV1-5.jpg (file)123 KBDarth Batrus (The Vigilante Greg Saunders and the rest of the Seven Soldiers of Victory. From Leading Comics v1 #5 Cover.)1
03:46, 24 October 2024GreenArrowV7-17Textless.jpg (file)209 KBDarth Batrus (Green Arrow. From Green Arrow v7 #17 Textless Cover.)1
04:09, 23 October 2024SandmanOvertureV1-5Textless.jpg (file)6.84 MBDarth Batrus (The Dreaming. From Sandman: Overture v1 #5 Textless. )1
03:22, 22 October 2024GreenArrowTheLongbowHuntersV1-1Textless.jpg (file)1.27 MBDarth Batrus (Green Arrow. From Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters v1 #1 Textless Cover.)1
03:28, 21 October 2024GreenLanternV7-16Textless.jpg (file)2.55 MBDarth Batrus (Hal Jordan of the Green Lantern Corps. From Green Lantern v7 #16 Textless Cover.)1
04:14, 20 October 2024SpiderManDeathOfCaptainStacyV1-1Textless.jpg (file)627 KBDarth Batrus (Spider-Man cradles George Stacy. From Spider-Man: Death of Captain Stacy v1 #1 Textless Cover.)1
03:11, 19 October 2024CaptainAmericaV9-29RebornTextless.jpg (file)428 KBDarth Batrus (The Heroes Reborn Red Skull empowered by the Venom Symbiote who became the Black Skull. From Captain America v9 #29 Heroes Reborn Variant Textless Cover.)1
03:50, 18 October 2024ExcaliburV4-19Textless.jpg (file)905 KBDarth Batrus (Elizabeth Braddock and Kwannon, both bearers of the name Psylocke. From Excalibur v4 #19 Textless Cover.)1
08:08, 17 October 2024AvengersNoRoadHomeV1-10ScaleraTextless.jpg (file)1.79 MBDarth Batrus (Nyx, Olympian goddess of the night. From Avengers: No Road Home v1 #10 Scalera Textless Variant Cover.)1
03:42, 16 October 2024ShazamV5-16Textless.jpg (file)1.63 MBDarth Batrus (Billy Batson becomes the Captain. From Shazam! v5 #16 Textless Cover.)1
03:40, 15 October 2024IronManDirectorOfSHIELDAnnualV1-1Textless.jpg (file)101 KBDarth Batrus (Tony Stark, the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.. From Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Annual v1 #1 Textless Cover.)1
04:37, 14 October 2024UncannyXMenV1-327.jpg (file)175 KBDarth Batrus (Sister Maria de la Joya finds a seemingly amnesiac Magneto. From Uncanny X-Men v1 #327 Cover.)1
03:27, 13 October 2024MoreFunComicsV1-77.jpg (file)83 KBDarth Batrus (The Green Arrow strikes. From More Fun Comics v1 #77 Cover.)1
02:46, 12 October 2024DetectiveComicsV1-187.jpg (file)814 KBDarth Batrus (Two-Face faces off against Batman and Robin. From Detective Comics v1 #187 Cover.)1
02:39, 11 October 2024BenReillyScarletSpiderV1-25Textless.jpg (file)419 KBDarth Batrus (The Scarlet Spider Ben Reilly returns from the grave. From Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider v1 #25 Textless Cover.)1
03:20, 10 October 2024TheBraveAndTheBoldV1-28.jpg (file)1.94 MBDarth Batrus (The Justice League battle Starro. From The Brave and the Bold v1 #28 Cover.)1
05:15, 9 October 2024ToLoveRuV1-5.jpg (file)366 KBDarth Batrus (Golden Darkness. From To Love Ru v1 #5 Cover.)1
03:58, 8 October 2024ShangChiAndTheTenRingsV1-1ArtgermVirgin.jpg (file)750 KBDarth Batrus (Sister Dagger. From Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings v1 #1 Artgerm Virgin Cover.)1
05:04, 7 October 2024DawnOfWarIIIGabrielAngelosCropped.jpg (file)683 KBDarth Batrus (Blood Raven Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos. From Dawn of War III Cropped Poster.)1
04:18, 6 October 2024StryfesStrikeFileV1-1Gamesmaster.jpg (file)71 KBDarth Batrus (The Gamesmaster. From Stryfe's Strike File v1 #1 Character Profile Picture.)1
03:49, 5 October 2024NewMutantsV3-42Textless.jpg (file)99 KBDarth Batrus (The Disir strikes. From New Mutants v3 #42 Textless Cover.)1
03:21, 4 October 2024ThunderboltsV4-1TradingCardTextless.jpg (file)923 KBDarth Batrus (Hawkeye. From Thunderbolts v4 #1 Trading Card Variant Textless Cover.)1
03:42, 3 October 2024CaptainAmericaV1-157.jpg (file)536 KBDarth Batrus (Viper attacks Captain America. From Captain America v1 #157 Cover.)1
04:59, 2 October 2024NYXV2-4CuckoosVirgin.jpg (file)654 KBDarth Batrus (Sophie Cuckoos and her sisters the Stepford Cuckoos. From NYX v2 #4 Cuckoos Virgin Variant Cover.)1
03:41, 1 October 2024CodexAdeptaSororitas10thEdTextless.jpg (file)767 KBDarth Batrus (The Adepta Sororitas. From Codex: Adepta Sororitas 10th Edition Textless Cover.)1
04:10, 30 September 2024DeadpoolV3-17.jpg (file)1.59 MBDarth Batrus (Deadpool faces off against Ajax. From Deadpool v3 #17 Cover.)1
04:22, 29 September 2024ExcaliburV1-69.jpg (file)161 KBDarth Batrus (Cerise and Nightcrawler. From Excalibur v1 #69 Cover.)1
04:00, 28 September 2024MarvelGirlV1-1Textless.jpg (file)267 KBDarth Batrus (Marvel Girl Jean Grey. From Marvel Girl v1 #1 Textless Cover.)1
05:38, 27 September 2024AdventureComicsV1-75.jpg (file)104 KBDarth Batrus (Sandman Wesley Dodds and his sidekick Sands. From Adventure Comics v1 #75 Cover.)1
04:24, 26 September 2024SpiderManV4-7RamosSecondPrintingTextless.jpg (file)964 KBDarth Batrus (Spider-Boy returns. From Spider-Man v4 #7 Ramos Second Printing Variant Textless Cover.)1
04:15, 25 September 2024D.Gray-ManV1-1.jpg (file)48 KBDarth Batrus (Allen Walker and the Millennium Earl. From D.Gray-man v1 #1 Cover.)1
04:20, 24 September 2024XMenAnnualV2-3.jpg (file)57 KBDarth Batrus (Storm. From X-Men Annual v2 #3 Cover.)1
09:18, 23 September 2024WolverineV2-38.jpg (file)912 KBDarth Batrus (Wolverine attacked by his robotic doppelganger. From Wolverine v2 #38 Cover.)1
09:15, 23 September 20242020iWolverineV1-1Textless.jpg (file)1.77 MBDarth Batrus (Albert battles the Reavers. From 2020 iWolverine v1 #1 Textless Cover. )1
04:21, 22 September 2024AgentsOfSHIELD-V1-7MightyMenOfMarvelCancelledTextless.jpg (file)293 KBDarth Batrus (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson. From Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. v1 #7 Mighty Men of Marvel Cancelled Textless Variant Cover.)1
06:21, 21 September 2024AmazingSpiderManV1-671Textless.jpg (file)189 KBDarth Batrus (Mary Jane Watson. From Amazing Spider-Man v1 #671 Textless Cover.)1
04:22, 20 September 2024DeadpoolV4-29ResurrXionTextless.jpg (file)250 KBDarth Batrus (Beast. From Deadpool v4 #29 ResurrXion Textless Variant Cover.)1
03:31, 19 September 2024XMenBlueV1-23NewMutantsTextless.jpg (file)331 KBDarth Batrus (Wolfsbane. From X-Men: Blue v1 #23 New Mutants Textless Variant Cover.)1
03:14, 18 September 2024MidnightSunsV1-3LeeTextless.jpg (file)1.13 MBDarth Batrus (Agatha Harkness. From Midnight Suns v1 #3 Lee Variant Textless Cover.)1
03:22, 17 September 2024JLA-TomorrowWomanV1-1.jpg (file)47 KBDarth Batrus (Tomorrow Woman. From JLA: Tomorrow Woman v1 #1 Textless Cover.)1
03:47, 16 September 2024WarOfTheRealmsV1-5YoungGunsTextless.jpg (file)338 KBDarth Batrus (Odin in Iron Man Armor alongside his wife Frigga as they battle the Dark Elves. From War of the Realms v1 #5 Young Guns Textless Cover.)1
04:55, 15 September 2024ScarletWitchV4-3Textless.jpg (file)373 KBDarth Batrus (Lore, an alternate version of the Scarlet Witch. From Scarlet Witch v4 #3 Textless Cover.)1
05:03, 14 September 2024CodexTyranids4thEditionTextless.png (file)588 KBDarth Batrus (The Tyranids. From Codex: Tyranids 4th Edition Textless Cover.)1
04:28, 13 September 2024GorillaManV1-3Textless.jpg (file)649 KBDarth Batrus (Gorilla-Man Kenneth Hale. From Gorilla-Man v1 #3 Textless Cover.)1
05:03, 12 September 2024WarhammerCommunityLionElJonsonFront.jpg (file)354 KBDarth Batrus (The Primarch Lion El'Jonson of the Dark Angels. From Warhammer Community Website. )1

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