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50,000 years ago50,000 years from now500,000 years ago
500,000 years from now500 million years ago500 million years from now
50 Cents: Get Rich or Die Tryin" (Album)50 million years ago
50 million years from now50th Century50th Century BC
51st Century51st Century BC52nd Century BC
53rd Century BC54th Century BC55th Century BC
569 BC56th Century BC57th Century BC
58th Century BC59th Century BC5 billion years ago
5 billion years from now5 million years ago5th Dimensional Imps
60,000 years from now600 million years ago
60 million years ago60th Century60th Century BC
61st Century BC62nd Century BC63rd Century
63rd Century BC642 BC64th Century BC
65865th Century BC666
666 (Christian)666 (Kingdom Come)666 (disambiguation)
66th Century BC67th Century
67th Century BC68th Century68th Century BC
69th Century BC70,000 years from now700 Wonders of the Universe
700 million years ago70 million years ago
70th Century BC711 (Quality)712
716 BC71st Century BC722
72nd Century BC730732
73rd Century BC74074th Century BC
75,000 years ago753757
75th Century75th Century BC761
76276776th Century BC
771 BC77th Century BC
78th Century BC7979th Century BC
80,000 years from now800 million years ago
80 million years ago80th Century BC
87887th Century
90,000 years from now900 million years ago90 million years ago
98498698th Century
A'larsA.D.A.M. (Sonic the Hedgehog)
A.E.G.I.S. (The Tick)A.F. Arret
A.K.I. (Street Fighter)
A.T.O.M. ExosuitAC
ACHOOADAM (BioShock)ADAM Unit Zero
AI WarAMAZOAM (I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream)
APE (Darling in the Franxx)APTX 4869APU
ARCAM CorporationARMSARM (Total Annihilation)
ASC Rumble BeeAT-AT WalkerAT-ST
AV7A (Naruto)Aang
Aaron (Resident Evil)Aaron Davis (Marvel)
Aaron VricellaAaroniero ArruruerieAasimar
Abaddon the DespoilerAbathur (Starcraft)Abbey Chase
Abby HollandAbby SinianAbdul Alhazred
Abdul Alhazred (Marvel)Abdul Alhazred (disambiguation)Abe Sapien
AbelAbel (DC)Abel (Matrix)
Abel (disambiguation)Abel Nightroad
AbhAbigail BrandAbigail Whistler
Abin SurAbkaniAble Crown
Able CuvierAbner DoolittleAbner Jenkins
Abner RavenwoodAbnormals (Sanctuary)Abomination (Marvel)
AbominusAbraAbra Kadabra (DC)
Abraham CorneliusAbraham ErskineAbraham Lincoln (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea)
Abraham SetrakianAbraham WhistlerAbraxas (Marvel)
AbraxisAbsalom (Darksiders)Absolute (Dawn of Magic)
AbsorbasconAbsorbing ManAbstergo Industries
AbyssAbyss (Conan Animated)Abyss (DC)
Abyss (Dungeons and Dragons)Abyss (Judaism)Abyss (Marvel)
Abyssal LordsAcademy City (A Certain Magical Index)Academy of Art and Berserkerness
Academy of Prescient JusticeAcademy of the Arcane Arts
AcantiAccelerated WorldAccelerator (A Certain Magical Index)
Accretia EmpireAce
Ace (DC)Ace (DC Animated)Ace (Resident Evil)
Ace ChemicalsAce LondonAce o' Clubs
Ace the Bat-HoundAcererakAchebe (Marvel)
AcheloisAcheron EmpireAchilles Milo
AcnologiaAcolytes (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow)Acolytes (Marvel)
Acrata (DC)Ad Dei LucemAda (Naruto)
Ada WongAdamAdam (Buffy-Angel)
Adam (Doctor Who)Adam Frankenstein (I, Frankenstein)Adam II
Adam Jensen (Deus Ex)Adam KaneAdam Monroe
Adam NewmanAdam Project (Soldier)Adam Smasher
Adam StrangeAdam SusanAdam Warlock
Adam X the X-TremeAdamantium
Adaptoids (Marvel)Addams Forte Chevalier
Adeline WilsonAdepta SororitasAdeptus Arbites
Adeptus CustodesAdeptus Mechanicus
Adeptus TitanicusAdityas
Adjustment Bureau (The Adjustment Bureau)Admiral AckbarAdmiral Daala
Admiral WinfieldAdonis (The Kingdoms of Ruin)
Adonis CreedAdria (Stargate)
Adrian ChaseAdrian Shephard
AdricAdrienne FrostAdurists (The Devil's Tomb)
Advanced Idea MechanicsAdvent (SotSE)
Adversary (Marvel)Adze
Aegeus (DC)Aegis ShieldAen Elle
Aeon IlluminateAereons (X-COM)Aerialbots
Aerith GainsboroughAeroTech Industries (Space: Above and Beyond)Aerodrones
Aeryn SunAes SedaiAfanc (Merlin)
AfterHours (album)AfterHours by NyneAfter Colony
Afterlosing by NyneAgamottoAgatha
Agatha (Pokemon)Agatha De LaceyAgatha Faversham
Agatha HarknessAge (Heroic Age)Age of Apocalypse

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