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Más y MenosN'Dama, the Weather DemonN'Garai
N'GrathN'Kantu, the Living MummyN'astirh
N'tse-KaamblN-SpaceN. Zyme
NDR series
NERVNEXT (Tiger and Bunny)NID
NM-E (Malibu)NOS-4-A2
Na'ka'leen FeedersNa'vi (Avatar)Nab Walker
NabooNabu (DC)Nacht Faust
Nadia van DyneNaga
Naga (Marvel)Naga (Warcraft)Nagash (Warhammer Fantasy)
Nagato (Naruto)NaggarothNaggoob
Nagi SpringfieldNahdonnis PrajiNahrees
NahuelitoNaiad (DC)Naif al-Sheikh
NainsukhNaish, Deputy SteveNaja (Marvel)
Nakano (Highlander)Nakatomi Corporation (Nightshade)Nakia (Marvel)
NamekiansNameless (Marvel)
Nameless CityNameless MistNameless Order (The Great Wall)
Nami (One Piece)NamoleNamor
Nancy Callahan (Sin City)Nanda ParbatNanite Project (Generator Rex)
NannaNanna (Norse)Nanna (disambiguation)
Nano-DestroyersNanomedsNanomites (G.I. Joe)
Nanosuit (Crysis)Nanotechnology IslandNaofumi Iwatani
Naoko ShindoNaomi HunterNaomi McDuffie
Naraku (InuYasha)Narancia GhirgaNardole
NarnNarn RegimeNarnia
NarsilNarumi KatōNaruto Uzumaki
Nashetania Loei Piena AugustraNasty BoysNatas (DC)
Natasha IronsNatasha Romanoff
Nate GreyNathan BridgerNathan Drake (Uncharted)
Nathan GarrettNathan Grantham
Nathan Hale (Resistance)Nathan HeywoodNathan Spencer
Nathan StarkNathan Timothy
Nathaniel Cain (Sanity: Aiken's Artifact)Nathaniel Richards (Marvel)
National City (DC)National ForceNational Threat Assessment Command
Native (Marvel)Natlus (Marvel)Natron
Natsu DragneelNature-BendersNautilus
NavaroneNavigator Toad
Navy Engineer Power Tower Under Nuclear EnergyNaxtysNazgul
Nea D. CampbellNeal Shaara
Nebiros (DC)Nebula (Marvel)Nebula Man
NebulansNebulis SovereigntyNebulon
Nebulon (Marvel)NebulonsNebulos
NecessariusNecridNecro (Street Fighter)
Necromancer (Marvel)NecromongersNecromorph
Necromunda (planet)Necron (Warhammer 40,000)
NecronomiconNecronomicon (Castlevania)Necronomicon (Hercules-Xena)
Necronomicon (disambiguation)Necronomicon ex MortisNecros
Necros (Doctor Who)Necros (James Bond)Ned Creegan
Ned LandNed Leeds
Needle (Marvel)Needle Man
Nefertari ViviNefir HassenufNega-Bands
NegaduckNegal (DC)Negan
Negasonic Teenage WarheadNegative Energy PlaneNegative Man
Negative SpiritsNegative Universe
Negative Zone (Marvel)Negatron
Negi SpringfieldNegotiator (Big O)Nehansan
NehekharaNeil HamiltonNeimoidians
NeisaNeizuNeji Hyuga
Nelliel Tu OdelschwanckNelson and MurdockNemean Lion
NemesisNemesis (DC)Nemesis (DC Animated)
Nemesis (Doctor Who)Nemesis (Greek)Nemesis (Hercules-Xena)
Nemesis (Marvel)Nemesis (Resident Evil)Nemesis (Robotix)
Nemesis (Theoretical)Nemesis (Transformers)Nemesis (Transformers Japan)
Nemesis (Wildstorm)Nemesis KidNen (Hunter x Hunter)
Neo-AdaptoidNeo (Marvel)
Neo (The Matrix)Neo LordsNeo Megas
Neo WarriorsNeogenic RecombinatorNeomorphs
Neon the UnknownNeosapien Commonwealth
Neosapien WarNeosapiens
NeotankNephilim (Monster Ark)Nephilim (Wing Commander)
Neptune (Marvel)Ner'zhulNereus (DC)
Nergal Heavy IndustriesNerkas Solutions Inc. (MindJack)Nero (DC)
Nero (Devil May Cry)Nero (Star Trek)Neron
Neron (DC)NeroonNerubians
NessNestor NS-5
Netherrealm (Mortal Kombat)NetherverseNetwork (The World's End)
NeuropozyneNeustadt PrisonNeutinos
Neutral EvilNeutral GoodNeutron-S Missiles
Neutron (DC)NeutroniumNeutronium Alchemist
Neverwas (DC)Neville Sinclair
New Founding Fathers of AmericaNew GenesisNew Gods
New GuistenalNew KurnNew Liberty
New Men (Marvel)New OlympusNew Olympus (DC)
New Olympus (Gargoyles)New Republic (Star Wars)New Tesla Energy (Dimension W)
New Texas (BraveStarr)New ThunderaNew Warriors
New World Order (World of Darkness)New York Police Department
Newsboy LegionNewtype (Gundam)Nexus (Star Trek)
Nexus of All RealitiesNeyaphemNeytiri (Avatar)
Nezuko KamadoNezumi (Juuni Taisen)Ni Jianyi
Nia NalNiazeskNicholai Ginovaef
NicholasNicholas D. Wolfwood
Nicholas RushNicholas Scratch (Marvel)Nick
Nick BrowardNick BurkhardtNick Cutter
Nick FallonNick FuryNick Fury, Jr.
NickyNicky (Dragon Ball)Nico (Darkman)
Nico MinoruNico RobinNicodemus West
Nicolas GriffithNidoking
Nien NunbNietzscheansNigel
Nigel FenwayNigel Higgins (Marvel)Nigel Powers
Night's WatchNight City (Cyberpunk)Night Creepers
Night ElvesNight GirlNight King
Night LordsNight Man (Malibu)Night Raid (Akame ga Kill!)
Night RavenNight Shift (Marvel)Night Stalkers
Nightbreed (race)Nightcrawler (Inhumanoids)Nightcrawler (Marvel)
Nighthawk (DC)NightmareNightmare (Kirby)
Nightmare (Marvel)Nightmare (Soulcalibur)Nightmare Machine

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